Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/

>Pressed Or Toasted edition

>Da Duncan

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>8th edition FAQ:

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It is I, Grimaldus, best chaplain in the galaxy!


>worshipping the Emperor
>being the shame of Rogal Dorn

Soon gitz. Soon.

>go to G-Dubz, excited to debut your new army that you spent 1000 dollars on and 1000 hours painting
>walk into store, everyone is crowed around the table
>walk into the crowd to see what all the fuss is about
>Jamal is porking Brittany on top of the realm of battle battle board

Ready for Guard to be top tier for months until they release updates for Marines and Eldar.

Kitting out an assault squad, any thoughts on what I should give the Sergeant?

So if i won't be able to attach a Character to a unit in Newhammer, what will that mean for Characters like Saguinary Priests and Crypteks who only exist to buff other units? Will their rules be bubbles? WHo the fuck would be dumb enough to put something like that out in the open even if you can't shot it when there are other models closer?

>The girl is playing tyranids

I hope Ethereals are worth taking in 8e. It sucked that they were literally free victory points for your opponent in 7th

Theyre all getting updates at the same time dummy
Whoever is the first to get new battletomes will be cheese
The cycle of power creep will begin again

So what are you guys doing today? I just finished a game where I got tabled by a land raider full of inquisition and 2 assassins

Are there any Raven/Raptor formations?

Black Templars: same question?

Might work like Apothecaries in 30k, you buy them and must be instantly attached to another unit and cant leave it.

Theyre better than taking fireblades currently

Jesus what was his list and yours?

Reminder that boys who aren't girls are getting tossed out of helicopters when 8th drops.

Start popping those hormones and start collecting Tyranids girls (males).

They'll probably have bubble effects.

>Black Templars

No specific formation that boosts their chapter tactic, Raven Guard get a whole bunch of them.

Formations are going out in a month though.

Ethereals were awesome. Yeah losing one was shit, but the buffs outweighed this imo.
>tfw 4 Pulse Shots with Fireblade and Ethereal

4th Edition Ethereals though... Hoo boy.

>better than taking fireblade
Not at all in my experience. Every time I've used an Ethereal it does literally nothing, but my fireblades usually cheese-graters at least a blob or two of infantry

He had a vindicare, the anti psyker one with the skull, and a land raider with 6ish deathwatch dudes with various power weapons, a priest, an inquistor, 5 acolytes and 2 monkeys.
I had 21 conscripts with 2 priests, 2 ten 10 man infantry squads, 3 missile launchers, pcs in a chimera, ccs in a chimera, a demolisher , an enginseer, vets in a chimera.

The only thing that could hurt the land raider was 2 melta guns, a lascannon and 3 missile Launchers.

Was fun though

Pic related before the slaughter.

Can an Ordo Malleus =I= get Terminator armor *and* and Incinerator? The wording in Imperial Agents is ambiguous on this.

Looking for an excuse to buy pic-related.


I'm hoping Character is a keyword reserved for what are unique ICs now and that non-unique ICs are no longer Characters and can still be added to units. I wonder what it means for Characters that are already part of units, like Sergeants or Exarchs, for example.

isn't that grishnak minis or however the fuck u spell it

shit looks good

>Russian-only site
>No buzz since May 16 spikeybits.com/2016/05/grishnaks-new-plastic-sister-models-we-update.html

Around Ivan, never relax!

With the changes to FRFSRF and orders being automatic, I wouldn't be surprised if those effects got a similar treatment and made Pulse rifles Rapid fire 2.

What airbrush do you guys use?
I'm looking for a cheapo one but I don't trust these ebay chinks


New Repentias leaked!

Is using 2 stormtalon gunships in 1500 cheese

Nice Eschers (seriously, I'm looking for minimally porny Not!-Tank Girl models for my post-apoc Only War army) but MALIFAUX is way out of scale for 40k.

>snow tables
Your store has some patrician taste at least, especially for having so much terrain. Seems like every pic from the tabletop on here is the same little grassy field with a small building on two corners and some hills on the other two corners.

Those look like garbage.

Every time I think some of the new GW sculpts are crap, people post this third party stuff and remind me how GW are actually still the best just because everyone else is so much fucking worse.

Seconded. Snow tables are the absolute fucking best tables.

To be fair, those Russian not!SoB minis posted earlier look about on par with GW's quality standard. Most third-party minis DO look like shit though.


Yeah I fucking love snow tables.
Shame because usually there's a city and aos table on, and you gotta swap the tiles out, but it's worth it

Well great, now that song's stuck in my fucking head.


There's a Morrowind table top game now?


Had you try our lord and savior Brother Vinni?
He has a Not! Fallout section too. Evan a Not! Cain Comissar.

You are granted one wish to modify anything in the 40k line.

The Stormsurge is now a superheavy Grav tank

Swarmlord is not a unique character and all its fluff is completely rewritten.

Add Great Horned Rat.

I want my Land Raider stats already, dammit.

Nice quads.

