Interpreting opposite gender

Okay so, this friday we're gonna make a call of chtuhlu oneshot (1925).
I'm playing as a 24yo girl, and it's my first time roleplaying as a girl.

Is anyone here more expert and can give me advice on what to do and what not to do?

roleplaying thread i guess

Play them as you would another character just bear in mind how the character is likely influenced by the society they're operating in. What's the character's background?

Play a person, not a stereotype.

>I'm playing as a 24yo girl, and it's my first time roleplaying as a girl.
Just blame everything on the patriarchy and make sure you put all your char gen into women's studies and other useless talents

Wrong time period. Flappers were not feminists, they were just tomboys who dressed like girls and liked to have sex (and often with girls as well as guys) and do drugs. Flappers didn't care about societal norms, they acted on the principle that what guys could do, girls were also allowed to do.

They were edgy teens that were fun as opposed to morose.

Think of good female characters you know, and ad feminine, but not stereotypical quirks to the character.
How does the character think of her own feminity?

So you can pretend to be imaginary beings just fine, but not a woman? It's a character like any other

She's a sculptress from Paris. Her family was well-of (but not insanely rich), her father was an entrepeneur. She's notorious in the local surrealism scene but nothing crazy.
I can tell more if you have questions.

It's 1925.

Enough with the politically correct talk. Roleplaying something imaginary it's pretty easy, less pressure, less opportunity for people to call you out and say "that's not how they'd act".
I just don't wanna be the creepy guy, and if possible, even do a good job.

Well, here's some of the general advice I gave a friend of mine, and he said it helped him a lot.

>Don't rush headfirst into problems; take a step back and look at it first.
Don't try to kick the door down until you've looked around for a key.
>Try to gauge someone's emotional state when you're talking to them.
If you suspect someone is lying, focus less on the words he's saying (e.g. trying to catch him in a contradiction) and look for signs of nervousness.
>Ask for help and offer help more often.
If you have to climb something, ask for a boost and then help the other person up. And this is especially a big thing if it's set in the 20s.

Don't go overboard with this or nothin'. It's just some things to keep in mind.

We get it, dude. You got your misogyny boner raging in that deleted thread and now you wanna jizz your entitlement all over the proverbial photograph-of-your-cousin's-face that is Veeky Forums. But can't you just wait for the next thread that doesn't have the potential to be productive or interesting? There's not a shortage of them.

I'm going to sleep, bumping so the thread stay alive a little bit longer.
I hope a discussion starts.
Gonna check in about 8-9 hours.
a thank you for those who replied, i already have something to work on.

The first and last seem to be especially good hints here.

>bisexual promiscuous tomboys who do drugs
God damnit I need a time machine RIGHT FUCKING NOW. It's not fair ;_;

Hm? Hints for what?

Do you just mean as a synonym for "tips", or...?

Also, before i go..
>And this is especially a big thing if it's set in the 20s.
How so?

Timeline-wise it's roughly midway between
>Goodness me, I have collapsed upon this fainting couch. Would a gentleman be so kind as to escort me to the cotillion? I am ever so fragile.
>So sorry I didn't have your martini ready, dear. The jar on the olives was just on there so tight and I'm pretending to lack the resourcefulness to get it open so you'll think I'm more demure, and I'm not gonna think about what that implies.

Watch movies from the 20s and movies about the 20s.

I realize I sorta mixed a heaping spoonful Antebellum Southern Belle in with what was supposed to be the 1890s but you get the idea.

Don't worry, they wouldn't have fucked you anyway.

Two things to consider.

Make sure to know when menstruation comes (regular or not), if it limits mobility or not, and if you change mentally and/or emotionaly.

If the PC gets limited by cramps, then check if they have them, and if the cramps are normal to have them at that point in time.

If the PC changes emotionally/mentaly, is it according to the calendar, or not?

In short, as many have stated, just play a person.


>knowing when menstruation comes

Good meme. I mean that unironically.

Why is this shitty awnser always repeated? No, playing a man and playing a girl are not the same thing. And you would know it if you play regularly with women. They will thank you if you don't make a fool of yourself and shit the bed with shitty stereotypes of "feminity", but that doesn't mean they think you played convincingly as a woman.

