Why all the hate?

They don't really deserve all the shit they get. Also I guess a space wolf thread

Other urls found in this thread:


Because their lore was raped. Old space wolves were vikings in space who had a desire to protect civilians, fought bravely, and knew how to have a good time.

New space wolves are written like furry larpers who just go "dude wolves lmao" and act like shameful faggots.

Because of the excessive amount of "Wolf Lord Wolfen Wolfsson of Wolved Wolven Wolf" they've been getting lately.

Also, because Thousand Sons players are jealous and bitter assholes over the fact that even their Primarch can't beat the Rout.


>nuviking fanbase
>furry fanbase
>space narines fanbase

>my chapter is unique because
>my psykers are unique because
>my planet is unique because
>my tech is unique because
>my primarch and all his sons have a special connection with wolves
>my wolves are unique because

As a Thousand Sons fan, I can say that some are probably butthurt about that yes, but that's hardly all of it.

You see, the Wolves have an uncompromising and insatiable bloodlust with a kneejerk reaction for publicity stunts to create a sugar coat on the destruction they bring, and no concept of the future other than the maintenance of their dominance. As such, those whose lives are not entirely consumed by combat will always look down on them. This ties into the "noble savages" image that people are getting increasingly sick of due to overdose. And I cannot express just how thoroughly retarded the wolfwolfwolf is in their codex.

>d.Assblasted traitor
Shoulda just obeyed the Emperor, then you'd get to win battles instead of being everyone's bottom bitch.

it's the other legions really, how can a wolf even compete?

They used to be cool. Then they started riding wolves.

I don't get it, if you ride the wolves and harness their them in battle so i'm assuming you've tamed the beast to some level,
but then you wear the pelts of said wolves like you defeated it in battle?

What gives?

I hope Khan's FW model gets those boots.

Because they used to be cool. Then I grew up.

For the same reason people hate Ultramarines.

People always hate the best. Plucky underdogs that don't ever get shit done are always more popular.

>What gives?
It's simple. The ones that can be tamed are put to work, the ones that can't are put to use as clothing.
Also it helps keep the tame ones in order.

It's not like all the animals of Fenris have been tamed
It's also part of the rites of passage of a Space Wolves to find a wild wolf and defeat him without weapons or protections
Ragnar Blackmane has that name because (being a named character thus he must be more awesome than anyone else in the fluff) he was able to defeat an uncommonly big, black wolf

>implying riding bigger and more dangerous animals than horses isn't a staple characteristic of badasses in fantasy, of which category WH40k is part

They're Mary Sues. See nice trips btw
The few flaws they had at first (their hypocrisy about psykers or the fact they're fucking barbarians uncivilized barbarians for instance) have been progressively erased and/or are ignored, a bit like with the Tau. Add the (now overused noble) savage theme to the dindunofin and the wolfwolfwolfing, and you get an obnoxious chapter

No. They took the wolf thing too far riding them.

Only goblins should be riding wolves.

>having big quadrupeds of murder
>not riding them

I can assure you that if Blood Angels had big bats of murder or Dark Angels had big gay monks of murder they would be riding them too
And they should

Thats a thing that can be said about any sm chapter

>numonks fanbase
>gay fanbase
>space narines fanbase

>my chapter is unique because
>my terminators are unique because
>my bikers are unique because
>my lack of planet is unique because
>my tech is unique because
>my fallens are unique because
>nuvampires fanbase
>trap fanbase
>space narines fanbase

>my primarch is the best one because
>my chapter is unique because
>my psykers are unique because
>my dreadnought are unique because
>my planet is unique because
>my tech is unique because
>my marines have a special condition that turn them into murder machines because
>my vehicles are fast and unique because

The fact that you had to merge legions didnt bother you? Somehow the obvious conclusion people would draw flew over your head?

The DA one has as many points as the SW, while the BA have more

They changed werewolves in power armor for *rises paw* mutant furries with freeze guns

Because, unfortunately for them, Veeky Forums had a crusade against furries, not traps, Twilight, gays or monks

Not to say that that crusade wasn't justified, but the SW were unlucky enough to be branded with that word that has become verboten on the site

Thus now any reason is good to attack them, even thought none of their characteristics is particularly worse than the ones the other chapters have

The fact that during 5th edition their codex was "vanilla marines but better" didn't help

>Because of the excessive amount of "Wolf Lord Wolfen Wolfsson of Wolved Wolven Wolf" they've been getting lately.

This is probably the most common complaint I hear about them but could everyone just not... take 40k so seriously?