Lizardmen get ported to 40k.

Everything is in plastic

Aeldari > fartartes

I would buy the fuck out of brother vinni or grishnak stuff but I feel like if I tried to play at GW they'd kick me out.

God damn it I just want real plastic sisters

All Marines turned traitor in the HH.

You forgot the "Turn 360 degrees and walk away"

True sale marines

Working on my Kasrkins that I run as Veterans, in preparation to run them at things with shotguns and Yarrick in 8th.

I wish I'd made a snow map instead of a city one, but it's too late now.

A set of sprues for the guard that is coats, body armor, and catachan. So then we can have cadian, catachan, steel legion, vahallan, and Krieg

Better video game screening for GW so then we can have good 40k videogames

>Looks at model

They can't.

Nice. It's a SH tank regiment so I only need a few anyways.

TGG Jailbirds

chaos get grav
(on anything I dont care)

We are getting a GW franchise in SA. Seller price (30% ish less since we don't give a fuck) freedom of a store that does not care from who you bought your shit. Coffee shop crossing the street, beer in the store.

Tau have cooler looking heads.


>"Minimally porny"
>Anything by Raging Boners

Oh, annon, I'm so sorry...

Then they wouldn't really be Tau, now would they. One less way to shit all over them is one less thing that makes them Tau.

One day I'll make 10 dude squad for each classical IG regiment and some random shit like that for conscript blobs

Jailbirds aren't particualrly porny unless you're really worried about boobs in shirts or exposed midriffs. About the same as GW Eschers. We aren't talking about their Lust Elves here.

Hammer of Olympia isnt in the mega, is it? Cant find it.

More models with carapace armour besides Scions. And/or having slight rules differences between different guard factions (tallarn, krieg, cadia, etc.)

Yeah, looks like they expanded their line since I looked at them.

A new great WAAAAAGH is started by someone other than Ghazghkull.

Can the poses on these models get ANY more utterly retarded? They make squatting marines look positively artistic.

For proper, codex adhering heraldry for scout marines, its the chapter on the left pauldron and then their squad number on the right, and thats it? Correct?

Infinity dynamic posing master race!

>last tournament
>dude that always comes with his 8-year-old kid doesn't "play himself" today but his son "plays"
>it's obviously fucking Tau
>Riptide, Ghostkeel, 2 Pathfinder teams, 2 normal suits, a Commander in a normal suit and 10 Marker Drones
>he does all the thinking, son just moves models and rolls die and shittalks non-stop
>complains how bad his rolls are when he needs a 3+
>stomps everyone except the Smashfucker player

It's cute that he always has his son with him and all that but god dammit that still was unfun as fuck to play against and annoyed the shit out of me.

Even the dad said that he hates playing as or against Tau, hates what they stand for in the setting and only has them because his son likes their mechs.

For real I would start a Vostroyan army in a heartbeat if they weren't all metal models.

Just finished my Legion of the Damned Company Champion. I wish the lighting in my apartment was cooperating so I could get a better picture.

12 wound, 3+ save russes. Praise the emperor.

Same. Give us Vostroyan plastics from the same sculptors who did Skitarii and I'll be in heaven.

My lgs has terrain building days we have before Saturday afternoon escalation. It's bretty gud.

Slaanesh gets squatted.

This is fucking weak. You should really feel bad.


>And thus, the first real 8th edition memes began.

Despite the real possibility of getting nothing but shitposting for asking this, do we know the numarines will be their own unit, or is it possible that they're just going to replace the current space marine models, and robootie making numarines is just a in-universe reason for GW to stop selling non true-scale marines?

He could already pick characters out of units without restriction so it's not like much has actually changed.

Really the new character rules hardly effect characters themselves, they just prevent them from being abused to be invincible living shields that stand in front of glass cannon units, like a Tech-Priest in a squad of Skitarii.

Nobody knows yet.

I might actually have to dust off my IG.

That's okay, Brittany is a pie-faced hag

>haven't played 40k in literally 10 years
>come back to have a look because new edition buzz plus DoW3
>think of starting again
>browsing armies and models on thier website
>like half the models are the exact same from when I played still
What exactly has GW been doing this last decade?

Being able to pick off the weaker utility characters is a pretty big deal.

They will be a new unit, possibly a whole new set of units. Gw's new promo material for the new edition shows classic space marines in their painting guides, so I don't expect them to be discontinued so, though I don't see new units of their size anytime soon either.

New plastic Emperor's Children models.

Updated Noise Marines and Lucius at least.

And Vindicares could always do that.

The other half?

making whole new half-factions nobody asked for.

be still, my beating heart. That would be a billion fuckin times cooler than that dumb ass walker. Plus I love the idea of having big and small versions of their heavy shit like the Riptide and Crisis Suits, Ghostkeel and Stealth Suits, then a Hammerhead and a Stormsurge.

I mean in general. Vindicare is probably going to change pretty drastically anyway.

Ad Mech and GSC have been asked for forever.