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>the carnosaur bites him, tosses him in the air like he's about to swallow him whole
>then just throws him against a rock
What the fuck
Why didn't the carnosaur eat that elf
skinks are cute as fug
Too much metal, would have given Grimloq indigestion. Kroq-Gar has taught him better than to just eat any old thing he picks up in his mouth.
Finally, the most interesting race in fantasy.
cuz he's covered in armor
Blood DLC for TWW2 coming soon
Could have at least bit him in half then spit it out
elves have no meat on their bones
elves taste like rice and a good rider controls his mount not to eat during a fight, only after
post yfw
It'll be free for those that have blood DLC in TWW.
if only the video had better frames quality
I like how one second, right before the Elf's about to kill the skink, there's like over 20 Elves heading towards the Lizardmen but then a few seconds later they're all running away in terror from a fuck huge dinosaur
looks neat
>female default helf mages
I hope they come in both genders, the General looks great
Waitin' for Skaven.
Trips of Truth.
Why did they have to make the Slann sound like a demon baddie of the Burning Legion from Warcraft though?
yeah they should have spoken jibberish with subtitles instead
>Thank you for your order!
Shame Daemons aren't being added with this game.
I expect some of them to appear at the end of the campaigns as teaser for tww3
By the way, will the Tomb Kings make an appearance in this game? THey were squatted on AoS, and I don't know if TW WH follows it or the classic Warhammer Fantasy canon.
All factions with a supported army book are going to appear
Gi Shatta Gasha!
>THey were squatted on AoS
So what? Bretonnia was also squatted, yet we get them, even expanded with units that were never in the TT game.
All will be well.
Excited for the game but fuck I hated that trailer. It needed to show more army shots/different units and still didn't even look like a graphical update. 7/10 trailer for an expansion pack.
Skink is a cute. CUTE!
The Lizardmen have always been the best race in Warhammer
So we see non mouted Carnsoraur's in the trailer. Did the tabletop have those?
yeah just don't put the dood on top
including their heroes being armed with 'relics' such as lasguns like in the old days
My problem with this game is the "regiments of renown" are so boring, me being a major Dogs of War-fag.
They are just the faction's regular troops but with a buff, instead of being unique units that can be hired by multiple factions.
He's a big fat toad, he's going to have a deep voice.
This is basically an expansion pack for the first game, it's the same because they want people to be able to play them together.
Its basically a whole new game on its own that can be combined with the original to make one big world map.
So.... an expansion pack then.
>including their heroes being armed with 'relics' such as lasguns like in the old days
If you don't buy it, the base game map still expands, you just can't play as the included races. Apparently.
They will probably be DLC for TWWH2.
Why would Lizardmen and High Elves fight?
Aren't they both basically on the same side against Chaos?
Elves don't know their place in the Great Plan and act in their own arrogance, anyone who goes against the Great Plan needs to get Jurassic Parked.
Only the Slann were entrusted with the Great Plan of the Old Ones; while the High Elves are stalwart enemies of Chaos and enforcers of a general order, they don't care about the Great Plan nor do they really even know much about it. As such, the Lizardmen sometimes need to put the Helves back in their place from time to time.
Not all frogs are pepe
Yeah, but the Slann definitely are.
>Warmbloods touching my rocks
>Warmbloods are not allowed to touch my rocks
And the only true good guys in WHF
Aren't they a bunch of genocidal lawful neutral frogs that are mostly assholes?
They are frogs trying to do the right thing by following the plans of their extinct masters, all your other lesser beings are just screwing it up and letting things get chaotic.
I don't see how that prevents them from being the good guys
>Sir, the elves our ancient allies have touched the rocks. We told them not to touch the rocks.
>This means war, we plunge ulthan into the seas now.
The elves in this case are touching more than the rocks, they are fucking with the gate
Wait wait wait
Theres a warp gate in lustria?
>fucking with the gate
Get Kroak on the speed dial.
When is Lord Kroak going to be added, as the single ridiculously overpowered wizard Lord in the game?
>You'll never see half of an army get deliverance of itza'd
>Frogs that where pets to massively powerfull aliens who terraformed the Old World
>Said aliens like their pets so much they left them in charge of their bio-engineered reptile killing machines
>Lizardmen do/do not understand what their Frog masters are saying since they are frogs and they are lizards and both have a difficult language they're not sure if they understand it themselves
>Fucking hate chaos. Fucking murder chaos wherever it is
Damn I love lizardmen. If they throw it good ol' Tehenhuain I'm gonna jizz fer days.
Can't wait to do the mass extinction on them.
Amazons used to have access to stuff like Sunstaffs, which were clearly just lasguns from 40k. Powerswords too?
get mountain'd cunt.
total war is messing with the setting
there's not a single bad thing they added, from skarsnik getting his part of k8p stolen by mutinous goblins, to the wood elves waging war outside of loren for magic amber to sarthorael the everwatcher undermining the end times or characters like azhag and vlad still being alive
tww2 seems even more focused on a story driven campaign so I hope we see more; for one the lizards have been confirmed to have built the great warding to keep the vortex in check, while previously we had some slann sending magic aid themselves
I'd play the fuck out of TT Warhammer if one of the factions was just an abandoned Imperial Guard regiment lol.
The Lizardmen have the mentality of an old man saying 'Get the fuck of my lawn!'
That's a nice mountain you live in, It'd be a shame if anything happened to it.
I assume they mean the vortex. The Slann would not allow a full gate to be in Lustria. The full chaos gates are only at the poles.
>Solid Skink
Wish he was in the game.
>wake up
>remember kaldor shitgo needs full on tech and OP items to survive while this retard does well and escapes with a fucking stone knife and blowdart
Hey, dumbass, Draigo fight daemons 24/7 without rest. Draigo attacked the haunts of the Chaos God themselves.
