What questions would you ask people in an interview for your game to detect and weed out autists?
What questions would you ask people in an interview for your game to detect and weed out autists?
How would you feel about encountering something or experiencing something that that deviates from established lore or documentation?
>do you frequently use the term "cuck"
>do you post on Veeky Forums
>are you unable to do 30 pushups
If the answer to any of these is yes, fuck off
I only tell people I've known for 10+ years that I post on Veeky Forums.
If someone used the term "autist" and didn't mean "is on the autism spectrum", I would probably decline to participate.
These are good too
I ask them what they would ask in an interview to weed out autists.
Do you repost the same Veeky Forums threads weekly?
Do you have autism or Asperger's?
>Do you like 4e?
What would you do if your character died in the first encounter?
For the most part I tell them what the game will be like and ask them if they have any issues with that. If it becomes apparent that they can't put themselves into a different headspace, into the mindset of a person with drastically different values, they're out. Done and done.
Just because I'm curious, how is the ability to do pushups relevant to roleplaying?
I homebrewed my own system and put in a "seduce" stat as a red flag for any player who uses it. I literally described the skill in the game as "Literally the same purposes of Persuade, but with your genitals."
It generally shows me when someone's going to try and be fetishy in the game. But usually I'll excuse it anyway unless it's the primary social stat they use.
I run a one shot with them. If they're a sperg they don't get invited back.
Wouldn't have to question people, I don't play online, and can pretty much tell from how people interact with others weather or not to invite them to a game.
>How frequently do you shower?
I really wish I didn't have to ask, but it's been surprisingly helpful.
What are your hobbies other than gaming?
They should only have to do the pushups if playing a high-strength character.
I would ask "Do you have autism?"
Is this a trick question? Because I can't actually think of anything more autistic than running RPGs online for strangers instead of playing RPGs only with your friends
I'm unable to do 30 pushups and I go to the gym regularly.
It's something you git gud at though, I used to do 60 a night but it fucked my shoulders up somehow.
Who says this has anything to do with playing online?
It's not.
>Letting strangers into your house so that you can play together
Even worse
Not strangers, friends and acquaintances
Why would they come to my house? We can game almost anywhere, park, library, game store or maybe one of their houses but your first thought is to bring people to your house. Why?
Subversive, nice...
So I can't play hetarai-styled, subterfuge-using, social predator, because your fundamentalist dad beat you one too many times with the good book? Uncross your legs and grow the fuck up.
I'm imagining a scene where someone makes all their friends wait in line in their living room as they interview them for the 'tism before taking the winners to the park to play some outdoors Exalted 3rd Edition
I think you actually have autism
The point is that you wouldn't be interviewing people for your games if you had friends to be playing with
So I should kick myself out?
>can lift 100kg with ease
>cant do more than one push up.
I have really weak chest muscles, jeez
Basic stuff really
I bring up basic rules first
Incharacter fighting and arguing is fine but never IRL
No bringing up politics, religion or sports
Don't mess up my place and don't stink up the place
And if they fail to follow these rules they can get lost
If they can follow those rules I'll work with so that the whole group has fun
Ten push ups
Have aspergers. This would almost always work.
>wtf what do you mean i can't be that guy
I'm happy you aren't at my table.
I have coffee with them with the group. If they pass the initial "not a fucking nosferatu level autist" test they get to play.
We're pretty open about giving people a shot but I tend to only allow 3 sessions of shitty behavior/bad play before booting folks.
I say only as inevitably I have to convince a few members of the group, but never paying for food while eating lots, bland to non-existent roleplaying, and assuming rides that take a person 1 1/2 hours out of their way is a no go in my books.
Or literally being some kind of super autist sleeper cell waiting to shit up a campaign from behind the scenes. Fuck to you rick.
>can lift 100kg with ease
Yes, and? Are you a woman that this stat is somehow impressive?
>are you unable to do 30 pushups
If I can do more than you, I get to play whatever I want.
Most of my friends aren't good players, sounds like you just don't have standards