>That guy that gets mad about people using an airbrush and calls it "cheating".
That guy that gets mad about people using an airbrush and calls it "cheating"
I only get mad at people who try to do OSL exclusively with airbrush.
>that guy that gets upset about being called out on his lazy ass and complains about it on Veeky Forums
>those guys who gets upset when I tell them that no, I'm not going to paint my models
You actually are a cancer, though. If you don't want to paint, play a pre-painted game, hire a painter to do it for you, or go play a counter-based game where minis aren't necessary. Nobody needs or wants you in the minis hobby if you have no interest in fielding painted figures.
Now that's what I call Autism.jpeg
>case in point
I only own minis to battle with other dudes. Control your autism, use your imagination if my lack of paint breaks your imersion.
>immersion with 4 inch tall plastic toys
>4 inch
I bet you use heroic scale minis you sicko.
Eavy metal is using nearly exclusively airbrush for at least a decade.
Golden demon wonner are all also nearly exclusively using airbrush dor everything exept final freehand touch
>4 inch
What game are you playing user
Exactly, it's pretty funny. I'm there mostly because I enjoy fighting in the tactical battlefield.
Yup, this. If you aren't using an airbrush at this point, you aren't really *painting* your minis.
you are just lazy
Nah, I just don't have interest in painting. As long as I have my troops I can play so I don't mind.
Point at him!
Point at him and laugh!
>why does no one want to play with me
>mfw the LGS has none of these grey tide faggots
>Tfw painted models everywhere on gaming night
I doubt many people on Veeky Forums refuse to paint, i assume anyone that claims to is baiting for easy replies. But here's food for thought
Painting an army and doing it with some effort obviously makes you feel great AND is a sign of respect for your opponent. You wouldn't be a proxyfag right?
>durr this coke can is a Daemon prince
>hurrr btw Mr. Ork player my plasmas are all flamers
>Uhhh yeah these Chaos bikers are totally Death guard guys
>What do you mean no? that one is even sprayed GREEN
Please at least spray paint them with colour.
>implying no one plays with me
I play just fine, otherwise I wouldn't keep buying those models. It's just a few autists, usually the tourney type who complain but oh well not like they can do anything about it .
>New player buys a bunch of space marines
>Possibly wants to paint them
>Sees nothing but unpainted models at LGS
>No one gives a shit
>No incentive to git gud
>Veteran players stuck in same mindset
>No reason to bother
>80% chance of poorly done / unpainted terrain and boards
>Adds to cycle of no effort
>Players with painted models are the minority, the action is seen as pointless
>cycle never ends
It really doesn't change much, really. Just roleplay whatever color I'm playing.
Nope. Look on the bright side, if I decide to sell them later you won't even need to strip their paint.
>he is this anal about proxies
If I don't have Snikrot and am thinking of buying him then why shouldn't I give him a test run with my AoBR warboss?
>No incentive to git gud
It's funny how you think that paint has anything to do with skill.
I mean I have plastic chess pieces. Surely my skill will drop if I use them instead of my colored ones.
>arrange a game online
>grey tide
>50% proxies
>WAAC flavour of the month bullshit
Why do I waste money on this game?
>that elemental evil who won't let me go back to the past
I give mine a base coat and color code them, but my hands shake due to nerve damage and I simply can't paint them properly.
Git gud at painting, numnuts.
I'm brush only, but whatever helps them paint to make the game state look better is okay with me.
That's not a real skill. The game is what matters, not fapping over how much time you have to waste making minis turn pretty colors.
If he really wants to 'git gud' at painting, he will probably go look online and not on a store.
How bad is your nerve damage? I have a condition that causes my hands to constantly tremble but using the right techniques and a lot of practice I think I do some alright models.
T. Taudar player
To be totally honest mate, you can do more than you think you can. Washes take no hand steadiness at all, and no matter what your army is, you can probably spray it a basecoat, paint ONE other color on it (just the hands and face), and then put a wash on each color and call it a day.
I know, because that's what I do. Prosthetic hand, and it shakes bad. I do three colors: a spray basecoat for the whole mini, a second color (the green hands/face on my Orks, for example), and then silver for the whole weapon. Drop an Earthshade wash on the body, a Green wash on the hands/face, and a black wash on the weapon, and call it a day. It's good ENOUGH, and nobody has given me shit in the 15 years I've been doing it. I'm making an honest effort, and that's what genuinely matters.
"cheating"? Whats cheating about air brushing? most of it looks fucking cheap and horrible.
But the only reason you'd even play these games is for the pretty models.
t.disgruntled paintfag
Go make a canvas if you really want to practice art.
Nah I'll stick with a modelling hobby. You should try video games, sounds more up your street.
There is something wrong if you play a slow, very time consuming detailed tactical battle and your biggest worry is if the models look neat.
You shouldn't. I pirate the rules and print them out and use all proxies and had a few fun games with it. I was gonna buy shit until I saw the price gouging going on. And I am not shelling out that much money for fucking models no better in quality than shit I can get at a toy store, paints, and then go right back to it once GW decides to make shit OP as a blatant tactic to make you shell out money or be beat.