It's not like it's easy for women to play men either tho.

>It's not like it's easy for women to play men either tho.

>No, playing a man and playing a girl are not the same thing
Also yup.

Fapbait < obvious waifu < caricature of womanhood < cardboard cutout < man-with-tits = subtle waifu < well-realized female character

It gets a little murky where the lines are drawn depending on the setting (e.g. the same captain of the guard could be considered man-with-tits or believable female character depending on how the culture treats gender roles) but having seen male players play all of these, that's how I'd rank them.

Actually, addendum--it is kinda easier for women to roleplay men just 'cause we're surrounded by so much more media that explores men as three-dimensional active agents with rich inner lives than with women. But it's still a bit less intuitive than playing a character with the same gender.

That's because it isn't a silly anwser at all.

See, I do play with women from time to time, user, as well as playing women characters sometimes. I even fucked some women, if you wanna know. Incredible, right ? I guess that is incredible for you, at least, seeing your overall lack of maturity.

And I can tell you that you are full of insecurities, as well as being full of shit.
You haven't spent nearly enough time in company of women, and I see spaghettis falling from your pockets at the mere idea of trying to speak to any person walking with a cunt between its legs.

And as such, I advice you to go outside to meet real people, of both sexes, as well as to reconsider immediately all of your beliefs, as well as the entirety of your life choices, up until the moment when you wrote that stupid post of yours on an anonymous chinese wood-chopping board.

In my experience woman tend to pack on either too much machismo or not enough.


you sound like a wierdo to me desu

user, we may not be able to see the fedora perched on your head (jauntily cocked to the side, no doubt) but from your post, I can earnestly say, each and every one of us, can see the fedora worn in your heart


As a GM I've played both but that's often different than keeping a single characterization going between sessions through a campaign.

I guess look at her family life and see if she clung to or rejected the plan her folks may have had for her as far as starting a family went.

If she has sisters maybe the family's content that she'll be the adventurer 'spinster aunt' that doesn't continue the family line.

Glorious banter fellow. I tip my aorta in your general direction then collapse as my sides are abducted to Pluto.

What does that post have to do with atheism?

>Is anyone here more expert and can give me advice on what to do and what not to do?

They'll help ya out senpai

>She's a sculptress from Paris. Her family was well-of (but not insanely rich), her father was an entrepeneur. She's notorious in the local surrealism scene but nothing crazy.

Alright, disregard this: you don't need to learn how to RP a woman, you need to learn how to RP a French 1920s surrealist woman, who would be considered an eccentric in her own era and wildly anachronistic in ours. Her time, place, and upbringing (1920s, France, wealthy) will probably do more to set her apart from any other character you may have done than will her vagoo.

So research actual (ideally French) female artists (probably easiest with writers and stage actresses) from the 20s, if you can find any, and see what they were like. Watch a couple of 1930s French movies (need to be talkies to get a better feel for personality) for research.

Assuming you actually want to take it this seriously, otherwise just act randumb, do a corny French accent, and hit on your other players in an uncomfortably aggressive fashion

Never go to /lgbt/. It's been mostly /pol/ shitposting and false flagging for years now.

We are going to have to act if we want to live in a different world.

Goth girls, scene girls, camwhores, british catholic school girls ect. Pretty much every generation has those.

And all across time, cultures and history you would not score.

But what do tits feel like

Naw, it's just lgbt folk shitposting. /pol/ makes attempts to rile /lgbt/ up, but they aren't actually SJW poster children, so it falls flat.

The RP should come as naturally as any other character as long as you don't think too hard about it. Maybe do some practice prep before game: what would my flapper do in situation X or Y? You just have to adjust like with any character that isn't precisely you.

OP here.
Yeah I do want to take this seriously.
I picked surrealism because apparently there was a really good woman scene in it (I am pretty ignorant when it comes to art)
>So research actual (ideally French) female artists (probably easiest with writers and stage actresses) from the 20s, if you can find any, and see what they were like. Watch a couple of 1930s French movies (need to be talkies to get a better feel for personality) for research.
Already did the former, and I will do the latter.

Thanks to all the others as well.