what are your vampires like
What are your vampires like
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they drink blood
Rare, dangerous, arrogant, but feral if they're cornered.
The usual.
Sort of like demons.
Monstrous, cunning, extremely rare and among the most powerful creatures in the setting.
The result of tortured animal spirits that possessed people and turned them into transforming canniballistic monsters.
The spirits themselves were created by necromancers who tortured animals until their spirits were driven mad and used as attack ghosts essentially. One particularly powerful one escaped and possessed the necromancer that made it but even if the body was killed the spirit would possess the killer and keep going until a warrior with a strong will was able to resist the bloodlust. However, even resisting it they would eventually give into the desire to feed as their body is altered by the possession allowing them to access a number of powers (transformation, regeneration, etc). However, over time they became so monsterous they couldn't appear in public anymore because they couldn't even pretend to look human.
This original vampire eventually learned of the ritual to create the corrupted spirits and came up with a ritual to create new vampires bound to the will of the creator. If you can't reisit the bloodlust you become a mindless thrall, if you resist you become a true vampire and have powers and appereance in keeping with the spirit used on you.
Full blown eldritch abominations that are descended from even greater blood drinking aberrations, who in turn are descended from even greater horrors.
I put my players up against a vampire, a strigoi specifically. He was being transported downriver when the boat bearing him was boarded by river wardens. The smugglers got nervous and a fight broke out belowdecks, rousing the vampire. Outraged, he killed everyone, raised them as he killed them, and then had them eat each other before calming down.
Taking the time to identify the corpses of the river wardens by scent, he sniffed out the way back to their home village and slaughtered everyone in it for the crime of attacking his royal person.
He was gorging himself on this rare meal of non-corpse blood when the PCs showed up and actually uncovered a survivor. The PCs not having offended him, he resurrected the mangled corpses of the village people, hopped down from a grain silo, introduced himself, and demanded the survivor be handed over, using his necromancy to make the undead villagers speak for him (he was more monster than man and his own speech was squalling and incoherent).
The PCs refused.
Vampires are one of the 3 types of variants I've split Undead into. Vampires would be a part of the "Corrupted Living" or "Natural Undead" variant. There are also "Unnatural Undead" and "Burning Zombie" types of Undead.
Natural Undead are corrupted souls of still-living people who's bodies eventually take on a shape to match said corruption.
Most undead in my setting are corrupted by one of the Deadly Sins. Not always mind you, those are just the easiest to have happen. I'm still torn on Vampires being Lust, Pride, Gluttony(although I can make use Ghouls or Pretas for Gluttony I guess), or something else.
Vampires(and other of the "corrupted living" variant of undead) don't get to go the the afterlife, as corrupted souls can spread it's corruption to others like a disease, and that going to land where the souls of the dead gather can cause problems. Instead, they're simply annihilated by Death and cease to exist altogether.
Vampires are typically mad, as the corruption damages the mind quite a bit, although some can fight it off enough to stay rational. There's even a rare few who lasted long enough to overcome the madness and lead fairly normal, if secluded lives.
The general approach to undead by even the most vile gods is "Destroy them on sight," since the gods require souls to maintain their immense power, and undead that can keep the souls they believe rightfully theirs away from them is considered heresy, although in rare cases the gods have harbored certain undead if they believe it would keep souls away from their rivals.
The first Vampire was Prometheus who stole from the gods long before the material plane was protected from such evil. He made his body into a home for Souls effectively became immortal (which is impossible in this setting) and able to cast magic without outside help (also impossible for mortals, mortals usually can't hold others Souls or monsters souls thus making them unable to use powerful magic without burning up ).
In the end the gods all cursed him and he has tons of weird little things like needing to count all the rice in a room before leaving, not able to walk across moving water, and obviously drinking blood and sunlight killing him.
He can and has had children and they form the first level of Vampire society, full bloods. Then you get to different levels of seperation from full bloods. They act more or less like a God and his worshippers would, sacrifices and calling on his power, but also all have increased human attributes that vary from lineage to lineage. The curses also vary from lineage to lineage though everyone fears the sun and drinks blood.
