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Operator Edition: Is your operator, on a scale of one to ten, an eleven? Would they rate themselves a twelve?
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Pathfinder General /pfg/
Operator Edition: Is your operator, on a scale of one to ten, an eleven? Would they rate themselves a twelve?
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What's an Operator
oh god i've failed horribly.
Actual Old thread:
Completely unrelated to the thread, but I hate that boss.
One of the classes that's going to be in Starfinder.
Stat him
Android with class levels in Bushi Warder.
all the designs from that game were aces
So it's a rogue / something-mancer?
What's the Starfinder equivalent of psions and does it scale with mechanical hobbies such as piloting ships, drones or tampering with electronics
It's like a rogue but not shit
Which combat styles are mechanically best for a Str build MoMS?
Its like Rogue ++ from what i've seen.
>consecutive posts
>same second
made me think
>Enemy is called The Song
>Has the best theme
Really makes you think.
>want to make an initiator
>end up with another Bushi/Vigilante Stalker
>I literally cannot stop making these fucking things
I want to like other initiators but none of them scratch my autism the way this thing does. Except maybe Hidden Blade.
How's everyone doing this afternoon?
Having a good day so far?
I have two options for each of my trouser serpent character's gestalt halves:
>Vivisectionist Polymath Alchemist
>Empiricist Conspirator Investigator
The other half of the character is one of the following:
>Serial Killer Vigilante
>Night Terror Focused Hunter Vigilante
Will be using the feat out of Legendary Vigilante either way to get my vigilante abilities to key off Int rather than Cha.
I am having a hard time choosing but at the moment the combos either seem to be:
>Vivisectionist Polymath Alchemist | Serial Killer Vigilante
>Empiricist Conspirator Investigator | Night Terror Focused Hunter Vigilante
Which should I go for?
Its a phrase used to describe someone who "operates", that is someone who perform covert stealth/spec-ops operations and other sneakybreaki stuff. Basically an Operator is someone like Solid Snake or Sam Fisher
Yup, just trying to think of all the Starfinder campaigns we'll get.
Something like Star Adventures with XCOM2 Viper
A reimagining of the Kung Fu show with David Cassidy replaced with an Android
A whole bunch of !Macross and !Gundam spinoffs
I was going to ask a stupid question about Clone but then read the entry and realised the ingredients would have to be harvested from a living body and that they would resurrect into the new body if they were dead.
I'm in danger of making a cute character. Right now, I have naive country gal who loves punching and romance novels. Please dissuade me from continuing this idea.
Make her a Yuan-Ti
gimme the skinny on the Str/Dex split for Trouser Snake
Do not.
Especially do not make a naive country yuan-ti who loves punching and romance novels.
Not allowed.
>Right now, I have naive country gal who loves punching and romance novels.
Do it, make the naive country girl who loves punching and romance novels!
Know what they say about them country girls!
Is it possible to build a ranger as more of a support character or do they have to be entirely damage-focused to work?
What do you consider to be support?
Buffs, debuffs, battlefield control. Any combination of the three.
That's called a druid, user.
Going to be fun, I think.
I don't think druid would fit the character very well, unfortunately.
I disagree.
Has anyone ever actually posted accurate DPR comparisons between PoW classes and Paizo ones? Google is finding me nothing but kneejerk conjecture from both sides.
big ass
The latter seems more interesting, from a mechanical perspective.
What is even the difference between a druid and a ranger who doesn't focus on weaponry?
Are you thinking you HAVE to play a druid as a nature loving hippie?
You can be a gritty huntsman druid just fine, user.
The character really has no interest or love for nature at all. Even as a ranger he'd be much more urban than anything.
>Dat ass
Lotsa people post THICC with blatantly fat chicks, but that's a proper THICC right there.
I think everyone knows that PoW classes can easily obsolete the damage abilities of 1pp classes, but they don't point it out overtly because everyone with enough play experience to realize that has also realized by that point the classes are more fun, and a game is better when everyone plays PoW but is trusted to keep their powerlevel in check than when everyone has to struggle with 1pp martials.
The better to unarmed strike with.
Path of War. Initiators like Stalker and Warlord.
All I ever end up making is Warlords. My friend is a diehard Warder.
So wizards are one of the most vulnerable classes to save or suck. Ask a wizard to make a fort save and he begins preemptively vomiting to get himself lubed up for the real debuff.
How do you solve the wizard's abysmal saving throws? About the only spell that buffs their fort save is heroism and that doesn't nearly cover the gap.
Be a Thug archetype Rogue.
Invest in intimidate and shaken and sicken enemies all day.
Bonus points if you main nonlethal damage and use the Enforcer feat.
>The better to unarmed strike with.
You don't unarmed strike with your ass unless you're really trying to bruise the man behind or under you.
That's cool but I am looking for hard math and optimized builds on the subject.
This is perfect, thanks bud.
Unchained rogue, or vanilla? I don't really have experience with either.
Core Rogue is an NPC class
And you're expecting us to just have those on hand.
Look at it this way. PoW archetypes will do strictly more damage because they have all the resources of normal Paizo martial to do damage plus boosts and full attack maneuvers.
Unless you think those 5 feats fighters lost cover for a boost and full attack maneuver.
I beg to differ! There us a long held tradition of thicc girls utilizing their posterior for superior damage.
Always go unchained rogue.
