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>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
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>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
>Last Thread
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We Must Secure the Existence of our Jumpers and a future for best waifus
>thread number ends in a 45
Who's life will /jc/ ruin today?
Is that guy in the back touching the other guy's butt?
Probably, he's gay and doesn't realize it due to how fucked the setting is.
Rolled 232 (1d816)
Lets see what the threads featured Jump is!
Let's see if we can roll us some Heroes of Iron here JumpChain
So what are some jumps that take place during WW2?
Ve shall go to space and claim all the alien waifus!
I mean sure, you could support the shit-tier forces.
Or you could join the Wehrmacht and drive a Panzer
Now I really want to take a Perk that forces people to burst out into song before I head to Tank Girls.
So which ones are the Nazis again, the Peacekeepers or the Scarrans?
but still...
I would like to request that you guys stop spamming the thread please. If it's not on subject, /JC/ Jumpchain stuff, please try to keep it down. We've got a few people who already mess up our bump limit as is.
>all of these mutually-opposed moral and governmental philosophies
What'd you do in Civ?
Auch! Keep your rolling coffins!
Panzers on the line form the Wehrmacht's spine.
So do we need to restart the thread?
Somebody is working on Youjo Senki (I think).
It would probably be for the best.
Yes please. Nazi bullshit is too divisive and an entire thread of nazi jokes would probably piss a lot of people off.
Sabaton can take place in WW2, depending on your location roll
Platoon jump. There's one that takes place in sci-fi WW2 I think. With a drawback that makes it worse.
> someone else using konata pics
It's almost like I'm popular!
The Peacekeepers are the most Nazi-ish of the two. The Scarrans have this whole Hierarchy thing going on.
Farscape really is a great show and an excellent place to go if you're looking for a Star Trek experience that focuses on everything /but/ Humans. (John not withstanding, he's a Protagonist, not a Human.) If you watch it, prepare to be horrified at just how horrible people are no matter what race they are. Seriously, the things they do to that poor guy grafted to the living ship is just unforgivable. Just be ready for all kinds of weirdness if you venture into the unknown. Seriously, a lot of this universe has some plain FREAKY shit in it.
Still, at the end of the day, much of the main cast has an ideal candidate to pick up no matter what kind of Jumper you are. Or several if you prefer your Harems. At least a few of them would be up for that. John's kind of a tool, but honestly not as bad as you'd think.
As for the Jump itself, it's a little bare, but has a really great Race section that represents the major (and a few of the minor) players of the world. I do wish a little more care had been put into giving the Jump a little life, but the Perks and Items do a decent enough job covering all the bases. Just prepare to wiki-dive or watch some of the show to understand what's going on.
Which jumps let you kill Nazis? Becuase I feel like torching some Nazis to death right now.
Do it.
My finger is getting tired, but these faggots won't stop posting.
Hearts of Iron.
Indiana Jones!
That's too bad. No one cares about your feelings. Go cry in this cup so I can drink your tears.
Platoon. Hellsing. Captain Planet if you take that one drawback.
Hellsing, Platoon, Ring of Red, MCU, Hearts of Iron (?), Indiana Jones, Sabaton, etc.
for a different spin on things, Metro 2033 has a nazi faction
No retreat cowards!
Technically Katawa Shoujo if you take the high end Drawback and don't mind battle FemiNazis with weird tech. And destroying a lovely setting, you monster.
Commies can go and stay go too.
No need to use the Final Solution on this thread.
Are there no Nazi Zombies on /jc/? I'd figure, as they're the two most staple bullet stoppers in media.
Is that a nechronica pic? Because it looks like one.
funny enough, I spent WW2 in the Sabaton jump with the poles, my standing with the Red Army was... strained to say the least
>Calling me a monster for killing Nazis
That's a funny joke. It makes me want to kill Nazis even harder.
>wanting to be a carcass and/or a loser
I'd have expected Wolfenstein to be a jump by now.
I guess you can go Ded Sno via generic zombie apocalypse.
JoJo can let you enter WWII if you pick Joseph's time and if you do good enough you can save best guy
Yeah, it's supposed to be based on Nechronica. I've been on a Hetza kick all day after someone pointed out the artist in the last thread.
They did a lot of Nechronica, but their work also has a lot of really dark take on Tank Girls and Ship Girls, as well as some really attractive original characters. As long as you're into lean-muscled, half-crazy soldiers.
Oh, no, don't misunderstand me. Fuck Nazis. I spent all of Ring of Red and Hellsing killing the bastards. But ruining an entire setting just because you want to kill more Nazis? That seems a little extreme.
Get a groinsaw, go to town in Hellsing.