Vampirism is kinda like a lower form of lichdom. The power of blood is well known to magic-users, vampires are those who have decided to use other people's blood. Outside of drinking blood, however, there is little in the way of set of characteristics that unites all vampires. In many cases, a mage will perform a ritual to turn himself into a vampire, though those that make deals with demons may also be cursed with vampirism, usually because demons are dicks. Because vampiric rituals are very complicated and demons who curse people with vampirism are dicks, it is not uncommon for vampires to have some bizarre weaknesses. Over time, stories of what vampires are weak to blended into one, gradually morphing the word 'vampire' from a general term to the name of a specific creature that doesn't actually exist in the way people think it exists.
>I shall not make a yupiel expy
>I shall not make a yupiel expy
>I shall not make a yupiel expy
I made a yupiel expy
Vampires are powered by a particularly specialized and obscure form of hydras, which are tiny organisms that have developed symbiotic relationships with certain wildlife and can be surgically transferred to the blood of humans to give them enhanced growth and regeneration at the risk of mutations during bodily repair. Vampiric hydras are extremely efficient however also very fragile, becoming malignant when tainted by silver like other hydras, and also becoming malignant from sunlight exposure outside of rare strains and mutations that can make vampires resistant to sunlight. Vampires must feed their hydras with blood in order to replenish their energy and capacity for regeneration, so a dormant or hibernating vampire has lower blood needs than a vampire who physically exerts themselves.
The first generation from the organism carrying the vampiric hydras are the Drudask, of which there are 4. Their servants are the Vakalarr, or Vanalt, followed by the Lazant, the Naerik, the Ekrall, the Kalorr, the Brall, the Renkil, and finally the Nakis. The Nakis encompass all further generations, which generally live shorter than normal humans and are physically deformed due to the heavy mutation of the hydras after 10 generations. In old vampire society, every vampire lower than the Kalorr was to be killed, but in the west only the Nakis are sentenced to death. Most of the west is controlled by vampires, who employ rangers and witchhunters to roam the countryside and roadways exterminating wild vampires who are not recognized by any vampiric order. More important than tradition to this genocide is an attempt to suppress the idea of vampires being murderous, as the nobility prefer to keep servants or slaves alongside taxing blood from the weary populace.
My vampires are not particularly magical compared to most, their dexterity and strength matches their physical form, and they can easily be killed with conventional weaponry. They just heal quicker and can live centuries.
Oh shit a micklemacklemoomoo!
Convinced that they need to save mortals from themselves.
If a person dies with a great sin or evil in their hearts, it festers in the dark of their corpse and their grave, and it comes back as one the two greatest physical manifestations of darkness in the world, spreading suffering wherever it might go. It is repulsed by any and all religious or sacred symbols, it is weakened by all light but sunlight most of all and must be dismembered, decapitated and burnt to fully get rid of it.
Every time you fetish post a puppy dies.
Hey there friend! I didn't understand your joke, mind giving me the lowdown?
>Burning Zombie
I think I read a post of yours before ages ago and the Burning Zombies were really cool. Keep on truckin', my man.
I did post it once before yeah. Surprised someone remembered that.
user, pls.
Thats pretty fucking neato user
Vampires are such a conflicting topic for me. On one hand, I don't mind if they're sexy or even if they're friendly but on the other hand there's a point where it can become a bit ridiculous
Practitioners of the black arts that make pacts with demons in pursuit of immortality and power. The exact nature of their powers and weaknesses varies from one to the next, but they generally share the traits of superhuman physical abilities, an aversion to sunlight and religious paraphernalia, agelessness, a need to feed on humans (the exact part, i.e. blood/flesh/brains/etc., varying), and the ability to pass on their vampiric nature.
Those turned by a vampire inherit their powers and weaknesses, but to lesser and greater extents, respectively. Powers become increasingly weak in each succeeding generation and weaknesses become more debilitating. Once changed, the individual becomes a dark reflection of their old self with many inhibitions swept away and their darker desires made extremely pronounced. They also tend to be inherently servile toward the vampire that turned them, though this can occasionally be overcome.
You have neat ideas
They rule the night, but their numbers are dwindling.
Post it again! I need undead ideas for my Wild West game
My vampires are souls that out of stubborn NEED to be alive, have clawed their way out of hell. If their bodies are destroyed, they become hungry ghosts.
