Does anyone else like to play pretend they're drinking magic potions of dubious safety when they sippy their dayglow soda pops, energy drinks, and health shit?
Does anyone else like to play pretend they're drinking magic potions of dubious safety when they sippy their dayglow...
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no, stop being such a fucking nerd.
Just pretend you're a pretty boy king with magic powers.
Counterpoint: if I wasn't a huge fucking nerd why would I be here?
No das gay
Me and my friends are all over 15, so no. And we don't drink soda either. Only water and coffe for us.
Take your fedora and go home Veeky Forums
Don't get too mad, kid. If playing that soda is magic potion is fun for you, just keep doing it. Some people here are just too old for this.
You are literally the gayest person itt.
Fuck him OP, I never thought about this. This seems pretty cool. I mean I'm drinking water 75% of the time but meh.
You know, I've definitely done that
It did keep us awake for untold hours, so I suppose I associated all that caffeine+B vitamin mix with some kind of cuhrayzee alchemy
>He doesn't get wasted on bourbon at game night
Top jej
Wow, you sound like a real grown up who does grown up things.
Yeah, fuck acting a little mentally mature. I shit and piss my pants and cry for mama and dada to change me. You don't? Oh, so you're one of those maturefags are you?
>adults never drink soda
Confirmed underage
Trying too hard
You convinced me!
I can say that yes I have done that before OP though I don't make a habit of it
I'm right. There is a difference between playing a game that involves your imagination and roleplaying, and simply being feeble minded or being mentally stunted to the level of a child. When you start pretending drinks are magical potions, people aren't being elitist fags who are trying too hard to seem like adults, they are just right.
The same way if I shit myself and had my parents change me and feed me, people who tell me that I'm mentally stunted aren't trying too hard, they would just be right. Because, as I said, there is a difference between some imaginary fun to be found in a game and flat out having the mind of a child. Pretending a drink is a magical potion is something I would expect a 5 year old to do or someone with severe mental disabilities, not an adult.
Booze and oxy kiddos
Holy shit kys faggot
That doesn't refute a thing I said. Or do you not see the difference between the imagination (and context) of an adult and that of a child? Or that different things are acceptable in children but signs of developmental issues in others?
If it make the game more fun to you then do it.
As long as u don't start pushing that shit on others.
We had a player who went super into this. Thought she was super creative and when we cared more about the drink actually was she got super salty.
When I was about 14, yes.
I just entered this thread, and holy shit dude, what the fuck is wrong with you? I didnt think grognards could apply BAD WRONG FUN to everyday life.
Not in a long fucking time. Because that's silly.
Though, I will sometimes jokingly think to myself that I'm replenishing my mana while drinking water.
Imagine how empty your life is to where you have to challenge people to debate about how they drink beverages. You OP, are a Certified Autistic Person™
I already explained why that argument is a shit one. There is a difference between being imaginative (like in Veeky Forums, typically roleplaying) and exhibiting traits that show developmental problems.
Or do you equally apply your "bad wrong fun" to everything? Like if I sat around having my parents feed me, went around screaming and crying, or had imaginary friends that I talked to? Would you see that as acceptable adult behavior?
>Stefan Molyneux memes
M8 people aren't making fun of you because you don't pretend to drink potions. That's normal. People're making fun of you because you keep trying to assert your maturity and end up sounding like a kid playing house.
>I'm SO mature, I ONLY drink coffee! I would NEVER have those KIDDY drinks like soda.
You come straight out of a Peppa Pig episode.
And you didn't even read the thread. Because if you did you'd realize that OP actually likes pretending that he's drinking potions, and I am arguing for the opposite. But given you're defending childish shit I shouldn't be surprised that you either cannot read, became easily confused, or don't have the attention span for it because clearly half the people here are suffering from developmental disorders and are literal manchildren.
Im pretending Im drinking magic herbs when I drink tea.
When i was a lot younger i did.
