Unironically, How do you write a good batshit crazy/LolsoRandom character ?
I'm planning to make one as a chaos god for a game of godbound.
Unironically, How do you write a good batshit crazy/LolsoRandom character ?
I'm planning to make one as a chaos god for a game of godbound.
Go to the roguelike general on Veeky Forums and ask them about Xom.
Do the first thing that pops into your head. The very first thing. It doesn't matter how silly or dumb it is, do it. That guy over there talking to you? Bored now setting the table on fire.
No, you gotta do the opposite of what you first think.
This, always do what you think last.
Give the character a set of goals, desires, and fears. Now whenever the opportunity to move closer to a goal, indulge a desire, or evade a fear comes up, do it. Damn the consequences, just do it.
Filter the randomness.
Get the first thing to pop into your head.
Will this cause other players to be upset with you OOC? Don't do it.
Will this invalidate the GM's planning, not in an "accidentally clever retarded solution" way but in a "fuck the campaign and everything you put work into setting up" way? If so, don't do it.
Will this result almost certainly in consequences you won't find fun, like being speared by the king's guard? Don't do it.
Will this in some way advance the story, or if not at least be actually entertaining or build your character? If so, do it.
I played a wizard with schizophrenia once.
Had the DM in on it from the start, the others learned about it as we went on.
from time to time, the dm would text me a "suggestion" and i would roll a will save. the simpler the suggestion, the harder the save.
here is why:
I have a family member with schizophrenia, and the DM knows her well. she does a lot of weird shit randomly. however, her morals still kick in just enough when she wants to hurt someone. we know how bad she gets by how many red post-it-notes she puts on the fridge (her idea of a warning sign). too many and we up her meds.
>so, it has to be a major fuckup for my character to actually do something dangerous, ended up murdering one of the other characters in their sleep, but that opened up a quest to resurrect the guy. now at level 20, my pc is the champion of the lord of madness.
I remember a few years back, I was running an brief '1' session one-shot (ended up being 3 and a half), with a pretty relaxed tone.
I had a pair of players ask if they could do an Everyone is John and play the same character. It wasn't meant to be overly serious and it was only for a few sessions, so I said sure, why not.
They ended up going full Sméagol /Gollum, one being cowardly but nice, the other tyrannical and chaotic. Whenever they disagreed (which was often) they'd roll a d20 each to decide who had control.
It was glorious to behold, watching them have conversations with themselves about what to do, whether to kill or trust the slightly shady NPC at the bar, if it was OK to eat the Ranger's pet chicken or not, could they blame the Barbarian on the dead bird,should they try and use a health potion to save the Barbarian or try to shank the knoll instead, etc.
It ended up being the one time I've seen one of these 'lolsorandom' characters done well, as both personalities were actively and genuinely working against the interests of the other, and both players were great at roleplaying.
Keep an internal logic. Everything the character does should make sense and be for a reason, but this should only be apparent to them.
Make up a bunch of "basic truths" for your character. These are your axioms.
Apply logic and behave accordingly.
Insanity is usually something that is at a 90* angle from reality in the person's mind.
Multiple personalities? Usually one is a victim and the other is the "protector" or strong one. Classic example being Dillusional? Well, there is a founding logic to it that has some wrong variables inserted into it. (Logic is very much a Garbage in, Garbage out function.)
Sociopaths actually tend to be supremely rational. To the point that they learn to imitate emotional reactions to better manipulate those around them.
Here's the thing about craziness: it ain't ever random. Each and every case of insanity in this planet had his or her own reasoning and purpose to think and act like they did. Do the same for this god. A convoluted and complex objective that once said, makes his random actions somewhat comprehensible. Amplify that through divine power. Like, have multiple personalities, one of which wants to get away from the others. Crazy, but what is crazy when you have the power of a god?
Or just make him unsure of what is real and what's not.
>"If it helps, my friend, I'm almost certain you're not a figment of my imagination. It's hard to be sure when you can mold reality acording to your dreams and your indigestion."
His craziness is he actually testing things all the time.
You know the normal amount of obsession one would consider unhealthy? Multiply it by 10 and out it on a subject that others would have distasteful.
Aku. Not purely a lolsorandom, but definitely a "everything I do I do for kicks, typically on a whim"
Just impersonate Veeky Forums.
actually yeah, 100% this.
>Here's the thing about craziness: it ain't ever random. Each and every case of insanity in this planet had his or her own reasoning and purpose to think and act like they did. Do the same for this god.
