What is the D&D of sci-fi games?
I'm looking to recreate FTL for tabletop.
What is the D&D of sci-fi games?
there are a lot of options depending on what kind of setup you're interested in and what level of rules complexity you're comfortable.
traveller is an old classic space game that has a lot of rules.
stars without number is an OSR-like that has basically the same setup as traveller but very rules light.
ashen stars is a space investigation game where the players travel around the edge of civilized space and try to help enforce the law. very different approach to the game but has my favorite space combat rules ever.
I'd like to know as well.
I've looked at Eclipse Phase but character creation (and rules) seem clusterfucky
Of by "D&D of sci-fi games" you mean "the granddaddy that set all the precedents everyone either follows or intentionally tries to break away from," definitely Traveller.
Actually D&D: d20 Future
Not D&D but still TSR: Alternity, Star Frontier
The game you're looking for is Traveller.
>What is the D&D of sci-fi games?
Wrong question. The question that will get you what you want is "What systems are good for running a FTL like campaign ?"
None of the sci-fi systems I know would be a good fit. Though what I've heard about Traveller makes me think that it might work for you.
>I've looked at Eclipse Phase
If you want to create an FTL like game, you don't want to use Eclipse Phase. It has too much of a focus on transhumanism.
Space combat in the FFG star wars games is similar. Star of the show is the gunner, pilot does stuff I spose, there's other people running around the ship doing things I'm sure they're helping somehow. It's also probably about as lethal.
You can be a wizard in Traveller?
It's definitely Traveller.
I've actually thought about doing up FTL in Traveller. The only things Traveller lacks are shields (they have something similar but more advanced; probably too strong) and rules for powering only certain system. Both are fairly easy to homebrew.
>Star of the show is the gunner, pilot does stuff I spose, there's other people running around the ship doing things I'm sure they're helping somehow.
OP, you will want to consider this for your game. How do you plan to make ship to ship combat interesting for everyone ?
I've never seen a good answer to that. The best I've seen is a lower focus on ship to ship combat and more focus on things that are more interesting for everyone.
Traveller, hands down
If you don't mind charts, Spacemaster is the Rolemaster port into Sci-Fi and it does similar things as Traveller.
>best way to make ship combat interesting is to have less ship combat
Well that's not going to work for a game that's nothing but ship combat. People willingly play mutes, idiots and non-combat support characters those same players can handle the shield station I guess.
not op, but has anyone got a pdf from the newest edition?
I was looking for similar stuff myself when I came across this thread
never mind, just found the traveller thread.
I suggest EotE (the Star Wars rpg by FFG). It's an easy system that has the same sort of feels as FTL.
Go to low TL world, show of gadgets, be wizard.
Also psionics.
Some one ha actually played ashen stars? You madman, next thing I know you'll say you've played coriolis too.
Whats it like?