It's Da Archive™ ! It Will Be The Best 8 Hours Of Your Gaming Career! STEP 1 Go to the last thread if you haven't looked at it. there is lots of stuff, including filled requests directly posted to the board. boards.Veeky Files posted directly to Veeky Forums are not added to Da Archive, so go grab them now.
STEP 2 Grab your Documents: Da Archive is multiple documents. Da Archive: Usually Getting Bigger. Hopefully better as well. Da Archive Annex is where the new links get put. Da Wish List is comprised of unfulfilled desires. Please look through it and try to help.
STEP 4 Get comfortable and browse through the blasted thing. It is less than 100 pages long. If you skim over the Personal Collections without really looking you will miss 8,000 pdfs.
STEP 7 If you want MORE, the previous threads are all archived in here: share/ There are other Veeky Forums archives somewhere as well. 7chan might also be able to help.
STEP 42 Please give as much information as you can when you make a request. The more information you give (cover, a link to product, name of designer/writer/publisher) - the more chances someone might recognize it and upload it.
Step 45 Da Archivist Does Not Have An Opinion. He logs Garbage and Gold equally.
Opinions are best used when user asks; "What is a good X for Y?" If they ask, we Invite you to climb on your soapbox and give us your Best sales pitch. Many of us are quite interested in learning about them.
STEP 5 Please be patient with the Irrepressible Urchins who request without looking first. They are always a regular feature here. They help bump the thread, and they want to look at something that's not porn. They might even read it. You don't have to answer them, although that also bumps the thread. You don't kick a puppy for not being housebroken. If they upset you, tell your monitor or your teddy bear. Please don't tell us about it. I understand your frustration, they used to drive me crazy. I would punch my teddy bear.
Eli Powell
P.S. - Remember, We are Better than all of the rest of the horrible internet and Good Manners ALWAYS gets more results. Wise up or please go elsewhere.
STEP Zillion Please post dead links and I will remove them to keep the archive up to date. Be specific - Include a Page Number -, there are dozens of copies of some Pdfs.
STEP: the Next. If you have a fancy pdf that has unwanted clutter on it, here is one way to clean it. Contact our resident Transmutation Wizard and politely ask him to clean a pdf. He will set his scrying device to accept pdfs and then you ship it to him. Magic occurs, then the pdf is purified. [email protected] By the way, Thanks Mageguru, you're the Best!
Landon Perry
STEP: 33 1/3 Anons could also help by going through the lists and checking for dead links and notifying the board. This is mentioned again because it really helps us out.
Please ONLY POST OPEN SOURCE PDFS DIRECTLY IN THIS THREAD. Link the others from elsewhere. Excessive infractions could cause TPTB to remove the ability to post any pdfs at all. Check for copyrights before you post anything directly.
Please be respectful and don't belittle others' requests because you dislike the game. Imagine the horrific RPGs I've run across; 'Dragon Dildo Warriors', ‘Smelly Fedora Gods of Angst’, and 'We're All Little Girls (Frilly Dresses Are Mandatory At the Table)' spring to mind.
Extra Special Thanks to the user Brigade who do ALL of the digging, loading, and posting.
Hudson Rodriguez
My personal quest is to help Mageguru's noble cause:
AC3 - 3D Dragon Tiles - The Kidnapping of Princess Arelina (missing 2 cutout pages) Mystara - Player's Survival Kit (Missing 54 Fame & Fortune cards) 1991 Fantasy Collector Cards Factory Set Assault on the Fane of Lolth (3e - Free Worldwide Game Day) DDAL05-14 DDAL05-17 DDAL06-01
CCCGARY01-03 The Gary Con 2017 Story Arc
CCC-SALT-01-01 CCC-SALT-01-02 CCC-SALT-01-03 Unearthed Archetypes: Heroes for the Ages (5e) Forgotten Realms Archetypes: Savagery & Shadow (5e) Alchemical Archetypes: Created & Creators (5e)
and Dungeon Planner 1 Caverns of the Dead Dungeon Planner 2 Nightmare in BlackMarsh, both by Albie Fiore & Robert Neville The Star Chamber scenario for the new Delta Green GammaWorld 1E blank B&W map of the USA from Noble Knight.
