"Why do people constantly shout "fire" when they're using bows? What does "fire" mean to a medieval archer...

>"Why do people constantly shout "fire" when they're using bows? What does "fire" mean to a medieval archer? He would probably think there's an actual fire somewhere and would try to extinguish it with a bucket of sand. The word fire belongs to the age of firearms, the medieval archers were using bows, not gunpowder. The correct words to use are shoot, loose or release. So stop shouting fire, it's really annoying and ruins the immersion."

Is he correct Veeky Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


We've had this thread before

The answer is who cares

What if they're fire arrows?
Is it then appropriate to say "Fire!"?



Yes, he's correct. But I would like to mention two points.
1. It's a necessary anachronism, used so modern audiences understand what you're talking about and what's going on. Clarity of information trumps historical accuracy.
2. Immersion is no one's responsibility but your own. If you're so much of an autist that little things like that immediately shatter all credibility of a piece of media, then that's on you.

I've read a couple of books where the order given is "Loose!", which is the appropriate terminology but lacks some of the oomph.

Saying that something ruins immersion is the same as admitting that you are incapable of being immersed on your own and require others to maintain your immersion for you.

>"Why do people constantly shout "autist" when you're pointing out painfully dumb and obvious facts? What does "autist" mean to a youtube commentor? He would probably think there's an actual someone somewhere calling for him and would try to shush it away with a bucket of sand. The word autist belongs to the age of the finno-korean hyperwar, the youtube comenters were using derogatives, not non-ableist words. The correct words to use are special needs, superpowered or indigo kid. So stop shouting autism, it's really annoying and ruins my tendies."

Is he correct Veeky Forums?

Let's play a game called "Find the Real Topic" it's one we've done hundreds of times before.

The goal is to discuss the bait subject we hate and cannot ignore because muh autism until someone manages to shift the direction of the conversation entirely.

>Shout fire
>My trusty arrowmen set their arrows on fire and fire upon the enemy wooden assault vehicles

What is the best system to command large-ish swathes of armies? I'd like to have the PCs be basically warhammer heroes leading regiment(s) and all that, I feel warhammer/tabletop games are too simple for players and don't offer a lot of personalization.

>Hiding thread will make it disappear
And closing your eyes will make you invisible, right?

reminder that Lindybeige claims:

>no one used swords, axes
>no one used horses
>no one used throwing knives
>no one used double strap arm shields
>no one used scythes
>no one used mail coifs
>no one used torches
>Pikemen didn't fight each other
>no one spoke French during the French revolution
>no one spoke Latin during the Roman Republic
>battle of Zama didn't happen
>Romans carried one pilum
>Vikings weren't real
>berserkers weren't real
>climate change isn't real
>stagnant social mobility isn't real
>castles were defended by three soldiers
>butted mail is better than riveted mail
>operation market garden was a success
>Napoleon was literally Hitler
>The Churchill was the best tank in WWII
>The English won the Hundreds Years' War
>british naval guns on Malta could lanuch projectiles into space

It's a two way street. You need a certain suspension of disbelief, but the creator need authenticity or it will be hard to immerse yourself

>Is he correct Veeky Forums?

Yes, he is. I honestly think that Lindybeige should be compulsory studying material for people who are interested in D&D and fantasy/historical roleplay in general.


>Pikemen didn't fight each other
As a Spaniard this makes me angrier than it should.

As bad example you mean, right?

>fire arrows
he's got something to say about that too, dude...

Saludos compañero rolero

>being this butthurt about a thread

¿GURPS: Alatriste cuando?

Lindybeige is almost exclusively posted for bait or for people to circlejerk about how much of an idiot he is

Hay reglas caseras por internet. Pero oficial no creo que llegue jamás...

Song of Fire and Ice tabletop does this rather well.

Se que hay un systema de alatriste,
aun que no lo he mirado y me estoy metiendo en gurps, un gurps alatriste seria low tech y poco mas.

>the camp has been set ablaze by enemy saboteurs
>shout fire to alert the troops that the camp is burning and have men try and douse the flames
>my archers set fire to their arrows instead

Your system doesn't work.

>having archers this fucking stupid
maybe you should invest a few more copper pieces a day to get people who are not retarded user?

>compulsory studying material for people who are interested in D&D and fantasy/historical roleplay
for D&D? yes. for other fantasy roleplay? god, no.

prove it

Hay un homebrew ya hecho en gurps, pero no lo he probado. Yo hace años que no juego GURPS a ver cuando reúno un grupo estable...

Senpai, jugas online?

O en barna?

estoy buscando piso en barna de hecho

Fuck off retard.

haha estas jodido, vivo solo a 600e en un buen piso, pero es chungo, tienes discord?


