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Let's make a totally sick necron dynasty one post at a time
I'll start
>large amount of crypteks compared to other nobles
K Veeky Forums
Let's make a totally sick necron dynasty one post at a time
I'll start
>large amount of crypteks compared to other nobles
Other urls found in this thread:
>rank and file units maintain their sentience, if not their sanity
>giant metal dicks
>ancient fertility cult before the robotization of the necrontyr
>are generally pretty pissed that they don't have dicks any more
>experiment with living metal and other races because they want to see about making more necrons
This sounds like it might get uncomfortably up my alley, fetish wise.
>Large number of Harps of dissonance leads to Doom Choirs, and a musically inclined dynasty
> show the tau how it's done by obliterating targets from far away with huge guns
Stereotypical Bardcrons?
About to annihilate slaanesh worshippers
Choose not too
Have a radical party instead
>Dynasty led by a married couple
>Communist, with the power structure being relatively loosely enforced.
the results look like this
Our dynasty is ruled by a married couple
Our lord caste is full of an exceptional number of crypteks
We operate mainly by long ranged superior fire-power
Our warriors maintained their personalities
We rule in a loose form of communism
We worshipped a goddess of music and fertility. We seek to bring fertility to the galaxy with SUPERSCIENCE
I'm only surprised it didn't spontaneously burst into flames at some point.
Great, hippy necron.
We have to grimdark this up. Maybe their efforts to create life are fueled by their desire to get back their flesh.
So they keep a large slave population to supplement a low count of necron, which the crypteks ply eugenics on to create the "perfect" being to body hijack.
The godess they worship can be a C'Tan shard that basically attacks by singing life into being, i.e. making organic life overgrow to ridiculous proportions. This applies to people. Let your imagination go wild with that one.
What's our phaeron like?
>totally sick
Are you 12?
They have year long 'music festivals' on intresting planets. Some times have to stand up to the MAN when he tries to shut down the show and puts out bad vibes. (warp fuckery)
>Let's make a totally sick necron dynasty one post at a time
One of the nobles went haywire during the great sleep and his consciousness is now shared by their collective cloud data storage
one at a time this consciousness possesses a body to operate
turns out this particular noble had the personality of boneparte
I see what you did there
Wait, this could actually be a pretty neat idea.
Like the Phaeron could be split across a few bodies, and the Phaereka basically keeps a harem of her husband
Each time one of him dies she he has to go scour the necron to find him, as he does not enjoy being a kept man
I love this.
I vote that phaenok is in control of most of the day to day stuff, phaeron is just out partying with his multiple bodies
Literally the Hathor dynasty
Sounds shit.
Make it better then, you lazy cuckold
Some of the units have a shield for a face
The dynasty has a large number of flayers, as well as a few pariahs
So the Phaerakh has bull horns?
>The dynsaty takes prisoners from various races to study their means of procreation
>There's no female or mixed regiments near their territory, leading to some issues on the Human front
>They have some issues with the Orks spreading as fast as they do
>The only Tau they can find have very little in terms of sex drive, and instead go on preaching about the Greater Good
>They even manage to capture some Dark Eldar who were raiding the area, forcing them to perform consensual sex in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation, much to the horror of the prisoners
>Don't even kill prisoners, as pregnancy and parenthood are considered sacred
Is that dipping too much into somebody's magical realm?
With hair like this
Giger inspired design.
Check wargames exclusive for some femcrons
Hory shit man...
This is gay and all people who like newcrons have shit taste
Way too deep into MR.
They keep a stable slave population to serve them, fight for them, and play drums as well as
Great contribution to the thread, real quality post
how did anyone like the oldcrons? they were just badly done terminator clones
Cthulhu worshipping terminators is a lot better than 'fill-it-in' tomb kangz
first of all tomb kings are great second of all personalityless omnicidal aleins were already filled by the tyranids
>Necrons hosting giant Kaiju fights for all to see
Yes, we need this, and every once in a while they get lucky and pit an imperial knight against their beasts in the arenas, when they need to clean house they break out the transcendent c'tan shard
>All of the fights take place in the shadow of an Æonic Orb, allowing for all kinds of fighters to be controlled, be it massive Tyranid lifeforms or even small Titans
This is getting rather DEldar, no?
To tie in the whole music theme with the life theme, what if the Crypteks are more like Elder Scrolls Dwemer/Dwarves and use "tonal engineering" to alter the biology of their slaves.
Like there's a brown note that will make you shit yourself, this is a green note that makes your DNA shit itself. They can spontaneously generate mutation, sometimes its beneficial, some times its downright fatal
You see that's it, the Crypteks are using the arena as disposal and testing, not particularly for pleasure.
Then skip the whole Æonic orb then, and just use tonal manipulation to brainwash them.
I doubt they would even bother with nids since the end game is to have bodies worthy of being possessed
in fairness nids have lots of worthwhile bodies
>The Phaeron's mind, due to some cryptek sorcery, is shared between five to seven necron forms at any given time. Should one fall the consciousness is passed to the nearest necron, save the Phaerakh and the cryptek that emplaced the ability. To destroy him in full one must destroy all his forms at the same time.
Yeah, but why would a Necron want to live as one? At least the basic biological blueprint of Humans/Eldar/Tau are similar to that of the Necrontyr.
Besides, capturing Nids for testing is a bad idea. Ever heard of the Anphelion Project?
The Phaerekh has a devastating call that can enthrall those of weakwill, as well as reduce weaker enemies to dust.
So what's the dynasty's name?
What are the names of our leaders?
Don't let the thread die, working on some writefaggotry
In the mean time here's the Phaerakh in the flesh
>post fertility cult as an attempt to have ">big metal dicks" make sense.
>check thread
>party hard 'crons with an old married couple at the top
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