Brandon Nguyen
A Paraphrased Message From TheWiz!: To guard against rapid takedowns by nasty little bots, we suggest encoding links thusly:
The above link is easy to decode but does not show up as a working link to the T-888's that lurk this ruined city with Plasma Rifles Primed. All you need do is separate everything before the .com (or .nz equivalent, in this case) from everything after with the return key, or replace dots with spaces/spellings, or replace vowels with numbers, or literally anything that makes it not show as a link.
This becomes most important when filling requests. Posting a full link right out of a large Trove/Collection that does not belong to you risks the whole thing suffering thermonuclear termination. My personal favorite method is just to post a page reference for Da Archive or Da Annex, with a short instruction or two of how to find the desired item of treasure, letting the OP document do the job of guarding the links.
Thank you for your attention, and lets keep these precious and hard won piles of treasure around as long as possible, shall we?
Wyatt Hernandez
user Suggests “Where to U.p.l.o.a.d.” “S3ndsp@ce, which I prefer, U53rscl0ud or M3G4 for large collections. Using public wifi would be excessive, imo, and carries its own risks. I usually don't bother, but if you are that concerned, use a VPN. I do.” “HMA is free and easy disposable user email.”
“Mega is relatively safe, a little research seems to back this. I have an active account registered using only email as do many, many others 'round heah. You would have to be an extremely flagrant repeat offender before notice would be taken past anything other than a take-down. As another user mentioned, if you're that noid, use a VPN. I've never heard of an ISP getting involved unlike trackable torrents and that is mostly because of Hollywood money. With Mega you get 50 gigs with each standard free account. It has functions for uploading a whole folder at a time, including everything inside it. So you just select like "A, B, and C" and it does the rest.” Other sites used here recently include $nipli, An0nto, g0fileio, & upl0admanc0m
Austin Brooks
user Says: Do you want to help the archive? but you are too poor to buy pdfs or unable to fill requests?
Then start duplicating the collections here. Get yourself an upload account, save everything you like and put it back online on your account. The more who do this, the easier these files will be to find, and the safer they will be if a big collection gets taken down. Especially if you hear that a file is rare when it gets uploaded. “
Images posted need to reflect a Veeky Forums theme to them. Images of maps, castles, open source pdfs, One-Page Dungeons, gaming landscapes, character art and general gaming art are always welcome. Please avoid reaching the 150 image cap too early.
David Flores
Some Friendly Tips from RequestFiller: Try removing things like "The" and "A" from the start Title and searching again. Try searching for just one word from the Title after that.
Failing all of these, open up the Collections in the first section that state a large number of folders but only list a small portion of them.
Next try searching things from the same core system. Looking for a rare Tri-Stat based game? Look at a BESM trove or two.
Looking at troves for games that come from the same publisher works, too. Need you some Red Tide or Spears of the Dawn? More than one Trove marked Stars Without Number will contain those.
A quick CTRL-F in Da Archive should always be a step that precedes asking for help.
Brody James
A big 'Thank You' to all who made the last thread so successful. There are a few extra Open Source pdfs on the bottom of that thread, perhaps they have not been posted as often as others.
Michael Nelson
Thanks, D.A.
Liam Mitchell
You are very welcome. I got the intro down to 8 pages, I thing I can make it 6 next time. The little survey was nice, thanks. Greetings go out to Switzerland, Brazil, France, and Sweden. US and UK as well of course, but I was expecting you. I was sort of expecting Italy, they are crazy about anime. Could just be a timing thing.
Benjamin Price
I'm looking for
- Tunnels & Trolls 1e / 4e - Designers and dragons
I've looked all over the archive, I've checked /osrg/, and I've looked over every torrent site I could find, and I could not for the life of me find it.
Aaron Jackson
I'm looking for the space Wolves codex please
I have it at home, but I'm at work right now where theres a printer. I was meant to stick it on dropbox but I forgot to do it last night.
Does anybody have a link please? I'll show them my penis.
Cooper Brooks
Does anyone have a download for the Critter Compendium for D&D 5e on DM's guild?
Requesting the 4th printing pdf of Dungeon Crawl Classics.