What? Half of those are clearly untrue and the other half are insane and would never be said by a real person. Are you just taking his words to the absurd or are these real things he said?

ese es mi presupuesto para alquiler y busco para ir solo, estoy buscando en hospitalet ahora porque los precios son más bajos y llega el metro. No tengo discord (diría) y estoy desde el teléfono hasta el sábado por la tarde...

fuck, kik o algo por el estilo?

Also busca pisos antiguos en lugares tipo sarria,
etc... donde hay caserones hyper viejos vas a tener que currarlo un poco eso si.

A lot of it is out of context. For instance the scythes thing was the guy saying those grim reaper type scythes weren't used in war, instead scythes were converted into something closer to a spear like thing

Prove to me that he didn't say any of this

I'm not saying that. I've never listened to the guy, or maybe once, his face seems familiar somewhat. I'm just incredulous that someone who sells themselves as an expert on the subject of medieval warfare (I'm assuming that's why everyone is angry) would say such things.

¿ #6798 esto vale para discord?

Nombre includio senpai, no funciona sino.

Friendly reminder that LondonBulgar is historically inaccurate himself and needs to be thrown in prison for it.

> >Napoleon was literally Hitler
You mean Napoleon wasn't a charismatic leader who managed to unite his country and perform successful fast strategic invasions, only to lose because he got involved in a land war in Russia?

me he hecho una cuenta de 0, no he conseguido recordar la otra

Why are British people so dumb and bad and bald?


people won't understand what's happening when the people in the movie say loose instead of fire.
user I know most people are stupid but they're ot that stupid.

>"Why do people constantly shout "fire" when they're using bows?
Who's doing this? Like, I don't think I can recall any piece of media where this happens that isn't an objectively bad piece of media. In fact I can't even recall any piece of media AT ALL that does this, even the shitty recent seasons of Game of Thrones always use the standard "Knock/Draw/Loose"

Fuck off lindy, you suck.

you really need to pay better attention to his videos.
Or shut up and kill yourself

The Lord of the Rings movies did it. But those have plenty of problems anyway.

Who gives a shit what people say when they're firing arrows?

It breaks immersion

>>no one used swords, axes
>>no one used horses
not until the 1400s
>>no one used throwing knives
meme like the katana. oo much goldeneye I think
>>no one used double strap arm shields
>>no one used scythes
except for grim reaper
>>no one used mail coifs
mail queefs more like
>>no one used torches
>>Pikemen didn't fight each other
of course not
>>no one spoke French during the French revolution
nope it was english
>>no one spoke Latin during the Roman Republic
nope it was classical
>>battle of Zama didn't happen
>>Romans carried one pilum
yeah, look at their kit
>>Vikings weren't real
false they still exist today actually
>>berserkers weren't real
>>climate change isn't real
>>stagnant social mobility isn't real
mobility = mobile = movement. You mongo bastard
>>castles were defended by three soldiers
well 6, one for each corner and two in the middle
>>butted mail is better than riveted mail
yep. Try it. t. Mailman here
>>operation market garden was a success
>>Napoleon was literally Hitler
not literally but yeah Hitler copypasted Napoleon as himself
>>The Churchill was the best tank in WWII
>>The English won the Hundreds Years' War
>>british naval guns on Malta could lanuch projectiles into space

Not difficult mong-bas. That means mongo-bastard and thats you

>In the past, when there were armies of casting wizards, when you wanted your wizards to all cast firebolt, you would say 'fire'.
>So then everyone else started to do it.

Why do people use modern English words when Old English is more appropriate? You shouldn't shoot somebody with your bow and arrow, you should telga ðâs wið êower flânboga nymðe str¯æl.

With that said, I do find "fire" to be particularly egregious, because it's so colorful and obvious where the term comes from. I don't make a fuss about it, but anytime somebody says that they fire their bow, it does sound distinctly wrong to me. It's sort of like if somebody talked about driving their horse around.

So in general, I think that folks should loosen up about anachronistic language, because none of it is going to be appropriate, but there are some things like firing bows that are obviously wrong and should be avoided when possible. Still, it's not as bad as when a lick lord sends a stone gollum into mealy combat against your skimitar-welding puh-laddin and you have to use your healing drought or fall comma-toes. Because that really sucks.

I would say he is wrong for the following reason.

Languages evolve over time. You can argue that historically, commanders never yelled fire like in movies. But then again they probably didn't say most of the other words from that movie either.

If you could bring back an actor in time to command a group of archers (assuming both are from the same nation), said actor would fail to order the archers to launch their arrows. Not because of the fire/loose confusion but because they would not have undertood a single word he said.

So yelling "fire!" Is ok because the actor is not speaking "ye old english" anyway. In modern english "fire" and "loose" are synonyms.

