So is it just me or are the Night Lords not scary at all?

So is it just me or are the Night Lords not scary at all?

I mean aesthetically. They're blue (peaceful color) with cartoonish spooky imagery (bright red bat wings and lightning bolts) and their displays of atrocity boil down to wearing flayed skins and the usual skull trophies.

I mean fuck, the average imperial servitor looks ten times more gruesome and threatening than a Night Lord. The entirety of the Death Guard are gorier and more disgusting, most Emperor's Children are so fucked up with surgery that they make Night Lords look like average joes, and let's not even mention what some xenos races look like.

They pride themselves with being the cruelest and the scariest, and all they have to show for it is a few flayed skins.
Is that seriously the best they can do? Is that ALL they can do? Cause I don't really remember them doing anything else. It's always "muh flayed skins" and it's not even that special by 40k standards.
Can't they at least impale a few babies on their trophy racks? Or do something more creative with corpses than just flaying them?
I know they're not big on the whole warp powers thing but if they really gave a shit they could do some really cool shit with that. They don't even have to limit themselves to what is physically possible. And yet they haven't evolved since the Great Crusade in terms of gruesomeness. They have the opportunity to go full Hellraiser (minus the medical theme cause that's the Haemonculi's gimmick) and yet they stick to the same old shit as when they were loyal.

why are NLs such huge unimaginative pussies?

They're the least Chaos worshipping of the traitor legions and are really more just renegades.

They are all literal violent sociopaths, and are basically a legion of super powered serial killers.

It's the fact that you DON'T see them until it's too late that makes them scary.

serial killers who all seem to think that the only valid way to express your psychopathic urges and to scare people is to wear flayed skins

the lamest, most unimaginative pussy-ass psychos of all time

yeah no, bullshit

perhaps in context they're meant to scare peasants and other folk who haven't been desensitized to cartoon drawings of skulls and batwings

those people don't exist in the Imperium.

i forget the book, im pretty sure its horus heresy, but there is a horrifying torture scene wh

They are not scary, but they are good at jumpscares

>but there is a horrifying torture scene wh
user? what happened? user?!

an empire of untold billions of humans wouldn't have more than a few civilizations with their heads in the clouds?

A space marine is a pretty scary thing on its own in the way they are displayed in the books.

But yeah, NL are pretty boring by chaos standards. I think they need something more distinktive like invisibility, cannibalism or something

Most sociopaths aren't very imaginative or creative, they just try to manipulate power dynamics as directly as possible.

In universe, its probably scary. Immanent pain-then-death you can't do anything about is scary. From our perspective they're batman ripoffs with funny hats and linkin park tattoos.

But I suppose what we need to do now is have you tell us what you think is scary. Probably also some unimaginative bullshit.

Why is batman scary ?





I think its mostly about the tactics they use. kinda like vlad.
Vlad wasnt scary by itself, so why did the turks btfo asap ?

OP is the type who watches horror movies then brags about how he wasn't scared at all and how they should have done better. Wow, the guys who wear flayed skins and take skulls are vanilla in the 40k universe, news at 11. I agree with , can't wait to hear what edgy tryhard shit he thinks is scary.

They're supposed to induce "citizen in the Reich when they went batshit and started mass-convicting their own people" fear, not OH GOD WTF IS THAT fear

The constant mutilation during horror movie style adbuction and shit and their reputation.
I think in the omnibus they even make Imperial Fists (?) basically shit themselves even before the siege.

You lack imagination.

From a the perspective of a player who has the whole of the setting to know, the Night Lords cannot possibly be the scariest thing out there.

They're not scarier than the idea of an unstoppable wave scouring the galaxy of life, or a race of elves who pop out of their dimension anywhere in the galaxy they want to kidnap you to turn into a torture battery, or the idea that chaos can just devour your soul after death.
Hell, they're not even scarier than half the shit the Imperium does considering that they essentially turn their own citizens into the Strogg.

From the in-universe perspective of some bumbling human who doesn't even realize those things exist, the scariest fucking thing in the world might well be the idea of an evil Angel who will flay you alive in the middle of the night.

Google Ed Gein,H.H.Holmes and Ted Bundy..............