10000% this. People always have reasons for their actions, and those reasons make perfect sense. Subjectively. That's the key to it right there. They're not acting randomly, or without reason at all, they're acting with subjective reason. Meaning the more you understand their viewpoint, the more you know why they're doing what they've done and what they're going to do. Doesn't mean they have good reasons. Or reasons that align with reality. Heck, they may be experiencing an entirely different reality altogether. But from where they're standing, everything they've doing makes perfect, reasonable sense.
Whenever you need to make an important choice go on Veeky Forums and make a thread about it on /b/ asking for advice. To make things interesting post on /his, Veeky Forums, Veeky Forums, /k/, /r9k/, Veeky Forums, and /pol/ as well so you get more viewpoints and act according to their advice.
If you get banned then the character enters a catatonic state or becomes inconsolable.
this really is a textbook example of Very Chaotic Very Neutral.
He had no initial motive to cause the alligator harm. He had nothing to gain from subjugating it. But it crossed him, so now it pays the price. And screw how society would handle it, animal control is for wusses and lets it off to easily. No, he's enacting his own ideal justice, even if it's decidedly illegal.
Unfortunately, the gator was blasé about it, so animal control probably still would have been the better decision.
Give him a char sheet, and have a player ploay him. Then change player every scene he's in.
You should alternate between more complex and deliberate plans intended to break down systems of order and confuse and antagonize the efforts of others, and random acts that have no meaning, purpose, or follow through, and which may even contradict or undermine your own plans. You should work out a lot of this in advance, because it is very difficult to actually be chaotic and insane without, ironically, planning it ahead of time. If you look at the Joker in his various incarnations, there is a back and forth between very elaborate plans and unexpected riffing off the situation, even if it doesn't make any sense with what he was previously doing, then snapping back to the plan if possible.
what you should NOT do is assume that random and chaotic always means violent murderhoboing. You should also avoid the sort of Sheogorath style of "madness". The whole, "I randomly brought up cheese in the middle of a sentence, aren't I wacky?" stuff. That comes off as a kid trying to act random and insane, and is more annoying than anything else.
For standard crazy, I recommend them having a consistent internal logic that's just wrong. This is going to sound ridiculous, but the fanfic "Harry Potter And The Natural 20" actually does a superb job of this.
For completely random, you want a consistent characterization (probably something very hammy) and consistent goals (probably something vague) with the noise in between. So if the god of chaos has decided that it's your inscrutable but wise benefactor, it should occasionally show up and give you a quest designed to teach you the true meaning of margarine or how the person with the snazziest shoes always prevails in the end. But that same god wouldn't just decide to join your party some day, that's completely out of character. You need to still know what to expect, even if you're expecting nonsense.
Take this model
Just take inherently vague, subjective, and agreeable goals and extrapolate them with comparisons to some more severe acts.
I always invite my guests into the house and walk them to the door, however they seem to be knocked out from another event so I'll drag them to the door, I also need to say my goodbyes and not shut the door until I hear them say goodbye so I guess I'm waiting with them knocked out in front of my door until they wake up.
>Be god of...what god am I?
>Oh that's right! God of space!
>Cause small pockets of vacuum in bodies of water
>Always under boats, because those are ships and I'm space god!
>Cause it in a guys cup because I haven't done that before
>Laugh as he gets sucked into and crushed into the cup
>Replace random spells with the word star in them to become meteor strike spells
>Nah, no stars tonight, I need my shut eye
>Go to sleep
>Wake up, it's been like 4 months without stars
>Be god of...what god am I?
dont make a lolsrandom god, this is stupid.
but youre a god of chaos right? okay.
chaos, by its very nature, cant be controlled, it can only be unleashed.
ofcourse mr KKK those niggers are subhuman scum, you are better than them, they dont deserve to live, its the right thing to do, youre only protecting yourself.
yes little slave, you have been done a great injustice, and does the bible not say an eye for an eye? go take back whats yours, you deserve it.
feed the fires and fan the flames and let the chips fall where they may.
confirm their worldview, work their insecurities and manipulate their fears to you advantage.
then, sit back and let absolute carnage, total war and anarchy do the rest.
and every once in a while, help people from different walks of life band together, only to use those same differences rip them apart from the inside.
or you could ocasionally have an aneuyrism and turn all the wood in a small city into cheese.
chaos doesnt have to mean "lolsorandom".
a chaos god would be one that brings chaos. to instill a state of chaos would involve a plan, or at the least, a strategy.
