What's a good setting that involves skypirates?
What's a good setting that involves skypirates?
Treasure Planet.
Good taste! I just watched it last week.
Exalted has demon sky pirates.
>sailing ship with turbines
oh shit nigger what are you doing
I don't know much about it, but I've heard good things about Sundered Skies. Post apoc floating island setting.
Pax Britannica
Earthdawn qualify? (mythic age shadowrun yo)
I think that qualifies more as space-pirates.
Crimson Skies
I'm asking here since it's kinda related to my setting but how do you call those unelectrified cable cars that basically just work thanks to gears?
Storm Hawks has a pretty cool setting, if you have a taste for Leaf cartoons.
Sails as backup if the turbines go out?
The edge chronicles.
I never understood how archaeologists in Shadowrun never discovered any of the crazy shit from the fourth world until after magic returned.
Skies of Arcadia.
Good luck actually adapting it though.
The one you create, user.
Follow your dreams.
Post the mechanical arm user screencap
>Both of the Carolinas and Virginia form a nation of their own
>"I know guys, let's name ourselves after a small part of one of the states that makes up our new nation!"
Are there any good source books or rule sets for airships?
You could probably use Rogue Trader, but replace planets with islands and space with sky.
My gentleman of Nasrian descent.
And really adapting it wouldn't be hard. Use a supers system, that gives everyone the ability to write up cool super attacks, make a list of simple spells that everyone can learn, and go to town.
What's wrong with Crimson Skies?
Came here to post this
There was an attempt at homebrewing it here a few years ago, but it was awful and just a bunch of numbers that didn't really capture the soul of Skies at all
I've come to realize since then that this just isn't the kind of media that setting belongs in, as much as I'd want to run a campaign of it
Getting all the players on the same page regarding sperging out over airships would be one thing, but other parts of the setting like moonstones are so videogamey that it wouldn't be worth the effort to try to adapt
I remember the spell system being a huge hassle too
In the aforementioned homebrew it was basically effortless to cast Pyri (not even Pyrum or anything) like some kind of nuke and trivialize combat, and I think that's when the GM who wrote it gave up trying
Aika kinda did that for normal combat with her higher level skills. Once you had high enough default spirit you could drop them first turn and end most non-boss fights instantly.
Yeah, but I used magic specifically as the example because with SP+MP Skies already had a weird magic system that's a lot of bookkeeping to adapt
And also the fact that, not being an actual videogame, you shouldn't WANT combat to be over that quickly
Though, thinking on it, the most interesting part of the setting to play out would be airship combat, though that'd be its own nightmare because I can't think of any system even slightly similar to it
Suffice it to say, the playtest definitely did not get that far
Megaman Legends
I'm actually trying to homebrew a setting in the sky for an 5e FE game. I hope to god this is a success because I've wanted a FE game years.
The only right answer. It would be such an awesome world to run an RPG in.
I Love ivalice, the mist, the monsters and of course the sky pirates.
>Good luck actually adapting it though
Literally take 7th sea, literally give everyone a buttload of points and literally change "ocean" to "sky".
This guy has the right idea
I still hear Alpha Storm in my dreams.
She was crazy powerful once you got that ability.
Back off!
>Though, thinking on it, the most interesting part of the setting to play out would be airship combat, though that'd be its own nightmare because I can't think of any system even slightly similar to it
>Suffice it to say, the playtest definitely did not get that far
Would you really even want a transplant of the Skies of Arcadia ship combat system?
I remember the whole thing being a massive clusterfuck of a system. I don't know if I ever really figured out how it was supposed to work.
Dude, what?
The ship combat was one of my favourite parts. And it wa pretty simple, too.
>Would you really even want a transplant of the Skies of Arcadia ship combat system?
Fuck no, but at least of some of its more basic ideas like "it's a ship fighting another ship" and "everybody contributes to the ship's HP/stats/etc"
I tried using FATE to hack up something with a similar concept and had this cool idea of "It's just another PC but, instead of having aspects, each PC crewing it IS an aspect"
But then I realized I'd never find anybody to play it and stopped bothering, especially since that's a system notorious for having garbage combat anyway
Point being, I'd definitely want to go rules-lite if trying to emulate it at all, because a direct transplant would be super bloated and an absolute chore to every try to figure out how to play, much less to actually play
Sounds good to me. Bronze age warships had sails and oars. Maybe those turbines are only used some of the time, and are worth the extra weight when they aren't being used.
But yeah, more likely it's just trying to be a cool image.
It's possible I'm remembering. It's been like three or four years since I last picked up the game.
I really need to go back and finish it.
Jesus. Misremembering. Auto correct can't English today and I ought to be asleep.
I mean, im probably biased since its one of my favourite games of all time, but yeah, its worth finishing.
>no mention of Sora to robo
Edge Chronicles >>> Any other airship setting
All the other settings are too tryhard with either steampunk or magitech.
You don't need any of that shit when you have the subtle magic of floating rocks.
Age of Sigmar
Then why are they rigged? Huge amount of drag, and any thrust decent enough to enable takeoff would tear the sails right out.
I'd have taken ducted propellers. Jets doesn't fit the genre or common sense and looks terrible.
I didn't care much for this game.
But the music, good god the soundtrack is awesome
was gonna post that myself. Yes if this doesn't already exist someone make it.
Maybe sails in this world are rigged up specifically for steering.