The thing I really don't understand about that is that the Blood Angels aren't that much better in that regard, yet they are never called out for it

I've never considered that, but I suppose it's because SW are more popular and tg loves to be contrarian

There is a difference between a good joke and a bad joke.

But people loved the old lore that wasn't serious. Now it's meant to be serious, but it's a bigger joke than before.

That is why they gate the hate. Because at one point their lore was interesting, now it's such an obvious furry fapbait fanfic that it shits on everything that made them unique. Like Tau were meant to pander to weebs, I guess GW found out furries have a ton of disposable income and decided to pander to them.

It's hard when that shit is literally being shoved into our faces everywhere SW go. In the fluff, on the tabletop, and worst of all, the people that play them. I can't even remember the last time I met a SW player that knew how to control their power level.

Where has the thing about the Rune Priests thinking their power comes from Fenris rather than the warp been erased or ignored? It's ultimately something that doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things because it's a Chapter belief and every Chapter has those.

Thunderwolves are fine to me since one of the things they love to stress about Fenris is how tough it's wildlife is. 40k is a space fantasy setting, wolves can be ridden.

There is actually nothing really unique about Baal.

Blood Angels are vanilla Marines + a few extra things (WOW, a marine painted in black, a melta on a Dread and a faster Rhino, so unique!)
Space Wolves have their own special organization (even if we don't count their own special snowflake units, they changed the name of classic units just to put 'wolf', 'fang' or 'claw' in it), wolf riders, stormwolves/stormfangs, have overall better rules than classic marines just because, they don't use the Warp contrary to 99,99% of the Imperium, and so on

>Also I guess a space wolf thread
I read it as 'spare wolf' and it fits perfectly

>Where has the thing about the Rune Priests thinking their power comes from Fenris rather than the warp been erased or ignored?
the Thousand Sons supplement showed that SW were right and don't use the Warp, only the energies of a daemon trapped on Fenris, or something like this

>SW were right and don't use the Warp, only the energies of a daemon trapped on Fenris
That sounds more heretical than just tapping into warp energy like all psykers do

Isn't using daemon energy still using the warp? Daemons are made of the warp, so using their energy is using warp energy. It's like a cultist saying he doesn't use warp energy, just the energy of the chaos gods.

I agree, it's pure sorcery - the very thing they disliked the TS for.
But it's okay when Space Wolves do it

>have overall better rules than classic marines just because
Except that was true in 5th edition, now they are so ridiculously weaker than vanilla or DA that the only reason they are taken is for their WGBL and Iron Priest to add a bit of punch to their Black Knights unit buffed by the librarius conclave

Shamanism =/= Sorcery

Yes but because Wrath of Magnus was written by a Space Wolf fanboy, drawing upon the power of a minor warp god and wielding "tamed" Khornate Daemon weapons is somehow not at all heretical and will most certainly not lead to any long term corruption by chaos.

Basically all of Wrath of Magnus is one giant Space Wolf wank piece.

Channeling power of spirits (and daemons are spirits) is sorcery. Eldar spiritstone technology is sorcery.

It's actually much worse, if you're just drawing raw warp energy like most librarians do (pre-heresy Thousand Sons even for the most part) then you certainly risk corruption but then it's a matter of being overpowered by an external force, by drawing your power from a warp entity you're leaving the door open for it to completely fuck you and everyone you care about (like what happened to Magnus).

But Space Wolves never have to suffer the consequences of their bad decisions so nothing will come of it. Even when they do supposedly suffer (Wulfen) it ends up being a boon anyway.

Sorcery is corrupting. The Space Wolf Magicks are pure and primal. They are the bane of Chaos.

>Mock psykers and have your own with some delusional bullshit of how it's not really psykers (which is probably the worst thing to do, worse than having pyskers who know what it is).
>Get tricked by Horus but never held to account for it

If they are presented as flawed bloodthirsty savages then cool. If they try and pass off as noble savages who dindu nuffin then not cool. As of right now they are 2nd place with the Ultramarines for oversaturated favoritism.

I actually dont mind the wolfing at all. It's more that they are given disproportionate favoritism.

Bitch if your magic is coming from a daemon then you are dealing in matters of the warp. And dealing in it in a worse way than just using warp energy.

Go to bed Logan Grimnar.

The World Wolf Spirit is a benevolent entity that's cares little for things outside of Fenris. It's the soul of the planet and it cares only for its own.

Yeah fuck off you Khorne Daemon axe wielding closet Chaos worshiper.

