>Be GM
>Have a villain who's really paranoid
>Like, four different resurrection plans paranoid
>Most of my players hate him
>PCs hate him
>He finally fucking dies
>They thwart one resurrection, by calling out lore from a previous campaign in this world
>One of them manages to resurrect him, because she thinks she can keep him on a short leash

Why are players such idiots?

>Why are women such idiots?

>fucking short sighted ass players

What would of happen if she didn't res him?

What's going to happen now?

And I meant for their story's plot in general

When players do stupid things, they get punished. That's how it goes.

What would have happened is that one of the PC's psychopathic autistic clone would have kept puppeteering him.

Now, the villain set things up so he could fuck over said clone. Because he's petty.

>Implying he isn't the GAME MASTER
Insolent players cannot stop KAMI-DA

Do the other PCs know?

They do now.

Players are always stupid AND incompetent.
Bad guys are always incompetent AND stupid, it evens out.

What you should do is introduce the villain's dad as the actual villain who is just tired of everyone's shit and wants to kill everyone

The only time players have ever resurrected a villain deliberately in a game I ran was because they hated him so much, killing him once wasn't enough.
They wanted to kill him again.
He wasn't even particularly powerful as an individual. He was a vizier/power behind the throne sort of puppeteer and silver tongued manipulator that had managed to make them all that mad at him.
He didn't even have spells or weapons, so much as he had allies and the trust of powerful people that made their lives hell after they crossed him once.
They would have done it a 3rd time, but they ran out of money for more diamonds.

He should've been able to refuse revival. In fact you probably should've had him do so, and have their diamonds be wasted if only to set up an adventure into the afterlife to kill his spirit there and wipe him off the face of the universe or something.

>who is just tired of everyone's shit and wants to kill everyone
That's a stupid motivation but sadly one you see on here way too often.


An elegan/tg/entle/m/an, are we?

It's the best kind of shitposting

It's a staple of many fiction to have the heroes team-up/resurrect/break out of jail a villain they fought previously.

My players did it in a Star Frontier campaign I was running and it worked out for them (mostly because one of my player gave my a sealed envelope to open when he told me to. On it was written: I put a micro-bomb in his neck before resurrecting him. Good times).

It isn't shiposting if it is pure quality.

What? I don't understand the problem.

The problem seems to be that OP wanted to danpost.

I can't blame him.

Beyond that, playing with fire is a bad idea. That's pretty much it.

What... what the?
Does that player have a crappy purification fetish or something? Or are they playing a anime campaign where power of friendship trumps all and whatnot?

In any case, unleash the consequences on them. Whatever is appropriate given that villain's agenda/personality.