Now picture them with superhuman strength, speed, senses, durability and endurance....

Then give them armor like a tank,a fully automatic 40mil grenade launcher and a FUCKING JET-PACK.......................
sweet dreams.

It's not the look itself that's scary, it's that their look goes along with their legend. During the Great Crusade entire planets woulkd surrender if it was even hinted that the Night Lords were getting involved. Since then, they've basically become renegades who use shock and awe terrorist tactics to stun a populace into submission. They will infiltrate a target location weeks or months in advance, using human agents. Their raids are often launched with no warning, and their infiltration usually includes infecting the local vox-net with something calle d the Shriek: basically just loud, scary white noise that makes communication all but impossible. They also fight smart, and will basically never enter into a fair fight if possible.

To see a great example of why they are rightly feared, read the actual Night Lords trilogy. There's a scene where a small warband slaughters most of planet's populace and subjects the survivors to weeks of horrific torture, so much that it actually poisons the warp around them and masks their movements from a group of Eldar Seers.

I loved the Shriek and I'm glad they gave NL something similar on the tabletop.

I used to think Night Lords were really cool, then I read pic related and it made me rethink them. Now I know the Night Lords to be ultra deeply troubled misunderstood and doomed whilst they listen to MCR and paint their nails whilst wearing black eyeliner.

You just don't understand the dark depths of their soul, OP.

They do some pretty messed up shit, but the current aesthetic has been warped and tainted by Chaos as almost a mockery of their original purpose. Think pre-heresy Word Bearers vs. the current one, or what happened to the World Eaters.

I'd recommend reading Lord of the Night, it follows Zso Sahaal who is a night lords captain that got stranded in the Warp during the Heresy thanks to Eldar fuckery and arrives in M41 and is basically horrified at what the Legion has turned into.

During the heresy the Night Lords saw chaos as just another tool in their arsenal to spread fear and make conquest easier, but Zso is disgusted at outright worship of it or glorifying warp mutation and the gods.

He outright mocks what the Raptors have turned into as screeching retards with no strategy, and bemoans the fact that rather than precise application of terror for psychological warfare and to gain an edge in battle, a lot of the modern legion just run around like screeching autists for the fun of it. He sees it as an affront to the Night Haunter's legacy to inflict fear without purpose and ends up getting into a fight with one of his rivals from the Heresy who became a demon prince and is still alive 10,000 years later leading a warband.

Pre-heresy Night Lords were like special forces and infiltrators sowing chaos and fear among their targets before a decaptiating strike that ensured minimal losses and collateral damage, post-heresy are a bunch of edgy serial killers running around wearing people's faces.

That's not to say people like Zso aren't wIlling to do fucked up shit, there's a scene where he kidnaps and tortures a navigator with his lightning claws, then makes him open his third eye, announces that he has returned and calls for the Night Lords to meet him, and then kills him. This sends a massive psychic shockwave across the system.

Super gruesome, but it's also pragmatic as a way to contact his legion after 10,00 years and no way of knowing where they are

he's dead Dave

That's how I like to think of my night lords. More on the renegade side than the chaos side, but using chainsaw a tool is still inevitable.

Although it is true that they are not the most terrifying thing in the universe I think that they are one of the few to weaponise fear and terror tactics. In a coordinated attack they won't be front line attacking the fortress world but will be fucking up the whole agri-system murdering by the dozens and creating chaos and so on. As they have been more corrupted they have completely lost focus as the other user said but I think that for the average imperial citizen that does not know about the hive mind or the horrors in the warp or what an haemonculus is or what dark angels do for info on the fallen it must be pretty fucking terrorising to encounter a screeching turbo autist demon

They were conceived in the 80's/early 90's, nobody could have foreseen the decade long rampage of autistic edgelording that would plague comicbooks and films and the resulting desensitisation of the world.
Really just take the Night Lords as less sophisticated or even tacticool Raven Guard and don't think about the spoopiness to much, it falls flat on its nose anyway in the grimdark onlywar galaxy of the 41st millennium.

>all they have to show for it is a few flayed skin
The scary part was that that flayed skin took a few weeks of torture to die.
They were House Bolton in Space and wearing silly cartoon armor back in the days.