I'm not the dude who said I only drink water and coffee. All I did was agree with him because anyone who is a normal adult and pretends to drink potions isn't just having fun, they are mental cripples who need help to mature past the mental age of a child.
I'm not even saying that people who do it are bad, just as I wouldn't say a retarded person is bad or a schizophrenic. They are just people, who for whatever reason, never mentally progressed past childhood. It happens, but the idiots going "B BUT THATS YOU SAYING ITS BADWRONGFUN" make it seem like it's normal rather than concerning and don't seem to understand the differences I pointed out before.
You seem upset.
Then you're still just displaying the same better than thou attitude. No-one is pissed off at or though they imply about the same thing as you do.
Not upset at all. That would be like me being mad at a retarded person for not being smart. There are people who are stuck in the mental age of a child and it's usually because something bad happened. I can't blame them for it or be mad when it isn't like they CHOSE to be that way. It's just a mental issue that needs correcting.
What they did was crack a joke. How is that better than me actially giving substantial reasons behind my point? At least I have a reason for saying what I do rather than shitposting and going "yeah i did as a kid u retarted fgt".
Man, this thread is a beautiful trainwreck.
I'm not even sure who trolled who.
>implying you're not just shitposting
Wordy shitposting is still shitposting. You don't need to signal your maturity, most would actually view it as a sign of immaturity. See the above Peppa Pig clip (seems about the right fit for you).
Op here, I was being a bit silly but I'm sleep deprived, and I genuinely like using my imagination in quiet little ways.
Apparently it triggers the fuck out of grogs to be reminded everything they do a basically a jumped up version of playing pretend
It's the persecution complex they get you see. They have to tell themselves their hobbies aren't childish because they feel insecure about the jibes or views of normies.
Nevermind the fact that, at least I believe, there is something worth preserving about childish Glee and fantasy, and I think the old neckbeards who invented D&D would agree.
>"not upset at all."
Famous mad words.
"Critics who treat 'adult' as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up." - C.S Lewis
How? Is it badwrongfun to say an adult who cries over not getting a toy is mentally deficient? Clearly we can all be immature, but there is a difference between acting immature and just flat out showing traits that reveal you never progressed past the level of a child. For example, an adult can have a temper tanrum which is immature. We all get that. But if an adult is talking to imaginary friends and cries because his parents won't play hide and seek with him, that isn't being immature. That is having a developmental disorder. And sitting around pretending to drink a magical potion isn't just some goofy fun, it's showing signs of having mental issues that causes you to be a manchild.
I'm not trying to scold OP or anybody else who does this; I just want to make it clear that they should get help as any other person with mental issues should. Pretending it isn't an issue just enables it to get worse when they could get treatment and slowly become an adult mentally and actually be able to interact with the real world.
There is a difference between a child-like sense of wonder or playing a roleplaying game and having a developmental disorder.
Just like there is a difference between being imaginative and being schizophrenic.
>they should get help as any other person with mental issues should
Speaking from experience?
Come on now, that isn't even addressing the quote. Surely such a mature, healthy-minded adult would have the reading comprehension required to see the point of what he's saying there.
>Just like there is a difference between being imaginative and being schizophrenic.
Elaborate, and explain what it is.
Because from my view, the difference is control. The schizophrenic cannot control their delusions, the imaginative can. Like a man might take a drink, we dose ourselves with little lies, knowing them for what they are. The madman has only the lies, and never knew sobriety, or else has lost touch with what it was and despairs.
There is I suppose, a stark purity to refusing all self deception, all fantasies. But if you're such a tea-totaler, whyever did you come to this collection of drinkers? Did you think we gathered here to play bridge and talk about the weather? We're here to drink!
I've not seen this image in a long time...
A long time...
Yes, I do understand what he's saying and did address it. He's saying we should be imaginative. At no point did I say you had to be uptight and stuffy to be an adult, which is what he refers to.
