What is the Banshee yelling at the Catachan man?
What is she saying?
Get back here nigger, I'm not done showing you how a real woman use's a spear.
Is there even a need for her to stop moving and not stabbing him?
Tuscan Raider Noises!
>Does this armor makes me look fat?
You are the father.
Also I'm a man
Man: Uuuu...Father....for..rg..give...my hersey..!
I would commit that Heresy!
The Eldar won't until Ynnead tells her to.
Not canon.
Let my tell you about my character she's really cool and an assassin and she is super dark and broody because of her Tragic Past which I'll get to in a second [..]
>What is the Banshee yelling at the Catachan man?
She's just trying to turn his nervous system into mush. Sure, she could just stab him, but why do that when she can use her Banshee mask ten times instead?
The only correct answer, confirmed by GW
Probably just nagging him to death
I imagine they're screaming
>*autistic screeching*
she just likes using the mask's amplifiers.
>taking a wrong turn in the webway
> It's Banshee Time!
>This is Sparta!
>Yasss Queeeeeen!
There's probably more catachans hiding in the undergrowth. So she's just going to yell until everything nearby is dead instead of poking at bushes for mon'keigh.
God damn it i was about to post that. Still glad i wasn't the only one who thought about it.
>Did you just misgender me, cis scum?! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
This is unironically a great song.
I got zero idea what they are singing about, but I like it.
Was this what the pre-fall Eldar were like?
>harlequins performing the song of their people
She's screaming because he just gave her a really sweet gift, but since she is unable to properly express her feelings she tries to push him away instead.
I confess that I find myself somewhat dumbfounded that something this surreal exists as actual, real-life musical entertainment rather than as a joke in a sci-fi film used to demonstrate how strange the culture is in the future.
Are we living in science fiction?
>[autistic screeching]
Our world is basically already cyberpunk, just without all the cool and neat stuff and less overtly dystopian.
If you want to see the dystopian tyranny of our world, you have to actually dig a bit into shit the mainstream media and their narrative won't show you.
The shit going on in Syria was the final nail on the coffin in which my trust in western establishment and the media rests in.
>hey baby
>ummm try again sweety I'm an exarch
>well how Bout you make like my ex and arch your back underneath me
Oh, I know, it just kinda boggles my mind when I see this level of cultural lunacy. It's like people have stopped trying to make better art and become obsessed with making increasingly novel "art," beauty be damned. It's a crappy situation we're in, frankly, and it's made worse by the fact that the dystopian bits are actually subtle. I haven't become a full-blown Luddite, but the Southern Agrarian view has increasingly started making a whole lot of sense to me.
The fact that I can quote Sister Miriam from SMAC more or less at random with an even chance of the quote being relevant is deeply disconcerting.
The fact that so many alpha centauri quotes, chiefly among the "Beware of he who would deny you access to information" quote from Pravin Lal, are so fitting to this day and age, makes me feel immense dread for our future.
Lal definitely had some good ones, too, but I'm seriously bothered by how increasingly relevant Sister Miriam's warnings are. Technology isn't inherently evil by any means, but good Lord does it escalate the -potential- for evil.
Why does she wear the loincloth?
Is that armor crotchless?
>Want to live in a cyberpunk setting
>World becomes cyber punk
>The tech is disappointing and the distopia shit is so subtle normies can barely realise it.
End it all senpai
>And IIIII will always love youuuuu
>People were wondering if we should be worried about Orwell's warning of the future coming true or Huxley's
>turns out it's both
>and almost nobody cares
True. Shit like the NSA spying on everyone and CIA murdering people by hacking their cars and forcing them to crash would not be possible without technology.
It's the fucking worst ain't.
When Snowden leaked the shit about NSA, there should have been widescale rioting in the streets of USA, but instead there was nothing.
At this point I pretty much hope for ww3. It seems like the only thing that has any chance of freeing us from this horrifying path we are being set to walk.
The world better not end before Zone of the Enders 3 comes out, or I will be very cross.
It's really the natural result of the Progressive movement. "Progress" at any cost is extremely dangerous, especially when people start to think that they can make everyone's life better by doing just this one little thing... After all, what's one minor restriction on free speech if it leads to a better society, right? Privacy is all well and good, but what if it gets in the way of rooting out bad people? And so on, until eventually you inevitably reach the point of "Why should consent be required for such beneficial procedures?" [NOTE: I have seen transhumanists actually make this argument in favor of mandatory augmentation if/when it becomes possible, this is not a straw man] and "What's a few thousand lives in the grand scheme of billions?"