I'm not giving those cunts a fucking dime and I won't cater to the whims of masochists who tell me that I need to because they are mad that they pissed away so much money on a game.
You must have zero respect for anybody you play the game with
So uhh yeah taudar
Oh, I forgot to add this. Use multiple spray basecoats if you're painting irregular troops (ie, not IG or SM). Like, if I'm painting 50 Orks, I'll spray 10 of them Medium brown, 10 of them light brown, 10 of them medium gray, 10 of them light gray, and 10 of them an Olive drab or something. Then apply a wash to each one. It doesn't take any more skill than doing it all in one spray color, but it looks way, way better and your secondary color and weapon will still tie them all together visually and it'll look like a proper army.
Including drying time, 50 Orks will take about 1 day to do. It's maybe, maybe, 2 minutes of "painting time" per model.
You can do more than you think you can, user.
>detailed tactical battle
Let's be honest if you're talking about 40k 90% is decided before your first roll.
>that guy who does a thing I don't like
Why would I respect them? They're the enemy. My goal is to beat them, not coddle their precious feelings.
Because I could be playing a slow, tactical battle on steam with computer graphics and better gameplay for a fraction of the cost
People play because they like pretty miniatures, tactical depth can be better found elsewhere
>no better in quality than shit I can get at a toy store
I have to firmly disagree with this statement. Warhammer is over priced sure but don't lie to yourself about the quality.
>if you don't paint your miniatures that means you don't respect me
Or maybe that means I haven't painted my miniatures. Wow control yourself user.
That really depends. I already turned losing games with a well planned strike or drop.
Except you're playing a game where the goal of both players is to facilitate a fun battle
You're supposed to at least have some respect for other players, fuck even cancerous injury faking soccer players will help each other out in a pinch
And you could do the same with chess too, even with animated heroes... and yet the board game is still more popular.
Tell me, is it because people like moving chess pieces or is it because they are interested in the pieces colors?
It was an exaggeration because look at their site and the prices. Give me a break, I can use little cheap ass army men, buy a bucket of them and have the same fun and they'll last forever too.
And I really was gonna buy their shit too. You should always support companies who make shit you like, but when a company has such a blatant disregard for their customers and tries to treat me like I'm their sugardaddy, then they aren't getting a cent.
Because chess has actual tactical depth and it costs 700% less than tabletop wargaming
You're dancing around my points Of somebody puts effort into their hobby and you just show up with overpowered bullshit for the sole purpose of masturbating your ego, yeah you don't respect your opponents
I honestly understand that a lot more than people who spend a fortune on grey plastic. If you are exclusively interested in the game and not the hobby that's the way to do it.
Debatable. Are you like a tourney champion or something? Because when I win I can say it's because I used superior tactics and a better suited army. And price doesn't really makes it better or worse.
Also I didn't know that lack of paint made my miniatures stronger than yours. I think you need to reexamine the situation. It's like playing Magic the Gathering and then going autistic over your opponent playing without shields.
aren't card sleeves mandated pretty much anywhere you'd play mtg?
Wow you are retarded. nobody suggested painting your models makes them perform better. And sure price doesn't make it better or worse but it's the level of commitment. If you play solely for winning and not for facilitating a fun experience there are far better games than 40k/warmahordes/whatever. You should pick up call of duty, it seems more to your speed and you don't actually need to put any effort in.
Because this is a hobby, collecting and painting models is part of it.
You're the lesser of CoDfags, at least they try and have some customization.
>Because when I win I can say it's because I used superior tactics and a better suited army.
You're talking about 40k right?
Only if you are playing seriously. And then you can use the cheap ones, you don't need dragon shields for example.
Since they don't perform better, then it really makes no difference if they are painted or not. My commitment is with skill and providing a worth adversary, not fucking paint. And if you cannot have fun in a slow and time consuming strategy game because your opponents haven't given color to a miniature then frankly there is something wrong with you.
This is a hobby for some, a game for others. It's still a game.
WH40K secret to win, from my experience, is a good and planned starting army, correct deployment, using tactics when appropriated and finally a little dash of luck.
>guy buys models
>he decides they are his and he can do whatever he wants with them and chooses not to paint them
>fukn gb2cod u fgt ur a codfag.
So, if someone doesn't paint their models it means they like the lowest FPS trash rather than just being a dude who feels like he got what he paid for and doesn't feel the need to justify his purchase by roleplaying as Michelangelo?
>WH40K secret to win, from my experience, is a good and planned starting army, correct deployment, using tactics when appropriated and finally a little dash of luck.
I just use my supremacy suit 10 fire warriors and a fireblade, and fill any remaining points with a riptidewing.
You know this isn't uncounterable, right?
Depending on how you deploy them for example they are vulnerable.
>buy puzzle
>never put it together
You're technically right but you're just wasting your money at that point.
I guess games don't need graphics.
Text is graphics.
enjoy your ridiculously costed plastic counters I guess
I'm the guy who pirates and uses proxy models. I disagree with him buying them, but he did. He bought the models and makes the choice to focus on gameplay. Maybe he really loves grey or any other reason. They're his. As long as he follows the rules of the game why do you care about how pretty his models are? It's not a big deal.
Also, sidenote: roguelikes and muds, and text based adventure games don't use graphics and they get along fine.
>I guess games don't need graphics.
Correct, they don't really need graphics. Some fun games were text only too.
And while pretty graphics make them enjoyable to look that, if it doesn't have good gameplay then it's a no-sell for me.
It's not that different from ridiculously costed painted plastic counters however.
>one is a thing that was fun to paint and offered more than just one more guy to push on the table
>the other is some grey slab that you probably didn't even clean
Totally the same.
>was fun
I don't think painting is fun.
Also offered? What's the difference of a gray plastic miniature and a blue and yellow plastic miniature? That's a little dramatic.
>want to play some wargame
>WH40 8e looks nice
>don't want to paint
>see this
I'll guess I'll just buy the starter box, paint it in the LGS learn to paint events and learn to enjoy it, or just paint in frustration and shelf it for ever.
because that's mostly what we're talking about
Painting is really really easy if you can be bothered watching comfy YouTube videos.
Literally all it takes is a can of spray paint an accompanying color you can apply sparingly and a wash or three.
>painting isn't fun
Why did you pick up a hobby mostly about painting models then?
Beyond looking nice, you get better at painting. It also helps you get more out of your purchase if you pour some time and dedication to make them look as good as you can.
He probably got his shit pushed in by some dude with a painted army and decided he was a retard for taking pride in his work.
Thanks guys, I'll give it a shot.
Also, does anyone but my FLGS care about Kings of War?
That has to cost 30$
I love my airbrush.
Kings of war is... alright
It's great for beginners and reasonably(somewhat) priced but you'll be itching for something with more depth after awhile. Enjoy yourself man.
Speaking of which I was thinking of getting a Iwata-Medea Deluxe Airbrush Set to start off. Should I pull the trigger or is airbrushing a meme?
>Plays tau
The easy mode has been embraced
It tickles my autism that my friend won't paint his minis. I know it's because he's not the creative type, but he doesn't want anyone else to do it either. That's part of the hobby to paint your shit. He just did a black primer and called it a day reeeeeeeee
Eh. I rarely get to play but have a couple of painted armies. I paint with methods I enjoy.
Why bother purchasing and assembling the minis if you're not going to paint them? Why not just proxy your entire army at that point? It'd be a hell of a lot cheaper, and you ARE only in it for the rules and tactical combat.
Fair enough my man
Kings of war is alright, it reminds me of games that use "stands" instead of units.
Go for it's worth it just for base coating and priming alone I'll never touch another rattlecan ever again now that I have my Badger.
See some guys on YouTube that are able to do detailing with their airbrushes and it just makes me depressed as I know I'll never be that good.
I don't expect to be that great coming out of the gates but practice is key. I think I'm going to do it, handpainting vehicles in 40k is grueling as hell
I have a buyfag problem and play several different miniature games fuck why do I have three Wrath of Kings armies.
I paint at an ok pace, but depending on which game I play my primed vs painted ratio is might be skewed.
But that isn't what I mean. You are painting them, and you mean to paint them in the future. I'm referring to the people who can somehow be bothered paying high prices for minis, spend effort putting them together, but then can't be assed to paint them.
It's not cheating but my god do some people over use it and suck at it. Some of the worst looking stuff out there is when someone just lazily airbrushes their models and calls it a day.
I know that feel, still have to finish my hirdmen before I can move on to my ww2 Germans and then finally do my Sudan rebels.
But before that I have a bunch of orcs and men of Dale to paint and Test of honor is coming later this month.
>flamers as plasmas
Depending on the army list I do this, I generally have more of one type and I'm not buying more because I've decided to run a different type for like 2 lists.
people paint miniatures in wargames for a lot of reasons. I'm not going to tell you one way is objectively superior, but I prefer painted.
in purely pragmatic terms, someone who spent the time to paint an army to a decent or good standard advertises to me that they are a very patient individual, which is an important personality trait to have in a game that can last 4 or 5 hours and potentially be very one-sided. I have never had a bad game against someone with a reasonably well painted army.
on the contrary, I have had very few good, or even memorable games against opponents with unpainted miniatures. as such, an unpainted army advertises to me that you are either new to the hobby (the vast majority in most cases), very busy (the other big majority), or, impatient and lazy (the source of most of my bad games, but a small minority in any decent club).
painted minis do not make the minis 'play better' but oftentimes they advertise to other people that you play better. TT wargaming is a social hobby, and you should never forget how you are viewed by the community around you.
>These guys who meme their models into ugliness through sloth
>Then are surprised we don't like having to play them as much as we do a scrub tier unthinned army
I literally have my models commission painted.
I pay more so they aren't airbrushed.
>painting isn't a real skill
>playing with army men is
You can't make this shit up, people.
based on his posts, masturbation
Proxies aren't bad as long as it's fluffy and well done. Your chaos bikers converted with heavier armour plates are a good stand in for death guard bikers.
oh wow, that's pretty inspiring
i have somewhat bad dexterity because of mild tourettes and some undefined level of dyspraxia, and i was wondering if i'd ever properly git gud at painting
It's pretty big here.