You know what I haven't seen in ages? A "Humanity, Fuck Yeah" thread.
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You know what I haven't seen in ages? A "Humanity, Fuck Yeah" thread.
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It's that time of month again...
In b4 people call this stupid
What kind of HFY stories do you want written?
For good reason.
>You will never live to see Humanity control 25 million worlds.
HFY revolves around making aliens human-like, and mostly stupid, because HFY writers are hilariously incompetent at making humanity interesting.
And this makes me not like it how?
You haven't seem them because they're shit. It's just redditors reposting the same tired old greentexts over and over again in an attempt to feel good about their miserable lives because "hey at least I'm human and look how badass humans are lol".
Please don't respond to post like these. You're only going to encourage trolling instead of conversation.
Make some OC and go on with your life.
Inb4 the downers shit all over this thread.
It's okay to have inferior tastes.
I'll have you know all the good writers are out there, writing non-HFY stuff, and they're genuinely good at making humanity compelling.
Well, I guess that's the audience Veeky Forums has now.
I mean, these guys' only experience to HFY is reddit prior to this.
While funny, I can't imagine the next part of this story is anything other than burning out the lower decks hiigaran style.
Hiigaarans fucking knew how to run things sometimes.
What does human mean?
Human means never giving up. It's a drive that pushes us past what we should ever acomplish. It's realizing that strength can only make you so dangerous while intellect can give you the powers of gods.
Humans control how long we live.
Expanding our own lives unnaturally for decades past normal limits.
Humans subjugated to harsh weather learned to predict it and even harness it for our own needs.
Humans bore through the earth and find use for even the most obscure substance.
Humans leave the planet that we love to find harsher environments to exist in. To the point where human children dream of being the one to travel to the most dangerous places known to us.
Humanity means that we control everything, and even death submits to us. We won't die until we choose to.
HFY is fucking trash. Go back to r/HFY and stop trying to pump helium into this corpse of a writing prompt just so you can drag it behind you like a Macy's parade float.
user, you aren't allowed to shitpost like that on Veeky Forums.
This is good HFY.
>when you can't bench your bodyweight or ruck 12 miles in under three hours but want to masturbate to being born a human by circumstance
Oldfag here coming back to the board for 8e Warhammer. What is going on here? Is HFY no longer Veeky Forums material? I mean, we created HFY.
It's just all these pessimistic assholes who'd rather shit on every thread than try to contribute
If an alien race didn't have all those things, it would never develop the means to invade us in the first place, therefore "we never give up" is not a valid reason to explain humans winning against non-humans.
The aliens who live by the motto "we give up" would've gotten halfway through inventing the wheel, seen that it's a lot of work for not very good results yet, and accepted their fate.
Also, that's bullshit, individual humans give up various things all the time, and stubbornness can be a flaw if you stick to a lost cause for no other reason.
>when you can't bench your bodyweight
I love the various possible implications of this.
Humanity proving itself before the galactic stage and showing our worth to friends and foes alike.
I'm talkin real Star Trek shit, man.
Or just open the doors. That solves most of my problems.
t. FTL Captain
>You know what I haven't seen in ages? A "Humanity, Fuck Yeah" thread.
And we were having such a good run too
You mean a 'Reddit F*ck Yeah' thread
So you don't think that humans are badass? You have exactly three minutes to pack your shit and leave the thread before I whoop your asses. Not everyone is bitchmade like you faggots.
HFY is the galactic equivalent of being a shut-in emo kid convinced that he's a special snowflake with world-ending powers no one must know about.
The difference is that it's a response to earlier fiction tropes, where humans were always average or shit-weak. The beginning of HFY was "hey, what if we were actually really badass by galactic standards in some way?" The peak of HFY was using bits of actual science, like using the rocket equation to decide that humans were hevy worlders, or that certain biological adaptations that make animals on Earth scared of us would be similarly weird on a galactic scale. The death of HFY was realizing that humanity being average or weak generally makes for more relatable and compelling stories outside of those few niche areas already explored.
