Is Fulgrim the worst primarch?
Is Fulgrim the worst primarch?
He's a massive SJW that thinks he's perfect and doesn't realise he's a titanic degenerate.
Not even close. Mortarion and Perterabo are loads worse. Also Lorgar. Fucking Lorgar
Lorgar just as planned the whole heresy.
Worst primarchs are as follows:
Ferrus - cause he's ded'd instantly and his legion is DOA.
Perterabo - Retarded autist.
Mortarion - Retarded autist.
Magnus - Gigantic retarded autist.
Guilliman - Retarded autist on the fringe.
Corax - Literal Who.
Khan - Literal Who.
Fulgrim - Dumb cunt who lets himself get outdone by a sword.
Angron - Angry-on. Also retarded muh nails.
Horus - Pushover.
Point being all the primarchs are written poorly and have shit tier characterization.
He knows he's a degenerate dumbass.
That's the whole point.
>Magnus is an autist
You wanna know how I know you're a furfag
>autism intensifies.
Russ does nothing along with the Lion.
But I get it, you're very defensive about your fictional characters.
None of these are Curze, though.
>Come on dad why can't go hang out with my daemon friends
>It's not just a PHASE dad gosh these are my FRIENDS
>You just don't underSTAND gosh
I totally forgot retarded Batman along with some others I'm sure.
It happens when there's so many shitty characters, you try to forget.
Heyyy wait a second, are you even a 40k fan or are you just one of those people who goes into 40k threads to shit on the fans
>No Rogal Bland
>No Leman Jiff
>No Konrad the Edgehog
>But all the fun chaos primarchs
Holy shit man
That honour would fall to Russ
>He's a massive SJW
This part makes the rest of that sentence redundant.
I've been into 40k since before you were born in all likelihood.
>Fun chaos primarchs
>Some of the most poorly written character since Andrew Lloyd Webber.
And that's how I know you're retarded.
>he reads 40k for the quality writing
>calls others retarded
No, he's literally the best Primarch.
I don't read 40k anymore and would never read those books.
All that was gleaned from 40k threads and you guys whining about them.
It's funny because it's all true too. Even you thought I had read them.
Checkmate buttercup.
>i was just pretending to be retarded
XD well meme'd with pictures of that gut-busting, side-splitting internet video series
Apply yourself instead of relying on stale meme "insults" pal.
>all the primarchs are written poorly and have shit tier characterization.
This is the truth. All of the primarchs have uncreative, gimmicky names and defining character traits. Even if they're not human and supposed to be different from us, they're just poorly characterized and often one dimensional or follow tropes to the extent that they are caricatures.
How is he SJW exactly?
I guess one could call Lorgar that, with his selfless need of promoting symbiosis with daemons and stuff.
Lorgar got a faith in his good intentions, however absurd they might seem to most and the will to see them throw at the cost of the galaxy burning if that is what it takes. This combo makes him extreme SJW I guess.
>I don't read 40k anymore and would never read those books.
>All that was gleaned from 40k threads and you guys whining about them.
So you're a fan of 40k but have never read any of the books that have come out in the last 12 years and only know the lore through what people on Veeky Forums talk about?
Nah mate you're not a fan of shit except shitposting
i get it, you dont like 40k and you are autistic about it
and no i'll keep using meme insults
Well at least it could be explained by them being a semi-artificial soul constructs.
You haven't read the HH books then. Like I'll grant you a few of those are pretty shit but when you have a competent author writing, you definitely get 3D Primarchs and other characters.
How can Fulgrim even compete?!
How can he be the worst when Sanguinius exists?
>babies first chapter book
>seething because I don't like your boy
Get a grip you guys.
By being alive
No, but he's a sonofabitch
RiP sweet prince.
sacrifices uncountable souls of friends, and innocents to ensure his demonic transformation.
kills those closet to him
massive dick
bird related imagry
he's griffith
Fulgrim was amazing before getting corrupted though. Perfect marines op yo
>babies first chapter book
The meme is "babby's" or, if you wanted the correct spelling, "babies' "
Nice try acting like you know stuff though.
The guy memed on you for being a blatant troll, but you can keep thinking he was "seething" or whatever. If it helps you sleep at night, I suppose.
Didn't the artist also draw Manus pounding Fulgrim little boipussi?
>tfw you will never read more about the great friendship between Manus and Fulgrim
>Meme police
my sides
Wouldn't the correct spelling be baby's, since it's a singular baby?
I always thought it meant babies in general, not just a singular baby, but I could be wrong.
I've never seen this but I want to.
if by boipussi you mean anus, yes
also did one pf lucius giving fulgrim a handjob while fingering said anus
artist is syberfox ... pics are not very sexy desu
I can't find it
Not mentioning The Lion, who is literally autistic.
The entire problem he had is that he was unable to understand others feelings and communicate effectively with them.
I like the Dangles, but the dude was legit an issue.
I think it's meant to degrade the individual by accusing them of being new to Veeky Forums in general. You might say D&D is baby's first RPG if that's their entry to tabletop, but you could also use babies' if referring to it as a general entry point. It seems context sensitive.
Well the whole thing is moot given that the guy I was talking to was an autistic old and bitter man or a troll, user.
>still seething
settle down lad
Casca wanted it.
I'm not even the guy you accused of "seething." In fact, I'm the guy who asked you, with no response I might add, why you thought someone memeing on you for 'merely pretending to be retarded' was """seething."""
user, no one is mad here except possibly you. I'm just still sort of confused if you're actually a troll or just a really bitter old man.
>Seething this bad.
I'm living rent free in your head.
A troll then, gotcha. Was still sort of on the edge on that one.
>Can't accept different opinions.
>Screeching about trolls.
I would add Horus to this list too, but he was a pretty cool guy before he fell.
How is Fulgrim's boipucci?
Curze LITERALLY did nothing wrong though.
"I was just following orders" didn't work at Nuremberg.
I liked Fulgrim better back when he lead the Band of the Hawk.
>It's also a hammer
>is not-Russ the worst primarch
No, never.
>dat pic
>dat exquisite pic
Good. Fucking. God, le sexy femboi incarnate. He almost makes Fulgrim look...slightly less pretty. Now I have to read this thing, so it better be good.
Fear not user. Berserk is damn good.
At least we can all agree that alpharius is the best primarch
no we can not
I just realized that Griffith actually predates Fulgrim, certainly all the modern lore about him.