They've been collecting dust on the shelf for 10,000 years. But now, at last, vengeance is the on the horizon.
Post yfw.
They've been collecting dust on the shelf for 10,000 years. But now, at last, vengeance is the on the horizon.
Post yfw.
>18 years old model
>Driving sales
only 1 (ONE)
I always use my termies because I play what I think is cool. not what is best.
This mane
I'd field an entire army of unarmored cultists if they all had dope face tusks
Can't wait for the inevitable new Abbadon and his retinue of Rapenators.
>deepstrike 5 termies with combi-plas and Reaper cannon
>12 S7 shots, 8 with rend 3 and 4 with rend 1
>assault with my lightning claws
Post yfw abbadon gets better stats than rowbooty G
I'm honestly surprised they didn't put out a new Abaddon for the Fall of Cadia. Seemed like the perfect time to do it.
Chaos Destroyer Marines when
What's that? Oh! it's the mating call of the perennial loser.
>You blow up one tank
Well done, now prepare to eat 200 lasguns shots from my conscript blob, re rolling to hit with divination.
literally me
except my dudes have power axes. should I change to something else? I have no idea what weapons are good now in 8th
Well, I'm NL so I mostly use claws when I can, but we like axes, too. Hell, a single claw rounds the price up to 115 from 112on a termiecide unit. Axes are going to be better in 8th because they strike first on the charge.
what are some good books/lore resources for night lords material? any specific novel to check out first?
I am actually repainting my warband to be Night Lords: Hipster Edition, see pic related. they are apparently a night lords warband from 4th edition CSM codex, called the brotherhood of darkness. not much fluff on them besides "they have the same warband badge and their ship, sightless godling, has been sighted aiding a night lords fleet so they are probably NL themselves". I may go with claws on my termis as well, although using this brotherhood of darkness warband gives me an excuse to field non-standard night lords
The Night Lords omnibus is widely regarded as fantastic, and I agree. It should be in one of the 40kg megas, which is where I got mine.
Also, have fun painting that.
45 points for 18 shots?
alright, will check it out
pic rel is my test model so far, still gotta fix up the runes and change the shitty brown base to a darker color
seconding NL as one of the best 40k series. Sucks that ADB's 30k stuff is not nearly as good IMO
You're a madman. Well done.
I like my old school midnight clad. Apparently this is my most recent pic.
nice. I'm usually not a big fan of the HH mark IV power armor but actually it looks good there, it seems to really fit NL marines for some reason.
>he plays 40k to be the best there ever was
> best at ???
Yours is the unpleasantry that gives the playerbase it's damning reputation.
Oh God yes. I love MKIV for my night lords. It's just so fitting.
Competifags will be competifags bro. It's what ruined MTG, X-wing, Pathfinder, and D&D Adventurer's League.
I play Death Guard for CSM, but your respective skills with freehanding inspires me to keep trying with the tribal markings on my Carcharodons. Amazing work, guys.
>w-why cant everyone play to lose like me?
Talos is a ridiculous and insufferable Stu and its STILL one of the best 40k series...
You should also look up Lord of the Night, which is the OG NL novel. Some of the lore concerning Nostromo has been retconned/expanded upon, but its still a great book. There's also a cool NL short story in the collection Heroes of the Space Marines. The story itself is titled Nightfall.
Carcharodons: Red Tithe features a really good portrayal of them as villains. There are a lot of point of view sections for those plus some Adeptus Arbites characters, as well as the title chapter.
alrighty, I'm gonna read this omnibus first then check out those
death guard could have nurgle freehand too tho
No, you know what, how about we play to win right now: my Autism against yours. The winner is the one who has the last word and can browbeat the other with their argument. Right now I'm winning.
The omnibus was originally supposed to be a continuation of the LotN character so it hints at some of the background provided in that novel, but they're still entirely self-contained and fun stories to read. It was worth mentioning though.
I know, and I'm gonna get some practice in, but Carcharodons have really intricate tribal markings on their armour that's similar in the level of skill required to Night Lords lightning and those runes the Brotherhood of Darkness user did.
I didn't realize it took skill to paint a few jagged lines for lightning.