They steal life from the living to keep their bodies alive as long as they can; takes beheading and fire to finally get them, but they remain at their final destination, a hungry ghost
Well, I don't have it saved, so I'll post what I remember putting down earlier.
Well, as I said, Undead in my setting are split into three variants. Natural, Unnatural, and Burning Zombies.
"Natural" Undead are living people who's souls were corrupted. There's various ways this could have happened, either being so consumed by something, be it a feeling, a sin, something physical, that it corrupts their soul. The body follows suit sometime later. Corrupted souls like this can infect other souls with this corruption like a disease.
Most "infectious" undead fall udner this catagory. Vampires, Ghouls, I might throw Succubi in here since I'm not sure if I'm going to have devils/demons exist yet.
"Unnatural" undead are your garden variety raised undead, like zombies and skeletons. However, a corpse can't be animated JUST with magic. An actual soul is required to "pilot" it. This requires trapping souls and placing control spells on them to keep them bound to you. otherwise the soul remains free willed when it enters the corpse, causing them to attack the necromancer most of the time, either out of rage or insanity from the pain of being shoved into the body.
There's also a "special" variant of this type called Feral Undead. They can only be created on the Dead Isles, but without using a soul. Doing this will have one just "appear" to fill the void. These undead are always hostile without control spells, and are much more durable than normal Unnaturals. The necromancers don't know what causes this, and don't care to, as the last time someone used divination in an attempt to find out, they suddenly began screaming and their body shriveled up, leaving them a soulless, lifeless husk. This is partly due to how Divination works in my setting, and aprtly due to the Dead Isles being where the boundary between this world and where a life-hating eldritch beast lives. Feral Zombies basically end up pulling a chunk of it into them.
Vampires are humanish creatures infected with a fragment (transferred via usual vampire shit) of the dying curse of a dead creature of primeval darkness who eternally hungered for blood, the vampires don't even really get anything from the blood they drink, they're just compelled to drain it
as a vampire gets older the curse permeates their body further, making them stronger but also making them more and more monstrous as they come closer to their progenitor, ancient vampires tend to be stupid powerful but also completely alien in mindset
I've been working on a setting that's a tidally locked world. The suwnard side is an uninhabitable scorched wasteland, so only the dawn zones and night side are habitable. The entire night side is ruled by the Vampiric Church, a catholic-esque order that worships Vampires as living gods. Only the vampires' favorite worshipers get the chance to become vampires.
>they use their stone coffins as bilge ballast
Burning Zombies are simultaneously the most dangerous, and least feared of the undead. They are only found in a location called the Blasted Lands, where a star fell from the sky hundreds of years ago, and Burning Zombies began roaming the area. Burning Zombies are odd in that they're completely non-hostile..usually. You could walk around one, get inches from it, and even make goofy faces and it won't so much as blink.
The only two things that cause Burning Zombies to go hostile is if you attack them, or trying to head to the epicenter of the Blasted Lands. Rumor is they're guarding whatever's there, but no one knows for sure.
Rare times, a Burning Zombie will leave the Blasted Lands, carrying a bag with it. Inside the bag are usually non-metallic resources, like gems, wood, anything that would probably be considered "valuable." They'll find a shop, drop the bag on the floor, and walk out with a number of metallic objects they can find. The resources are usually worth way more than whatever metal they walked off with, so the rare time a Burning Zombie walks into a shop is considered a good omen.
Despite their name, Burning Zombies aren't on fire, burning, or even all that hot. Their name comes from the glowing red lines that run throughout the zombie's body, like magma veins.
The star that crashed was a space-ship, and the Burning Zombies are the result of a cyber-virus that the ships' AI spread into the area, to control the local population so it can repair itself enough to eventually leave.
the creature (it doesn't have an official name but I call it Nyx) fell to earth during the first era of the world, incredibly rarely, powerful vampires who get old/alien enough have been compelled to ascend into space through an elaborate ritual/transformation and never return, for reasons not even other vampires comprehend
I'm no writer, so if any fa/tg/uy who can actually write wants to give me tips on how to not make this sound fucking dumb I'm fully open to it
Do they only sail at night or something?
Oh fuck that's boss. I'm totally using that. I'd be the shitty player who'd wanna play one and try to make them a society.
