>female soldiers
XD no wonder IG suffers more casualities in one engagement than Red Army during the entirety of WWII if they are led by women. Or imagine having TWO female commanders in one battle
>ugh Major Stacey is such a bitch I can't even
they wouldn't cooperate for shit and the fuck do they have guns for if they have such slow reaction time that before they even aim their flashlight the enemy is already murdering the Basilisk crew and the outpost is lost. Maybe they are in IG as pet fuck toys.
Female soldiers
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Theres little to no female soldier.
And thats a good thing...
It's understandable. The really promising recruits get snapped up by the Little Sisters of Purification. The Guard has to take what's left.
it's a wonder sisters of battle ever get anything done at all lol
bitches be like, "who cares about demons? she talked shit about my hair!"
3rd party get out.
You think having a dick would save her from nids and shit? fuck off faggot
>long, flowing hair
>no beard, despite all SW being hairy fucks
>worst primarch
Russ confirmed for having no honor, like a woman?
Oh good god. I hope if they do add female space marines, they call them that. Just to piss off feminists.
It will.
What is this thread about?
>Neckbeard future school shooter who never did any group work
Listen, kid. Guys can be as bitchy and back stabbing as the worst women. I was slandered by the head of another dept just because I worked under a guy he disliked. Maybe you should go back to lurking for another 3-4 years, until those pubes finished growing, eh.
True, a woman of valor would join the SoB.
>sandnigger woman
lmao what is her name? Allahu Akbarina?
>they have such slow reaction time
The funny thing is, compared to elder, space marines etc reaction time human reaction time is negligible too. So it doesn't matter if you have tits or not you still are going to die.
>it is a women have -4 strength bait thread again
Having female soldiers in the Imperial Guard makes sense for the kind of wars the IMperium fights.
You can send 50 million male soldiers to a battlezone and after 20 years without reinforcement they all will be dead. But if you send 25 million female soldiers and 25 million male soldiers into the war zone, after 20 years you could have more soldiers than with what you began.
It's impressive that you have never met an actual woman in your life.
You somehow managed to make a even more embarrassing post than OP.
I've met my mom.
That's a good point. But if that's the case then they should keep the women in the support roles, away from the front lines.
Remember to sage before posting.
We've all met your mom
This level of frustration (and probably mommy issues) amazes me.
And I thought people on Veeky Forums were older than most of the other boards.
Meanwhile, the level of reality denial doesn't amaze me at all.
Biology exists. Women are physically less capable for combat than men. Move on with your life, nigga.
Fuck off back to gaia online faglord
>What is this thread about?
Reminiscing about how much better Veeky Forums was when we had quest threads on this board.
Warp storm can also fuck your travel so your soldiers are stranded in nowhere. Atleast with female soldiers they can start a new imperial world.
And I guess this is standart tactics because of the war of attrition the Imperium fights. War takes a long time in 40k. There are reasons why some worlds are classified as war worlds because the war are waged here for millenia.
Well, if all the men are killed someone has to defend the position. Ancient celts style.
Why does she "Was"? That's terribly rude. If she is asking her superior because she didn't correctly her orders it should be "Wie bitte"
I know right?
Girls are icky
I literally do not know how these plebeians got onto this fine board. This is an insult to the grammar of the board. It is proof that /b/tards really are of low intelligence.
>being this homophobic
oh no I'm not kink shaming. I fully support OP's decision to suck cock, he's perfectly entitled suck, suck and suck away to his hearts content and more power to him.
Sucking cock makes OP happy and that in turn makes me happy
>Some people actually believe gender is a social construct
We all hate niggers but making a thread just to proclaim that you hate nigger is obnoxious faggotry.