>>Get tricked by Horus but never held to account for it

The Emperor told Horus to tell Russ to go after Magnus. Horus changed a minor detail when he delivered the message. Blame Horus for being a dick and blame the Emperor for choosing Horus as his messenger, not Russ.

Also Russ was there when the Emperor threatened Magnus with death if he caught him using sorcery. So Russ had less than zero reason to question Horus or the Emperor.

>Sorcery is corrupting
Not for Mary Sue

>Get tricked by Horus but never held to account for it
The post HH situation was too much unstable and, well, chaotic to risk a new war by excomunicating another legion

Russ blamed himself enough too, to the point that the SW went from "the executioners of the Emperor" to one of the chapters that treat civilians the nicest

See this shit right here is the stuff people hate Space Wolves for, they get to break the rules of the setting (all warp entities are evil) with no consequences.

The Axe doesn't contain a daemon. It contains a portion of Khorne's power.

The Arjac Rockfist and those before him used runes and a ritual fueled by the spirits if Fenris to tame the Khornate shard locked within and render the axe safe for its wielder. Harnessing the dark power but without the corrupting properties

But Cegoragh and Isha are good if a bit of a dick the former

>(all warp entities are evil) with no consequences.

Non-evil warp entities
4-Gork and Mork (Neutral)
5-The various shards of the Emperor like Imperius the Solar Priest
6-Gyre the Shadow Wolf
7-The Great World Wolf Spirit of Fenris

Are you even trying, pup?

Because they've become worse than the Ultramarines were in their heyday. Their leader wields a daemon weapon made from a shard of Khorne's armor, they worship warlike wolf spirits, they've openly told the Imperium to go fuck itself multiple times, and yet all of this is downplayed both OOC and in the setting itself. If they were an OC chapter people would be calling this out for the bullshit it is but since it's Space Wolves and 1d4chan says they're cool everybody just goes with it.

Again, Space Wolves get to break the rules and somehow not get corrupted by the all corrupting powers of Chaos while drawing on their power.

Add Gork and Mork to that as well. Not only that but the only vaguely non evil warp entities are Eldar in origin and they're implied to be partially physical or not organically created in the warp.

Right so why don't the Grey Knights just hand over the Blade of Antwyr to the Space Wolves if they can bend the power of the Dark Gods to their will?

Obviously because the runes have not foretold a use for that blade in the hands of a champion of Fenris.

Well isn't that convenient, almost as if this was plot bullshit made to make the Space Wolves look good at the cost of creating plot holes, thus necessitating some vague bullshit answer about fate and runes.

>but since it's Space Wolves and 1d4chan says they're cool everybody just goes with it.

You're acting like hating SW isn't one of the main 40k Veeky Forums meme

New Wulfen just seem like a different interpretation, their bodies have grown in such a way that power armor either doesn't fit or restrains them in some manner. I actually like what they did with the legs.

That still sounds like the Warp because in all likelihood the spirits of Fenris are warp entities. It's not entirely unheard of, it sounds similar to the world spirits that the Exodites have and use to protect their souls. The only is that it may be theoretically safer since instead of drawing directly from the Warp, they're drawing from it through entities of Fenris.

People getting upset over Grimnir using a weapon of Khorne seem like they're mad over Space Wolves doing their own thing by ritually purifying the axe and thinking it's fine to use. I don't see anything saying that this isn't going to bite them in ass at some point, Wrath of Magnus makes it evident the weapon is not entirely pure.

As far as I'm aware the idea of somehow purifying Chaos weapons or items is rarely brought up, more often than not it's a case of someone thinking that can use Chaos against Chaos and because of their will and/or faith they'll be fine.

Because the Grey Knights hate the SW and would never hand one of their weapon to them to work on?

Veeky Forums and 1d4chan are very different entities now, the latter seems to have a lot more influence on newbies in the hobby.

The Grey Knights are as utilitarian as it gets, they'd totally hand over that sword if it meant containing it.

Because if we're not contrarians we're nothing.

I imagine the SW don't go around broadcasting that they took a weapon from a champion of Khorne and use it after performing a ritual on it.

For all anybody knows this could be a plot point in the new edition or Grimnir may be forced to give up the axe.

new and old space wolves are fine, the only people they get hate from are thousand son players because they are uber neck beards and iron hands, white scars and sneakie beaky players because the space wolves get more attention from them. space wolves are by far the most popular unique marine army so there is that too, more chance for dooshe players. i say this as a space wolf player

>Space Wolves are the best and anyone who criticizes them is just jealous
>By the way I play Space Wolves

Right that's really convincing, definitely doesn't sound like some 13 year old defending his mary sue OC.