This is pretty cool, but if it's gluttony that makes people into vampires, wouldn't all the vampires be fat? I can see pride nicely being the trigger to corrupt someone into a vampire, because if someone's prideful and thinks they're better than everyone else, it makes sense they would change into a form where everyone else is basically just livestock to them.
That makes a lot of sense actually. I'll go ahead with throwing Ghouls or Pretas into Gluttony.
Diseased blood drinkers little better than feral beasts
Getting bitten is not a death sentence, as there are cures, but must be administered quickly if you are to avoid brain damage.
Now being bitten gives you a BRIEF window of hyper intelligence in which most of the infected break down and start crying or fly into a rage at what they all refer to as "something beyond this world" before their mind turns to mush.
As to how their bodies actually sustain themselves, that is mostly a medical mystery, but judging by the crude rituals even the most feral of them perform, and the fact they can all speak to each other in their own incomprehensible language that they all learn after being bitten, there is some connecting factor.
As a side note their bodies rapidly decay after getting infected, often losing most of their skin and their eyes, but they do seem to be immune to most poisons and all other diseases.
That's pretty dope. Do the burning zombies just automatically attack you once you're inside a certain radius of the epicenter, or is it more like once you get close enough they're programmed to attack if you go closer but will automatically stop if you take a step back?
With that last part, I was imagining something like once you cross some kind of invisible line, they suddenly all snap to attention and look at you. If you take a step beyond that, they all start to attack, but if move backward, they just go back to looking at you until you get far enough away that they all "deactivate"
Doing gods work, user.
>I was imagining something like once you cross some kind of invisible line, they suddenly all snap to attention and look at you. If you take a step beyond that, they all start to attack, but if move backward, they just go back to looking at you until you get far enough away that they all "deactivate"
That's basically it yeah. Although if you attack one, it'll continue chasing you until it thinks it's lost track of you. If they think you're going that way by accident, they'll position themselves to block you off and ward you away.
Part of what makes Burning Zombies so dangerous is they're incredibly durable and hit much harder than most other Undead, and don't seem to have any sort of stamina issues. Which comes from partly being cybernetically powered.
Yeah, I like the idea of portraying it how you described, because it should lead the players to figure out on their own that the zombies only attack to stop their progress or in self defense, unless that's already common knowledge in the setting.
It's pretty common knowledge, yeah. The zombies have been around for hundreds of years, and people have basically learned that the best way to deal with them is to just ignore them and avoid that area, and limit trips past the Blasted Lands to just going around the outer edge of it. There's been a few brave souls who took it upon themselves to find where exactly the line that makes them go nuts is and marked with with flags. Some have had better luck than others.
>Sounds cool as fuck
Well that was disappointing
In My setting there are many ways of becoming a vampire, and based on the way you become one your powers also vary.
One method of becoming a vampire is by committing murder, to then use a ritual to make the blood corrupted by such act flow into you, turning you into a vampire over a short time. You can commit more than one murder and then perform the ritual, that would result into a more powerful vampire but also more feral acting. If you are not the perpetrator of the murders but you still perform the ritual to absorb the blood, you will become a even more powerful version of a standard vampire, because you will also absorb the soul of the victim and its vengeful spirit will "fuel" you becoming one with your soul, you can also summon that soul to right for you, for example. One of the most powerful vampires in my setting was able to perform this ritual on his home city, after it got completely destroyed during a raid, gaining immense power. You can also get bitten by a vampire, becoming a dhampyr and by doing certain tasks you can ascend to vampirehood later on. That's one type.
It kind of reminds me of the Brain Scorcher from S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
Can i tuch ur butt???
rly important
Bump in the night
intelligent, nihilistic, with a wicked sense of humor.
First vampires in my setting appeared some decades after the first necromancer fucked up the wall that separates life and the Afterlife, resulting in the spirits of some mortal striking deals with major demons and such entities. In exchange for "returning" to earth, they would give their patrons part of their despoils.
Vampires in my setting are always corrupt spirits, but there three main classes of vampires.
First are Varcoi, which are basically feral things, a mix of animal and human anatomy, buffed by unholy strength. They still have a degree of intelligence and cunning, but to be territorial, and lonely. A party of adventurers with some experience can deal easily with this kind of vampire, called Varcoi. Varcoi can breed, but only in the darkness, with abundant meat for their young.