It does, the lines are layered with slightly varying thickness
I did the lightning above. I wouldn't say it takes skill, just a thin brush and decent humidity.
Keep up, treadtard. No more divination and everybody can split fire.
The Brotherhood of Darkness get a passing mention in the Ahriman novels. Ahriman served them for a time and they sacked an Imperial astrotelepathic relay, creating a permanent weakening in reality due to sacrificing all the psykers.
Older than that. The chaos Termies are 2e. And still the coolest looking minis in the range.
>chaos Termies are 2e
What? Chaos terminators were updated in late 4e.
omg stop shilling that mini in every single thread by khorne's sake. yes we get it you paint very average
Ah! After 10,000 years I'm free! Time to CONQUER EARTH!
Would it be poor form to have a daemon princess named Rita modeled with a funny hat leading my CSM?
Not skill so much as practice. My hands shake because of nerve damage so that's why I dread freehanding and respect people who can do it well.
Honestly dude the lion's share of freehanding like that is patience. You don't see many armies that include it on every model because it takes a while to get right.
I like them except the helmets. Is there a good alternative head that fits well for terminators?
>Would it be poor form to have a daemon princess named Rita modeled with a funny hat leading my CSM?
Not at all. Are they pledged to just one of the Four or are they Chaos Undivided?
I have nothing to contribute, except that these look sick as hell
Keep up the good work, anons
She already exists in AoS
Right now I have some 4000 points of CSM which are all over the place, bought and painted at different times. It would be more of an 8th ed future army, so anything goes.
I considered death guard previously because I really liked the rules, but nurgle is my least favorite of the four.
>tl;dr I haven't really decided yet, but I do know a few models I'd want to include (multiple helbrutes, maybe a defiler, and for sure raptors and consider ebaying off the 60 berserkers I will likely never field again)
This. The 2E CSM termies were metal and at first glance look the same, but were stumpier in general. The plastic kit gave them longer arms and legs and generally better proportions, much like the Loyalist update.
They've held up surprisingly well. I run a mix of CSM termies and Cataphractii and they look to be about the same in quality imo.
>They've held up surprisingly well
Lets see after another 10 years...
Well if there ever is a new update and the Scarab Occult Terminators are any indication of quality they should be great.
I keep changing the mini tho and asking for suggestions my friend. Get used to it because I'm going to be posting the whole army as I paint it
; )
>power rating
is this the new points? they said points wouldn't be gone, if so why rename it
>the sergeant has a higher movement stat than the squad
I guess it's good but weird. maybe it's just because the sorcerer is an actual human and thus has 6" movement speed, and rubrics are just 5" because they're slow automatons?
There's supposed to be two points systems, Power Rating is probably for "simple points" (some kind of estimated value for quick matches) while there's also full points for those who want more granularity.
>is this the new points? they said points wouldn't be gone, if so why rename it
They are the average points for narrative games. Basically you either go for points which you pay for everything, each extra model, each weapon etc or you go with power level for when you don't want to make a precise list and just take what you want.
Points are tomorrow's preview.
>Power Rating is probably for "simple points" (some kind of estimated value for quick matches)
Yeah, as we can see Power Rating is fixed for the number of Rubrics on groups of five, without differences for what weapons they have.
Points are going to be like we are used, with every upgrade or choice costing some.
You dark shaded brother of mine.
I too play with what looks best and with tactics I find most fun. Even if it costs me, I count it personal victory if I had fun during game.
Huh, Sorcs are kinda shitty psykers. Makes sense balance-wise.
That hasnt stopped them before.
Pic related.
Yeah, thank god it seems mortal wounds aren't going to be easy to spam.
that model isn't even bad except for the drivers which you could replace easily. I would probably strengthen that pole with pinning though.
Yeah. My major wonder right now is how the SOB Shield of Faith will work.
6++ saves are nearly impossible to get to (Only meltaguns remove the save entirely from power armour) and Mortal Wounds ignore Inv Saves (When shield of faith were extra effective against psyker powers before)
>read post
>think its about the loyalists from the heretical legions rejoining the empire somehow.
I'm slightly disappoint yet happy you're all excited