EYE theory crafting thread

Alright Veeky Forums chances ar Streumon will never release the EYE ttrpg for fans to play, and if they did the translation may be shit.
Rumor is that EYE is just a heavily homebrewed Dark Heresy. With this information I think that we can make our own version.

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Where would you even start with salvaging an interesting game world from a nearly incomprehensible plot?
The hacking and psi powers seem interesting, along with the threat of what are basically demonic incursions as a result of "making waves".

An easy start would be to set the factions up

FEDs, EYE, and the megacorps, figure out the relations between them

All I know is this game has the best memes of any media ever created. I only got like two hours in before giving up.

The plot is actually pretty easy to understand, actually. Ie's essentially the same as Satan's deal in Devilman: the player character is trapped in a never-ending cycle of history repeating itself, regardless of what he does. This is all presumably punishment for some vague sin he committed, possibly involving an artifact and his wife.

You also have to factor in the metastreumonic force and the various alien races, plus the EYE sub-factions.

I would love to play this with my group, all of us loved the game.

From what I remember, the metastreumonic force is the embodiment of nature itself fighting back against advanced races that completely disregard the environment.
In EYE, humanity treats its worlds like shit. They terraform with little regard to what existing life was already there and trash existing habitable planets till they look like semi post-apocalyptic wastelands.
It doesn't help that they don't know how to use a decent chunk of their technology or the basic principles behind it because of all the mass extinctions that humanity has faced and whatever remained of environmental technology is far gone.

Who would want to play as the Feds? They've got practically nothing going for them in terms of combat ability or access to resources. I guess they would be the diplomancers, making use of old, established contacts with important people in the megacorps and any blackmail material they may have to try and manipulate things in their favor.

They have the Psicorps or whatever they're called. Plus, they are the ones the 3 eyed aliens are allied to.
Hope to get more lore for this universe in the next game, I believe a straum executive said they would start working on it after Spacehulk:Deathwing was finished.

I think AVA predates DH.

The player is Rimanah, trapped in an endless circle of guilt for having betrayed everyone and killed his wife in order to obtani the 3 PSI gates.

Those are some serious waves.

There was also a theory Huan and Dutch might be the same person. Notice how they both went on those amazing past missions with the player but only one one shows up in the game's missions.
As Rimanah and him went up in ranks, he probably went to Jian Shang Di and Dutch is how Rimanah wanted him to turn out.

DH is probably the way to go indeed. You just have to paste the powers, implants, weapons and NPCs... Good luck.

I love how memetastic this game is; that bicycle club had their cmment section completely ruined.

On a sidenote, has anyone ever tried the 32 players coop?

Makes sense.

Also, Synicles are probably modelled after your late wife.

The fourth ending all but confirms that's what your wife looks like, barring something like engine limitations.
I want to know if the synicles at the Vindico factory are also supposed to be her, and if that means she was working with Vindico to keep the secret from Rimanah. Would maybe explain why you can't use your weapon.
If so, who is the Manduco on New Eden?
If not, did the crazed Culter Dei see the passive synicles there too?


Shit man, that's good.

Ok, so Dark Heresy would probably be the best system to use for this right?

Probably, its just all of the conversion work.

Yep. Except everyone is a psyker/techpriest/gunslinger hybrid, and has titles like Cyber Demiurge, Shadow Strider or Daemon's Impious Palm.

Strenght and Agility don't change, Toughness becomes Endurance, WS and BS are merged into Accuracy, make a mess with Fellowship, Intelligience, Willpower and Influence to get PSI Force, Hacking, Medecine and Mental Balance.

For skills and talents, check the wiki:
Maybe make the research tree talent-like.

It won't be balanced, but that's half the charm of EYE.

it sounds too convoluted to actually be done.

>I told you not to make waves!

Is there even enough lore to make a compelling rpg?
I'm shit at homebrewing.

Enough to give a hard-core libertarian a stiffy, that's for sure--it's all about shooting the Federal Police and distrusting those with Asiatic names.

Not really, but that was part of it's charm for me. It's one of these settings that give you a few important sounding phrases and keywords and then you just make shit up as you go.
Definitely not for everyone though

Unless the second game goes with the whole time looping thing again, I'm sure we'll get a lot more lore for this setting.

>second game
I remember when i had hopes and dreams

They said their next game would be EYE 2 or a gorkamorka racing game.
Dunno if Space Hulk's relative fiasco changed their plans or not.

How was it a fiasco? Did it flop?

From what I read on /v/ apparently they didn't even have music for some sections? I'm not really a 40k kind of guy, but I don't think that was on purpose...
Regardless, EYE is their own title, it shouldn't matter how other games do. If they do ever realize they'll never make an EYE: Seeing EYE2EYE, I'd hope they'd maybe drop some homebrew notes to explain the universe more.

An EYE bible would be amazing, I'd love to see their design documents.


I'v been fiddling around with a big 'ol set of shadowrun houserules but recently I'v been seeing how they fit into an EYE or EYE-like game.

Essence would be replaced with an attribute called Balance. Cyberware AND spells would both reduce Balance. Spells would would have a Balance cost based on their flexibility, simple attack spells would cost around .25B while something like levitate or mind control would cost .5B.
Effectively all 'ware would have Deltaware Balance costs.

As long as it is a positive score, Balance can be drawn on for aid. Balance points can be used to uncover minor clues, escape deadly blows, ward off psychotic episodes and prevent targeting from metastreumons. A negative balance score is recorded by the GM granting him a pool of unbalance for the player, which can be used to summons metas against them, trigger psychotic episodes and hallucinations.

A normal individual with a standard grade cyber-brain and generic body mods that allow him to survive has a Balance of 6(max9) these mods give no bonuses they are just part of the standard body in EYE. The normal person also does not know how to call upon their balance. Balance can be increased like other attributes.

nigga EYE is literally the (unruly) hands of the same people running the megacorps
Feds have the Parapsychic legion but might also be puppets of the Orus, or at least close enough allies that they get some benefits.

Hey anons, would you say that EYE is a culter classic

Carlos, you do not know the veritable storm of shit that you have unleashed. Even now, my consciousness divides itself into dozens of clones borne of pure hatred harnessed through psionics. The very heavens will scream as the hot lead sent from my many Sulfatums replaces the atmosphere, leaving none of your remains behind save for thine visage which I will gladly mask my own with as I attend only the lowest and basest parties, through which I will eternally dishonor your name and every last one of your vermin followers.

I'm not sure about that; technology = deshumanization is a Shadowrun theme that isn't present in EYE at all.
And since you have to be cybered or psychic to be efficient in EYE (sniping with HS 010 in secondary mode...), I think it'll negate level progression (more xp -> more ware and/or powers -> less balance)


Also the statues look pretty much like synicles.