Next are the Moroi. They look like emaciated, bat-like faced humans, with a pair of leathery wings hanging from their backs. The abhorr light of any kind, so their demonic masters gave them opaque wings, with which they can cover themselves for protection agaisnt like (this black, opaque wings are the origin of the association of vampires with dark, flowing robes in my setting). They're intelligent, but if hungry they just lose control. Moroi are the only kind of vampire that can turn mortals into on of their kind, so they're the most abundant.
The most dangerous kind of vampires are the Soroi. They're incorporeal, likes shadows, and can change their dimensional size (wide,lenght and depth) at will to fit through any crack, hole or space between solids. They don't feed on blood like the Varcoi and Moroi, but on life essence and souls, leaving only stone cold, marble like corpses behind them. Because, even if they don't consume the blood, they get soaked in it so they can carry blood back to their hidden lairs, where an unholy altar dedicated to the entity who brought them back awaits for the blood toll.
A cult of flesh mages (epidromancers) who took their love of horror movies too far and became the monster. Each one has some unique permanant disfigurement to themselves that they self inflicted to get the major charge to perform the change.
Great almost irl b&
Nice b8 m8
ageless/legal loli is still loli fuckoff with that shit
>Vampire clowns
Lesser vampires are demons who've hijacked corpses. Due to not having true souls, they aren't actually sentient but are still intelligent. This is also why they must feed off others, and they have a laundry list of weaknesses due to reality constantly trying to reject their existence. The upside though is that they're excellent shapeshifters, since they don't have to play by reality's laws.
Higher vampires are a somewhat more complicated mishmash of a mortal soul and a demonic parasite. They are not as powerful but having an actual soul prevents most of the common issues lesser vampires face, most notably being able to tolerate sunlight. Though if they fail to keep up feeding, the demonic parasite will consume what's left of their soul and leave them a ghoul, a monster even worse off than lesser vampires.
I did something similar with my higher vampires. The four original vamps are worshiped as prophets of a deified mortal (the necromancer who created them), and from them the lower rankings of apostles, saints and knights are created, all of which are magically bound to obey commands of their sires and funnel a bit of the vitality they gain from feeding back to them. It's really a giant pyramid scheme but the common folk have been fooled into thinking otherwise, treating joining the ranks of undead as the highest honor.
Too pure for the sun. They are the holy men and women of desert tribes, living off of the gift of blood from their peers. Their own blood can be used in a number of rituals such as dowsing and divination. Their powers are varied but usually they are gregarious and socially gifted, although in most tribes they have little interaction with outsiders who haven't proven themselves friends. They are the champions of the tribes against external dangers, be out from hostile spirits or strange animals. Depending on the size of the tribe they are expected to have a small number of assistants ready to be embraced if a life threatening danger comes.
They have many strange rites and rituals, none more so than their prescribed modes of behavior for dealing with each other
Former humans turned semi-sentient tardigrade-beastmen living exclusively on the back of a gigantic subterranean dragon miles below the earth. Over time the blood they consume turns into a symbiotic parasite which they use for weapons and armour.
They're a menace throughout the south-eastern mega continent when their warrens break into human mines or cliff/mountain settlements.
It's a really big dragon.
Have all the same qualities as normal vampires. However dont have the inverted sleep cycle.
The weakness to the sun has been tweaked so the sun doesnt kill them, it turns them into human shaped fire people that burn everything around them
dictators, lords and wanna be immortal rulers.
they are open about their vampirism as well. there are a few kingdoms where the people donate their blood as tax. and they are living the good life because the majority of workers and warriors are undead. everyone is reanimated when they die.
Anne Rice-like
>all this edgy, deconstruction crap
We had a really good thread about this, maybe a year or two ago, and the best position was roughly as follows:
>vampires are inherently inhuman monsters, who use a thin veneer of civility and sophistication to seduce their prey
>vampire hunters are usually completely outmatched, and must use every dirty trick and gadget at their disposal, not to mention dozens of contingency plans, to kill a vampire and live to tell about it
> vampirates
There's two ways to go about vampires, there's the folklore way and the Dracula way.