That Lizard just covered himself in daemon blood and used his skills to sneak his way back to reality. Occasionally killing any daemon that detected him.
Anyways, as if we needed any more proof that the Lizardmen are retards, they are attacking objectively best good guys in the setting who are there to repair and defend the gates.
t. retarded shit sucking elf fuccboi guilliman
He's like Sly Morbo but way more badass and coldblooded.
He's so sneaky the very taint of chaos corruption couldn't find him while sneaking around literally in their house, he's fucking INVISIBLESSED!
Also another problem with the lore of the game. Slaan vocalisin their speech. Slaan do not talk. In fact, when a Verminlord infected a Slaan Star Priest with a disease, when it croaked in pain it was said it was the first sound ever to come out of its mouth for aeons.
Everyone is more or less on the same side against chaos. However, there was a time before Games Workshop went full fucking derp, and everything in the setting didn't boil down to LOL CHAOS, and Chaos was a constant tangible physical threat, allowing factions to actually act like sensible and believable fucking factions with their own motivations and goals and internal strife.
Bretonnia and the Empire has been at war multiple times, and border skirmishes are still common, and they both still politically maneuver to take Marienburg, which Marienburg uses by playing them out against eachother, as well as having a war guarantee of independence from the Sea Elves (so if either The Empire or Bretonnia attack, the High Elves will attack the aggressor).
Given that the lizardfolk are Lawful Neutral full-on autists, and most of them (all?) basically being biological robots, them declaring war on anyone can make perfect sense, if it's in line with their autistic reeing vs. Chaos.
Its magic, Slann magic, they are just making you THINK they are talking.
Wasn't a constant tangible physical threat. WASN'T. Goddammit.
Man, the Sea Elves, do they get brought up at all in Total Warhammer?
>objectively best guys
5/10, but only because you made me respond.
You cannot take back that Freudian slip, You know in your heart the threat of Chaos was always there.
The rulebook and the High Elves army book says they are Chaos's greatest enemies and the guardians of the World. That they are objectively good albeit prone to arrogance because they think they know best.
Not that I know of, sadly. It's a bit annoying too, since they're not really just High Elves. They're basically the neutral elves that tie the Dark Elves and High Elves together, and can be just as much independent pirate corsairs as they can work with dark elf slavers or be high elf traders.
I understand why they never rwally got a proper army, but fluff-wise, trying to fold them into the High Elves was a mistake, since it cheapened the idea that all the elves are really the same people, just with different political/ideological factions, and made things clear-cut to a point that really has no place in any believable narrative.
He could've eaten like, eighteen elves before that and was just full.
Not taking the bait of presenting propaganda and unreliable narration as objective fact.
They should have showed up in Man O' War: Corsair
I don't know too much about fantasy but do the lizardmen just not know how to make bombs or do they just prefer rocks? Cause I was expecting them to be carrying bombs.
>unreliable narration
You mean just lore. What proof do you have it's unreliable?
It is objective fact. Nobody fought Chaos harder than the Elves. Nobody sacrificed more than the elves to safeguard the world. And they didn't do it because they were programmed to do so.
What the fuck is wrong with that bottom right ones arm?
Yeah, it's always there, but it's looming and sinister and infiltrating and corruptive. But since chaos was established as CHAOS CHAOS CHAOS, it seems like the threat of an ongoing major invasion is ever-present, and it's just not a regular tuesday unless Chaos hasn't invaded the province next door or corrupted a major character into committing a full-on genocide.
And it's just silly and unbelievable, and it would indeed make any strife between other factions completely ridiculous and out of place.
Nope. Nice try, but your bait is bad and you should feel bad.
Another tiddit that makes that High Elves > Lizardmen.
They did not run. The fought for the world to their last breaths and fucking beyond while the Lizardmen prepped their temple ships and left.
If the lizardmen stayed and brought their arcane power to side of the Incarnates, Archaon would have been stopped.
Lizardmen and Brets are the worst factions for their stupidity.
Ain't no bait.
Back in the day 40k and WHFB were heavily implied to either be the same universe. Khorne used to be known to give some of his best champions chainswords for example.
I agree. Also, they have tons of colonies. The elven colonies of the sea elves are largely neutral in the whole Ulthuan/Naggaroth conflict.
On the sea, you should be infinitely more likely to see sea elf merchant vessels, privateers/pirates/corsairs, and colonial transports than you would be to see navy ships of the dark elf or high elf armadas.
End Times/Age of Sigmar rubbish. Rubbish from a rubbish setting. Makes no sense in the xontext of Warhammer Fantasy, and is inapplicable to boot.
I haven't bothered reading the thread, but the End Times fluff is frequently massively dumb and did things that made no sense just to get the result GW wanted. This is one such case. The Lizardmen were always utterly dedicated to protecting the Old Ones creation, whatever the cost to them, but fucked off because GW wanted at least the Slann to be in decent nick for AoS.
>It's another elftard thinks he's relevant
Every fucking time.
Go get RUCK'd
Too bad they couldn't get Clan Pestilens off their lawn.
>Mfw they actually did
>Mfw you're mentally retarded
Are you the elftard?
Go drink bleach and be useless somewhere else, you'd be shoveling shit and sucking demon cock if not because lizardmen.
Time to get out the IronDrakes and make your blood actually warm for once.
>got the moon dropped on them and into space'd
>angry about elves who don't even matter
Looks like someone's getting a little hot-blooded there Mr Lizard.
The lizardmen are like of no relevance to the setting after a certain parts in the setting start.
How many novels do they have? How involved they are with the rest of the world? Little to nothing. They are at Tomb Kings levels of irrelevance of being just there until they weren't when they ran and left the world to DIEEEEEE!