(And since you're set on the path now, as a bonus, spend one of your rogue talents on Ninja Trick -> Pressure Points for /more debuffs/)
>There us a long held tradition of thicc girls utilizing their posterior for superior damage.
Qinggong Zen Archer Monk rapes PoW babbies tho
cBarb pouncing every time with dazes, shrugging off spells and getting more attacks from AoOs is also generally better in a lot of cases. Initiators are strictly only better in situations where you can't archery or charge, and even that is build dependent.
>he protests, while fantasizing about thicc drow and catgirls sitting on his face and smoothering him to death
Now I'm imagining it and it's really growing on me!
What do they say about country girls?
> Protag updates his character with two sentences of personality before getting ADD apparently
>But those first two sentences of the personality
I can tell this gonna be good.
Also I had to google ebullience.
Give me the DPR for the barbarian and monk and I'll try to make Warlords that beat them.
Won't even use Primal Fury or Broken Blade.
They live in the country. It's why they're called country girls.
They're strong, blessed with folksy wisdom, have cute accents, and endowed with huge tits.
Kobold Confidence feat to get Int to Fort saves.
>cBarb pouncing every time with dazes, shrugging off spells and getting more attacks from AoOs is also generally better in a lot of cases. Initiators are strictly only better in situations where you can't archery or charge, and even that is build dependent.
You realize the barbarian archetype can only charge pounce and get superstition, it just costs them 2 feats rather than rage powers.
>endowed with huge tits
but what about the ones with overalls and barely to no tits?
the superior ones
>Trouser Snakes bans drow
What's wrong with Drow?
Hey, that stereotype is unisex, you know. Country boys are treated the exact same way only the bits are gender-appropriate.
They're what we call tomboys, user, and cherished./spoiler]
What are your thoughts on the ninja alternate class? Are there any things you wish it did better?
It's just not really that good - well, allow me to revise; it's good for a 1pp, but it's just kind of lackluster and shackled by the expectations of being a Ninja.
I agree, and I have my own thoughts on where it falls short—I'd like to be able to make mortal kombat style ninjas, for example. I'm just interested in hearing people's thoughts on what kinda changes would make it a more interesting, worthwhile class.
Not allowed.
It's better than Core Rogue, but still shackled by the fact that it's based on fucking Core Rogue and therefore full of all the same kinds of shitty problems. Adding Unchained Rogue's free shit on top of it fixes about the same amount of things as it does for Rogue (very little) so there's that.
Ninja really needs the Legendary Rogues treatment, IMO
operator, operator
please hook me up to my lover at the end of the line
Got it.
Dragon style obviously
What else? Street Style?
Which waifu should I put you through to?
>Captain Slow
What's STR-based front line class that can dish out punishment and get people to hit them at low levels?
Bonus points if it's not a Barb or Pally
>get people to hit them at low levels
Ha ha ha ha.
I'll tell you a secret, user.
Barely any class can do this at any level.
1pp PF has no traditional aggro pulling mechanics.
Warlord archer doesn't even beat a Fighter lore warden archer, much less a Qinggong Zen Archer Monk. Enjoy your stuns.
btw Myrmidon Fighter is much better at breaking dpr with PoW mechanics than a Warlord is
>not taking come and get it, dazing, accuracy buff, etc
Sorry I think cbarb still wins in most cases.
Fucking post the 1pp builds already if you want us to show you hard numbers.
But also I'm leaving soon for irl so don't think I gave up if you don't get a response after posting
Its already been posted on reddit in the last month vs a warlord archer build. If you meant the Qinggong Zen Archer Monk, that is extemely well documented already. Go check the DPR olympics thread or search Paizo forums if you are feeling so insecure.
Link the reddit thread because searching that mess for terms as vague as 'warlord' and 'myrmidon' turn up nothing.
The true question.
Should I go for 16 Dex/18 Int or 18 Dex/16 Int?
Snakes are huggers, not punchers.
But I thought you guys were all muh reddit freddit
DHB is for hugs, not for fugs.
Not sure if you can on Veeky Forums
Path of War's balance.
So I'm trying to make a Slayer and I'm kind of confused about which way to go.
I'm trying to decide between Dual Shields (GM won't let me get double AC from them sadly) or Shield and Kukri or Scimitar to fish for crits. I'm anticipating being the main tank here as well, so that's a factor.
As I probably won't have anyone to help me flank for Sneak Attacks/Flanks (Only party member I know of is a Sorc) I'll have to manufacture my own Sneak Attack opportunities. From what I can tell there are 3 different paths for that. Crit Effects (We're starting at level 3 so that's a long way off), Feint and Intimidate.
Going Intimidate seems pretty badass, especially if dual wielding shields, but I'm not really sure how to go about it. High Str+TWF via Ranger Feats(Slows down Shield Master to level 11 but no need for 15 dex for TWFs) and Skill Focus Intimidate or the one that lets you use your STR bonus for Intimidate+Dazzling Display? The alternative seems to be to work to Two Weapon Feint.
Should we make the next thread /Paizo General/ instead of /Pathfinder general/?
Operator, you put husbandos with your waifus and waifus with your husbandos!
When Starfinder comes out.
Is that bad though?
Paizo Games General
I'd rather have separate Starfinder general once it actually comes out, but I suppose it'll depend on how popular it turns out to be.
Wayfinder general?
Of course it is; some people want to whisper sweet nothings in someone's ear, while some people want someone to whisper sweet nothings in their ear!
Will Starfinder have a thicc robot race?