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Corax deserves love too edition

>Da Duncan

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So I'm finally getting started on my SoB army. What would you think of a paint scheme like this?

First for Scions

"Am i getting nerfed next edition?"

What have you been working on 40kg? Yesterday I put together some heavy weapons teams that are ready for priming

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Praetorian guard/10

I know it's probably all going to change in 8th but can someone explain for a noob what the deal is with Cult Mechanicus/Skitarii

Skitarii don't seem to have HQs. Do I have to use formations to play them? And can I use both robots and cyber infantry in the same army, or are they different factions?

I just want a small Admech army for chill casual games, some troops, a unit of big guys, maybe a tank.

My battlewagon has a 2+ save

Skitarii has a special force org chart of 2 troops, so no need for a HQ. They also have formations of course.

They are technically different factions gamewise, but there's a special force chart from the gathering storm books that let you field them together with no problems.

is that good or bad?

The problem with the Grand Convocation is that it needs a minimum of two HQs. Granted the Dominus is a great unit but if he wants to run a small AdMech army it might just be easier to run the Skitarii Maniple and an allied detachment or a cad for cult.

Never thought my intentionally dull cover would see this much use.

We've infiltrated this thread for the patriarchy

it would be better if the guy was alive, helmetlss and/or painted by grots but that's still cool

which part specifically ? it's a bitch that it's so fiddly to pair them together, but it works.
True, but seemed worth it to mention the option.

Nothing, outta my grey primer and I really don't wanna spend the same on delivery as the can itself.

I'd like to see the orks try and paint over him to match the stripes on the front of the wagon.

>Corax deserves love

I meant if the paint scheme works. I was thinking of making a repentia heavy army.

Oh woops, mistook you for the user asking about Admech.

I play 30k EC, so i love a paretorian guard look personally.
Should look allright on sisters. Don't know about repentia though.

Thanks for the advice. I figure a start collecting box is probably the way to go here.

shocking paint job, but the dudes themselves are so sweet i'll forgive it

I need lictors to kill those pesky ratlings, and I need them NOW.

Today is prolly melee weapons, right?

The start collecting box at the very least can be run as a formation that is included in the box even though it's cult mech and skitarii units. The whole thing with AdMech being two different armies is one of the weirder decisions GW has made in recent years and them having units from both armies in the Skitarii SC! box is even weirder.

My first purchase was a canoness and two repentia engines, I'll post pics of them later when I'm finished painting.

I think naked ladies draped in purple curtains could work.

AdMech is one of, if not the best faction to just buy 2-3 SC! Boxes if you decide to actually build a proper army for them. You can never have enough Skitarii and Dunecrawlers, having a second Dominus just in case is also not a bad idea and you can just sell the extra Tech-Priests off for a profit.

And in return for having a great value SC! box we also get 45 point walkers that cost $50. Because GW can't pass up the chance to say fuck you players of all armies at least once.

That's what I mean by not nerfing. If everyone else is getting stronger, then let Eldar maintain status quo.

Anyone else got fucked by geedub changing "rest of the world" prices from UK to US?

It's not "everyone else" getting a buff, it's the system as a whole, which means Eldar will be carried EVEN higher.

Lolno who buys direct?

Unless geedubs is "listening" to the community and will nerf Eldar after years of whining from the playerbase.

My entire judgement of whether or not GW succeeded with their goals in 8th edition is if the Lictor goes back to being the pants-shittingly terrifying motherfucker it was in 2nd edition. All other concerns are secondary. That's like the holy grail of Tyranid player requests, it's been probably the number one thing people have asked for since the fucking 4th edition Codex was still being teased prior to release more than, what, 12 years ago?

Just do it, GW. Just give me my fucking assassin bugs.

I live in a Middle East in a gulf country to be exact. I welcome all things being in dollars. Cheaper for me.

The pound is atrocious.

>edition is favoring spam of low strenght high penetration weapons, hit and run tactics, all purpose units and multiple overwatches

>people somehow think eldar and tau aren't going to be strong as fuck

Everything got 30% more expensive for me, fucking geedub

I know those feels, hivemind.

What are you talking about? Eldar is a lot of high strength high penetration. Ever heard of Pulse Lasers? Bright Lances? Prism Cannons? D-weapons?

Turn 1 charge, assaulting from vehicle/reserve, no d-weapons and small arms fire killing wraith constructs = Eldar fucked.

