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Madness Edition: What level of crazy have your characters gone to?
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Pathfinder General /pfg/
Madness Edition: What level of crazy have your characters gone to?
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Amalthea confirmed for TSS
So, /pfg/.
How do we fix the CMB/CMD system?
Amalthea has been submitted to TSS
There's a dickgirl hobgoblin
And a shota elf
Captain Slow has put in a daddy
And I've got a half orc paladin too
What have I gotten myself into
My PC failed his save against Feeblemind once.
So far?
Failed a save against sinspawn ichor. Started screaming about every bit of resentment he'd been keeping bottled up for years.
A good character divulged into torturous murder of somebody they captured for no reason other than to be a little psycopath.
repeating from end of old thread:
Does the psionic feat "Rebounding Throw" work with destroyed-on-hit or dissipate-on-hit weapons such as shuriken, crystal chakram, or panoply blades?
And what happens if it gets used with, say, a splash weapon?
That's not a daddy! That's a trashy romance novel protagonist!
I am still torn on my character's ability score distribution for TTS.
I am planning on playing a Serial Killer Vigilante || Vivisectionist Polymath Alchemist. The three ability score distributions I am thinking of as are followed:
Currently I am leaning towards the first option.
Her googlies are in the wrong place her 'eyes' are down there
I want to apply to something with my lawful good town guard wannabe. Anything that would fit?
So for completions sake and a morbid curiosity of how bad it is does anyone have the new adult content addon to Pact magic?
Love's Tapestry, says it's got a 'periodic table of spirits' and other additions too.
Is it even broken to begin with?
Yes. Monster CMB/CMD dramatically outscales what is reasonable for a PC to have.
For a /pfg/ campaign? Nope.
You could make a prospective mercenary for Serpent's Skull, though.
did someone ask for a trashy romance novel protagonist?
I would go third option
How many of these additions turn you into a voluptuous furry to demonstrate dominance, though?
second option
Why not a /pfg/ campaign?
Too normal. Not enough anime.
No lewdness.
No memes.
Run away dude, run far away from /pfg/ games.
The only ones recruiting aren't conducive to grumpy town guards. The only one that shows promise is Serpent's Skull, and only because you'd be heading to Eleder to become a guardsman in the first place.
Won't know till we get it, doesn't have a list of spirits so who knows if Anajira is in it?
I mean, should I get it?
>The only one that shows promise is Serpent's Skull
Absolutely not. That's because you only think with your dick.
So just reduce it? Maybe?
Yeah, great, really constructive there. No fucking shit.
The question is "how", not "what".
I'd love ya if you did and tossed it up here for us to laugh and cringe over
Hmm, I thought a demilich was a lich that had like 9 magic stones in his skull. Are PF demilich different?
Alright, lemme see what I can do. I think the DrivethruRPG PDFs don't have hidden info like the Paizo ones.
You are a saint
Thinking about making CG Vigilante, who is a brash country boy who has gloryhound tendencies and an unwavering determination to put every villain he meets in the ground. He's also shy and withdrawn when he's outside of his vigilante persona. In truth, he's an inexperienced idealist who learned how to read by memorizing his city slicker aunt's romance novels.
How should I build on this concept?
>Amalthea used to work at a dating/marriage council service, with a side job in early child care.
No wonder she's baby crazy.
Saint maybe, but I can't do miracles. Turns out that particular book is only available as an actual physical softcover book. Sorry folks, but we're out of luck for now.
Wow.. I did not catch that when I first looked at it.
Why would they do that?
Demiliches have never been like that in any edition - they're called DEMI liches for a reason. They're liches who have lived for so long that most of their bonus have turned to dust until only the skull remains. That's the basic idea, the details vary from edition to edition.
Eh, if you don't mind utterly dodgy mecha mechanics, try out Blood & Iron.
Alright so make a coffin that has time magic added to the inside that speeds up time times a thousand. Stay in for a few days, then bam, got yourself a demilich.
No clue. Can't find the book anywhere else though, which is odd. And the Radiance House website has a bunch of weird bullshit on the front page.
I would go third option. DM has already voiced his distaste to the idea of horses on the boat which means you can't bring a pack animal, that 8 STR might end up fucking you over until you can.
I know my 10 STR concerns me.