HFY can be good, you just need some basic imagination and writing skills.
All important species are herbivores. They naturally fear killing eachother as a result of millions of years of natural selection. Their wars end in a matter of days like the french revolution, as one side gives up first and the herd all follows before any serious bloodshed can take place. Military superpowers have figured this out and have usually won wars via scare campaigns long before they even mobilize a fleet or recruit an army.
Enter humans. Ghengis khan killed more people than ww1 and 2 combined, and all he had was arrows and horses. Now we have neuclear weapons, mustard gas, agent orange, stockpiles of viruses, machine guns and prototypes of lasers. Imagine what we could do now, if we really wanted to.
“Humans? Such a weird species. Nearly no stability in their builds, everything interconnected, very unflexible physically speaking. Just about average in literally everything. Yet… something weird happened with them. See, they had something we had never seen before; what they called… an opposable thumb. They were expert at manipulating tools compared to everyone else. They could manipulate Hyeragian tools, which were based on their tentacles, just as well as they manipulated the Antreos' tools which claw-based. And despite being nearly a thousand years behind technology when the Moreers found them and promptly tried to colonize the bastards, they were the first species to beat them back.
The thing is, the humans had an oddly developed brain. Their brain didn't seem to overperform in any of the functions we thought would give anyone an edge in any scenario. But their adaptability, that was oddly developed. Humans were adapters that took everything they could and gave their own spin on it and it would somehow work out. It took one Moreer ship, stranded in this odd habitat of theirs, completely inhabitable, a desert, in their words.
Within a day, one rogue group seized the ship and everything that was in it. They went through the water to their centers, and within 3 months every human soldier had weapons that were years and years ahead of everything they had known.
But did they stop there? No, they did not. They took that same technology they had discovered six months ago and started developing new things. You give the Moreens a hyperlight generator, they turn it into a weapon; you give the Gussins a hyperlight generator, they map the universe.
You give humans a hyperlight generator, they figure out how to make themselves undetectable. Ever attempted fighting an undetectable enemy? It is impossible to win. It didn't take long for them to join the federation, and quickly rise through its ranks in every area. We still don't quite understand how they did it.”
I'm sure the magical kids genre had good grounds for existing too, it doesn't mean it's not cringy when people actually believe it.
Here, have some good HFY.
Sage anyway because HFY as a whole is garbage
But to specifically: not to much like Trek.
Humanity proving its worth among other races but not proving any superiority or special snowflake shit.
Okey then , but you show those writing skills and imagination.
I assume that "Everybody else is X whats makes weak unlike us who are opposite of X" is example of bad HFY.
god man, fuck you. If you dont like hfy then just leave
>implying that humans getting along and just being regular citizens intermingling with aliens isn't the most HFY thing around
make yourself worthy of revival, and you just might
>implying they wouldn't be in normal HFY scenarios
I mean, it's also people looking up to a species that seems remarkably average compared to everyone else and how it manages to thrive under the impossible, not so much "FEAR US!" and all that stuff.