How are you preping for 8ed? I bought hades drill, and planning to buy 10 ratlings, 1 more sentinel and some artillery.

Not giving GW any money until confirming Eldar is competent and not nerfed to hell because of you whining babies.

We don't have a clue what it's favoring because we don't have the context of the rest of the game, army-wide rules, points values, or anything like that. There is literally no way to tell what is good and what isn't at this point. EVERYTHING is changing.

Buying up doomsayers armies on the cheap.

Let me know when you put it on ebay.

We know geedubs is basing its decision on community feedback, and the most vocal out there are the pussies who's whined incessantly about Eldar and Tau for years. Yet they play Gladius, Wolfstar, Deamon spam or whatever disgusting cheese that's worse than Eldar and Tau.

I'm not buying any more models until I actually see their special rules. It's not even a matter of doomsaying, I just don't have the space for a bunch of models so I try to just buy what I plan on using.

They've pretty well confirmed daemon spam is getting nerfed through facebook comments.

Good thing Gladius, Wolfstar, and Daemon spam are literally all confirmed to be deleted from the game too, then, you pansy Taudar faggot?

You still deserve the nerfbat harder than any of them.

selling my dark eldar to start sisters of battle

I'm having a tea party, and the tea is boiled with Eldarfags tears. So, so delicious.

That's nice, they're nerfing certain builds from other factions, but they're nerfing ENTIRE RACES of Tau and Eldar.

Holy fuck I just noticed the filename and kekked.

>the fabled Taudar
Cheese has never been this disgusting. And I'm French, so that's surprising even for me.

...possibly? Which is good because those entire races are either bullshit OP or unfun to play against or both?

tg mamadou

good riddance.

But those certain builds were the only real issue aside from gravspam. And really the only thing people complain about Tau in 7th is riptide spam and suits being objectively better than vehicles, unless you honestly think they're nerfing every single Tau unit just because people say they don't like Tau.

Tau and Eldar SUCKED for more than half of 40k's existence. Why can't they just level the playing field (which they're already doing by buffing everyone else) rather than nerfing ENTIRE RACES because of faggot whining?

Who say's they aren't just leveling the playing field? We haven't even seen any Tau or Eldar profiles yet, calm your xenos tits.

>48" doesn't need LOS
>Penetrator bullet 4d6 mortal wounds
>hits on 2+ rerollable

Nosin personal, kid

>But those certain builds were the only real issue aside from gravspam
Exactly. There's no need for 8th ed. They should have just updated older codices instead. Abort! Abort!

every single time Eldar has gotten new codex it has been top tier till new 40k edition fucks it over.

>forgot pic

We're taking back control

If only Doomrider could come back, instead of Doomsayers...

>no need for 8th!! lets just update codex every 5 years instead!!!!

-no one ever

How about no. Eldar only started even smelling top tier when it got Wave Serpent spam.

Amen brother

how about you kys elffag ? i hope your army is so nerfed that you just quit the hobby.

When did Tau and Eldar suck actually ?

>Tau and Eldar SUCKED for more than half of 40k's existence.
This is blatantly false. At their worst ever, which was only for like a single edition out of what is soon to be 8, Eldar were mid-tier.

Tau had fucking Fish of Fury and then 6th happened.

Unless you literally played Tau in like 3rd edition, you don't know what it's like to have an army that sucks. At their worst Eldar was never even half as bad as Cruddex-era Nids or modern Orks, and at their very best oldnids and oldorks had nothing on the retarded level of dominance Eldar have had for the past two editions.
>Why can't they just level the playing field (which they're already doing by buffing everyone else) rather than nerfing ENTIRE RACES because of faggot whining?
Because those faggot races are overpowered to such an extreme margin that buffing the other races only brings them up from ground-zero to a halfway point, they still need to nerf the stupid strong ones down to that same halfway point.

And frankly the most abusive and overpowered units should get overnerfed to the point of being slightly unoptimized choices just to give the WAACfags a well-deserved kick in the balls. I'm looking forward to Scatbikes getting the fucking shaft.

I will powergame like crazy if Eldar (which I played very conservatively in 7th ed; footdar, occasional wraith host, no jetbike spam or Wraithknight in

Eldar: Literally fucking never, don't listen to knife-ear queers. They're so used to being spoiled that the one time their Codex wasn't in the top top tier they thought they were garbage when they were perfectly playable.