>muh high fantasy medieval settings with wizards n dragons n shiet
Not everyone plays in such shitty settings with no shred of realism whatsoever

i like you.
i'll let you live.

>Languages evolve over time.
Yes good goy, don't preserve your language and culture, just speak a globalised bastardised form of English

Well, France was quite united already when he got in power, so no.
But mostly Napoleon was a much more classical conqueror with little racial or ideological motivations. Which is bad enough I guess, but still not Hitler.

That argument might have some merit were it a language other than English. But English has been bastardized since birth.

It's the bog standard for dee uhn dee, like it or not.
Personally, I long for the day of pointy hat burning. But people will sperg out if you can't fry your enemies with your mind, so we make do.



>disprove my postive claim.
prove to me where he said any of these things.
you are the autist who makes and posts this copy pasta in every thread

Virtually all media that's set in medieval times is "translated" from old english/french/german etc in order to make it comprehensible to a modern audience. I can understand preferring the translation to be slightly more historically accurate just because you like it that way, but acting like saying "fire" is some egregious historical oversight is silly. It's like complaining that Stanley Kubrick is an idiot because he had the Romans in Spartacus speaking English.

nigga you are saying this in middle english
>low english, celt, anglo-germanic
>high normand
Why do you think we say shit like BEEF
english is 90% loan words
or are you saying you are not a man but a VIR

There is literally nothing you can do to stop this. It's a fundamental law of nature that things change over time, language and culture not excepted.

please stop making this thread. it's getting really boring

>except for grim reaper
Pic related, you mong. People used scythes to fight, they just didn't use farming scythes.

Not unless you're autistic.

>no one used throwing knives
but he's right, they aren't a feasible weapon to use on a mobile target.
>50% of the time it lands pommel first
>40% of the time the blade is angled badly and does superficial damage at best

I do wish every modern hail caesar epic was performed in Latin though.

Isn't it 'nock, draw, loose'? Or is that made up too?

Good to see my work still getting use.

with english pronunciation? no thanks

1. isn't that just a pole arm
2. lyndie was examining a martial arts book that had agricultural scythes depicted.
the claim was common, agricultural scythes unmodified from the field would not be used in any European martial discipline.
>other user uses term mong
>this is a bait thread

it's like /k/ and clips

>no one spoke French during the French revolution
>no one spoke Latin during the Roman Republic
Wait, what?

Rule number one
>You do not answer Lindy threads.
Rule number two
>You DO NOT answer Lindy threads.
Rule number three

the claim was the intellectual elite of rome was in love with greece and the greek langauge.
with France he was saying that before the unification you had a lot of minor variations of the language and until the unification you had no true french language
this user posts this shit in sound bites, sound bites suck, lyndie is an idiot but atleast hang him on his proper stupidity

>the claim was the intellectual elite of rome was in love with greece and the greek langauge.
This is a pretty stupid claim. Weebs are in love with Japan, but how many actually know and speak Japanese?

Let me guess : he's a britshit

>with France he was saying that before the unification you had a lot of minor variations of the language and until the unification you had no true french language
This is wrong, and was wrong since François Ier.

>climate change isn't real
>stagnant social mobility isn't real
So he throws idiotic modern-day politics in with his historical silliness? Link?
More importantly, how many EXCLUSIVELY speak Japanese? Because if he's claiming that they didn't speak Latin, that's different than saying they also spoke Greek.

From what i remember there is proof from what i remember that the roman aristocracy absorbed the intellectual tradition of Greece. most of it being in greek
he did say something mealy mouthed about it but no citations, i've got a class on the roman transitional period (ironically dealing with the absorption of Greece and punic wars) so i think i'll talk to my prof about it when i get a chance and update you on it

my point.
it's not Nobody spoke france but faux academic jargon

he is.
the teeth should be a dead give away.

>the teeth should be a dead give away.
His ugliness is enough. He just need a fat trashy gf and he's a walking stereotype.

>More importantly, how many EXCLUSIVELY speak Japanese? Because if he's claiming that they didn't speak Latin, that's different than saying they also spoke Greek.
i don't think that's really all that applicable
if it did become a snooty aristocractic way of differentiating themselves from the plebs they would likely do it just to stand out as the ubermench.
but like i also said, he didn't claim that.
it was some mealy mouth shit about, them preferring greek for the reasons i outlined above and being greekaboos

I'll clear this up. He didn't really say any of that. His video titles are pure troll bait click bait however.

He's right on this instance, man made climate change is bullshit

He actually said half of all that

pic related

Are you sure about that?


try harder next time

> Mfw

>no argument whatsoever

Obviously they do it to confuse enemy spies.