Somehow they became less scary after they fell for chaos since now they are just generic evil dudes while before the Horus Heresy they were a bunch of psychos in charge of dispensing incredibly disproportionate retribution around the galaxy.

sexy eyes

Nah they were always bloodthirsty assholes

People meme too much about grimdarkness, purging and shit for sure though.

Their armor is supposed to be covered in holographic projectors that distort and play with their shape. The average nightlord looks "fuzzy" or like a shadowy mass of blue and lightning, with horrible images coming and going, meanwhile their vox is modified to create "ULF" sonic frequencies that cause nausea, headaches, hemorrhaging, etc, basically the brown note on full blast.

Consider them an interesting mix between howling banshees, berserkers, and giant assholes.


RIP in pizza, user. We hardly knew thee.

A 7ft tall psychopath that is wearing power armor wakes you up in the middle of the night by screaming so loud your ear drums burst then throws your mother's insides at you just to see your face before blowing you into mist with a bolt round.
They then broadcast that to your neighbors, before doing it to them.


>heavy corruption raptor

don't raptors turn into an actual type of warp monster once they get corrupted enough?

They're not the scariest thing out there in terms of raw "ohgodwhatthefuck."

They're scary because you know intense and brutal pain is coming, and you can't stop it. Whether it's the sudden rush of pursuit by a pack of raptors, the mounting tension as your scouts and outlying units are picked off one by one, or the sheer terror of hearing ten thousand men flayed alive at once, the Night Lords are consistently scary. You can say it's not scary because it doesn't raise an existential dread in you when you're just reading about it, but consider it from an in-universe perspective.

The implacable march of a thousand Necrons is scary. You will die. You know where they are, though, and who's likely to die next.
The ravenous hunger of a million Tyranid bioweapons is pretty scary. You're probably fucked, but you're fucked in plain sight.
But the Night Lords? You feel like you have a chance to escape, and then you turn a corner. Billy the forward scout is wearing his face as a helmet. You turn around, and run down a darkened corridor. You can hear your comrades being torn to shreds around you, and you can also hear the silence where gun emplacements were firing only 30 seconds ago. You're alone. Except for the screams, that is. They're long, shrill, and painful to hear. But they're also the only sound you can hear, until you turn the last corner and you're greeted by the crackle of the lightning claws that remove your lungs from you before nailing them to the wall spread-eagle.

Fuck that shit

I figure its something you can write for your own night lords.

Im starting one as my first foray into 40k and its an interesting challenge doing scary marines while avoiding all out corruption and mutations.

Actually, the real horror to your story is that the lightning claws aren't the last thing you see because you wake up nailed to the wall with your guys hanging out so your surviving friends can see what's about to happen to them.

In the same way a millionaire in black armoured pajamas with elbow fu, throat cancer and expensive gadjets is scary.

They're only scary if you have no idea who the hell they are and how the operate (ie. 99% of IG and PDF forces). If you don't fall for their terror campaign and break discipline, they're actually probably the easiest CSM to beat. They lack discipline and, ironically, are quite cowardly themselves. If they think you can put up any kind of serious fight they'll usually just shit themselves and run away. They're grimdark grade school bullies in space, not especially competent soldiers.

Night Lords suffer from specializing in an area that makes them shitty marines IMO. Scare tactics, misdirection and torture are an utter waste of a legions strength as the galaxies supreme super warriors.

Night Lords use before the Heresy was basically a police force based on fear. Pay up or these guys will wear your family in a couple of hours. The galaxies a shitty place so a little fear tactic useful for the Emperor to maintain his empire.

But really were they necessary? No. Because any one of the other legions could do this just by being a force so powerful that ignoring a request was suicide.

The comic that posted here sometimes that shows an agri-world invaded by orcs and the resulting destruction the space marines cause retaking the planet is a good example of the normal human reaction to a space marine chapter. Utter pants shitting fear. A legion was on average 10x the size with 10x the support. This is the problem with the night lords, they're just redundant.

I was pretty disappointed with how they were used in Vulkan Lives. I really liked the stuff with Kurze in that, but his legion were made out to be pretty incompetent.