Tau: Only early on. By 5th edition they were doing good.

Really in all honestly I would have been 100% ok with a reworked 7th. Trim down unneeded rules, give vehicles armor saves against glances and rework/remove the vehicle damage table. Though desu GW probably would have fucked that up so just starting over again is probably a more reliable way to achieve some sort of balance.

I had more issue with individual codeces in 7th than I ever did the core rules desu.

Like they didn't get raped by every assault army in 5th ed, right?

Oh no! Look out gaiz! The Eldarfag is gonna powergame like crazy! He's so brave!

And your puny army is going back to the shelf. Sorry not sorry.

They didn't, you're just fucking bad at the game. That's why you don't realize how ridiculously strong those races are right now, because your deficit of skill makes them seem more fair.

When was that devilfish craze again ? You know the top cheese using them in a totes broken way. 4th or 5th edition, something like that.

If only that affected prices in NZ. $48 NZD for a lictor, fucking shameful

Hahahaha holy shit keep it coming, I can hear you choking back the sobs as you type.

I played BA and GK and ate Taudar for breakfast.

It was in 5th unless I'm badly misremembering somehow.

>played the Ward Codexes that were super OP back when they were fresh off the printers
>now plays Taudar
So you ARE one of those bandwagoning WAACfaggots. Thanks for confirming.

4th edition. Tau were absolute dogshit in 5th edition

your food cost pennies and housing out of china-auckland is nearly free.
So eat that dick and stfu

I pay $50 USD for a single Dragoon. GW pricing sucks balls at the worst of times.

I still play BA and GK. I like it fluffy so it depends on the enemy whether I play imperium or xenos.

And IIRC tau were ok-tier in 4th.

>How are you preping for 8ed?
Painting more Fiends of Slaanesh

They are my absolutely favourite unit, I can't wait to use them again.

everytime i see that model i imagine instead of hopping from cover to cover he just lugs that same bit of rock around the battlefield with him when he moves

>Preparing a squatted army

What for ?


You forgot Starcannon edition and Falcon edition.

>look mom, I'm memeing!

Tau are mid tier.
The issue is they curbstomp low-tier armies and shit tier players

So as much as I am usually optimistic about what 8th Ed could bring, with no shooting Characters unless they're the closest target or have more than 10 Wounds, what are the chances that Tyranids will have the "Shoot the Big Ones" rule brought back, and/or 11+ Wound Hive Tyrants?

Especially with Cruddace working on rules.

I built a Chimera yesterday but then I wasn't sure if I wanted to glue on the Multilaser or Heavy Bolter. Still got one more tank and another chimera to build for this weekend.

They're actually top tier, it's just that there's a pretty big separation between top tier and top TOP tier where only the very big boys like optimized Eldar and Daemons get to play.

They probably will get STBO back, but only because they would be fucking unstoppable without it (assuming that GW is telling the truth when they say all armies are getting buffed up to a proper level and will play the way they're intended to). The cornerstone of beating nids is killing the synapse - if you cant target the synapse as long as one dirt-cheap, possibly free-spawning, possibly RE-spawning gaunt is in between you and them, you're in some shit.

Or maybe they'll just give Hive Tyrants a dozen Wounds which is honestly a decent trade-off when you consider Tyrant Guard will still be around.

>be me
>be user
>play orks
>they're not great but at least I like their aesthetic
>go to my FLGS to play a game with some other guys
>played against Tau, it was fun but he won because of his gunlines
>getting ready for another game when I see a dark-skinned gentleman of african ancestry walking up to me with his white caucasian girlfriend
>he displays his brand new Guillimarines to me, all painted beautifully enough to make Duncan jealous
>why not I guess, what could possibly go wrong?
>turn 1, he tables me on my turn thanks to the new Guillimarine Soul Burst rule
>I run to the bathroom crying while he and his white girlfriend start making out on the table


I hope it's either melee weapons, or some weapons with special rules: meltas, snipers, blast, etc.

I wish they have the rule, but Hive Guards will be able to 'look out sir' in some way for them

They are definitely going to be 10+ wounds, since they were never meant to hide inside normal units and they need enough wounds to survive at least a couple of the lascannon shots
I could however see the Tyrant Guard having some rule like "You can't shoot the Hive Tyrant if this unit is 6" or less away from it"