What would an elven hunter-gatherer society be like?
What would an elven hunter-gatherer society be like?
I wonder if we get a thread about Orsimmer too.
What do you mean by this?
Like a human hunter-gatherer society, but with elves.
Someone made threads for Dunmer and Altmer with the same artist as the OP. He probably doesn't really care about his own question.
>implying elves and humans are fully equal
And they'd probably qickly domesticate more species considering it would only take them 1 lifetime to do so.
Thus turning into nomads.
Like a human hunter-gatherer society, but prefer to live in treehouses rather than adobes and shit
I can't tell if the one in the upper right is extremely smug or about to murder rape something.
All elves live in hunter gatherer societies because agriculture was a mistake that lead to increased working hours and decreased quality of life in general. Elves are too smart to fall for the farming meme.
>Like a human hunter-gatherer society, but more arrogant and condescending.
>be elf
>don't farm shit
>hunter gatherer 4ever
>human farmers are multiplying
>weaker than human hunters,so who cares
>human start leaving grains on pots to get mold
>stupid humans lol
>humans start mixing honey,rotten grain and fruits for stupid human reason
>they drink the nasty mix in parties
>farming made humans even more retarded
>they make big villages to make rotten mix
>they are now throwing rocks on fire.stupid humans
>why their weapons are all yel
i'm working on an our elves are different setting right now with cannibalistic hunter elves. they aren't vampires like pic related, but they have sunlight sensitivity and a predilection for the flesh of other humanoid races. or should i say elfoid since elves are assholes. actually wait elves wouldn't want their name associated with other races. goblinoid i guess.
They are probably the better hunter but worse gatherer but it's basically the same procedure.
Are you actually retarded? Agriculture did the exact opposite of what you said.
Please don't bump the thread if you don't have anything to contribute.
no, i will.
Please don't.
you have no power over me.
But you have the power to let a thread with barely any responses naturally die and make place for threads that deserve more attention.
why would i?
Because it's a low-effort thread with barely any responses that was about to die several times, of which nothing really good, clever or funny will come out.
Kinda like the Tiste Edur from Malazan books.
yes, and i derive twisted sexual pleasure from prolonging its life.
But elves dont need sleep and are naturally good at sneaking.
They would have all the time in the world to progress their society.
>He believes the nasty brutish and short meme
Please don't bump the thread if you don't have anything to contribute.
Same to you, bud.
All the more reason to be slow as fuck. Having a limited lifespan does wonders to speed things up. It's like a work quota for life, only the reward is always death.
An all female elven semen hunting party would be pretty sexy.
They then bring them back to their homelands for routine farm and developing agricultural basis
Nice shitpost.