I search for early and latest depictions of the emperor, both alive and on the golden thron.
I search for early and latest depictions of the emperor, both alive and on the golden thron
Search for The Last Church by Graham McNeil.
I mean actuall pictures. From the old fluff, to the new fluff. Sorry if that was unclear, im not that good at english.
>All these pictures to remind anons of a time when 40k fluff was good.
Surprised it hasn't triggered any of the myriad of Veeky Forums anons who hate quality to be honest.
Oh God. Bad as things were even then, it's... stunning how much worse they've become.
Once Barb croaks, we are in for a fucking show.
At least he's not Anthony Burch
Did you hit her or not?
Noone took the bait.
You are tearing me apart Horus!
Let me tell you a tale of the Emperor, who was also huge.
Except you. evidently. Though you were careful about not handing out a (you)
Tis it really better to have loved and been cucked than to have never loved at all?
Can anyone tell me/does anyone know what the relevance of the helmet is on the right?
Like did it belong to someone in particular?
I wonder what they did to SoS if they are about same height as Custodes.
chemical treatments and eugenics. Typical imperium dickery.