Other urls found in this thread:
Playing elves atm, little girl is broken.
Mono black rats ftw
Btw, is spidersilk armor really worth it?
I'm playing izzet pump. Pic related, wee dragonauts, and kiln fiend are my best friends.
My dark skinned brother from another mother!
It is. 2 in mainboard 2 in side. It sucks getting blown by electrickery /once you flooded field with elves.
It also turns your dudes into fantastic blockers, so even maindeck it's never a dead card. Decks like MUC simply run out of wincons the moment you land a Spidersilk Armor.
Thank you guys, buying 4 copies now.
First time that I find them cheapernin eBay than in Magiccardmarket
I'm enjoying horror of the broken lands in Tortured Existence. Card is quite good.
>control mirrors
>bugs and pigs
that's so retarded, I love it.
Kinda want to buy into Pauper on MTGO. Suggestions?
I shamelessly stole it from MagicgatheringStrat, but the list is fantastic.
a mtgo account comes with 2 of each common from the last couple sets, perfect for pauper
Hey Jund boy, I've got something spicy here for ya.
Tortured existence anyone? I like the complexity, but i fucking suck with it, not that its a really good deck in pauper anyways.
I also like playing boggles.
Ah, little else makes me feel so alive and young again.
This is beautiful.
Basically every deck sideboards ways to sweep 1/1s.
Do it. My suggestion is to buy something more interactive first and then move into the more linear stuff later. I am mostly playing ub control and enjoying it it a lot.
I started a pauper league here, ended up playing B/W tokens because I couldn't find any Rally The Peasants. Harsh Sustenance is nutty.
you barely need to buy in, dude. a viable deck costs less than an Amonkhet draft. just go for whatever suits your style. top decks like UB, Affinity and Delver might run you a bit more than ten bucks but if you're just getting into it, why not just go for your crazy budget brew of choice?
i bought ub control on mtgo without hydroblasts and it prob cost me less than 4-5 tix
I built a jund deck not to long ago, how does it look?
Yeah I play pauper. I've got elves and I'm waiting for the cards for bug zuberas to arrive. The deck is not strong, but getting those occasional nut draws when the zubera counter gets to like 6 feels great. I wonder if trying to put the red one in there is doable.
2x maindeck seems interesting. I've only tried it in the SB so far. I'm quite fond of 2x wirewood pride in the mainboard. easly castable with a birchy ranger and can both save my critical elves from bolts and end games.
awesome, a pauper thread. Thats all i do - peasant and pauper
I have a g/u Aether burst/soul barrier deck that ive never tested but seems hype.
I also have a b/w extort that is just insane, especially with Nightsky mimic & divinty.
Although i do more peasant decks. I like the added decks/tactics/additions with the 5 uncommons. Or noble is interesting too.
So, since I'll change the Crown of Ascension for Spidersilk armor, I won't need a third sylvan ranger. Do I add an Ulamog Crusher as a finisher?
What do people here think about the idea of Modern/Frontier Pauper/Peasant MtG?
What are the best enchantment and/or artifact removal in White? Bonus points if it works on both, that way I free up some sideboard slots.
Fragmentize (doesn't hit spire golem)
Patrician's Scorn (wipes all enchantments, doesn't hit artifacts)
Dismantling Blow (kicks for cards)
Kor Sanctifiers (is a 2/3)
Forsake the Worldly costs only 1 more than Disenchant, exiles, and can cycle.
Is exiling really worth that extra mana?
Or, if you're playing a Kuldotha-esque value deck, Angelic Purge. It's a sorcery though.
Don't forget about Sundering Growth.
Considering that both Stompy and Bogles are Tier 1 and both run 4x Rancor, I'd say so.
Give me your dankest meme decks.
Anyone up for cockatrice?
Reanimator is very shitty but it's fun when it works.
I want to try infect, what do you think about this list?
Anyone still playing Mono U delver?
Looks pretty standard, I dig it. I don't play the deck though.
The UR versions are both better for the meta and more fun, why not play those?
>7th edition Llanowar elves
Get out
I really need a new list to play but nothing piques my interest.
I'd splash red for Reckless Charge. You aren't as fast as modern or legacy infect so you need haste to hit the explosive turns you need to steal the win.
Llanowar Augur is great, though. It's a Giant Growth that gives you edict protection.
Pauper looks fun, but aside from a half-asses ninja deck I've never played and know little about it.
What deck is fun, and is affinity fun?
What decks would you recommend to, say, a playgroup with mostly casual or bad players who like smashy-smashy and simple "combos"?
Affinity is a blast to play and is also super competitive. Excellent artifact destruction and flame slash are the only thing preventing it from ruling the format. And even then, the deck still wins.
Most T1 decks work well for newbies, just steer away from pure control decks (like teachings) if you want to have casual games. They aren't really that powerful, but they DO leave a bitter taste on newbies.
For simple combos, Kiln Fiend is probably the best you'll find.
Pauper Twin sounds perfect for that play group.
Why on earth are you playing dragonauts in izzet blitz? Dragonauts suck donkey balls. Even if you use tainted strike instead of temur battle rage, wee still needs 3 other spells to kill in one swing. Cyclops/fiend kills in battle rage + 2 spells.