Chase White
Requesting EABA v2 Crawling Under a Broken Moon 17 and 18
Aiden Bell
They need to make a new edition with Donlad on the cover
Jeremiah Hill
Both Star Chamber and Observer Effect have been shared before for the Delta Green RPG.
I'll upload them both to a file host of your choosing.
Elijah James
>Taking the internet seriously
Dominic Bennett
Owen Jackson
Are any of these pdfs under copyright? If so, how can I know which ones are and aren't ? I'm asking because I'd like to translate some of these and maybe publish them in a French TTRPG website or magazine but I'm not sure how THE LAW works in that respect.
Owen Roberts
Heard a new Paranoia came out super recently. Is this not just a reprint, how recently and if it's not in the archive does anyone have a link?
James Hernandez
Seconding that request. Maybe add to Da Wishlist?
Also looking for Kobold Guide to Gamemastering, really would like to see that. Wishlist as well?
Anyways thanks D.A. for the last thread, wonderufl really
Nicholas Sullivan
Nope not a reprint... All new version.. Came out last month.
And no, it's not Call of Catthulhu, which is already in the Trove.
David Evans
Does anyone have the Covert Ops supplements, in particular the Game Master's Operations Manual?
Ayden Reyes
An user last thread said he'd get around to scanning the reprint of BWG that works with the codex. Any word on that?
Liam Reed
Kingdom, Follow and Ten Candles are games I've never seen in these threads.
Can someone give me a quick description of what each is like? Microscope I saw way back in the day but never even heard of those 3.
Cameron Nelson
Ever heard of Dread?
Ten Candles is somewhat its equivalent, if you change the genre from Survival Horror to Tragic Horror.
System wise, Dread uses a Jenga tower that you pull from to see if you succeed and survive. Ten Candles uses (guess what) ten candles, and you're sure to die when they run off. You basically play by creating a story with everyone else until all of you die. It's not about who's gonna survive, no one will. It's about how epic your deaths are.
Christian Martin
Non-MEGA dl of Golden Sky Stories? That site doesn't play nice with my phone.
Jack Robinson
I also said it would probably be a while before I did that and someone else should probably jump on it. By a while I mean a couple months.
Brandon Mitchell
Are there people in the filesharing realm that don't have computers?
Fuck, I'm old.
>Fondly remembers his 486 DX33 and crazy loud USR external modem
Wyatt Cox
Brody Young
It's not really a question of being old, it's just bizzarre not having a proper PC. Maybe he's just a poorfag.
Brandon Adams
Still seems weird when computers cost less than touch screen phones. I'm poor as fuck and I just got an old dual core desktop with a win7 disk and key as a backup for my crappy rig for $10 at a moving sale.
Also it's not like you need a dedicated monitor when every TV made in the past 10 years has at least a VGA input.
Bizarre for sure.
Hunter Richardson
Copyright exists as soon as an item is written. What you propose to do will expose you to lawsuits. Be warned.
Jackson Howard
If a game is Creative Commons you just need to do the attribution correct and not sell it.
Robert Rivera
Critter Compedium for D&D 5e. Link expires in 2 days.
Some people just insist on browsing on their phones for whatever reason
Tyler Ross
To be absolutely certain that something is copyright free and usable in another publication, the document needs to say "This document is copyright free and people can do ANYTHING they want with it." Most freely shared documents specify "Don't change it, do keep my name on it, and don't try to sell it." Even if a document does not have the phrase "Copyright XXXX AD", that doesn't mean it is not copyrighted and you can do what you want with it. It is probably ok to share such a thing, but you don't really know.
The one guaranteed way to do it correctly is to get permission from the author and/or publisher to use it in the way you would like to. I believe it needs to be a real letter, not an email. If you are going to put it on a free website in a foreign language, there are a lot of documents that give permission to modify and share without charging. If the magazine charges money, it becomes more complicated.
Many independent writers would probably be happy to give permission for a translated version to be distributed, even if they have copyrighted the document.
On the other hand, many of these fan made games use copyrighted artwork that they found on the net and they can't give you permission to use them.