thats because it always ends up the same way
>we dont like HFY REEE
>we like HFY leave us alone REEE
x500 posts until death
its just too much effort for too little payoff, with it either being a new short story being shot down by the people that dont like it, and/or someone asks/finds a story they didnt have before
Let's see if I can make OC
Grace, perfection, and agility...throw that to the curb stomp on it then piss on it and you have human engineering in the 24th millennium. 20 terran years after the Corribans who found us Colonizing asteroids and death worlds around Proxima Centauri like bumbling idiots in our ships which were basically big murder boxes for those operating it, No really look it up 1 in 3 crew lost a limb 1 in 50 died and despite being a relatively young race in the galactic scene there were billions of us in space so the death toll of accidents surpassed the Terra-Mars wars. The Corribans took us under their wings and mentored us however instead of wisen-ing up and adapting the corriban doctrine of slow and steady ship building focusing on quality we instead said fuck that and continued on as we always do, by creating cheap and dangerous knock-offs of their ships. This didn't stew over so well with our mentors but what are you gonna do? Besides we were making a killing out of making shit ships for alien empires with a budget, Pirates, and rebel factions that was until now. You see the Corriban's allies the Las'Makra Hegemony have always had trouble with races subjugated by them rebelling and seeing as we recently became the Galaxy's used weapons dealer their problems became tenfold and they hated our guts for it. Now let's give credit where credit is due, the hegemony tried to settle things diplomatically and the United Systems council accepted leading to a sort of prohibition and left it at that which in hindsight was just stupid. 25 terran years after coming into contact with the Corriban and the rest of the galaxy we were thrown into a war we deserved but never really saw coming. The prohibition at first seemed to be working, rebels supply of arms and ships got cut off then came the Ship Runners, Ex-Pirates and Career Smugglers came into the fray serving as the middle man between shady corp execs and desperate rebels with stolen money to currency.
Panicked on the last sentence. sorry about that
The prohibition at first seemed to be working, rebels supply of arms and ships got cut off then came the Ship Runners, Ex-Pirates and Career Smugglers came into the fray serving as the middle man between shady corp execs and desperate rebels with resources to sell and galactic currency to spend.
>ITT people come here to be angry that the thread exists.
>"stop liking things I don't like"
It's just like the "I hate DND" people who go to every DND thread and tell everyone they hate DND.
Why waste your time? Why waste our time? Just don't go to the thread. Hide it and move on with your life.
I for one enjoy Science Fiction that doesn't portray Humanity as the weak or inferior, which is an unfortunately common theme, so these threads are always fun. The idea that another race would look upon ours, and our history, through the lens of their very different morals and life outlook, and say "holy shit an entire race of crazy people" is one that will never stop being interesting, at least to me.
But if it isn't interesting to you, or never was, please don't tell us. Just go away. Don't come and announce that you're saging (a rule violation) or just shitpost about how you hate HFY to try to pick a fight (a different rule violation). Just... go away.
So does your pic mean I can own niggers or what?
I've always liked the ones where humanity is peaceful, and getting along just fine with the aliens, and then something happens that reminds everyone that earth gravity is like ten times heavier than what is usually considered appropriate for intelligent life to develop or something like that. The actual war stories kind of bore me, I just like that sense of "oh yeah, these guys are really nice and all, but their species is a ridiculously lethal apex predator".
Not necessarily better at war. Just outside the normal range of sheer physical power and the day to day stuff of how aliens react to that and us to them.
This needs some heavy edits, maybe make the years longer
3 terran years and 15 rebellions Later the Las'Makra have had enough of it, so they declared war and that's where we are now. Now the Las'Makra was an advance and refined race and much like the corriban their ships heavily our classed ours, in crew safety anyway. You see while most corps focused on the cheap side of cheap and dangerous the United Systems Scientist embraced the danger now add that with Government backing and donated corriban technology you have the U.S Spacial Force. Overkill, Clumsy, and Dangerous Are words attributed with the human navy during Las-U.S War. Now Fortunately for the USSF Crew members still had a 1 in 50 chances of dying and 1 in 20000 chances of your ship's Anti-Matter Core, 1 in 5000 if your ships have more than 2, but they barely outclassed their xeno counterparts in speed and handling, immensely outclassed them in the way of weaponry, not to mention being cost effective when compared to their opponents ships which took decades to construct and immense amount of resources maintain. However this was not enough to tip the balance of the Las-U.S war in favor of the U.S as 2 terran years into the conflict the Corriban had joined the war in the side of the Las'Makra however it did not tip it in their favor either.