On a totallh different note - izzet blitz is one of my decks too.
Others are:
Ur delver
UGr threshold
UB control
MBC splashing momentary blink
Rg infect
Kuldotha Boros
why is Ninja of the Deep Hours so expensive on MTGO? it's like 4 dollars, while Higure, the Still Wind which is a rare is only 4 cents
i just want to make a ninja deck
Why is Moment's Peace 4 tix per copy
I still don't get how TortEx is supposed to work, it seems so, so slow
Because it's pauper mono blue aggro staple.
grind them out.
The only thing that's stopped me from building a battle box IRL for my friend group (of whom I'm the only serious MtG player) is how expensive shipping is when I'm ordering upwards of 300 cards
Is there a better alternative than MKM for EU?
I like this one, can I copy it?
Save it, it's all yours my friend :)
what are the best blue cards for drawing cards in pauper?
After memecruise was banned, Gush, Faerie Miscreant and that ninja.
Also Mulldrifter.
rate my 'ninja' deck
slither blade x 4
triton shorestalker x 4
mistblade shinobi x 4
deathcult rogue x4
neurok invisimancer x4
tandem lookout x 4
shield sphere x 4
steel of the godhead x 4
essence shatter x 4
cancel x 4
i can't afford ninja of the deep hours or else i'd put that somewhere in there
Mostly i just lose. If i get good hands against specific decks then it gets interesting. Ie recursing stinkweed to fuck their anglers.
This is almost card for card a Jund deck I built like a year ago on mtgo.
Are you a Sorcerer?
You grind hard as fuck. Literally the most grindy deck in the format. You grind them to death with your toolbox. Nothing short of exile stops you from having the exact creature you need several times over after you've drawn/dredged a copy.
Accumulated Knowledge
Whispers of the Muse
Think Twice
Pretty bad, desu, you want more etb stuff you can abuse with ninjas, fewer counterspells (take cancel out of your deck and run counterspell for fuck sake, what is wrong with you?), what the fuck is shield sphere even fucking doing, more ninjas, drop steel of the godhead auras are the last thing you want when you're bouncing your own shit, get some better removal.
You went autistically hard on the "unblockable" thing to force through ninjas, you seriously don't need it, fliers do just fine, and deathtouch creatures, both discourage blocks enough that you'll get several ninjas in for free. Of course after the first ninja your opponent will be more wary of unblocked things, which is where deathtouch pays off.
>more etb stuff you can abuse with ninjas
any recommendations?
Mulldrifter, archemonacer, augur of bolas
Go nuts with value
You could try something like spellstutter sprite or thalakos seer
These are also fine suggestioms though you might find them hard to attack with, or in drifter's case too expensive to keep casting.
how does this help me win the game, though?
Spellstutter Sprite is pure tempo and the others dig through your deck for the good shit, spells and ninjas. If you decide to pick up this deck I suggest getting ninja of the deep hours eventually, it's the best card in the theme by a long shot. Okiba-Gang Shinobi is also a great addition as a one or two of.
I'm using Escape Artist because I waifu it hard, and because she's been in my ninja decks for over a decade now, but holy hell how did I not know about the Seer?
So 4 Miscreants and 4 etb are better than 8 unblockables in your opinion?
I'd personally go 4 miscreant 4 thalakos seer, but if you decided you wanted to go hard on a spells subtheme an augur of bolas or archaeomancer could be really juicy. While I cautioned against going all in on the unblockable, you should still rate evasion highly when evaluating cards for the deck.
This little dude. Imagine the crazy combos you will find or most realistically how hard it will fuck you up. Confuse your enemies! Confuse your friends! Confuse yourself!
I played this deck a few years ago that was that dude, mesmeric fiends, faceless butchers and a bunch of sac outlets. It got very out of hand.
nightmare motherfucking effect.
I run green black delve but I have been having trouble with control at times and losing steam in a grind. Any chance I could add reanimator? Is ulamogs crusher worth it in reanimator? Typically I can slam a turn 2 or 3 gurmag for cheap. But in the grind I need more fuel.
Suggestions? I'll try and post list tomorrow.
is there a better reanimate target than the crusher in pauper?
Storm Crow
I guess my point is does reanimator work in pauper or should I consider sideboarding in macabre waltz or something.
It doesn't work unless you get very good hands.
Any suggestions for a Rat Tribal deck?
Did you copy my deck???
Anyway it doesn't work most of the time.
MBC is not far off rat tribal anyway.
you need another reanimation spell in color i think, like zombify, to make that deck good. Anyway Greater Sandwurm is a really good card for reanimator, since it's big, hard to block and has cycling.
The problem is that the rest of reanimator spells are uncommon.
The worst thing about pauper reanimator is when you've got your target in the bin and exhume in hand and your opponent evokes a Mulldrifter.
that's what i meant. deck will be weak untill another reanimator spell (or cheap tutor), and i douby we will get that even in a supplemental.
damn thats juicy, im stealing it for the WG pauper i already have