A fight is reasonable
A battle is controlled
A war is logistic
>What happens when these two meet?
>They fight.
>Well that's not really chaotic if you can plan for it...
Chaotic is random, just not the way we use random. We use it like "I'm gunna do it because it's random"
Then that's not random, that's you acting against the norm.
Chaos is casting a spell on a city, and watching as half the inhabitants turn into frogs, and the other cats, then turning back to human once the cat has eaten half of the frog.
I did a god of chaos similar to this concept once before, starting with their form. As it stood, very little about the character was defined on purpose-chaos, by nature, likely abhors structure to itself as that implies order. From there, I made them rather...mortal in mindset. No big picture plots, no goals millions of years in the making, just a love of how inventive the little things scurrying about below could be and questions about how to keep things from getting dull, as well as traveling as they felt like. They just liked this world, and wanted to try the things in it and the next. Then try them a few more times in case the end result had changed since hey, you never knew. Many things they enacted upon the realm they had no idea for how it should turn out, or even, fairly often, no idea that they did a thing or let one of the things that should, could, would, or sometimes more interestingly shouldn't, couldn't, or wouldn't exist slip out and roam the lands. For better or worse, it would try something, and then see where things went as form was forced upon the actions by the laws of reality, with everything out of their hands from there. But ultimately, be unsure as to what can happen and revel in it, since you bring a bit of chaos to reality just by existing, and nothing is impossible with Chaos
My go to for this kind of thing is still a Monk I made for a campaign a few years back. To save on the backstory, the short version is that he tried to sate his wanderlust, then settled down to become a monk, then left to become a farmer, then left to become an adventurer again. He kept hopping around in search of the truth of the world and just out of boredom.
His travelings and philosophizing had eventually led him to the belief system that nothing matters except emotion. Even semantically speaking, no event can truly matter unless it has some kind of context to be set in. The universe could end and it wouldn't matter in the slightest unless there was anyone alive to witness it and feel something about it.
He's been consumed by this ideology of sentient emotion to a degree, and you could consider the horrible things he does to be a kind of missionary work. He makes a perfect in-universe DM stand in, as well as a way to introduce otherwise illogical story elements, the kind you can sometimes find in literature/cinema.
He's the kind of person who frames a peasant for the murder of the duke's son leading to his execution, then finds the peasants son and trains him in the art of the sword, acting as his mentor until he can rise up against the duke - only to reveal his treachery and complicate things somehow at the climax. Why? Emotion, he wants to 'teach' the peasants son to feel despair at his father's unjust death, vengeance, vindication, betrayal, the whole terrible cocktail of emotions. Very much the kind of person who believes you can't feel true happiness until you've explored the depths of sadness and all that jazz.
Good character to set up your Xanatos Gambits and other kinds of nonsense.
Have players who can tolerate the idea and aren't autistic fuckwits who will turn on you the second they learn what type of character you're playing.
When it comes to finicky character concepts like this, execution is important but acceptance from the party is even more important. Some players though will reject such a character regardless of how well you intent to play it off, though. Like how some players in D&D/derivatives will try to kill or ostracize you just for being an evil PC.
Make sure he and his antics are funny and enjoyable first, add the random later.
Idk about lolrandom but I've had ideas for a chaotic evil chaos god.
Essentially it represents a primordial chaos, the aspect of nature to consume and overcome anything in its path. Fire, storms, etc. Its ideology is a takeoff of RULES OF NATURE in that one must defend their personal freedom, which is synonymous with their right to live, against all aggressors. This is usually taken to the logical conclusion that anything strong enough to kill/subjugate you is a potential aggressor, and must be destroyed. This leads back into the symbolism of all-consuming fire or the mindless destruction of a storm.
Something like that happened in Immortal Treachery.
People of a town ate their children under effect of spell AND gained immortality to live with it forever.
But, this is maybe just Evil thing to do.
Why does chaos so often drive itself into full asshole mode? What happened to cheeky shenanigans when CN?
That sounds a bit more like demon/undead shenanigans. But maybe the god of chaos was wondering what baby pie would taste like, and of course a god can't eat something like that alone.
What the heck is wrong with his mouth?
Also, answering your question, just listen to your inner edge and/or inner dumb child.
Only do this if it's an NPC. Never play an insane character. It's for your own good.