
>Brings a Titan formation to a "narrative" game
>T 20
>W 50
>SV 2+
>Opponent sends fabious bile into combat with them
>he hits first due to assaulting
>wounds on 6+ (because everything can do that in 8th
>I fail my save
>His weapon is Instant Death
>Remove Titan from the field
>Remove other 2 Titans after failing battle shock

Looking forward to 8ed everyone?

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Fucking rulefags. We are sick to death with the rules we want to know what happened to our setting. Throw us fluff bunnies a carrot already.


stale pasta is stale user

It's getting to the point where an 8e thread just wouldn't feel right without this particular bit of stupidity

Sternguard edition confirmed


cheese much?


Also are twin weapons really two wweapons stacked together and then and additional double shots at half range? So heavy bolters, according to that profile, shoot 12 times at half range? Make LR phobos better too with all those LC shots.

>brings a formation of flyrants to a narrative game
>charges an infinite number of grots with 60 multimeltas
>one gets killed by overwatch, psychic backlash causes other two to get really fired up

>His weapon is Instant Death
Assuming that rule will continue existing in 8th or FB's rules will remain unchanged.

.... soooo.... combiweapons.... awesome that very few faction have that. Why ever take a regular plasma gun or meltagun?

I'm gonna sit here and wonder what I'm getting as an offset. I'm sure other races are getting something.

Wish we could see some melee profiles. Or a twin linked profile. They just swapped the Landraider's TLHB for a HB with 6 shots.

And now you never run out of combi-weapon ammo? More fun for marines I guess.

Twin linked fusion blasters/melta squads are going to be devastating. Especially since scattering deep strike is gone.

>land raider gets four lascannon shots
>predator annihilator also gets four lascannon shots

Ok theyve updated the article its just flat double shots for twin weapons

Chaos Termis/Chosen are back on the menu!

>Why ever take a regular plasma gun or meltagun?

Because special weapon troopers aren't allowed them, only squad leaders/characters/etc.

So, Hurricane bolters are 3 Twin-Linked Bolters, right?

That means 6-12 shots per side on a Land Raider Crusader.
Pretty good. Not sure if it's going to be good enough with for a Crusader compared to having 6 Heavy bolter shots and 2 Lascannon shots per side.

I wonder if they'll change anything about Storm Bolters. Were there any Twin-Linked Bolters? Those would just effectively make regular Storm Bolters obsolete.
Also, how did Combi-Bolters without another weapon type work again? Pretty sure there were those, without any extra weapon attached, too.

>Ravenwing Black Knights
>twin-linked plasma weapons
Fuck. Yes.

Old combi-bolters were essentially what would be "twin-linked bolters" today.

also I'd be willing to bet that combi-weapons will be more expensive this edition.

They've already stated ID doesn't exist in 8th. Also that scenario requires the titans to all be in the same unit so as to have to make battleshock in the first place, and to have a leadership of at most 5 which is silly.

Combi bolters are probably going to be Rapid Fire 2

Storm Bolters I have no idea, maybe assault 3 or 4 because them remaining Assault 2 means they are the worst special bolt weapon.

Yeah TL as well i reckon

>nobz with 4 shots each
>warbikers with 6
>dakkajets with 18

You forgot

>The titans can't target Fabius with their weapons because he's a character

combi bolters will probably be two boltes stapled together with the combi table, so shoot 1 bolter at full ballistic skill or 2 at -1
While stormbolters will be the same as they are

they might make the new combi-bolters use the combi rules - i.e. you can fire both bolters, but you take -1 to hit if you do.

>we made blast weapons better against single units
>and worse against actual squads?

What did they mean by this?

Battle Cannon: now the weakest main tank weapon ever.

1d6 shot that have to score a 4+ to actually hit something. Lucky average of 1 or 2 models hit per turn. :(

>D6 damage
>if enemy is within half range you roll two dice for damage and discard the lowest



>Nobz with kombi-skorchas

I dunno about worst but I'm really confused by it. They seemed to try and balance its hit number with the number of wounds it could generate but because of their new 'streamlined' system and it came out mangled as a result.

If a Meltagun is S8 Rend 4 Damage D6 we can work out approximate Flyrant stats

60 Multimeltas
3+ to hit modified to 4+ for snap shot, so 30 hits each generating average 4.2 wounds = 126 wounds
3+ to wound assuming T6 or 7, so 84 wounds go through.
If it has a 2+ save, that's 14 saved and so a Flyrant has T6 and 70 wounds.


