>worshipping the Emperor >being the shame of Rogal Dorn
Mason Green
Soon gitz. Soon.
Daniel Jenkins
>go to G-Dubz, excited to debut your new army that you spent 1000 dollars on and 1000 hours painting >walk into store, everyone is crowed around the table >walk into the crowd to see what all the fuss is about >Jamal is porking Brittany on top of the realm of battle battle board
Jeremiah Jackson
Ready for Guard to be top tier for months until they release updates for Marines and Eldar.
Asher Clark
Kitting out an assault squad, any thoughts on what I should give the Sergeant?
Jeremiah Lee
So if i won't be able to attach a Character to a unit in Newhammer, what will that mean for Characters like Saguinary Priests and Crypteks who only exist to buff other units? Will their rules be bubbles? WHo the fuck would be dumb enough to put something like that out in the open even if you can't shot it when there are other models closer?
Jordan Thomas
>The girl is playing tyranids realistic
David Thomas
I hope Ethereals are worth taking in 8e. It sucked that they were literally free victory points for your opponent in 7th