What I said is that there is a massive difference between being child-like, and having developmental problems. I even mentioned that with my reference to schizophrenia. Imagination is good, but schizophrenia where you can imagine up any number of things in the fake world you live in is not good. Just as there is a difference here. Roleplaying is good as are games. It's fun. But when you are by yourself and pretending to drink magical potions, you cross the line from what is healthy childishness, to mental illness. Just as you can be imaginative, but once you start believing in these made up fantasy worlds you are showing signs of schizophrenia which is a mental illness.
Why is it so hard to comprehend that there is a difference? Or do you think C. S. Lewis would support schizophrenics running around because they are full of imagination? You are the one using his quote out of context here. Nobody said being super serious and mature all the time is necessary to be an adult. But like the schizophrenic example he has crossed the line from healthy to unhealthy and shows signs of being developmentally stunted.
Hey guys, I'm the guys who said this:
Just reiterating: No problem in childish behavior if you're a kid or preteen. If you're, however, over 16, you're already too old to pretend that your drink is magical, or you spoon is a helicopter or anything like that.
That's all, good night.
Please re-read it. Being imaginative was a tiny part of it, brought up only at the end. Only recognising that part of the quote shows how shallow and one-track minded you are.
Why does Veeky Forums feel the need to create a strawman for itself to fight against?
Same reason we do anything we do on this board. Because it's fun
Or you are just misusing the quote. You don't seem to understand it or my point. Because I actually do agree with C. S. Lewis. What he says is absolutely correct. But that does not apply to OP. Because OP is showing signs not of a healthy dose of childish behavior, but as said before, developmental issues. As someone said a few posts before this, it's equivalent to pretending your fork or spoon is a choo choo train. That isn't being goofy, that's needing help.
someone get this hot head outta here!
>He doesn't pretend his fork is a choo choo
No-one can lack this much self-awareness.
I'm sure your medical analysis is highly valued amongst your surely educated and professional pyschiatric peers
I like this character, how did you call him?
Not the guy you were responding to,
In regards to the OP he specifically states he's playing pretend. i think the line gets drawn then you do it for the lulz versus having an issue with actually believing you gain magical powers from it. Is the guy immature for doing so? I don't know him and can't fault him, but to shit all over him for MERELY PRETENDING is a bit much m8
Do I need a degree in psychiatry to see that a schizophrenic is crazy? Or is it only because you have a personal stake in what I'm talking about that suddenly I need a medical degree to see that there is a severe problem?
>Do I need a degree in psychiatry to see that a schizophrenic is crazy?
Yes, actually, that is why their testimony is necessary in courts of law to determine such matters
Fine, you're right. I was a bit over the top and all. I still see OP as overly "immature" but I agree there was no need for all this shit. I was being immature myself.
Senor Nofunallowed
And now with that startling revelation, reread the quote.
I was still right about the quote. I don't know what you think I was missing or applied to what I was doing.
Peace be upon you bredren
PS, yes i agree that this is an overly immature thing to do, OP probably has social issues. But I'm off to play armchair psychologist in another thread
Being overly concerned with maturity is a sign of immaturity.
>used to despise sparking water, wouldn't touch the stuff
>on campus in the evening, very thirsty and have little time between classes
>rush to nearest vending machine, but 25 cents short of a water bottle
>have exactly enough for a can of plain sparkling water though
>decide to reframe my dilemma in fantasy terms
>"The Elven monarch has offered me a sip of bitter-wine, straight from his private stash. If I show distaste, I will be executed on the spot."
>insert coins
>pop open the tab
>a tentative sip is taken
>overcome by how much I enjoy it, proceed to quickly drink the rest
From that point on I've loved sparkling water.
(and yes, I absolutely am a turbo-autist)
Op here that's pretty autistic even by my standards
I think is safe to say you won the autism crown for the night.
Thanks, thanks so much.
I owe it all to my fans, and to Mom.
Love all of you.
Better take a quick sippy