People shit on the South all the time for being "stagnant," but perhaps cultural restraint might have some value after all.
Oh fuck off back to /pol/ with your nonsensical prattle. You people are so fucking inane.
>>The tech is disappointing and the distopia shit is so subtle normies
It's more cyberpunk than we could ever have hoped for.
>Holy crap, people are really abusing technology
>It's dangerous to value 'progress' over human life and freedom
In what conceivable way is this /pol/
Or do you just deny that people do terrible things in the name of progress and that those terrible things get more efficient with better technology?
What is the correct course? Unrestrained "progress" regardless of the cost in freedom and human life?
That's not what "progressive" means in a political context. I suspect you know this and are not posting in good faith.
If you have nothing to hide, why should you be worried then?
Rural Southerner here, every day it gets worse and worse, technology has begun to subvert society, and I fear that eventually it will be too late to reverse the damage that's been done. I'm considering moving to rural Alaska and living out the rest of my days there, but I can't bring myself to abandon my friends and family like that. Mankind wasn't meant for this.
I say this in the sincerest possible way, and can only hope that you heed me when I say, wake up.
Individual freedom > collective safety.
he seems to be talking about scientific progress, he didn't mention social issues once in his statement, and he's voicing valid worries over privacy and a future where humans are obsolete
if we're not in a cyberpunk dystopia yet then we will be very soon, surely you have to see this
That really depends, actually. The Progressive movement was a double-edged sword, and emerged from industrialized cultures. On the one hand, it aimed to help those alienated by the industrial system - a laudable goal - but later on, progressives got involved in some shady shit, notably eugenics, which is the epitome of placing progress above freedom and human life.
Now, don't get me wrong, conservatives have done some pretty awful stuff too - attempting to preserve a slave-based social order comes to mind - but ultimately, the idea of being able to perfect humanity and human society is a hallmark of extreme progressives.
Most modern liberals, I would argue, do not fall into that category, but the extreme Left as seen especially in academia would probably fall into the progress-at-any-cost category.
Technology to the extent that it helps us be humans better is a good thing. But when it starts making us less than what we should be, that seems to be cause for concern.
Tl;dr - political Progressivism does connect with my concerns, I'll be honest, simply because they believe it is possible to perfect humanity. That said, the average "progressive" doesn't fall into that category, and I'm far more concerned by transhumanists and those who would abuse technological progress than the average liberal.
I hate to say it, it might be inevitable. If the industrial revolution has taught us, that machine muscle beats man muscle any day of the week.
> but the extreme Left as seen especially in academia would probably fall into the progress-at-any-cost category.
It's ok user, you can say communists.
However I do not think there's much overlap between communists and transhumanists and the modern tech fetishist is likely to be a classical capital-worshipping liberal a la Zuckerberg or Musk.
In the US, a constitutionally protected right to privacy is a progressive doctrine. It was established by liberals and opposed by conservatives. This remains true in current debates centered around the 4th amendment, with conservatives arguing in favor of greater police power and more authority to enter private areas and seize evidence without a warrant, while progressives oppose such expansion of police power.
As for technology, the most horrifyingly oppressive and controlling state is not actually technologically advanced. North Korea is fairly backwards when it comes to technology. It turns out that a surveillance state doesn't even need very advanced technology to be intrusive and oppressive. You can do that merely with Cold War era technology.
The difference between North Korea and the United States of America is that North Korea is far less subtle, and not nearly as capable of influencing people without people realizing they're being influenced. Look at the USA in the roaring twenties, and compare it to the modern age. One in three men don't work, the divorce rate is many times what it once was, and moral values have decayed from the inside out. Why is there such a drastic change?
We've been influenced. The higher-ups in our society, the .01% if you will, have almost complete control of every facet of our government, and culture, they are subverting us through the media, educational system, and news outlets. Listen to the lyrics in popular songs, watch some of the "programming" geared towards children, and observe the slow but steady downward spiral of our education system. It's all intentional, their goal is to strip us of all semblance of morality and traditional values, and unwittingly enslave us to a global hegemony. It sounds mad, and that's because it is, but the evidence is undeniable and unless enough people realize what's going on, humanity is headed towards a dark future indeed. Technology and progress in and of itself is no blessing user.
