How would you play a Double King character
How would you play a Double King character
Fucking ay, as long as none of the party was royalty, and everyone was down for mass regicide...
That said, it'd be hard to avoid falling into the chasm of dick-ass thievery
> missed the 'how'
I've seen my share of roleplaying groups and the only time everyone wasn't down for mass regicide was when we got too powerful and moved on to deicide.
Personally I always found Elephant's Garden to be the better short film.
Some kind of King of King?
Lord of Lords?
Prince of Peace?
Mighty God?
Singularly obsessive. Everything is a means to which to acquire the end. Once the end has been achieved, hold the means at gunpoint and tell them to back off, the Ends is mine.
Honestly, I'd play it in whatever way would get me an ingame situation where I get to hold my own castle at gunpoint.
I'd ruthlessly plunder one kingdom to support the nicer one where I have my palace.
Like every PC I ever played up until i was 17, only obsessed over crowns and not experience points.
What is this guy from?
No no - once you get to the Ends, you obsessively search for more Ends while simultaneously holding the Means at gunpoint.
These are trippy AF.
That music is fuckin' ace
Reminds me a bit of the animated segments in Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
i think i might agree.
there's a very nice eastern-western tradition here. or what ever you'd call it. either way it trips indian balls
fluid motion and sounds.
>double king
>>>>chinese cartoons
The only thing he's king of is murderhobos.
I prefer the fever the ghost video
He also animated this music video
What system lets me play as a spooky monster king with a multitude of giant floating grabby hands?
That was actually a female. Check the credits at the end: The skeleton was Agatha, Matriarch of the Dead
I was referring to the double king.
Have a ridiculous, overwhelming, illogical obsession with collecting a particular category of object and guard them with extreme paranoia.
Basically play the type of character that usually dies in the first couple sessions because they decided to roll Chaotic Stupid.
Obligatory GURPS post
>hand struggles and tries to get away
To each their own, I suppose, but I greatly prefer Doubleking. Doubleking is more coherent, while still maintaining spontaneity and that feeling of 'where will this go next' that meanders but always finds a way to jump back to Doubleking. Not to mentioned that DK does a great job with visual humor. There's lots of stuff that's just unironically funny- the three rat monks and the mouse trap, the goat queen and the magic crown, the pumpkin king, the entire fucking sequence in the afterlife...
Plus the music's great. Nothing can beat the mountain king track that accompanies the mobile castle marching up to it.
>implying you can beat tainted goods
Tainted Goods is a great Moment, and Double King is a good Story, but Elephant's Garden is a great Setting. It's surreal without being LoLRandumb or relying on Lewis Carroll Shit. It's the kind of setting you might get if you combined Speculative Evo/All Tomorrows with Eastern Lore/Magic.
fok yeeeee dubbzkang
NE Barbarian with a strong belief in survival of the fittest, a lust for power, and an obsession with crowns. His limited education in the wild lands didn't really communicate to him that crowns are only a symbol of power. He think's they're the source, literally magical talismans of authority, and he aims to take them from the weaklings who wear them.
In battle he wears only the blood-stained robes of the first king he slew, and wields only two large bronze knives. Oh and the crowns of course. The wildman wears two crowns stacked on top of each other.
...whose hand is that?
that and the Yellow Submarine movie
And now I gotta watch Double King again.
This guy's animation is beautiful
>Have a ridiculous, overwhelming, illogical obsession with collecting a particular category of object and guard them with extreme paranoia.
His own
Wait, I don't remember posting with this name. Sorry, that was weird.
The kind of story escalation for Double King is truly magical.
>wields only two large bronze knives
Not royal scepters ?
You want to know what's crazy? Look closely at the lines. Colgrave doesn't use the node tools or vector tools to create his shapes. He uses the pen tool and probably hand-draws it using a tablet or something, giving everything this rough stylistic look. In a way it's the perfect combination of old-fashioned Frame-by-frame animation and digital animation.