Or someone trolling as hard as he can

i am a dooshe bag as a person but my army does not deserve the hate, i never said they were the best, they just sell the best and are the most popular, apart from generic marines.

why do the blood angles never get this kind of hate anyway
>muh unique mutations make me a berserker and think im a primarch
>muh speedy rhynos
>muh vampire mc vampy bloody drink blodd drinkers alucard

Because those are fun ideas that aren't held on a pedestal by retards?

Probably because of the Lamenters, and the general fact that they die and suffer for their mutations. Though they do suffer from some blood blood bloodness It's nothing compared to the wolf wolf wolfyness of the world wolf wolf fang claw wolf ice wolf wolf wolfson of the Space Wolves and the vampire things in general just isn't as in your face.

Speedy rhinos is also pretty innocuous compared to wolf sleds and wolf cavalry.

This is why people hate Space Wolves. This is called being a blatant Mary Sue chapter

>i never said they were the best, they just sell the best and are the most popular, apart from generic marines.
what's the argument here? 'They're popular so surely they can't be that bad?'

>why do the blood angles never get this kind of hate anyway
because BA have actual flaws that they acknowledge and try to overcome, while SW have no flaws because the writers don't allows them not to be perfect parangons.

>because BA have actual flaws that they acknowledge and try to overcome, while SW have no flaws because the writers don't allows them not to be perfect parangons.

>the most flawed gene seed, one so bad they need animal dna to get it to work

>needing flaws to be a good chapter
go back to your marry sueing

I remember space wolves being worshiped for years up until the mary sue bullshit started, with even the "wolfy wolfness of the wolf" shtick only getting eye rolls and mourning for the loss of the space viking theme, instead of the open hate for what's going on now and the greater implications it has on what the setting is turning into. Also what said, modern Veeky Forums openly hates 1d4chan and for good reason (being a cesspit of shitty overdone memes and completely missing the point on basically everything)

Mental diseases are fun. Black rage is hilarious. And they do not start sparking under sunlight due to it. Meanwhile nuwulven grow fucking paws.

>>needing flaws to be a good chapter
>>>needing flaws to be a good chapter
>>>>needing flaws to be a good chapter
Space Wolf players ladies and gents.

they are turning into animals, what did you want them to do? its better then being an autistic retard screaming 'IM SANGUINIUS GIVE ME MORE BLOOD I NEED IT TO WATER MY CORN FLAKES"

>i say this as a space wolf player
Why am I not surprised?

That picture gave me cancer. This is why no one likes SW anymore..

You dropped something

*Are always more popular with the 1% hardcore fans.

Love space wolves as long as you ignore the ludicrous amount of "wolf" named or related things

Keep them as Vikings with a slight wolf motif in space and theyre fine

And yet in the end the wulfen worked out fine for them in the end.

I don't know, be proper Imperials and purge the mutant?

>no one likes SW anymore..
their army alone makes up 25% so they must be doing something right

Ork master race posting

>don't follow the codex but it's ok
>disrespect the inquisition but it's ok
>have mutants among their ranks but it's ok
>use unsanctioned sorcery but it's ok
>deal with daemons but it's ok
>use chaos artifacts but it's ok
>have unique technologies but it's ok
>slaughter brothers but it's ok

They are even more mary sue than grey knights, custodes and ultramarines

tell that to the BA their primarch was afraid the emperor would sick russ and his wolves onto them because of their flaws and mutations, thats cannon by the way.

They're less popular than almost every other flavor of marine (vanilla, chaos, red and grey).
They only beat Daethwatch and Dark Angels, hardly "the most popular unique marine army".

Bite them in the ass? Bitch, please, Fulgrim, Horus and Mortarion fell after less than a month of contact with much weaker chaos artefacts, but chief sue of space yiffs can carry damn piece of Khorne for 700 years and use his mary powers to show middle finger to how whole setting works despite doing things that pretty define Khorne worship on daily basis, yiff!

Yes see this is exactly what makes the BA more appealing than the SW, they actually have to fear their mutations and work to rid themselves of them, sending those who succumb to them on suicide missions so that they can get rid of them while being useful.

Meanwhile Space Wolves tried once, got fucked by Magnus and now seem to have totally embraced their chapters mutations, they even ride some of their former mutant brothers into battle.