Why would i want to BE one? I just want to shoot them.
Pic related af, a once beautiful setting destroyed kinda
If anything, rip and tear is the most ecological nazi killing method.
That's quite a pic you got there.
So much detail.
Did you make it yourself?
Oh yeah. I can kill Stroheim when he comes back to live and reverse engineer his body for that sweet tech that somehow wasn't enough to save Kakyoin. Thanks.
Unless you were talking about Caesar, in which case I would companion and save him in a heartbeat.
Strike Witches
>Strike Witches
Doesn't count, fighting aliens, different world
Yes, comrade! Surely the magic of jumpchain will allow us to create real communism, not the fake communism that countless dictators have claimed to support as they killed their citizenry and destroyed their countries.
There's a Drawback in Strike Witches that makes it so you're fighting a real war against other nations and Strike Witches. It totally counts.
Take the right drawback and you can steamroll nazis and commies, thus hastening Best Timeline.
I love WAR
>Oh yeah. I can kill Stroheim when he comes back to live and reverse engineer his body for that sweet tech that somehow wasn't enough to save Kakyoin. Thanks.
Killing him for trying to save Joseph and the others and for trying to save the pillar men also Kakiyion was dead in moments
At least post the whole speech you soggy lettuce.
So are there any jumps where you can be a nazi?
Huh, did Nazi that
Any of them? I mean, you can do pretty much whatever you want.
Indiana Jones
There's a drawback that turns it into a real war. Add in the bit where you can adjust the tech level, and you can be a magical girl in Korea/Nam/[insert middle east war here]
Bully Iraqi tank witches in the Gulf War!
Then I'll be the one doing all that, of course. I have the tech for it, and I can wait until Stroheim has served his use in the Santana fight and then kill him when he comes back.
but user, once everyone is liberated from the laws of physics and thermodynamics, communism can work!
love ya bancho
All of them, if they don't already have the party you can found it!
>It Ain't Me intensifies
The same jumps as
Hearts of Iron.
Indiana Jones!
Ring of Red
Strike witches
Rolled 4 (1d8)
Fuckit. I'm bored, time for more Stalwart D. Tiger Adventures.
Last Time-Tiger was sent to Persona 5. As a housecat. He was not amused. He then was forced to confront his own Shadow, the parts of him he denied or disliked. It proceeded to proclaim its' love for Ammy, and apologize to all of Tiger's Friends(VASSALS!) for being mean to him. Tiger was even more not amused. He then went on to Pacfic Rim, where he grew to his full size and fought Kaiju 1v1. From there he went onwards to Redwall, and had to fight endless waves of Rats. And finally Ouran Highschool.
2.Generic Pareneting Jump
6.Custom Robo
7.Peter Pan
Gonna need a replacement.
What about joining the nazi party and rising to the top in order to temper the ambitions of Hiter and steer Nazi Germany away from destruction?
What jumps start around 1935, and don't have cartoonishly evil Nazis?
Youjo Senki when?
Temperance of Thousands from Dota 2.
Fuck your human nature.
>Tiger goes back to fate
>But back in time.
Oh jesus christ why?
Alright! Tiger was Berseker last time. I'll put it up to vote. What should Tiger do this time?
Why not just stop the treaty of Vesallis from fucking up Germany's economy in the first place? Why even let Nazism come to existence at all?
Well, his love for Amaterasu is like a truck. So I think he should propose that they do some making fuck.
Not even jumpchain can make that miracle possible
Already been.
I meant for the jump. Should he be a Servant? If so, what class? Or should he be a Magus?
Satan poster claiming not to be bancho
This is extremely suspicious
You can only use the servant supplement once per person unless you go demiservant, so he'll be summoned in the same class.
I completely forgot about that.
Fuck my autocorrect
OR rebuild a broken country, taking advantage of the economic turmoil and the loss of an entire generation of men, solidify nation as a world economic power, and reunite the germans through purely diplomatic means?
>Already been
Symphogear, perhaps?
Summon Amaterasu in as Tiger's Servant, but something wildly inappropriate for her temperament and normal abilities. Maybe Assassin with that one modifier that makes the Servant a darker version of herself.
Shake things up a little bit.
Thanks to this thread I now can't stop imaging the chain of Nazi Jumper, Aryan paragon and defender of the Reich.
Get rid of the nazism and you're set.
Also already been
>Ammy Alter
God no.
OFF jump when?
Forgive the TvTropes, but I think I know just what setting you need.
Oh. You were serious when you called it a good setting.
I'm still going to do it.
I know not of what you speak, unless you're referring to the brand of bug spray. Which I doubt.