New Warhammer 40,000: Datasheets (May11)
>All is Dust
That's nasty
>power rating instead of points
They are the average points for narrative games. Basically you either go for points which you pay for everything, each extra model, each weapon etc or you go with power level for when you don't want to make a precise list and just take what you want.
Points are tomorrow's preview.
>dead link
Am I being rused?
GW made a mistake and released today's preview for five minutes.
I really do hope the Sorcerer will have access to more spells through their codex like in Disciples of Tzeentch.
1-3 mortal wounds on the closest enemy isn't that useful.
They said in the psyker article that all factions will have their own psychic table but every psyker gets smite.
Well then I'd hope the Thousand Sons also get the D6 mortal wounds at 18" range power they have in AoS.
Can't wait for Tau Psykers....I CAST RIPTIDE!!!
>Soulreaper cannon got better
>No hit penalty to moveanshootan with it
>Rubrics are now mini-terminators against small arms fire
>Aspiring Sorcerer, while using a nerfed version of Smite, was never used so its still a buff
>Thousand Sons in AoS
It's nice that Sorcerers get access to the other force weapons and not just staffs now
>every unit profile also has a dozen weapon profiles because everybody can't just have generic Bolter or Flamer any more
I've seen some mildly encouraging signs but I miss 3rd.
I by "they" I meant the Tzeentch faction, should have been clearer.
Looks like their doing the HH thing of discount points cost on bigger units to reduce MSU spam, that's nice
No they aren't, you're forgetting that the sorcerer costs extra.
>sword has -3 AP
>axe has -2 AP
Is the age of the power axe over?
Fuck, burn it all down then
>burn it all down then
Burn it all to dust?
If the Tau get psykers, it will be Kroots, Vespids, Nicassar or another new species. Otherwise, I only see Ethereals gaining more stuff. No idea how would that work out.
>We'll be back tomorrow to look at points and power levels
>power levels
What did they mean by this?
[dragon ball z refernce]
>I didn't read the article, nor did I saw the profile everybody is commenting
That's because the power axe isn't anymore unwieldy, so they had to rebalance it somehow
Now the sword has -3, but the axe has +1S
I really hope when we get to tau they try to appeal to old-school tank/devilfish with firewarriors/auxiliaries/smaller suits players.
I miss diverse lists and am really sick of the robo-spam.
Makes you wonder why they didn't do this before. Mace S+2 AP4, axe S+1 AP3 and sword AP2. But I don't mind, -2 is still good.
>tfw you got 10 30k terminators with power axes, combi-bolters and reaper autocannons
>What can enemies of mankind do against such dakka and choppy?
Because AP2 at initiative is really too much, since it means no armor save at all, and you have to hope that you have an invulnerable
With the new system it's still strong, but much more manageable
Also it would most likely have remained AP3/-2 if it wasn't that unwieldy doesn't exist anymore
Oh god Chaos terminators will be rapetastic now that not only do their combi bolters have double shots their reaper autocannons do too.
>Get charged by Force Axe AssSorc
>Four attacks, hitting and wounding on 3s, reducing your armor to 4 or 5+
>lmao D3 damage
They are pretty brutal now, actually.
I'm expecting storm bolters to change in some way, perhaps become Assault 3 to keep the better at long range, worse at short thing going
No pnalty to move and shoot is probably how they will handle units with relentless or slow and e
So Rubrics can Overwatch and Run now, huh.
>D3 damage
Damage don't pass from model to model.
It's useless if they all have 1 wound.
Pretty awesome if they have more.
I was thinking about Champion of Chaos rule forcing you to challenge, but doesn't seem to be a thing anymore. Still, it's pretty brutal against most thing. Hell, with that and warpflame pistol he can threaten dread pretty effectively.
On the other hand, that dumb Warpflame thing is not a thing anymore, so that's cool.
ap2 at initiative you say
Nope. Death to the False Emperor has that restrictions included.
They haven't taken it away from the Rubrics, they have given it to all CSM, because GW hates you
Alright lads, from what we have seen so far, i think we i can derive the melee weapons:
S ap D
p.sword U -3 1
p. axe +1 -2 1
p. maul +2 -1 1
Chain axe +1 0 1
Chain sword U -1 1
p.Fist 2X -3 D6
Chain fist 2X -3 2D6 pick highest
>swap boltpistol for warflame pistol
>lose 1 strenght and gain D6 shot that hit automatically in CC
ho ho ho
Only Orks, Tau or actual unwieldy units consider that different from unwieldy
> Faction Keyword: Xenos
Taudar is back, bitches!!!
that makes sense.
chain axe probably has -1 Rend too.
I would guess choppas give +1 Str -1 Rend on the charge
>chain axe probably has -1 Rend too.
seems strange to me to make the axe srictly better than the sword. I know thats how its set up now, but seeing as the power weapons are all on parity, it makes sence for the same to apply to the chain weapons
>I would guess choppas give +1 Str -1 Rend on the charge
my guess is they will copy the stats on the chain axe, with any charge bonus being restricted to the orks themselves
>grand alliance:xenos wasn't a meme
nah its okay if its strictly better if you pay points for it to be and upgrade.
Chainswords historically have always been free to take.
And rolling in furious charge into the weapon statline saves time and is easier to read.
It's probably going to be more for something like
>This Space Marine REALLY hates xenos, do d3 extra damage against all units with the keyword xenos
As long as xenos alliances are still in, because obviously imperium and chaos forces can ally with each other.