Because his parents are dead

>Yeah, if I was a 40k guardsman, I'd totally kill all the Night Lords myself
>Flayed, mutilated bodies are only horrifying if you don't know why they're there
>All you have to do is just stand there as a hundred indistinct shapes screaming at nightmarish volumes carrying the still-fresh innards of your friends fly directly at you on jet engines
>Lol they're so fucking easy to kill

Has anyone ever done a Adam West style Batman parody of Night Haunter?

Not all Raptors turn into Warp Talons. Same as not every assault specialist among Chaos Marines turns into a Berzerker. Only the craziest ones.

zho shaul remarked on something to this effect.
it's not about being scary visually it's about the right theatrics at the right time and knowing when to pull back.
in lord of the night he would gut and brutally murder persons of reasonable middle importance and string them up in front of public areas never just so much as the population would have to deal with shit.
I assume the point was to breed an atmosphere of terror, much like i've heard terror attacks in Europe has bred a general feeling of discontentment and worry (german road blocks in Christmas, french militarization, lepen,etc)

likewise in battle, showing up with a lot of noise and speed is incredibly effective at messing with the moral of your opponent, makes them effective against human targets
the trophies are because they are just fucked up, not for really terror
also they are a rip off batman who is an outright plagiarism of the shadow. Cheese is in their DNA

Everything you described sounds average as fuck and applicable to every army in 40k, ADB

even by horror movie standards, the NL are weak shit.

Are you implying that you're legit scared of flayed skins in horror movies?

Okay so what I'm getting from this thread is that they have TWO tools of terror in their arsenal

flayed skins

and cheap-ass power electronics that mildly edgy college-aged hipsters are already fully desensitized to.


itt: nobody ever read anything

Seriously why the fuck even bother discussing if you
>don't have any previous knowledge
>make comparisons to different media, that make no sense whatsoever
>think claiming not to be afraid of whatever makes you cool on the internet

Fucking fags

Nightlords don't perform their one function all that well, they're like Abandon and no appeals to the lore can change my opinion

>and no appeals to the lore can change my opinion
in other words you admit that you never read anything and don't intent to inform yourself on a topic you are apparently strongly opinionated on in spite of this?
You're the dumbest person I talked to today. Congrats.

Dude the lore for the Night Lords is like the old lore for Abandon, it makes you wonder "what the fuck is with these guys?" it's painfully obvious GW is trying to make them badasses, but they just come across like the limbless failure.
>their purpose is the least versatile and the most redudant out of the legions.
>their background is Batman and Apocalypse Now, which in comparison with the mythical and barely more original lore of the other legions comes across as forced and flimsy

When your only tactic is scaring shit, and your opponents don't feel fear, you're fucked.

The primary attraction to night lords (to me at least) is that they are badasses that arent tied down to chaos gods, abbadon or the emperor.

Its like if i had to pick one to wake up as, it'd be them. Yeah behind the veil they arent as tough as the rest, but you get to fuck shit up without getting tormented by demons or slaving at the emperors command.

I suppose part of the fear is knowing these guys are looking for soft targets, and if you happen to be one they will avoid any defenses and target you.

Depends on the writer.

In Gaunt's Ghost toward the beginning some guardsmen are recounting seeing some space marines, which are basically myth-tier beings only whispered about by normal imperial citizens. The guardsmen were in some hopeless situation when suddenly they see a giant mass flutter over them from the corner of their eyes. Next thing they know, the roof is torn off and a shitload of ear-splitting explosions later, the day is seemingly saved but destruction is everywhere. They barely even saw the marines since they were keeping their heads down as a hurricane raged around them. And that's just loyalist marines.

Now imagine the same shit, except these are not loyalist marines, they are not your friends. They are coming for that ass, and they're edgy giant angels of death clad in the skins of your comrades with an aura of pure-fucked upness that chills you to the bone. The high pitched screams coming from their psy ops equipment is like something out of your worst fears as a behemoth in ancient pre-ceramite power armor reveals himself to you moments before your horrific demise.