>Warhammer 40,000 has no shortage of things that go ‘boom’. Whereas once these weapons would have used a template, in the new Warhammer 40,000, these are resolved much faster by just using a random number of shots. This represents either how many warriors are caught in the explosion, or how direct the hit is on a larger single-model target. Otherwise, these work exactly as any other shooting.

>Explosives tend to work pretty well now against both numerous infantry and large individual models, but not as well against either dedicated anti-infantry or anti-tank weapons.

Thank god! I fucking hate these templates with a burning passion.

>my rokkit buggies now have 2 shots
>they are as likely to hit as a space marine

the vendetta now shoots 6 times with its lascannons

>twin-linking now doubles shots


even though it isn't technically twin-linked, I wonder if they'll make this heavy20

>That Autocannon Russ gets 8 shots
Sweet jesus.

>Kastelan Robots
>9 Phosphor shots
>18 Phosphor shots per robot
Oh boy. Here's hoping their AP 3 translates into a -2.

It also does d3 damage. Those 2 hits turn into 4 wounds.

>Remora Drones


Hope they balance that thing. And flyers in general.

Combi-Flamers seem really fucking good. Only losing 1 on the Bolter roll and still hitting on a 4 is pretty fucking good for d6 Flamer hits.

>Biker armies get even more broken
>Crisis suits can Quad up on 2 TL weapons
>Wave serpents back on the menu with TL Scatter lasers
>I'm definitely missing some other TL shenanigans
Hyped and scared at the same time.

>Land Raiders' fire power is now doubled
>combi-weapons are not one use only
Aww yisss

Combi Skorchas are better.
Welcome to da age of Nobz.

As far as we know two hits means, at best, two infantry models killed. The d3 wound are applied on the single models.

>Land Raider Crusader
>12 shots on each side
>6 shots on front
>30 shots per round of shooting
>and a Multi-Melta


Combi- seems kinda OP in general. Are they really going to make underbarrel launchers copying special weapons strictly superior to actually having that weapon? Cause thats what it sounds like.

First new rule that seems really jarringly bad, imo.

It's better at killing big things, like heavy infantry and monstrous creatures.
I do agree with the sentiment though, they really are playing blast weapons very conservatively. Maybe they just want to nerf artillery, but I do want to see the basilisk with at least 2d6 shots or auto-hitting.

>Boltguns do not rend
The only thing of worth is the Assault Cannon now.

So they made battle cannons more of an anti tank weapon than a way to mop up mobs but, with it still has a chance to blow away a couple dudes on a good roll. I guess we'll see the eradicator/exterminator taking over mob work, and actually point our tank cannon, at... tanks and tank equivalents?

>new rule
it's not new, it's straight from 2e

>Double tapping combi bolters
>TL Reaper Autocannon Now fires 4 shots, as many as the assault cannon but at 1 extra strength.
Are traitor Terminators great again?

>Crisis Suits can quad up
No they can't. They have 3 Weapon Hard points.

That won't spread over, so killing two gooks at best.

>Or a twin linked profile. They just swapped the Landraider's TLHB for a HB with 6 shots.
They literally said that's because twin linked weapons now double the shots you nincompoop

Oh sweet chaos gods this!
Rev up those teleporters because the black legion is ready!


>The d3 wound are applied on the single models.

That's not how it works in AoS, and this edition seems very much like AoS with a lot of minor improvements and a bit more complexity.

Those 24 Bolters will still average on 5-6 wounds against T4 3+ units. Considering the Crusader's guns are primarily meant to soften things up, that's decent.

8 shots on the front brother, them's assault cannons.
>A pimped Storm raven does exactly this with an extra melta shot, while flying, and still has 4 missiles to back it up.

(Commander, I mean)

First rule for the new edition, then.

They did the same with flamers

They've stated wounds don't roll over in 8th.

Unless they can't take twin linked options anymore (which will probably be the case) nothing's stopping them from taking two TL weapons and firing both.

Of course this shouldn't be the case and we're all just throwing shit at the wall.

As long as the Land Raider has 15+ wounds and 10+ toughness on a 2+, I am fine with that.

Crisis suits could already take two weapons instead of twinlinking one. It doesn't change much.

At least in 7th, TLing takes an extra hard point and normal suits only have 3.

Those wounds do roll over in the game system these multi-damage weapon profiles are being nicked from. No reason to expect they won't here.

If we keep current weapon purchasing rules, a single commander could have two twin linked weapons and fire the equivalent of 4 weapons worth of dakka a turn. He could have 2 TLs before, but previously they were just two rerolling weapons.

Meltaguns seem to have taken a bit of a nerf at anti-tank. 50% chance to actually wound a tank and could, at best, take off half it's wounds.

Though I suppose they are better now than they were when they were shooting at monstrous creatures before so take buffs with the licks.

A TL'd weapon takes 2 hardpoints user.

How good/bad it is largely depends on how expensive they make combi-weapons relative to regular special weapons. But like in 2e, I definitely wouldn't expect them to be bargain prices anymore.


T9 2+ is my guess. Seeing as the morkanught has 18 wounds, the raider will not have more than 15

>So, as we can see, the bolter does a single wound per hit, and so is optimised for shooting models that have a single wound themselves, whereas the lascannon, one of the most powerful man-portable weapons in the game, kicks out D6 damage, allowing it to blast chunks off large vehicles and monsters and kill light vehicles and characters in a single hit. Against something like Guardsmen or Orks though, this formidable damage output will be wasted.

I'm wondering the statline for Exorcists.

d6 shots, d3 wounds, -4 AP seems my guess (Since they already had random shots and AP 1 ends up at -4)

I mean, in theory they could be d6 shots, d6 wounds -4 AP (Since meltaguns got d6 wounds too as AP 1 weapons) but that seems unlikely due to all those shots it's piling into a poor bastard.

Ah, that does change things then. Yeah, the battle cannon does look bad in that case, unless there's a lot of multi-wound infantry out there.

That doesnt explicitly say that damage doesn't roll over. It could mean that heavy firepower is rare and is wasted firing at basic units

>Vulture with TL Punishers
>40 Shots

Well, Terminators are W2 now. I think we can expect a lot of heavy infantry to be multi wound.

Comedy option, get a perfect set of rolls and it can 1 hit a Morkanaut.

If a lascannon devastator squad could put out 4d6 s9 wounds into infantry squads it would hardly be wasted. Better than heavy bolters even.

Better than 60 multimeltas

Yeah, I'm wondering if it will be 'Heavy' or 'Elite' that gets the second wound.

I could see them giving badass elites (Scions/Seraphim/Chosen) a second wound like how characters got 3 generally.

It does say that elsewhere in the article though.

>Damage is a big change. This stats effectively lets a single hit deliver multiple wounds to one model
>to one model

>using S9 shots on infantry
>meanwhile tanks are ripping your shit up

Win the battle, lose the war

Bolters only shoot once now so a hurricane bolter shoots six times.

Its certainly possible that damage wont roll over. It would even be interesting. Im just saying its not clear and theres no point in making assumptions until we know for sure.

>Buh, buh it doesn't EXPLICITLY

>play Grey Knights
>No dreadknights, instead play a dual Land Raider list for all of 7th
fuck....I think I just came

You only think it's bad because you never played in 2nd Ed when that was just what a combi-weapon was. As long as it's pointed appropriately, it's fine.

Weight of fire is still a thing.

God, I hope that's what a Reaper Autocannon is going to be, but somehow I doubt it.

Hits affects how many models it hit, damage is how many wounds it suffers. A battlecannon against a single target hits D6 times, each dealing d3 wounds. So a battlecannon can theoretically inflict anywhere from 1 wound to 18 wounds on a single target.

It's a giant fucking tank shell.

They still double tap at half range. The Extra Militarium faction focus entry told us how the rapid fire rule works now.

>10 marines meet 10 chaos marines.
>Both behind cover
>10 shots each
>3+ is 66%, so 6-7 hits.
>3-4 wounds as 50% wound.
>2+ save due to cover.
>It statistically takes multiple turns for marines with boltguns to kill even one of the other.
Surely this isn't the case? What am I missing?

Bolters still have Rapid Fire 1. Means they shoot 2 shots at 12" range, so 6-12 for Hurricane Bolters.


It is the case. Special/Heavy weapons will be far more important now.