Pirates, every empire had them and human pirates were not so different bit what was different was the way our government dealt with them, enter the Privateer Act of 24657. This Act gave not just human pirates but all pirates from all across the galaxy incentives to attack and harass Las'Makrans and Corriban trading lanes and placed bounties on certain ships that had caused the USSF trouble all this added with the fact that the high demand for cheap knock off weapons has led to a new golden age of piracy to commence and a chance for belt-miners to become pirates of legend and all that you need to is thrust yourself into the stars and hope for the best.
>come into thread expecting heavy shitposting
>there's only moderate shitposting
I'm pleasantly surprised.
this is fucking great!
my favorite
HFY is like a boring version of /pol/ish ethno-nationalism. If I wanted to feel superior to some barbaric aliens I'd read the news. Fabricating new and exotic races for white people to feel superior to is unnecessary and everyone will just assume you're dogwhistling anyway.
But user, the glory of inventing alien races is to provide narrative viewpoint to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of man (Whites and Asians)
Comparing aliens to nogs is frankly insulting to the xenos.
Humanity is exceptional because they possess humanity.
Which is why aliens keep attacking.
SOMEBODY told them of the enormous power humanity could provide.
>lol racemixing is fun and totally should happen wow it would be great if everyone was a faggot and there were no races or cultures or thoughts that didn't make me happy
Again, drown yourself if you don't like reality.
Its nice to see this thread but it is regrettable that half of it has been cluttered by people who clearly don't like the subject or understand it, as made clear in their narrative of what constitutes HFY.
While HFY started as an inversion of a trope about human inferiority, HFY is all about examining some mundane aspect of humanity from an alternative perspective in order to affect the reader. This is done by using the perspective of an outsider and juxtaposing the mundane to a setting in which it is abnormal, or doesn't exist for the most part, in order to evoke a sense of wonder, admiration, or shock in the reader.
Put differently, the idea of HFY is to get the reader to see just how amazing, confusing, or dreadful something we take for granted is, by putting it in a setting where it is literally alien.
Thus we have HFY stories about music, cooking, love, drugs, religion, war, and many other subjects. Sure many stories of HFY are about violence or conflict in general, however as are the majority of stories present in every form of media (at least in perception) because of humanity's focus on conflict as it disrupts the mundane. Yet the kind of people who spam these threads gloss over the nuance of both scifi and HFY to present the narrative: HFY is only about war, truly alien societies would always be just like humans, aliens will always be superior to humanity in every way, and somehow failure to follow these dogmas is a sign of bad writing and liking the wrong things.
They clearly don't read HFY stories but insist on compulsively inserting themselves into these threads about a topic they don't understand or like because of their close mindedness, just so they can tell others they don't approve. Such people can easily be imagined as posting in other threads demanding that others stop liking what they don't like. Its quite literally autistic behavior and such people are truly what causes others to say that this site is going down hill.
If anyone cares to see more autistic / compulsive behavior go to the 1d4chan page for HFY and look at the page, its edits, and discussion. Its chalk full of people who don't really understand or like the topic trying to do everything, short of delete the page, to stop others from enjoying HFY.
>Science Fiction that doesn't portray Humanity as the weak or inferior, which is an unfortunately common theme
Thats lie. Most fiction always have some degree of HFY, even if humans are weak or iferior they end up being superior or special snowflake anyway. Like your picture but applied to humans realation with aliens (thats common with HFY OC too).
Your ideas always create bland shittty races who are not really different but more like designed to be shills for how awesome/crazy humanity is. If we are that to them, they should be that way to us too.
HFY is not free from criticism and shouldn't be.
HFY was why Asimov hated his publishers demanding that aliens be inferior to humans. So he just had robots kill them all in a secret mass genocide after they went to work in the shadows to keep humanity from having its feelings hurt.
>HFY thread
>No one posts the HMS Thunderchild
What has the world come to
Not true.
HFY didn't exist when Asimov was alive.
HFY is just a gay writing prompt that sad idiots keep trying to dig out of the ground because they hate to come to terms with the fact that even though they are human, they themselves are nothing special and nothing interesting. They need humanity to be more than it is so that they feel more than they are.
aliens better
Or maybe people just enjoy seeing humanity become more than it currently is.
