Your party is stopped by a few guards. They ask for your identification. What do you do?
Your party is stopped by a few guards. They ask for your identification. What do you do?
Show them my identification.
Kill the guards, I have no time to be stopped.
Sometimes wholesome mind control is just the easier option.
Roll to seduce, same as always.
>Sir, we do not accept Ewok Fanclub membership cards
Do as they ask.
They work for us.
GM handwave
Firstly, the guards need a MR 140 vs fascination because the damned Warrior Summoner has Arachne, aka the dress that draws all attention to the wearer.
Secondly, the WarSum points to the poster on the town's bulletin board depicting her victory in the Imperial Combat Tournament, the Tao Zahn.
Then she signs autographs.
The Mentalist goes unnoticed because Elan with Uriel makes him effectively a D`anjayni. At least until he accidentally puts a ball bearing through five pubs again.
The Warlock is busy back at their home, trying make better gear for everyone, while simultaneously acting as the town surgeon and trying to avoid getting Snu Snu'd again by Manah Razz.
Make up some bullshit story about how the local authority figure has summoned us for assistance
Am I being detained?
"It's OK, they're with me."
If that suffices remind them that rules are rules and they need passes regardless, then give each guard 3 days' arrest and latrine duty for the rest of the month.
Ask for their identification, how do we know these are real guards?
>Good morrow citizen! May I see some identification?
aw shit... i think I left it in the cart
>walk 2 minutes to their right
>go around them.
>"We're just the scout group returning, dood. Gotta get this report to Master Etna or she'll turn us inside out, dood."
>"Yeah, what he said, dood."
>"What about the yellow one? Never seen a prinny that yellow..."
>"Scouting mission to Paint Netherworld Ross, dood. we shoved him in a paint puddle when he ate our last sardine, dood."
>"Y-yeah, what they said, plip!"
>"... Plip? Wait a minute..."
>Several Prinny Bombs later.
>"Way to screw it up, dood."
>"Sorry, plip."
>"Last time we pal around with one of you Toto Bunny prinnies, dood."
I cast telemorph other and turn them into lolis.
"Like hell you don't!"
Well shit. I don't have a past anymore. Uhhh... I have a BJ's membership?
Am I free to go?
I give them a stare and if they still persist, tap my rank badge.
I am a baron. I don't take shit from troopers
Great. Now we need to see everyone's identification.
Dragonborn rogue character I made: He shrugs and says "Nah", turning around and walking away to find a workaround.
Human paladin I made: He shows him his scroll of knighthood.
Disney never bought LucasArts. No remakes of Episode 4 were ever made.
Well Travel Papers are part of an Adventurer's Kit so... alright.