/cyoag/ - CYOA General

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Pick Redeemer if you hate women, I guess. Not sure why it's the greatest sacrifice since you get your perfect utopia afterlife whereas if you pick Herald, you will just be annihilated.

Whatever, I'm not going to write several posts of analysis this time, I'm picking Interstellar and getting off this gay planet.

How would you save the world?

Someone asked for this in the last thread.


First for word-y

>not letting the shitposting just die
fuck you





You don't "side" with the Callers. You become one after waking up to find your dick has been chopped off, your friends are dead, and you lost years of your life.


Friendly reminder TSCZ will never be real

a golden hook would be expensive but low quality

That picture really jiggers my triggers, my nigger.

Just because you wake up as one doesn't mean you need to stay one.

It's because of the brainfarty part of making it time stop, which I have always struggled against when trying that CYOA

If it's any consolation, although you've lost years of your life, you haven't lost years of your lifespan. You'll probably live longer than you would have otherwise, assuming a Defender doesn't kill you.

What do you mean?


Because of how realistic it is.

>He doesn't want to be able to go ZA WARUDO

Look at this flamboyant gay person


>can turn the time stop portion of it off at will
so you're retarded?

How do you stop to be a caller?

You can't have internet despite turning it off, because of the assumption that you won't turn it off is ingrained in the CYOA

If this was about cucks would it be called For the Sake of the Bull?

I agree.

During time stop you can fuck all the hot guys you want and it wouldn't be gay because the gay sex took place in a paradoxically non-existent period of a time and therefore never took place at all.

Only true homos would not want time stop because they want their gay sex to exist in a temporal sense.

...what the fuck are you talking about. Are you okay?

>A Paki as Captain Britain
>Not a Bengali

This really activates my almonds.

>fossil fuel
>inorganic matter
i thought they were organic

You don't side with them, you ARE one.

The sides are simply reconciliation or genocide.

Keep in mind the average cyoa author has sub130 IQ. They can barely be considered sapient.

>organic matter
the author was an idiot

>Drake (Rage)
Berserker time is best time.
>Bane (Caller)
Because it had to be done. Also, implying Callers aren't just another Fiend.
>Medium Melee (Axe), Medium Gun (SMG), Stealth Armor, Vitals Chip, HMD.
A good, strong axe for cutting up anything that gets in my way. SMG is for thinning out herds, or weakening tough guys at a distance. Stealth Armor makes me a more difficult target. Vitals Chip and HMD is some sweet tech to make me more effective.
>Humvee (Mounted Minigun)
Gotta make sure we get to the target site in one piece.
>Special Ops, Service Personnel
Spec Ops for clandestine operations, Service Personnel to make our base better.
>Alarm System
Having a good alarm system means we can rest easy, when we get to rest.
>Retype Weapon (Acid Axe), Nanomachines
My axe doesn't so much cut through stuff as it just corrodes. That shit has got to hurt. And the Nanomachines keep my humvee rollin'.
>Melody Shepherd
If the Callers want to kill us that badly, then fight fire with fire. I'll side with the equally kill-crazy Melody.

They are made of organic hydrocarbons largely a product of dead organic matter many millions of years ago.

So yes.

Describe your favourite type of waifus in cyoas. Edit this pic if you want a visual aid.

The nonexistent one.

You can't use the internet inside your time stop chill zone because it doesn't have any way to connect to the internet.

Alas, nobody has drawn my waifu yet, and I'm too cheap to get a comission

Run an ethernet cable through the portable hole or whatever custom entrance you made.
Are you actually retarded?

Attitude aside, which authors are considered to have the highest IQ's?

That never stopped Royal Revival. I remember than one time some anons were trying to figure out how dimensions were related by the fact that an internet connection was possible.

How about a picture

Is there a female equivalent to finding out your cyoa husbando has a small dick? Not that there's anything bad about that!

I love that artist desu


The fujoshi has a confirmed IQ of about 140.

SDA is probably among them, judging by his love for number crushing.