I know that as a species, we have more than our fair share of flaws. Its nice to dream of a world where humanity has overcome them, even if it is only a dream.
The masturbatory air of HFY shit makes me nauseous. It's like turning the entire human race into a Mary Sue tier "better than all the other races" self-insert.
You know why you haven't seen a HFY thread in ages? Because it's garbage.
>mommy, mommy, save me from my self-hated
lmaoing @ ur life, cuccboi
>we haven't had a Reddit thread in a while
>lmaoing @ ur life, cuccboi
You should have been aborted.
>I don't understand why people don't hate [thing] as much as I do
Ever consider that the reason it keeps popping up is maybe because people don't share your taste?
>HFY thread
>30% reposts
>2% OC
>68% shitposting
Pretty much all the writers left for reddit nowadays...all that's left are salty faggots and oldfags pining for the old days.
t. riggered
Well most of the thread is HFY being shit upon, so people apparently do share my taste.
>associating with autists who need to scream about things they don't like
>Its nice to dream of a world where humanity has overcome [its flaws]
Your dream of a utopia is a world where humans are the same belligerent, tribalist fuckwits that they are today, only with bigger guns and more helpless foreigners to shit on?
>Put differently, the idea of HFY is to get the reader to see just how amazing, confusing, or dreadful something we take for granted is, by putting it in a setting where it is literally alien.
Thus we have HFY stories about music, cooking, love, drugs, religion, war, and many other subjects.
Which would be interesting if it wasn't almost universally written as masturbatory garbage about how AWESOME humanity is to the puny aliens
> Yet the kind of people who spam these threads gloss over the nuance of both scifi and HFY to present the narrative: HFY is only about war, truly alien societies would always be just like humans, aliens will always be superior to humanity in every way
That's a gigantic fucking strawman and you know it. A lot of popular HFY stories hinge on aliens being just like humans and always being INFERIOR to humans in every way.
One that comes to mind is the one with the alien girl getting fucked by some random human soldier, and it just so happens a bunch of normal human traits make humans glorious, unimaginably beautiful sex gods with unending stamina to her race, because they look a lot like her race's males except MORE and BETTER in every single way
Most != All.
>You know what I haven't seen in ages? A "Humanity, Fuck Yeah" thread
there's a reason for that
Because Veeky Forums has shit taste and chased away all its writers making OC?
You are not in a position to tell anyone they have shit taste if you unironically think HFY is good
>One that comes to mind is the one with the alien girl getting fucked by some random human soldier, and it just so happens a bunch of normal human traits make humans glorious, unimaginably beautiful sex gods with unending stamina to her race, because they look a lot like her race's males except MORE and BETTER in every single way
Yeah. HFYfags think they're some new and original creative movement, when in reality they're just repeating the same shallow Mighty Whitey wish-fulfillment narratives that Star Trek was peddling in back in the 60s.
>ruck 12 miles in under three hours
Did this once, thought about hitching a ride, but after about 4 miles it became a challenge. Hadn't had so many mixed feelings since the service.
>Yeah. HFYfags think they're some new and original creative movement, when in reality they're just repeating the same shallow Mighty Whitey wish-fulfillment narratives that Star Trek was peddling in back in the 60s.
Is this just proof that everyone who hates HFY is either an asshurt liberal or a jealous shitskin?
Is this just proof that everyone who likes HFY is an idiot incapable of thinking in anything but buzzwords and Veeky Forums memes?
I was going to say because the writers making OC realized how autismal HFY is since it is just an autofellatio fanfic on a grand scale, contributes nothing really as far creativity goes since it has been done to death, actively holding back the creative ability of every writefag that could try to play more with dynamics instead of going on the route that ends with "and we are great" that is still a hyperbolic expression of a supplementary feeling of unwarranted superiority.
But you know, your guess is also good.
>le epic humanity bro! xD