Where did you see that?
And I can see the keyword existing without the grand alliance being a thing actually, just to make some Deathwatch special rules for instance (Prefered Enemy: Xenos)
Pistols dont add an attack now, they are fird using their profile in CC
It's not confirmed they don't add an attack, it's only speculation based on the idea of "balancing" them now that they can shoot in cc
I think its fairly safe to assume this is the case. The extra attack was always supposed to represent you fireing the pistol, but now you actually fire the pistol, so i HIGHLY doubt it wil also count as a CCW
not in the edition of chargers strike first
It wasn't meant to represent you shooting the pistol. After all I don't know how a S7 AP2 from a plasma pistol would turn into a S4 AP- when in cc
It was meant to represent you hitting with the butt of the gun, since it being a pistol made it easier to move it around and hitting your opponent
We'll have to see if they'll get changed, since we've already seen that swords and axes don't act the same way
>S7 AP2 from a plasma pistol would turn into a S4 AP- when in cc
same reason a str 4 ap 5 bolt pistol became a str 5 ap 2 force axe: it was an abstraction.
It was still represent the guy fireing off close-range vollies. so how why would it ALSO grant +1 attack in CC?
Could you show me where it's said that it represent shooting instead of hitting with the butt of the gun?
Am I the only one slightly disgruntled by the fact that they removed individual equipment cost. I find that to be a big issue in aos where hqs get a mount for free which grants an extra attack for example. Then again this looks like the first point system not the 2nd which hopefully has more variation
Am at work atm so cant dig out the book, but it was in the 4th and 5th ed books, and i am pretty sure it was in 6th. havent checked the 7th.
>he hasent read the thread
No you are not you retard, aslo they haven't, use your brain.
They did not remove the point costs. The 'power level' is just a quick point cost for narrative games, so that even those aren't too unbalanced.
they have not removed individual equipment costs as stated dozens of times points are for matched power rating is for narrative play we are getting points tomorrow
The equipment costs will be in the book for matched play. The quick n dirty points on the card are for narrative play, so you can estimate how strong a force will be.
>unload 10 rubrics froma rhino with warpflamers
>10D6 str 4 ap-2
"No ahraman, No!"
It actually was meant to be the pistol being shot, but after 2nd ed combat went away it wouldn't really work, so it was abstracted into +1 melee weapon attack.
Why aren't the points for competitive play on the same datasheet? What happened to streamlining?
Because Points are in the General's Handbook.
That way they can update the points for every unit every year without making new codices.
I suspect they're elsewhere so that they can do what they do with AoS: re-cost things every few months to take into account changes in the meta and fix balance issues
Much more hassle to update.
Crunched some rough numbers. Looks like Axe is still superior to both Mace / Sword.
>Test assumed wielded by S4 Marine
>Sword is only best vs T3 4+ or T3 3+
>Axe is best vs. T4 6+, T4 4+, T4 3+, and T8 3+
>Mace is best vs T3 5+
That's 35 hits average.
So why not separate the narrative points as well? Seems flimsy.
Enjoy your cuck edition.
Narrative points won't be unit costs, it'll be 1 point for troops, 2 for elites, 3 for a named character etc.
Nicer chart for you :))
i think it actually looks nice
very symmetrical
What's best for T4 2+?
I meant the power ratings. Surely, you want some flexibility there for game balance too?
>Heretic Astartes
Because Narrative is Narrative.
They are just a guideline, so when you are making a Narrative Scenario (which are often not symmetrical nor are meant to be balanced) you can kind of see what you need to make it interesting.
Competitive games are a completely different beast. If there is a broken combo, or a unit that is far stronger or far weaker that it is suppose to be, they need to be able to correct it.
Also, you need to be far more granular. Not every weapons and equipment are worth the same. In a narrative games that level of dept is unnecessary.
Tie for Sword and Axe
If they're not meant to be balanced, what are power ratings for?
Very broad balancing.
Beer an pretzels games.
Good cover-all renegade chapters.
They're not to be precisely balanced, and not always symmetrically balanced, that doesn't mean a complete lack of balance
Can you post the full analysis? how much is axe better in those senarious? is the sword just miles better in one given case for example
Don't forget that combi-weapons aren't one use only anymore, so each one of those terminators can now basically take a special weapon, unless they get limited in some fashion or become really expensive.
Power ratings may be for scenarios meant to be played out over multiple games, such as the missions in the imperial armour books. You may have 10 power one game then depending on if you win or not a different power the next game.
>Veeky Forums
balance isn't the focus of narrative games. It's something very large, very general, so that you can roughly check if you're going to totally be annihilated or not - and if so, to bring a few more troops, or ask your opponent if he really wants to play everything.
Because no one likes games ending on turn 2, even narrative games
Very nice but the top left 2+ is green instead of blue
Will do.
But overall they're usually within 10% of each other.
Sounds like what the "competitive" points system is for...
>this RUINS the symmetry
More likely some engines that shut down psykers
But for the quick snippit as we all love murdering Marines (assuming you're S4)
T4 3+
>Sw = 42%
>Ax = 44%
>Mc = 33%
T4 2+
>Sw = 33%
>Ax = 33%
>Mc = 22%
T8 3+
>Sw =14%
>Ax = 22%
>Mc = 17%
The way I see it, power ratings are most useful if you are doing a campaign. A victory in a campaign could reward you with X power rating which you could add to your army.
With power ratings being included by default, it means all models are recruitable in campaigns, even new models.