What is the worst thing this man has done for the world of Veeky Forums-related content?
What is the worst thing this man has done for the world of Veeky Forums-related content?
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be someone who people can have opinions about. fuck you if people make opinions about you. you do nothing but cause trouble.
Failing to use his huge audience to give exposure to lesser known but still worthwhile games?
Wil Wheaton isn't satan. Tabletop might be cringeworthy, sure, but it isn't bad for traditional gaming. A bigger audience and market for boardgames and roleplaying games is a good thing. People might play different games, or in a different style than you prefer, but that's not a bad thing, it's just the variety that innately exists between human beings.
I just wish they wouldn't keep defaulting to the standard, already well known stuff and instead find some worthwhile indies that could actually use the exposure.
Be skub
it's so hip to be against white people these days
Who's this guy and why should I care ?
Wil "Cursed Dice" Wheaton.
Do shows on a filthy cum stained couch?
Convinced parts of it that he has any relevance to it whatsoever.
The camel is guilty of similar crimes
And then showed their (I think) oldest kid a recording of the sex they had, while sitting on said cum stained couch.
By convincing a horde of masses he's done more than he think he actually has.
Endorse Felicia Day.
>his huge audience
Go to bed, Wil.
I'm not saying that's a good thing, but it's factual. That show gets a shitton of views. They could at least use that to promote actually interesting games.
Hey OP,
What have you done to improve awareness of Table Top RPGs and Board Games?
Nothing? Ok.
Fuck right off then.
Fuck off, Wil.
>Wil Wheaton has had a positive effect on Tabletop RPGs and Board Games
When you're done diving in Felicia Day's muff I suggest you get your ass back to rebbit posthaste.
He was the worst part of early Acquisitions Inc shows, derailing whole live audience shows with his autistic screeching of how much he sucked in their last game. You can see Chris Perkins being ready to strangle him.
The other thing I watched him in was the Lords of Waterdeep tabletop which again was him throwing autistic temper tantrums at the very prospect of loosing, going so far as to try to ruin a dudes birthday over it.
And so we'll hate him. Because he can take it. Because he's not our hero. He's a squealing loser. A whiney faggot. A Sperg Lord.
Wil, pls.
May all people who cause other people to have opinions about them, burn in hell.
Hey Wil, for what it's worth after seeing Force Grey kill you in effigy we thought it was such a good idea that one of our players has decided to play as a complete meddling dumb fuck kid ala Wesley Crusher.
Think about it. Take away any instance of Wil being a whiny prick and you'd be left with a better actor, a better gamer, and better discussion from him. He'd be less famous because he wouldn't be typecasted in so many Prick roles, which is kind of the point, and his games would reflect a far better mentality.
Good god. This is horrible.
Holy shit, look at that hideous pube beard, doughy face and awful haircut.
What happened to you, Wil?
He grew a hideous pube beard.
He's clearly shilling the big games. Until he pushes little stuff, fuck him.
Though Hardwick is shit as well, at least it was pretty funny when Wesley tried to pull the "I flew the enterprise!" card and hardwick shut him down with "Well I've met more Doctors than you"
The big bang therory ALSO "raised awarness" of D&D. Will Wheaton is to table top gaming what rainbow haired,problem glasses wearing landwhales are to feminism.
I don't care for him. He strikes me as being very full of himself, but that's about it.
A lot of anons are buttmad at him for introducing "normies" into their secret club, though, as seen in this thread.
'Normie' is one of those words that just makes me assume the person saying it is an idiot, if they're using it sincerely.
He doesn't have any self-respect so why should I respect him?
He begs for pity, like a fucking worthless freak.
Not shutting up when told to.
I'd say the worst was his blogging/tweeting. When he was on ST:TNG, he was playing a role-- ditto the rest of his acting. The world's full of actors.
His work on TT is a mixed bag. Some is cringeworthy and frankly I'm not a fan of it or what it's done to the hobby, but Veeky Forums neckbeards do a perfectly adequate job of filling the hobby with cringeworthy shit. It happens.
No, no. By far the WORST thing he's done is when he blogs/tweets and represents himself as some kind of spokesman for "the geek movement" to the public at large. His opinions on art, entertainment, culture, sports, politics, etc are all his own but it pisses me the fuck off when he claims to speak for me and starts spouting off shit that only applies to him.
Depends on where you stand. Idk, for me personally, his show helped get me into board gaming and subsequently TTRPGS. Yeah it's cringy and at times downright annoying, but I disagree with the disdain a lot of people seem to have for him.
I have opinions on that.
Guy who played Wesley Crusher on Star Trek TNG.