>don't follow the codex but it's ok
neither do the blood angles, dark angles, white scars, or salamanders
>disrespect the inquisition but it's ok
why is this a bad thing, they were killing billions for nothing
>have mutants among their ranks but it's ok
see every single space marine chapter that is not dark angles or ultramarines
>use unsanctioned sorcery but it's ok
SW litterally slaughter sorcerers on mass seing as their hpome world keeps getting attacked by them, but ok
>deal with daemons but it's ok
name a single time that happened ever in the canon
>use chaos artifacts but it's ok
the only possible maybe you get on that is logans axe which was cleansed as a fuck you to chaos and proof that you can come back from the darkness
>have unique technologies but it's ok
ill take what is, every single space marine chapter leader for $200
>slaughter brothers but it's ok
its pretty well established that the dark angles and SW have honour battles to the death annually, so what?
Do you even read the canon?

please read this post

They don't get hate because their special stuff is tragic/comes with massive drawbacks, unlike muh dindu-nuthin-no-sorcery-lol hipocrisy that despite being utter bullshit is somehow true and they really get to use Chaos without being corrupted at all, have special yiff spirits casting spells for them.

Oh, and their corrupted marines (despite being shit yiff ballerina models, not good looking ones like Death Company) get to use their special snowflake alien-ice weapons to get AP2 with massive Str bonus at initiative (because ice can fucking cut metal with ease, eh?) and have mary sue rules that make them not die even to Str D strikes. Gee, you can sure just flex your yiffmuscles and ignore being vaporized, eh?

>why is this a bad thing, they were killing billions for nothing
Because unlike other organizations that do that they haven't suffered any signficant consequences.
>see every single space marine chapter that is not dark angles or ultramarines
none of them have anything even close to the Wulfen apart from maybe the Black Dragons or the Flame Falcons, and the latter of them got purged while the former is on thin ice and generally avoids the inquisition instead of waving their dicks in the Inquisition's face.
>SW litterally slaughter sorcerers on mass seing as their hpome world keeps getting attacked by them, but ok
And that's relevant to their hypocritical use of sorcery how exactly?.
>name a single time that happened ever in the canon
Logan's axe.
>the only possible maybe you get on that is logans axe which was cleansed as a fuck you to chaos and proof that you can come back from the darkness
Except the axe still clearly has Khorne's power in it.
>its pretty well established that the dark angles and SW have honour battles to the death annually, so what?
Not gonna bring up the time Logan killed a Grey Knight Grand Master over some civilians without even giving the guy a chance to fight?

Yeah, the concept of the black rage is metal as fuck.

>Because unlike other organizations that do that they haven't suffered any signficant consequences.
they had the grey knights sent after them and they kicked the shit out of each other, SW only winning because their fulll chapter of 4000 ish marines against the 1000 or less greyknights
>none of them have anything even close to the Wulfen apart from maybe the Black Dragons or the Flame Falcons, and the latter of them got purged while the former is on thin ice and generally avoids the inquisition instead of waving their dicks in the Inquisition's face.
why is the red thirst and black rage seen as "minor" mutations they are all mutations
>And that's relevant to their hypocritical use of sorcery how exactly?.
they dont use sorcery, they actively hunt them down
>Logan's axe.
still waiting on your proof, for the axe it was taken from a chaos space marine, please read some of the canon before you spout this bullshit
>Except the axe still clearly has Khorne's power in it.
what makes you say that? because it hurt magnus? if it was that easy then any khorne army could take the TS down
>Not gonna bring up the time Logan killed a Grey Knight Grand Master over some civilians without even giving the guy a chance to fight?
you already brought up the SW grey knight battle, i never refuted that, why would they give the uber marines a chance when grey knights are pound for pound the best space marines ever?

>they had the grey knights sent after them and they kicked the shit out of each other, SW only winning because their fulll chapter of 4000 ish marines against the 1000 or less greyknights
Do you understand what "signficant consequences" means?
>why is the red thirst and black rage seen as "minor" mutations they are all mutations
Because they're only psychological, Space Wolves are literally turning into
>they dont use sorcery, they actively hunt them down
They drawn their powers from a warp entity, that's what sorcery is, they're hypocrites clean and simple.
>still waiting on your proof, for the axe it was taken from a chaos space marine, please read some of the canon before you spout this bullshit
See the attached picture, It's khornate.
>what makes you say that? because it hurt magnus? if it was that easy then any khorne army could take the TS down
What even is this non-sequitor?
>why would they give the uber marines a chance when grey knights are pound for pound the best space marines ever?
I don't know about that, the Space Wolves seem to kick the Grey Knights asses every time they fight. Almost as if they have a horrifying amount of plot armour.