Dracula way is a sliding scale of powerful vampires that wield all sorts of powers and/or 'sexy' vampires, which I personally loathe and don't find interesting at all. Dracula's my favourite fictional vampire because he wasn't sexy, he was an undead wizard rapist monster who seemed far less concrete in his rules and powers than anything we have today, which makes him interesting.
Folklore way is going straight to the source and making ragged undead peasant monsters, bloated corpses that crawl from their graves with unnatural abilities to get inside your house and drink your blood in the night. And these vampires are even less clear cut in what they look like, what they do or how they come about, it changes from region to region, village to village, person to person. They often make people sick feeding on them over several nights, they're often a family member, they're often a sinner of some degree, people who die from one sometimes become one, but they are always a great danger to the place they're in, and often take convoluted methods to truly kill.
Vampire hunters are either your now archetypal Van Helsing's filled with knowledge and weaponry, even though book Van Helsing was sort of just throwing out different ideas to see what'd stick, or they're just terrified peasants who band together to use folk knowledge passed from generation to generation from dim, misty pagan sources, to try and destroy it before it destroys them.
>he hasn't read Vampirates.
My vampires are a cursed form of water mages. The descendants of a particular draconic what was cursed in ages past. There are a few levels that depend on your affinity for the curse. 60% of all turned become much stronger, faster, barely more than human-shaped animals slave to an immense hunger for meat that will burst into flames if exposed to uv radiation. Will die if they do not regularly feed. Because of this, most vampires have decided that turning people shouldn't be a common thing. 35% become your bog standard vamp with just an aversion to direct sunlight that can be overcome with lotions. Will feel fatigued and ache without feeding but do not need to feed to live. The remaining 5% are the people that turn and become vampire lords. Lords are not affected by the sun at all. The lowly animals will heed them instinctively and unquestionably, and the regular vamps often find themselves listening to them. Where as a normal vampire will outlive a human whether they drink blood or not, lords are eternal until damaged beyond their ability to repair.
Instead of commanding the forces of water, their curse locks them to blood. The low ghouls cannot really take advantage of this, only able to form talons and fangs and not even drain blood properly. The normal vamps can create crude weapons and shields, and drain blood to empower and regenrate themselves. The lords are capable of complex blood and flesh shaping, and the weapons they draw appear to be made of crimson jewels. They regenerate much faster than a normal vampire. The cost of such strength is that it requires draining massive amounts of blood.
Drinking blood is an experience. To a vampire, blood does not taste like blood. Depending on the who they feed, it can taste like strawberry candy or pork or tar or what have you. They absorb memories of the person's life from the blood, seeing people and hearing voices from the victim's past.
Welp, now I have to go watch it again.
I too have arrived.
Release the Interceptors
En taro Tassadar
Prismatic Core Online.
They are pretty old school. Only weakened in sunlight, can turn into smoke, can also turn into a horrid flying bat creature. More akin to the dracula vampires. Most feral ones act as regular apex predators do, claiming entire counties as their domain. Usually trying to go unnoticed. My setting is in the early modern period set in a alternate timeline europe. Great Britan's Ministry of the Eldritch and Demonic likes to bind them with Abyssal magic and have them be scornful agents.
Best Vampires in any fiction are the OWoD ones.
Strong preference of the blood of children, hoard money like dragons out of some form of petty greed, hunchbacked from always being hunched over, real fondness of rubbing their hands, big noses...
Oops I'm describing lawyers
Bloody coward with a good reason, they know if the other races knew about them they would kill them all, and they are right
I fucking love batpeople but I believe Vamphyrii should be more monsters in human disguise than feral beasts, more demon or ghoul like.
Classic western-ish vampires.
Spirit pacts and shamanism used to be the only way to bootstrap mortal magic, until vampiric blood magic was invented. The first vampire-mages to exist swiftly dominated magic on the continent, because shamanism was too personalized and full of side effects to mass-produce.
Now they rule steampunk-China and periodically elevate the greatest inventors, generals, mages, or administrators to the vampire-parliment, so the necrocracy doesn't stagnate.
Well this thread has certainly taught me that not all creativity is good creativity
I'm sure your vampire idea is totally cool and unique, user, why don't you post it?
Put your bricks up faggot take a swing, what's not to your liking?
