itt: we laugh a Guilliman for having a space elf waifu
Itt: we laugh a Guilliman for having a space elf waifu
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He doesn't have one. The last sentence of that little flavor text implies heavily that he doesn't trust her.
You're just jealous you don't have a hot space elf waifu.
Imperium-fag, please contain your fanfiction.
If we are going to have a primarch thread, we can at least use it to make fun of the worst primarch.
Those hips were made for bearing Prime-Eldar super spawn.
>yfw his new army incubating is a space marine/Eldar hybrid master species
I actually like Guilliman alot but his dick gonna get him in trouble
Angron and Logan are in an eternal competion of who their brothers and big E give less of a shit about. kek suck to be them
Not trusting is far above "hatred with such intensity he attacks on sight" which is the norm for humans towards anything that isn't an imperial human.
how dare you laugh at your spiritual liege
Which is not true considering that diplomacy and trade between humans and xenoes happens.
I'd like a Space Elf waifu. Not that one, but one might be nice.
He doesn't. Virginal retards desperate for fapfiction pretend any male-female interaction (or female-female reaction) that isn't immediately killing each other is romance.
Rogue traders are the sickest of fucks.
Doesn't matter , I banged.
Planetary governments deal with xenos all the time and don't always shoot on sight, as much as xenos don't automatically attack.
Sounds awfully heretical.
I can see how the most isolated worlds watched over worlds could become so depraved.
which one? anyone that won't dwarf a 5'9" manlet
>Tolkien state never sued GW for using the term Eldar
Eldar has meanings outside of the Simarillion
Damn, I was hoping for an easy way to fling shit at them.
To be fair The Emperor's human waifu was reincarnated as Macha after her human counterpart was killed in a car accident.
Unlike Guilliman, Emps puts his full trust in the elf to bridge the gap between their two nations.
Have they had THAT scene yet? You know, the scene where Guilliman places a hand on hers, and the touch lingers, and they share a glance, then Yvraine says she has to go because her people need her and Guilliman says, no, you can't because I need you and then a single tear rolls down Yvraine's cheek and she says I'm sorry and turns and leaves him and then Guilliman stands there by himself for a moment and then looks up at the stars and promises that he will destroy Chaos once and for all so that they wouldn't never need to be apart again. That scene
Do you think Big E would kill Macha to get his girlfriend's soul back?
I don't think this is how anything works.
You need to calm down
No, but there is a scene where he fucks her in the dirt next to a dead Bloodthirster.
I doubt it, since theres a small chance itll end up in a Tau.
So I haven't paid any attention to 40k lore in years.
What happened this time?
Cadia blew up, Creed is Pokéballed by Trazyn, Gulliman returned, Creepy mixture between Eldar and DEldar happened, Slaanesh is being hunted by a new Eldar death god.
Adding more hair makes her better to look at?
It surprisingly does.
>he never heard of 'new GW'
>he doesn't know to where 40k is being steered
You poor, poor user.
There is nothing indicating that there is something going on between the two.
His name is pronounced raw-boo-tay because his elfu is a futa.
Who are your favorite primarchs?
Mine are logar, dorn, pertuabo, and fulgrim
Perturabo is definitely my favorite since he's probably the most relatable. Along with him I would say Horus, Lorgar and Sanguinius.
More Yvraine
Soon, the Eldar will be able to taste superior human dicc without backlash.
Yeah, no. A human must be complete shite at sex compared to an Eldar. Aside from this being nothing but masturbatory fapfiction for Imperiumfags with self-esteem issues
Please, I'd rather a Necron waifu any day.
Best waifu
>Eldar and DEldar
Didnt that happen in the endtimes too
Whats with gw and wanting to merge elves and evil elves
More models to buy for those elfdar players
>evil elves
That's a redundant statement.
DEldar - Neutral Evil
Eldar - Lawful Evil
I mean, it's not the WORST plan..
If she came on her own and not as part of a $125 set GW would be making mad dosh.
>mix humanity and Eldar to the point both are pretty much the same race right after
By the Emperor how horrifying.
At least it isn't tau.
My brid boy, Horus and Rob
You would get humans of which 0,000000000000000000000000001% have somewhat pointy ears. There will be no mix.
>toeless legwear is canon in 40k now
>mfw this is PRECISELY my fetish
Dorn, cause he's the only guy who really acted how the Emperor wanted.
Angron, cause he shows the damn space wolves how to do "muh savage barbarian" done right.
Third would be a tie between Lorgar and Fulgrim.
Lorgar cause "Religion, hell yeah!", and Fulgrim, because "Perfection, hell yeah!"
Also, I dig the Bromance between Fulgrim and Ferrus Manus.
First off, Eldar males don't dick their women.
And second off Astartes probably beat them anyway, even in speed because this time the astartes are naked
I think Ferrus Manus acted how the emperor wanted. So did Horus and Fulgrim before the Heresy.
That's more than the entire Eldar population committing to mon'keighing around.
Nice headcanon about everything you said.
Yeah, agreed....
To be completely honest, the reason Dorn is my favorite primarch is probably just because I play Black Templars. Guess thats also why I like Lorgar and Angron, gotta have "muh faith and fury"
>sex is about being fast
Oh you poor soul.
>we laugh a Guilliman for having a space elf waifu
you know you're on elf-slave-wat-do Veeky Forums, don't you?
/d/fags should be gassed desu
Yes, I remember all the three threads yesterday that didn't get deleted. Good times.
Where in that post I said it was about speed?
Do those exist?
Oh sorry, let me try a second time.
>implying Astartes are humans
>comparing a primarch with a regular human
>comparing an asstartes to a regular human
>questioning Bobby G. suave ways
>implying is all sex in a relationship
t. certified retard or assblasted elf player
isn't Guilliman still a virgin?
Not after he met what's her name Yvraine or whatever she's called.
Why is Rowboat played by Martin Freeman?
Yvraine a cute! A cute!
oh god how delightful
Xeno whores get out, Guilliman belong only to the most faithful of the childs of man !
Human waifu's simply cannot compete.
Why didn't he go for the superior Living saint over a space elf. I though Guilliman was renowned for his judgement.
At least human waifus have noticeable breasts.
>I though Guilliman was renowned for his judgement.
But he just demonstrated that yet again ?
Gee, choose wisely user:
>A religious zealot, emperor this emperor that all day erry day, will get on her knees to help you pray when asked, vanilla.
>A selfmade leader of smug pricks and has cool toys and spells, crazy flexibility and master of techniques and pleasures unknown to mon'keighs, dat ass, plays hard, can help you create the future race of uberbeigns.
>Aside from this being nothing but masturbatory fapfiction for Imperiumfags with self-esteem issues
Yet you are here every thread, to protect your precious fictional alien elves.
St. Celestine is a saint on the streets and a heritic in the sheets though
bonus points for actually being pretty and not a xeno
Tiny head
Pic not related.
If he could drop his voice a bit and act in a role that isn't "Incredulous and Exasperated", he'd be decent.
>a heritic in the sheets
Does that mean she'll try to hold your hands during cuddles ?
>Saint Celestine
Wasn't she killed in Karauva by Gorgutz?
how about these ?
Yes, but all the soft fleshy are removed
They'd probably like it,the filthy degenerates
How are you supposed to have sex with that?
No, you're not seeing the beauty of it: Girlyman was Martin Freeman all along. The normal demeanor always an act in front of humans, and him getting away with all of it by reputation alone. In front of Yvraine, or probably any Xenos he's plain old bumbling Martin "Arthur Dent" Freeman.
>even Girlyman couldn't save the Hobbit