If you saw space marines IRL it would be scary, let alone their spiky cousins. And NL intentionally act to amplify this effect.

nigger their main spiel is psy ops, that stuff you just mentioned is window dressing. their main tactic is to inflict atrocities to get people in line, they are terrorists. for example:

>At first progress was good for the Imperial forces, but upon occupying core worlds in the Aeschylrai Systems a vicious insurgency began. Key Imperial officials were kidnapped or assassinated, storage depots bombed, and occupation soldiers were frequently ambushed. It was then that the Night Lords arrived without summons or warning, two war fleets under the command of Captain Var Jahan. Seeking to decisively end the insurgency and disorder, the Night Lords kidnapped individuals from every household on the planet, killing those who resisted. The chosen victims were then burnt in massive fire pits and roasted severed heads lined the roads of Tenora. Soon enough the price of resistance against the Imperium became apparent.[1]

>Ignoring all pleas for restraint by Kale and her Generals, the Night Lords finally reached the true battle front and launched a vicious assault on the Aeschylrai. Beginning with a stream of terrifying noises and images that overloaded the enemy communications network, terrifying any open to the broadcast. When a world was ripe with the fear only then would the Night Lords arrive, ignoring fortresses or military bases and instead butchering densely populated civilian centers. This process repeated itself on four planets before the Aeschylrai surrendered. Yet even then the Night Lords lingered, killing a city on each world to remind them of the price of rebellion.[1]

when loyalist marines do this they are chastised, like the Marines Malevolent. of course all space marines have pulled some seriously unethical shenanigans as all fighting forces are prone to, but it's definitely not supported by the codex astartes and not even your every day marine operations. you could argue it's common for other chaos space marines, point is NL honed it to a science

Any good Night Lords vs. Necron stories?

you made this exact thread yesterday. cease your autism nigga.


>no appeals to the lore can change my opinion

That's kind of the problem, when working as part of the imperial forces they were pretty effective in terrifying populations into compliance. But that only works when compliance is less bad than the alternative.
10k years later the Imperium isn't exactly happy fun times for most people who are quite aware that they'll get Dresdened by their own side if they surrender and that being occupied by chaos forces is a worse deal than fighting and losing.

The edgelords are space ISIS trying to fight angry space China

probably the same thread as it's been going for more than 24 hours

You are forgetting they got all high-tech power armors that crack with lightning, their jump packs scream horridly at you while they attack and so on.

Everything that make them really scare in an attack we don't see due to the medium this setting is presented

Your mistake was not priming a grenade at any point during that.

These men are nihilists, there's nothing to be afraid of

As a Night Lords player, I freely admit that NL are basically the shittiest legion, but at least they generally know and accept the fact that they're shit. Generally speaking, of course. Hell, the only thing they did in the heresy was get shit on, and I'm not even sure why they were allowed on Istvaan as back up in the first place. Iirc, Curze was already in deep shit at that point.

That's a problem of the writers not the legion itself.

It's not the Night Lords problem that BL authors can't be more original than flayed skin and skulls, but it shouldn't surprise you given how stupid they've written most of the Primarchs to be.

I mean I'm sure in the actual universe if a demigod of war known for torturing and flaying their enemies approached you you'd be pretty fucking scared.

I think the main thing that makes them scary is guerrilla tactics. A bit odd for Space Marines, but Raven Guard manages it so I guess they somehow make it work.

They'll start small - doing some killings, leaving the bodies of some nobodies around to sow a little panic. And when a priest or leader tries to calm the people down, he's brutally murdered and it's shown on all the viewscreens or whatever. It's a very unsubtle approach, but in a way that spreads fear because you have no idea who it will happen to next or when. This is also useful for lightning assaults, saboteur work, etc, so it's not like their entire repertoire is based around something that takes time to work out and take effect.

And while this feels like a weak excuse, you have to remember that for most Imperium, the scariest thing they've ever seen is their shift manager, a hive ganger posturing with tattoos all over, or maybe an Ork. They're going to be terrified out of their minds by something that is large, hard to make out in the darkness, and undeniably lethal, and all with a surprising grace and stealth.