To do that you have to give up the teleport type entrance and have your place open for anyone to enter or escape at will if they find it. That's even worse.

Creepy, pale, and with lewd bodies.

Even better if they have some sort of horrible defect that isn't conventionally attractive.

>become a superpowered royal in a beautiful, magical kingdom full of desirable princes and princesses who want your dick/clit
>dedicate your life to finding a way to access Veeky Forums

Short hair is hardly a defect unless she can't grow it any longer.

that guy is just wondering what the fuck that white foam is and hoping its only whipped cream while pretty sure it's something else

I love you.



she can't cook.

She has an ulterior motive for being with me.

I'll accept any physical defect, but knowing I'm just a means to an end really ruins my mood regarding a waifu/companion choice.

she's getting fat and/or has a flat ass or lame thighs and refuses to diet or exercise to fix it

This broad covers it pretty well.

I'm going to amend this: she literally has no sense of taste and will never be able to cook no matter how hard she tries.

A large clit.

finding that your cyoa waifu has small dick(feminine)

>equating a physical defect with a personality one

from what i've gathered the female equivalent is being a roastie

I just want to find a way back to Earth to increase my kingdoms size

The original post didn't ask for physical defects, it asked for the equivalent of a small penis in a male to female comparison. This is highly personal since there are presumably some women for whom dick size is not the be all end all of value and a direct appreciable is impossible.

So I don't really know what you want me to say. I guess really grotesque burn scars or obesity would turn me off.

The kind of girl you'd take to a High-impact murderfestival & fuckathon. Also Verse from Tyranny.

I have jungle fever.

The original post asked for the equivalent of a physical defect that more or less only applies to having sex, and even there it isn't completely exclusionary. It makes no fucking sense to respond with what kind of personality is a deal breaker for you, because you were neither asked for a personality trait nor about what a deal breaker is to you. It struck me as somehow ironic that you started talking about something completely incomparable.

>become a superpowered royal in a beautiful, magical kingdom full of desirable princes and princesses who want your dick/clit
>wishes to connect this world to Earth because that definitely won't end in worldwide destruction

>Not even Tiny's new design

This pic pretty much sums it up in more ways than one

Hells yeah.


>The original post asked for the equivalent of a physical defect
>that more or less only applies to having sex

Both of these statements are patently false, the post never used any such language. You clearly have no idea how language works and cannot be trusted to convey a message using words.

But magic is comparable to Earth weapons your onee-chan says, and people have no protection from curse magic


Speaking of, it's been almost a week since I made my last Traveller. Time's a wastin.

How do people feel about a CYOA that includes references to other CYOAs?

Thank you Jesus.

I think what you're saying applies to you a lot more than it does to me. I think that post probably struck a nerve or something, which is why you're responding to it irrationally. But that's just my impression and we aren't getting anywhere, user, so no need to continue this.


Big, strong, with confidence, etc bonus points for 2D brown.

I like snu snu.

Blank template.

All depends on how well you handle it.

You are forced to be one, not making a choice

>a template applies better than anything else

99% sure it means mankind rather than just the male half of the species. Assuming that's the case, Redeemer is GOAT, since it doesn't leave the results of this opportunity in my flawed mortal hands.

Does someone have the newest copy of PACYOA:TE?

Dark brown well-muscled tomboys with playful yet affectionate personalities.

Saiyan or KL. Also good CYOA bro.


That makes sense, it looks like they mostly want you for you invitation, not because they like you. Especially Annabelle since she pretty explicitly want to use you to meet the nobles she could marry.

Actual brown. No spray tan moeblobs.

Freebies: [Room essentials]
Internet isn't explicitly said to be included, but it's the sensible assumption.

I do it all the time, so I'd hope it isn't disliked.

>But tons and tons of makeup

I've fallen quite far, but I do not apologize for such transgressions.

Sure, why not?

It is. They hate you for it. Even the people that say they like it. Especially those, since they're laughing at you.