From the Stellar theory thread I found something interesting

From the Stellar theory thread I found something interesting.

FairX is presumably going to be a decentralized Fiat Crypto exchanged on the Stellar Network utilizing the native asset (XLM) for trading pairs.

After viewing the source code on I found this

> You were smart to look here.

Can you take on the next step?

ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBOKGEKYjpEGmRrtoGdf79CJljyk1y/GbMFCXt9AoKnk5Lw9r5Snv63xYZ5WLBNkozVe4sNLXIaUGti/pMOy4akk=

Can we figure this shit out, Veeky Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

this is just shit

Theory comes from this thread

This seems very interesting user, nice find. Bump.
Where did you read about it using XLM natively?

Seems like an encrypted hash?

would be sooo fkin nice to buy crypto with fiat!

Monitoring this thread

XLM is the native asset on the Stellar Network.

Stellar is highlighted in their Twitter header.

Michael Dowling registered FairX.


Tell me if im correct here. FairX opens Decentralized exchange. I can buy XRP, LTC, etc etc using USD and those will be tied to XLM? Compared to currently we must use btc/eth to purchase and they are all paired with btc?

does that make sense? If so does that mean more people will have to purcahse xlm therefore increasing price?

Yep. Just hodl XLM this shit is a sleeping giant

And theyre doing ico's. And ATMs in africa. And issuing fiat tethers on the chain. Shillomg this on boz is pearls before swine, faggots.

>Sned bobs and vagene

Ive got quite a few xlm and i plan on holding but it gets tough seeing some other shti coincs go up 100% all while xlm seems to be bouncing up and down in the same range.

Oh well im holding either way. Lets hope xlm overtakes ripple in 2018

Would this undermine XRP or complement? They seem like direct competition but also their use-cases are diffferent just enough to not fuq wit each other

>This seems very interesting user, nice find. Bump.
>Where did you read about it using XLM natively?
>Seems like an encrypted hash?
This was discussed on Reddit a month ago

Maybe complement, But desu XLM is superior in every aspect.

Pls correct me if im retared but..
Who even cares if this will exist, seriously?
once Omise release their plasma DEX+payment systems (currency agnostic) why would anyone use this XLM-specific shit? obviously ride the pump but this isnt actually a big thing long term right? or am i missing something

OMG is inferior to XLM. Do some research and you'll agree, I'm sure. Confirmation bias can be a son of a bitch to get past, though.

It doesn't have to be XLM-specific. But it's very likely we see XLM pairs, which would be the best way to trade.

Fastest crypto out there. Lowest fees out there. It's the natural evolution of things.

XRP is literally centralized banker shitcoin, XLM has the advantage of having the practicality of bank use but still be decentralized

Will FairX compete with bittrex or coinbase? If its coinbase with low fees and no bullshit xlm is going to $5.

Im not aware of any exchange besides coinbase that allows fiat to crypto purchaes.

and FUCK coinbase and their fees

what do we do with the encrypted key?

ECDSA is elliptic curve digital signature, how to?

I sent the key over to some software engineers/mathematicians that I know. Hopefully I hear something back

I am assuming we need something more to decrypt, but they are telling us what protocol they used.

Whatsup with the string... There are two "/" in the sequence of characters, could mean something?

Yeah, i'm not sure - math has never been my forte; they wouldn't put in in the source code without it being able to lead to something

Yeah exactly, I am actually taking information transmission and security at college (encryption and that). Will talk to a professor when I get back to uni to ask.

Someone should post it to reddit and see what they come up with. I only lurk and don't have enough "karma" to post on /r/cryptocurrency

Agreed, I don't have an account on reddit. Could you not post on r/Stellar?

I'll give it a try

I'm too much of a brainlet for this shit but maybe this is useful

Looks like they're on it: