The new mtg set, amonkhet, is kind of underwhelming. I'm someone who enjoys cracking booster packs. Now that they've started adding these "masterpiece series" things, I'm even happier to open some packs. Problem is, Amonkhet masterpieces have barely any value. Why should I care, if I can pull a fucking gideon that's comparable in price to a masterpiece? Guess I'll open some battle for zendikar... Anyone feel the same?
The new mtg set, amonkhet, is kind of underwhelming. I'm someone who enjoys cracking booster packs...
>Now that they've started adding these "masterpiece series" things, I'm even happier to open some packs.
only retards crack packs for value dude. get help
I dunno, I kindof like watching tolarian community college play the booster box game.
well they are producing content to entertain you, not necessarily to make money off of opening packs.
But the whole game is about whether or not you can break even/profit off of a box immediately after buying it.
If you at least break even selling rares, you just got a whole collection of cheap cards for literally free. (Free cards which can be used for assembling cubes and decks for a budget meta).
And since I only really play budget casual/sealed formats, I see value in a free set of low cost cheap cards you can't use in modern, standard, or legacy.
I guess not *just* sealed. I also do draft/cube.
I'm going to let you in on a little hint: the average box does not break even. If boxes, on average, gave people equivalent or greater value, then more boxes would be opened until that wasn't the case. Limited print runs are a little different, but not really, since people still go through a "phase" of opening a shit ton of packs until prices are down to where they cannot reliably profit. Yes, you can get lucky and pull valuable cards, but that doesn't matter. The game is there to entertain and inform, not to prove that magic cards are a sound investment.
why would they cycle? They are pretty powerful as is.
>another thinly veiled muh wijjards rrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeee thread
you know these threads would get even more replies if you don't do that right?
I don't give a shit about value, I'm annoyed at how fucking ugly these things are.
I pulled a mox opal from Kaledesh, and it's a super pretty card, now it's in a commander deck and is exciting to draw.
these things look terrible
The fix would've been easy too. Keep the hieroglyphs aesthetic the whole way through. Instead of the card art bein some typical looking shit from the plane, make it look like it was drawn on the wall of a pyramid.
like that old ancient mew card that came with the first pokemon vhs.
Name one subject where shit talking the people in charge doesn't get your thread (You)s.
The point of the game is to show you why you shouldn't buy booster boxes for collecting, finance or to get into formats, he does them to convince people not to buy booster boxes for those reasons.
>enjoys cracking booster packs
Stop supporting shitty business models you subhuman scum.
>Muh rares
>Muh tournament 60 card constructed formats
>Muh "investments"
These things are hardly the only ways to play MTG or only reasons you might want to buy boosters, however.
>Limited league
>He gives a fuck about (You)s
I have never understood this.
>not playing a monumentally cheaper digital CCG
Nah, it's fun and I like it
>Digital CCG
Some people appreciate physical card games, just like people appreciate physical RPG books and physical dice.
Like, I have the Gwent beta for PC.
I have been wanting physical decks to play it with my friends in person, for months. At some point, I'll probably put in the effort and have some made.
Either preconstructed decks, or a Gwent cube of some kind.
Also, most online CCGs don't support a 3-7 player match, which is another thing that could make you prefer MTG.
You can also get pretty decent MTG proxies for cheap with a color laser printer and card stock, if you're not into the tournament scene. Or you could just put together a group that builds from sealed. I once played a deckbuilders' league. Cheap as fuck buy in, limited meta, lots of fun. Eventually we changed it up a bit for more variety, IIRC we added another sealed set to everyone's card pool.
does anyone who plays mtg have any tattered mummy they'd be willing to trade? i cant find it anywhere for some reason. it's only a common.
i meant *mtgo
OP is right in expecting a monetary value somewhat closer to the original price even if the main value of packs is drafting them.
>I kindof like watching tolarian community college play the booster box game.
Do you watch the part at the beginning and end of EVERY booster box game video where he makes it very clear that he's doing it solely for entertainment and that cracking packs for value yourself is idiotic?
Pretty sure he also admits that some people just like cracking packs and that if that's what gets you off then it's fine.
But then again I only recently started getting into magic and similarly only recently discovered his channel.
Also As a newbie tho I'm still not sure how I'm expected to build a casual/kitchen table collection w/o opening packs. mostly I've just been playing with a friend through cockatrice to make up for it, but I live down the road from a game store and have thought about playing there.
you are supposed to
-trade whatever you opened with the people at your local game store or your >friends
-buy with money single cards at your local game store
-buy with money single cards at any online store.You'll be surprised to see how cheap you can get a kitched table deck if you buy everything from the same seller, which makes expedition fees not matter.
MtG is a TCG where the T stands for tradeable.IT MEANS YOU HAVE TO FUCKING TRADE.
Ignore the fags
It can be ok and Amonkhet is a good enough place to start, the embalm cards cool.
Drafting is ideally how people build up their collections. You get to pick out basically any uncommon/common you want from what you get in the card pool, you might even pick up good rares if you draft well.
>Also As a newbie tho I'm still not sure how I'm expected to build a casual/kitchen table collection w/o opening packs
I pulled a Cryptic Command. Neener, neener, neener.
Yeah Embalm seems like a cool mechanic
Draft sounds like a pretty fun option and Ill check out if the store does it regularly.
I have a small collection of cards from Tarkir and was thinking of buying a few singles for so I could build a monk/prowess deck because monks are cool. but I just dont really have enough cards to really expand outside of that.
One more thing. If you draft, make sure it's not a rare redraft prize.
Did something happen with Amonkhet? Someone bought out all the booster packs from all the local retailers.
like that old ancient mew card that came with the first pokemon vhs
My nigga!
Awesome sealed,
Awesome draft,
Youre argument is invalid