I'm pretty sure it comes from a number of anons' inferiority complex. They unironically use the word "normie" in a derogatory manner to try and make it sounds like they're better than "normies," or something pathetic like that.
Tabletop gaming isnt some rare, malignant form of cancer. It doesnt need awareness raised for it.
What value does introducing sychophants who need to glean their opinions from celebrities bring the community?
You mean anti skub
>after seeing Force Grey kill you in effigy
Doesn't that make him exactly our hero?
It does. It's really hard to find other people who like this stuff when you're out in buttfuck Tennessee
t. hillbilly who owns a copy of Qelong
Chris Hardwick made an autistic Sun Elf wizard who was named W'il Wee Tawn, and was annoying as fuck.
He got caught between a rock and a hard place.
Mostly I'm just annoyed he's a Smash Up card. I don't follow his blogs so I'm not really aware of his opinions on Stuff (aside from apparently being skittish about acknowledging that slavery...exists).
Table Top is alright, it's introduced me to a few games I probably wouldn't have otherwise heard of. The real hero of the series is the editors though.
I kinda felt bad for Chris, because he got shafted hard.
Film on a porn set
Yeah, but I feel like Mercer was done with his shit.
Which deck, I want to know which one to avoid
Can someone give me a summary of what happened? I'd rather not watch that shitshow if I can avoid it
Not saying WH40k is shit.
Be a smug cunt who thinks he's one of the guys because he hated Wesley, when in fact everyone hated Wesley AND him.
Not shutting up, Wesley
you mean endhorse, right?
>"over it"
>blocking anyone who says it
I think what he meant was "autisticly ass-mad"
Isnt he still in Finland or did the Finns finally get to him?
The Big Geeky Box is mostly a storage solution, but it does feature a lone "Geeks" deck. Wil shows up as the deck's high power card (and, to be fair, there was some marketing collaboration with Table Top at the time, so whatever).
It mostly annoys me because his card is just a pic of him on the Table Top set with a filter over it. Given that the rest of the deck is chock full of Smash Up's usual characterful art, it's just kind of jarring and unwelcome.
Of course, the Geeks are standard with the Steam version.
he has indirectly caused the creation of stupid threads by triggering massive faggots. faggots like OP.
it's almost like he wants to "redpill" people about /pol/ being "always right"
He got caught between a rock and a hard place, anonymous. Terminally.
so he's... the richard spencer of nerdism?
hey wil, when are you gonna make a homebrew?
Who is Richard spencer?
Well, at least i'm not someone who post images of Cuck Wheaton
the 'alt-right' guy that got internet infamous for being sucker punched by a communist. Alleged Nazi
I dont hate Wil, hell he gives run of the mill exposure thats digestible to the masses. I will say one thing though, i would never let this fucker touch my dice
Doesn't he openly endorse racial purity and do Nazi salutes at his speaking events?
Being alive.
He raped Gary Gygax
New blood can't be a bad thing. It's not like you're required to play with his fans.
ethno nationalism=/=national socialism
Devil's Advocate:
Adding different consumers may end up creating feedback to companies that end up "dumbing things down". Time and resources will be wasted appealing to the lowest common denominator, who will either leave the hobby and end up amounting the effort to nothing in the long run, or end up changing the hobby into something that has abandoned its roots.
There was a shampoo advertised to black people. The shampoo has different ingredients, since African hair is different from European hair. Expanding the market to non-Africans (such as white people) may have implications of formula change, which may reduce the effectiveness of the shampoo for their main, loyal consumer base. If they simply made more varieties while preserving the current line their veteran consumers are satisfied with, this wouldn't be a problem. I don't know if there are complaints about the shampoo itself prior to the ad showing a white girl.
I can't believe I'm pretending to defend racism.
"Hey guys I'm a liberal LOVE ME PLEASE"
He may be an uppity piss rag, but for the most part he's not wrong.
>indifference to suffering
Why am I supposed to be invested in the misfortune of people who i have no emotional attachment to and who might as well not even exist as far as I'm concerned? My sympathy extends to family, friends, and community.
Never voted Republican in my life either.
>"As Seen on TableTop" stickers on products at my FLGS
>on books and board games that aren't shrink-wrapped
>they're the kind of stickers that leave that horrible residue
I haven't seen a single episode of his show, but I'm convinced that this man is a marketing genius who has figured out exactly how to piss me off.
Because, but for the flip of a coin or the roll of a die, they are you. You should be thankful for the privilege of your position, and sympathetic to those who are worse off. I suggest starting with John Rawls and working your way up from there if you want to start seeing the world in full, and not just through your currently limited scope.