Dont worry, hes fine

I recently read Red Tithe (with Carcharodons Astra and Night Lords) and that seemed like a big deal for them.
Both were terrifying but were so in different manners

>all those failed 2+/3+ saves
the real horror from that book.
I want more sharks!

When the NL's start shooting the dead bodies of CA's midway through a firefight and start laughing like asshats
loved that part

>Be Imperial commander
>Don't worry men, these so-called Night Lords are just a bunch of mangy renegades, a few volleys of las-fire will see them off don't you worry!

>Comms net becomes infested with weird screams and white noise and crackly voices promising an eternity of pain
>You receive an urgent request for reinforcements. When they get there they find the flayed bodies of your men strung up from the lampposts. But the autopsy says they died before the message was sent.
>Rations shipments turn up drenched with gore
>You open munitions chests to find the shells replaced with the heads of your immediate family
>Commander takes to locking himself in a fortified bunker for safety. One morning his guards find his body, hands and feet removed, and a message written in his entrails demanding tribute in the form of munitions and people

That is how the Night Lords work

But does this work on Eldar? On Orks? It might actually work on Orks since they're so superstitious. It definitely won't work on Necrons or Tyranids, at which point they'll just have to fight more directly - and they're Space Marines, they can handle that, but it's not what they prefer, and they usually don't have daemonic shit to back them up.

Nightlords are pussy-ass shit against anything that isn't the guard. They might be successful against other Astartes, but only maybe.
Everything else won't take their shit and chew them up because they are easily outnumbered and have no daemonic shit

Basically they just run if the encounter things that don't care about their theatrics, then claim that they won cause they didn't get hit.

LIke I said, Pussy-Ass Shit

Than how would you fix then?

Honestly, I really like the NL since they are a legion of cheaters and assholes, who maximize every advantage they can get in order to win, no matter the cost. They are scrappy under dogs, who have to pull every trick out their ass to win against another competent force.

>these sadistic criminal murderers with super powers trained to oppress civilians sure aren't stoic heroes
who would have thought?


2/10, made me reply

Oh, I love them, too for similar reasons,, it the bottom line is they're basically just shit at basically everything. I don't pretend that we're some trodden down anti-hero batman who dindu nuffin. We're a bunch of shitty edgy assholes with a Tim Miller Batman dialed to 11 primarch who's only claim to fame is beating the shit out of Dorn, Corax, and Girlyman. Admittedly, the last one is kinda cool, but the first two are jokes.

I really dislike the current motifs for the NLs. Dark blue, bat wings and lightning strikes are not something I would consider scary. I get that thats not their point is strategic level of terror and fear, but on the table top - I want something that would inspire tactical levels of fear. If I ever do do NLs, I want them to look like seriously messed mofos.

Instead of bat wings and the whatever nots, I'd just smother them in body parts. Heads, legs, arms, with flesh, without, etc. I always liked the idea of CSMs chaining a mutilated, but still, living person, onto them and riding them into battle. Pure messed up sht.

So yeah, that's how I'd do NLs. An army full of guys totting around the bodies - both living and dead - to inflict maximum fear.

They kind of work best for if you want the 'raiding space marines against the system' aesthetic, but don't like the Red Corsairs.

That just sounds awkward. Not in a 'muh sensibilities' way, but I doubt going to all that work for all those body parts would strike more fear than a few skulls or fingers in the right places. Besides, it'd be a pain to model.

>CSMs chaining a mutilated, but still, living person, onto them and riding them into battle
What the fuck regular person to do you think could carry the weight of a Space Marine, let alone one in full armor? Are you looking for pet Ogryn or some shit?

user? user? ANOOOOOONNN???!!!

I meant carry, don't need to be so mean about it.
Attacked picture is what I mean. Have a bunch of bloody and decomposing bodies on you. Maybe some of them are still begging for mercy.

Now attack some regular human auxillary, or hell even other marines, and that is going to mess with their heads.

This. Curze basically made them into death squads and they just never moved on.
Death squads are scary

It's pretty cool as far as psychological weapons go. Screams of the tortured blasted at max volume and you cant shut it off? That would get to you

They were though i thought. Curze fucking hated them because they were the dregs by that point. Literal scum and shit that he could barely look at.