Poor sun lover can't take it.
If you're so good, show us your vampires then.
An infectious curse from the Abyss (one of four celestial planes, with Heavan, Hell, and Purgatory). Summoned to Earth during a time of brief but great fammine caused by rapid overspending of resources.
The curse attacks the magical core (the result of soul+body) of the host, corrupting it. The result of this corruption is an altered physical form. Nails grow into talons, cainines and incicors grow sharp and long, eyes become a reflective catlike, and the curse consumed the blood in a vampire's veins as fuel, leaving them visibly 'dry', often gaunt and thin, rarely any excess mass in fat or water weight.
Early forms of the curse are destroyed by holy (Heavenly) energies, but later strains have evolved to go dormant when exposed. When forced into dormancy, all aspects of vampirism is lost. more on this later.
The curse suspends life. It stops the heart and removes the need for breath, animating the body using its own magics, which are fueled by blood. It causes wounds to rapidly regenerate. Only effective way of destroying a vampire is beheading ot destruction of the brain.
The vampire's living life is under suspension while under the curse, and when it goes dormant, the host WILL die if when becoming mortal again, their body isn't under conditions needed for survival. IE the vampire must be fully blood gorged and have enough blood in their body, or they will die of exangunation when the curse goes dormant.
A vampire who fully embraces their vampirism, dismissing their mortal life, leaving their mortality to rot, will die upon the curse going dormant.
A sentient infected by vampirism can live out their natural life with nothing more than the dormant curse in their body by wearing a blessed holy symbol, consuming holy water frequently, or living in a holy place.
Vampirism is a bloodborn pathogen, and is transmited via sexual contact, fluid to blood contact, or just about any other way you can spread a STD or bloodborn pathogen.
The curse removes the ability to cast standard magic while active, as it smothers the magical core. In return, the vampire is granted a natural proficiency with blood magic and magical tracking. They have the ability to 'see' magic, although it's more of a sixth sense that shows visually. This sense will display a mental visual regardless of if the user can see or now. In magically saturated areas, this ability can be used as a form of sight that trancends sight.
While the curse is suppressed, the user can use their standard magical abilities freely.
While not a mentally corrupting affliction, the hunger experienced by a vampire is absolutely unmatched, and will override free will if left unchecked. A vampire who maintains control over their hunger and feeds regularly will have full control over themself.
In regards to afterlife, the soul will go to the Abyss if the curse is active during death, or be judged for their action (under or not under the curse) if they die with the curse dormant. This is because while active the curse binds fully to the body and soul, and while dormant, it is only attached to the body.
A dormant vampire oftwn suffers from insomnia and anemia.
Paladins absolutely shit on these vampires because a blessed blade will inflict a moral wound and force the curse dormant, leaving the vampire wounded and mortal. A cleric alone can force a vampire mortal by concecrating the ground beneeth them.
In terms of physical ability, they are lower middle of the pack. Windigos, werewolves, many violent spirits and other creatures can physically overpower a vampire. And with their only form of combat magic being blood manipulation, a purely physical form of magic, vampires are incredibly weak against skilled magic users.
The fact that a vampire's body is dry when not well fed makes them incredibly light and fast, weighing many pounds less than an unaffected human. It also makes them fairly flammable. Usually full ignition is enough to destroy the brain, although less reliable than beheading.
The first vampire was an evil rock formation, veins of which reach all around the world. People who come into contact with it are overtaken by vampiric urges.
Maximum Campy.
>Rod Mandelli
What kind of shitty Chuck Tingle impersonator is this
almost completely ripped off from some book called "13 Bullets" that a user posted here once
if I can find the pdf I'll post it
the rest of the series is pretty good.
>trying to hamfist an "original" vampire idea
>bothering to ask where they are like
Pick a trope, that's what everything in this thread is like without even reading it. The only possible way to come up with a vampire that hasn't been done, at this point, is to make something that isn't a vampire, so it's entirely pointless to ask what anyone plays since you already know the answer.
Clan and region dependant
Immortal blood from TES basically, some ingrained into society that you can barely notice, some that are savage monsters that like out in harsh wilderness
It's how you present the idea that matters, user, no need to be mad because no one replied to your post, no one replied to mine either.