While this is true on a personal level it is a massive hypocrisy for republicans/conservatives to simultaneously want to be world police and then to become surprised when policing becomes more than dropping bombs. They want to be the big man to look to but pucker up when they actually have to take care of their mess. The left/liberals do this as well but hide it better.
He should also be embracing of the cuckold life style and donate his paycheck to the homeless transsexuals. Its only fair since he is a shitlord after all.
If that's the case, then you better find another place to buy your board games. Target or Walmart may have them. Maybe they'll think twice before plastering stickers right on the box.
To be honest, I don't want to take refugees, either. Not because they'll cause trouble, but because they're an economic burden. We can't even take care of our own, since the working class and the poor are forced to compete with each other while pasty fatfucks greedily amass obscene amounts of wealth, so why bother being a goody two shoes and force a third group in the fray.
The reason I don't like Republicans is because they run on lies. Democrats merely use secrets and pseudo-virtuous pressure, but Republicans thrive on ignorance and outrage.
Then again, I can't blame the voters, since Republicans use gerrymandering and voter surpression to reduce dissent, and rely on ideals over truth.
There are people suffering all the time, and our hands can only reach so far. Plus nature rewards ambition, not benevolence, which is why help is fleeting when it arrives.
If we want to fix anything, we fix ourselves first. America needs to be a good example before it can lead. One way we do it is by removing corruption and getting money out of politics.
He promotes whichever games give him money to do so. Plain and simple.
Are you 12?
The level of Naivety is astounding.
What I'm saying is that Democrats are not good, but they're better than Republicans as a whole.
What I am saying is that America is a VERY divided nation, and it's more than just SJWs and the Alt-Right. The last thing America needs is more people to hate or fear. I hope for a world with more connections, but the western world, let alone the rest of the planet, is not ready for it.
.>If that's the case, then you better find another place to buy your board games. Target or Walmart may have them. Maybe they'll think twice before plastering stickers right on the box.
They have a dedicated shelf for "As Seen on TableTop" products, complete with end labels and pictures of Wil Wheaton.
I'm guessing TableTop sends them out for free to promote their brand. Otherwise the store is fine, it's just those damn stickers.
Sometimes I watch Tabletop to get an idea if I should buy a boardgame.
Its nice to see people actually playing it.
There was already a trickle of SJW bullshit seeping into tabletop; Will turned a trickle into a deluge.
Showing your colors there, William.
For not shutting up, Wesley.
Except how do you propose to INSTITUTE your ethno nationalism, tool?
This isn't a race thing and if you honestly think it is, kill yourself.
Honestly I can't even really point to one thing, his DM'ing is obnoxious to me, him as a player was annoying. That's just the Veeky Forums related stuff.
I dislike him for who he hangs around with, his personality and political beliefs.
>A bigger audience and market for boardgames and roleplaying games is a good thing.
Wrong. We do not need a bunch of nu males, roasties, and other normalfags in the hobby, raping RPG campaigns for shallow enjoyment and rick-and-morty-tier shit humor, and creating a massive demographic for board game developers to pander to by dumbing down their games to be palatable to some Instagram cunt who is only there because she wants to be a "geek gurl XD," we do not need more people in the hobby, stop shilling this false crap, tabletop gaming is as healthy as it's ever been. No one who gets into this business for the money has ever produced a quality game, the people who make good games do so because they are passionate about them, not to earn a paycheck. All you are advocating for is the big companies who still make decent games to make even shittier games as they pander to the normie crowd. An example is 5e with its lackluster chargen, broken ASI advancement based on instant gratification (another normie trait for the smartphone generation) and the pro-gay pro-tranny shit to virtue-signal to attract even more fuckwits we do not need in these games. They lack creativity, they have nothing interesting to say or add, they are a self-serving entity, they will not improve the hobby, they will only encourage companies to make more games to sell to them rather than creating this supposed renaissance golden age of tabletop games that most of Veeky Forums has deluded itself into thinking will happen if we continue to enable the normie invasion.
>inb4 gatekeeper
That's a buzzword and nothing more.
The are you 12 argument is because user doesn't know how to respond to anything but the usual talking points that the far left use because that's all /pol/ knows.
I'm not an ethno-nationalist, but it wouldn't be hard to institute? How about just stopping all non-asylum immigration. And not give citizenship to asylums. Require all children to have both parents be citizens in order to become a full citizen. Shit like that.
Nigger the Democrats are JUST as bad as the Republicans. They both run on blatant lies, gerrymandering, identity politics, ignorance, outrage, and empty rhetoric. If you want to find a good politician, you'll have to look at them as individuals. I'm a Ron Paul fan, myself, but I rather liked what I heard about that Jim Webb fellow who briefly made an appearance in the Democratic primary in 2016 before the senile Communist and the lizard-woman ran him off.