He stole that from Ronald the Moist
It would be pretty sweet to base a system on Double King. A world where every plant, animal, and concept has a king, and its the players goal to collect these crowns. Every crown increases their power and resources
A new monarchy over the respective element instead of leveling up
Collecting crowns should have a downside too - making players powerful enemies and the target of shadowy plots, furthermore they must strive to hold their expanding realms together without falling to madness and paranoid delusions.
I want to play this game. I want to play this game so badly. In a better timeline, I would be playing this game right now on my limited edition Double King Xbox One instead of posting here. Shit.
>Double King Board Game
>Expansions are crown shaped and stack neatly onto the base game's box
I want to make this real
The most powerful crown in the world belongs to the one above all. The Queen of Kings.
There's an issue with such a game. How would multiple people play it? What happens when two people in the same party want the same crown (which should be all the time)?
If two players want the same crown they can discuss it like rational people, or one player can grab the crown, put it on, and threaten to shoot anyone who gets too close.
>they can discuss it like rational people
I don't think you're in the right spirit for this game, user.
I always found it cool how you can see other members of Double King's species lurking in the shadows throughout the video. It's fucking mysterious and weird.
I'm just saying it should be an option, even if players always default to pulling out the other guy's skull and taking the crown.
Worth a bump
Hmm...perhaps you could make it so that not only does everything have a King, but an entire royal family. But the effects of one crown only stack with crowns of the same type, so someone could gather up all of the crowns and be King, but any crowns from Queens would be useless to them.
Then you can have the party play a King, Queen, Prince, and Princess and go around amassing power from slightly different places with some overlap.
There could be restrictions on pairings of crowns. The
king of trees probably wouldnt want the crown of fire
Double King didn't seem to mind losing a finger so he can get a free crown from his own finger.
True. I feel like a greed/insanity stat would be appropriate.
A game where the party is just as likely to kill each other than they are their enemies.
Possible names?
Heres a few ideas I had
>Kings and Crowns
>Double King: the RPG
How would a player start? Whats the equivalent of level one? Starting as a random king rolled from a table of starting crowns? Starting with no crown? Choosing your own?
you are but one of the nigh infinite kings that resides in this land of lords. pick a fantasy race from any setting you wish. you may not use a race that has already been claimed.
Probably starting with a 'lesser' crown and working you way up to more 'major crowns.
And this
Pick a race, animal, or plant. Congrats! You've just been reigned on by the Cloud King. You are now King of ____. Have fun!
What is a double king
>reigned on
It's a game about mad greed for power and crowns. It's not going to be cooperative. I'm imaging a board game for 2-4 players. As a tabletop setting, it would get boring after your 4th crown.
You build up your crowns via cards as you move to areas on a board to collect new crowns from Kings whose presence had been revealed. Whoever has the most Royalty at the end wins, a combination of number of crowns and power of crowns owned.
>Cloud King
Stratomonarchus, peasant.
how about we make the combat/loot system similar to munchkin?
>implying the King of Trees doesn't want the ability to control fire so he can better protect his trees from forest fires
c'mon, man.
One of these.
Jesus christ he's a dragon
This is the most uncomfortable thing I've ever watched
he's an angry little cave creature but he's also the strongest one.
Play it like Everyone is John. The king having multiple personalities seems reasonable, and they could have different skills and levels of sanity.
A Double King RPG seems like it would work well if it's a little like Black Crusade.
There's an abject stat each player has that they need to reach before some milestone, so everyone is competing with each other to get there first. Campaigns are less about defeating sone grand enemy and more about raising yourself up: the antagonist is someone you trample over, your real foes are your party members.
it's King Hand
This is why I love Veeky Forums. A few years ago I stumbled across the fever the ghost video and subscribed to Cosgrave, today I find a thread discussing his animations.
It really is 50% traditional games 50% worksafe /b/
Sounds like a good start.