genestealers are just space kikes right?
Genestealers are just space kikes right?
Kind of.
I've never heard of genestealers screeching about 6 trillion hive fleets.
No, are you dense?
They are space commie bugs waiting for the rapture, you unimaginative imperial scum.
Fuck off nigger, are we not allowed to liken races to groups on earth. Every piece of fiction is inspired by real life. Fuck off and go be offended somewhere else > /lolddit/
I mean yeah that too, but with bagels and cheap sneakers in the mean time.
But genestealers advocate race-mixing with others.
Aren't they a little like Antifa or the IRA?
>/pol/ is on field day again
Laugh, hide, ignore.
>destroy stuff because muh ideology
>burn and kill because it's fun
Antifas are Chaos, user.
That's not a real picasso.
And jews weren't around in 2000bc, it's /pol/tard shit in a shit thread, just ignore it.
That'just any violent hooligan group for you. At least CSM don't pretend to do it for the greater good, or because they are oppressed.
bad thread op
They do both of those things though, at least a large subset of them.
I'd rather call it the greater evil, or -wait- the greater chaos. That's too abstract for a metaphor.
Semites existed since before the babylonian era.