> but the extreme Left as seen especially in academia would probably fall into the progress-at-any-cost category.
Having worked in biotech, I can say this is completely wrong. The people in academia aren't thinking in terms of "progress at any cost." They're thinking in terms of answering a specific question or developing a specific technique/technology. It's nothing as grandiose or dramatic as what you're portraying. It's a job.
So what? Even if there is some global conspiracy to enslave us, why should I care? My life isn't effected and I'm not any worse off, the same with most of the world. If that's what it takes to get a functional and stable global society, it should be encouraged.
Go back to /x/ and /pol/
Morals have changed, that doesn't mean they've "decayed." Many of those former morals were oppressive and cruel to huge portions of the population.
Increasing efficiency (due to automation and technology) leads to fewer people needed to do the same jobs. This, combined with increasing population, means of course there is going to be increased unemployment. This isn't some value judgement on society. It just means we're going to have to, eventually, adjust for the fact that there simply won't ever be enough jobs for everyone.
Nothing, but Catachan is going "BANSHEE THIS ISN'T WEED"
> Look at the USA in the roaring twenties
In the roaring twenties more than half of the country fell into the definition of poverty used at the time.
> One in three men don't work
Because of rising automation eliminating a lot of the jobs, not because of a "stripping of morality and traditional values."
> the divorce rate is many times what it once was
Divorce only recently became a real option. Prior to the 50s, women weren't allowed to do a lot of things like take out a loan without a husband's approval, so no shit they didn't try to get a divorce. Also, the divorce rate is lower now than it was in the 80s.
> and moral values have decayed from the inside out.
Extrajudicial killing used to be considered moral in the US. How is moving away from that "decay"?
> It's all intentional, their goal is to strip us of all semblance of morality and traditional values, and unwittingly enslave us to a global hegemony.
It always comes back to the nebulous "they" that is a secret global conspiracy to undermine traditional morality and values.
No. Everyone likes to claim that there is a conspiracy to undermine their values. The US and the Soviets both claimed that the other was engaged in a secret campaign to undermine their culture's values. Both were wrong. No one wastes resources on attacking "traditional values" when they can go after far more concrete targets. The intelligence apparatuses of both sides weren't bothering to attack "traditional values." They were trying to steal secrets, assassinate each other's agents, etc.
Similarly, people like you might claim that the media/government/illuminati/etc, but the reality is that no one bothers with that crap when they can just make a bunch of money a lot faster in other ways. Claims of a conspiracy to destroy traditional values are based on a desire to accuse anyone who disagrees with you of being a part of that nebulous "they." It's a rhetorical tool, not a real issue.
> Morals have changed, that doesn't mean they've "decayed."
> Many of those former morals were oppressive and cruel to huge portions of the population.
This is what progressives actually believe.
>Morals have decayed.
This is what conservatives believe.
Because it's plainly obvious that they have.
>It just means we're going to have to, eventually, adjust for the fact that there simply won't ever be enough jobs for everyone.
Historically automation has led to increased profits for capitalists and a drive to invent more useless jobs for the redundant workers. We're certainly not working any less than we used to.
Define morality, and explain how your image constitutes the "decay" of morality.
Are you retarded?
"WHERE IS MY CHILD SUPPORT NIGGA?!!" its like power word kill for some races.
people failing to act as functional adults, failing to respect the world around them, failing to be good neighbors, failing to "do unto others as you would want them to do unto you", failing to try and respect the peace, the peace being a chance at a chill environment in the general public because life is hard.
People who gallivant around like assholes while rubbing it in everyone's face. Not about their choice of life, or who they are, but that they cant appreciate keeping a low profile and instead desperately need to be seen.
Hey man, before you go "Fuck you autismo" consider that cultures are different, and they arent always compatible, so ask yourself who you want to be surrounded by. Quiet people who just want to live and let live, or an asshole who gets drunk and thinks its ok to fuck with you.
Round two, get back in the bed Mon-keigh!!!
hey bro
Not that guy, but you sound like one of those miserable assholes who puncture balls that kids accidentally kick into their yard.
That's not a gay thing. That's a "they're at a fucking parade" thing. You seriously can't handle a once-a-year event where people trying to have fun and express themselves?
Maybe city life isn't for you.