Fast study seems completely broken. It pretty much makes wizards spontaneous casters
Not really. You still only get so many casts a day, but it only takes you like 15 minutes if you want to swap them out.
It takes one minute. It takes fifteen to prepare all your spells
>when the halfling is stronger than you
I think this deserves bullying but not from me.
1 minute is too long to do in combat which is the point.
Still though, it's pretty crazy to be able to do that
Why the literal fuck did they add an adjacent squares rider to Stand Still?
Well excuuuuuuse me princess
>try out Blood & Iron
What's this?
Just to screw around with our stonefaced GM my party has decided to reroll the entire composition and replace them with Disney characters and start having musical numbers mid session.
Would this guy be a witch with cartomancer or gravewalker archetype or would he be a cleric? Or something entirely different?
He'd either be a Medium or Spiritualist.
Well I see bestiary 6 is finally there I see.
Actual flirting. Not ironic or lewd flirting.
I want a character who farts as an attack
They're talking about cooking.
Wow, those mech rules are shit
Quick Study is far better if you can get it. And Arcane Bond already was this.
None of them have SHIT on Uncanny Forethought though. I almost miss it.
Ultra shit.
Dragonmech tier bad.
Someone's a jealous little bitch
And this is our fucking business how?
I would rather have ass combat like Keijo.
What's a normie to you?
/r9k/ is thataway, chummer!
Arcanists are lame though
Can poop be an improvised throwing weapon?
>All the new dragons are base cr 8
For what purpose?
What the fuck is wrong with you?
So that they would feel even mechanics wise to be above most creatures.
So take it on your Wizard, nerd. Exploiter Wizard in case you don't know about this.
When is an Arcanist better than an Exploiter mechanically anyways? Only when archetypes are involved?
Yeah, Arcanist has some unusual archetypes. You might also just like the much more forgiving playstyle despite the progression pain.
Is this for the Platinum Games expansion to Starfinder?
Then consider the fact that those are the greatly improved version of the D20 Future rules.
I want a poop fighter who poops and farts
Not having a familiar is pretty fucking gay
Can't you just get it back as an exploit?
Arcanist can also become a prepared psychic caster, which wizards cannot
Shine on you crazy diamond
Wow, makes me want to look at how bad those were
I pity anybody who has to associate with you.
I wish there were more good aligned magical beasts and so on. The only major good things in the settings are the outsiders.
They can get Greater Exploits at 11+. They get things in combination with access to Exploits that a wizard can't do, like pick up a Sorcerer bloodline or get a Bonded Object, switch to the Witch spell list (whyyy), or take Wizard school specializations.
What would you like to see?
It's never been done before
I planned to have him being a young guy raised by a grumpy guard captain. He would try to help whoever he can. Except wizards. Fuck wizards.
Well, there's an elder god cultist in my party, but she's good people.
The witch spell list has some of the nastiest debuffs and save or fucked spells that exist, and 99% of the curses that exist. They're less versatile than wizards, but they're nothing to sneeze at.
Also, healing spells.
Okay folks, I'm having a shitty idea
Half-giant Zweisent OD//Shifter, worshipping Gorum
Take Lycanthropic and Beast Soul. Get yourself Construct Transformation and Size Change along with lingering transformation and Greater Transformation. Take whatever drawbacks make sense for a Gorum worshipper (greatsword as a focus maybe).
Make yourself into a giant walking mecha covered with Gorumite iconography. Take Twisted Transformation later on so you can have a copilot in your body cavity.
Could this idea work?
Nobody has done an airborne virus that makes you explode and is more virulent than a spicy meme, but that doesn't mean that it should.
What's wrong with the trove? I need my .pdfs without my moth-eaten bank-account getting r@ped in exchange for content that I'll need to personally rebalance anyways.
Arcanists can also gain spontaneous Cure conversion like a Cleric using the White Mage archetype if healing is a specifically relevant thing.
They can also get a Black Blade. It's one of their ways of getting a Bonded Object, the other being a Sorcerer bloodline through Blood Arcanist, the Arcane Bloodline, that *may or may not* work by RAW (can I get some opinions on that?). Wizards can't have Exploits and a Bonded Object together, which is relevant if you're trying to be the most spontaneous prepared caster possible.
How would that even be a character?
Which debuffs are specific to the Witch list not on the sorc/wiz one?
Ill Omen is the first that comes to mind.