Intellectual Property is also an issue. Even if you use the name 'Nuclear Wasteland' instead of 'Fallout', and your game has megabunkers. and the money is 70's pulltabs, the Fallout people can claim that you are stealing their game. This is just the tip of the iceberg on Copyright laws, and I am only modestly familiar with the US version. It gets complicated.
The cleanest way to avoid all of this is to write something yourself without using anyone else's ideas and do all of the art yourself. Make sure the font you use is copyright free or pay for it as well.
Short version: If the document says do anything you want, or if you get a letter in writing that gives you permission, you can do it. Just make sure they didn't steal it themselves.
Carter Green
Ayyy, thank you kind user
Lucas Smith
Oh rip. I thought a while meant once you finished up with school finals or something.
Ethan Murphy
the archive has masks of nyarlathotep companion v0.9 (pre-kickstarter)
the full, published masks of nyarlathotep companion has been out to backers for a while (2 Feb 2017). Can someone provide the updated one? original filename might be MONC-Omega-170202.pdf
Josiah Morales
Big thanks to those that have dropped free RPGs in the last couple of threads.
Especially our stalwart Archivist for dropping so many at the end of the last thread.
I've decided to stick with free PDFs for the time being because, while I may be an old hand at downloading and collecting media of all types, I'm completely ignorant of the methods used to protect ones self on the other side of the transaction. Downloading is no biggie, but uploading is where all the risk lies. So until I understand it a bit better I'll be sticking with content that's intended to be shared for free.
The good news is that there is enough work to be done on that front to keep me busy for quite a while. So far I've only been focusing on full games that are free and their supplements and I've managed to seek and acquire nearly 150 PDFs.
Not a huge number, but now that I'm expanding out to free add-ons, adventures, and supplements for pay games I expect that number to increase at least ten fold if not more.
Question extant being: Where do I go to share these?
From a downloaders perspective I tend to like because of the multi-download ability as well as the overall speed and ease of use.
However, there is one big advantage to Mediafire. It appears they only pull individual files in cases of copyright violation. So, should the owner of a supposedly free game take issue with my mirroring it, it's less likely we'll love the whole collection.
I'm also open to alternatives, as these two are just the ones I'm most familiar with.
What does the user Brigade suggest?
Jace Ward
that's great, but I have absolutely no idea what that weird cryptic text is supposed to mean friend :u
Gabriel Allen
looking for issues 73-77 of "The Rifter"
Samuel Howard
nvm, got it, just realised that dollar sign was supposed to be an s
John Howard
Anyone have Elder Godlike?
the one link I found in 4plebs makes my antivirus software go to defcon one
Isaiah Green
A lot of them aren't too happy with the God-Emperor.
The DX was just the first one I owned all to myself.
The rigs my family shared before that went all the way back to the days when you needed soldering skills to own a computer that cost less than a car.
The not-so-fond memories are of things like loading the OS from floppies every time you switched the damn thing on because it didn't have non-volatile memory. Our first 286 drove me nuts because I'd only get so much screen time per day and half of that was loading the OS.
Henry Nguyen
League of Gothic Horror
LoGH - Core Rulebook /bnh03
LoGH - Expansion /bnh04
LoGH - Guide to Mummies /bnh00
LoGH - Guide to Shapeshifters /bnh01
LoGH - Guide to Vampires /bnh02
LoGH - Guide to Apparitions /bnh05
LoGH - Guide to Black Magic /bnh06
Tyler James
Leagues of Adventure
LoA Core Rulebook /bnh07
LoA Plateau of the Ape Men The Dragons of London /bnh08
LoA Weird Science Compendium /bnh09
LoA Globetrotters Guide Collection 15 Books /bnh10
LoA Adv 1 Dreaming Spires /bnh11
LoA Adv 2 Emerald Scarab Conspiracy /bnh12
Daniel Diaz
Airship Daedalus
Core Rulebook /bnh13
Automaton /bnh14
Valley of the Mist Maps /bnh15
Valley of the Mist /bnh16
AEGIS Field Manual /bnh17
AEGIS Interplanetary Guidebook Maps /bnh18
AEGIS Interplanetary Guidebook /bnh19
Ian Kelly
PF Society - S08-19 Treacherous Waves /bnh20
Ooh Shiny - 20 More Unique Weapons /bnh21
Ooh Shiny - 20 Unique Armors Shields and Helmets /bnh22
Ooh Shiny - Bardic Instrumagic /bnh23
Ooh Shiny - Entropic Equipment /bnh24
Ooh Shiny - Long Arm of the Elf /bnh25
Ooh Shiny - The Clothes Make the Man /bnh26
Rite - 30 Haunts for Objects /bnh27
Demiurge Press - Creature Codex Volume 2 Infernal Index /bnh28
Big thanks to u and Mageguru you guys are super cool!!!
requests: Blood Bowl new rules the epub thing.. yes I have found it in the blood bowl section of Veeky Forums but the quality is kinda shitty :(
Michael White
Does anyone have the English translation of the newest (5th) edition of The Dark Eye? The PDF has previous editions in English and the newest edition in German.
Jace King
Seconding this request. And also asking for a general 5e trove as well.
William Gonzalez
Many thanks for these!
Colton White
>Elder Godlike
There you go:
s3nd sp4ce d0t c0m /file/3j3k26
Dominic Thompson
Once again, Mageguru strolls by and drops 30+ links of Goodness. I really like this vzturl, easy to use with one digit difference between files, Thank you.
Blake Robinson
Found on an old chan thread, has some drafts of stuff I haven't seen before, like KS extras and friends, still works
Requesting Patrol Angis, Callsign Taranis and The Khanate Return, all from The Ion Age 15mm sci-fi wargame setting - it looks and feels very much like the 1980's Rogue Trader, but I can't find it anywhere.
No it didn't, I had to change the key cause some user posted the full link. But at the same time Sniply's SSL expired, so I can't login and update the short URL.
Logan Clark
Anyone got the final version of Blades in the Dark? I've got a couple beta version, but it seems they've been outdated for months now.
Andrew King
look for PbtA in Da Archive
Parker Allen
Looking for a couple PbtA games: Night Witches, Sagas of the Icelanders, Undying, and City of Judas.
Carter King
I've got a ton to contribute as well. Open source stuff. Lots of homebrew.
Probably fine with mega because you are sharing open source stuff only
Jose Cruz
Mr. Gracie Used to Live Here Sweet Agatha Velvet Glove (Notebook Edition)
Justin Stewart
Looking for the "Signal Close Action" rules, either the fast play or regular version.
I have a bunch of PDFs to contribute with, mostly air/space wargames, including a few rarer ones (Attack Vector Tactical / Saganami Island Tactical). But I'm pretty sure a lot of what I have has already been uploaded somewhere in the archive - is that a problem ?
Isaac Hill
See the post above yours.
Christian Bell
Looking for the Quickstart for Noir World! It should've gone out to Kickstarter backers.
Leo Clark
Awesome, thanks so much!
I'm still trying to find Undying, the PbtA vampire game.
Kevin Brooks
Yeah, it's on my list of missing stuff in that trove.
Jace Lopez
Ah, screw it. There might be some duplicates, but here's something.
>attack vector : tactical Wow, thanks. I've been looking for ages. I'll keep an eye out for Signal Close Action. Might take a while, seems like SCA is dead-tree format only.
Connor Kelly
If anyone else wants to help out, there's "missing.txt" in the trove with a list of the stuff I haven't been able to get my hands on. I'm looking for complete games not betas, quickstarts, or kickstarter previews.
Do these qualify as PbtA, I've seen them on some lists - Superhuman and Anime Thing - seem like lite versions of the system. Both downloadable for free from here
I have Superhuman in the trove already but I'll take a look at Anime Thing
Levi Gutierrez
Damn. You can lose everything in a mega account due to a single file? Or do you mean everything in the accompanying folder? Because if it's the former, I really need to back some shit up.
Nolan Richardson
Hey Mageguru, did something go wrong with Stay Frosty? It was sent to your e-mail about 3 weeks ago for cleaning. Maybe it went to your spam?
Sebastian Myers
That's the scuttlebutt.
As a previous user pointed out, it could just be confirmation bias based on recent events.
However, one thing that seems solid at this point is that Mediafire is only pulling specific files. The MF troves that contained the poisonous indie RPGs are still up, just with said files surgically removed.