>an evil king transforms the party into a princess
Adventure cliches
>Shit DM like OP can't keep his fucking fetishes out of the game.
>the party
>A princess
There's nothing cliche about 3-6 murderhobos all occupying the body of a single princess.
>transforms the entire party
>into one single princess
Shit that never happened. Would you turn your adventure into "everyone is John"?
>Let me use the arm, I wanna stab the duke
>You didn't let me use the mouth when I wanted to declare war on the elves, why should I help you now?
>Guys, everyone's staring at us. I think they might be on to us
>Quick, do something princess-y
>What do princesses do?
>Stab dukes
I more imagined it as a kind of assimilated fusion or whatever.
The entire party is now 1 super-human individual with the powers, memories, intelligence, and a convergent-personality of the entire party in 1 convenient princess package.
Bonus points if the princess is actually too powerful to contain.
So basically, if you're playing 3.5, you break out the Gestalt character rules and go a tad nuts from there?
>Would you turn your adventure into "everyone is John"?
Yes. Yes I would. When GMing I like to give players a new experience occasionally. Having a one-off or a few sessions of them being in the same body would be fun.
But what if the princess is a cute loli rather than some adult floozy?
>entire party's best features combined into one princess
>Create an instant mary sue
I want this so much I can't even
Look, if you wanted to play Everyone is John you should've said something before we started.
Something you want to get off your chest, user?
>ancient elder thing completes "the ritual" and summons and old crazy spellcaster from beyond the void
Except there's absolutely no reason for the "princess" part. Murderhobos would become an even bigger, smellier, uglier murderhobo.
Stop trying to make this a fetish thing.
>Several other ineffable beings from other realities promptly manifest themselves and proceed to have an exceedingly mundane poker night
I think this gestalt princess idea has something going for it.
>entire party's best features combined into one princess
>not their worst features
She should still be pretty tho.
>>Intelligent sword calls out for a wielder, to bear it into battle against evil
>>plucky teenager with dreams of heroism finds and takes up sword
>>turns out plucky teenagers can't battle the hordes of evil for shit
>>sword goes through many, many idealistic teenagers, doesn't care
>>they died heroically, fighting evil
>She should still be pretty tho.
No. Stop this. /d/ is that way
I liked Madoka too
Everyone is John: Princess Edition?
Maybe a reason would be some king trying to recreate his dead daughter, and goes insane so he uses several people to do it?
I'd fucking love fantasy CRPG Killer 7.
>it's an orc princess
That outfit looks so painful and uncomfortable and just asking to get an infection.
>an evil king transforms the party into a princess(male)
>someone regale me with tales
>imagine princess Pluriba Unum having to meet her betrothed and other wacky adventures
>No. Stop this. /d/ is that way
Wanting females to be attractive in entertainment in not /d/ user.
What would she do with her new life?
Would she try to get turned back?
Embrace it?
Go insane?
>Every party member is transformed into a princess corresponding to a /d/ fetish
Come on guys, the possibilities are endless!
I pity the amputee princess though
I am okay with this.
Into A princess. They all get smushed together into a single princess.
I always wanted to be the girl and get noticed by senpai user, isn't that obvious?
This thread is already a fetish thread user, we're merely fueling this pyre.
Ofcourse, that's what's the incantation is for, after all.
Remember Dragon Age 2, where your mother is kidnapped to serve as the head of some blood mage's twisted recreation of his wife?
Still, that's highly plausible and I would use it if I didn't want my players kept out of my magical realm
She either goes insane from the different voices in her head, or they all melded together as one Ermac style.
Largely depends on (you), doesn't it user? If I where one of the five, I would try to influence the others, slowly, until I wrest control of the body and claim it all as my own
Well it is fantasy so
>Everyone is Princess Mathilde
We got something here, Veeky Forums.
She would do princess things but in a murderhobo way
>imagine the pursuit of prince charming
Princess Stabbity then fucks off to figure out which dagger to use
Wait, the whole party into a single Princess? Time to switch over to You are John.
What if you fucked off to your containment thread and/or board?
Fetishes get /out/
Three to six of my friends tried to occupy the same princess at once, and now I'm doing time for it.
>party is merged into a princess with the best aspects of each
>she's a total mary sue
>can easily beat any villain or monster
>but also inherited the foibles of the party and thus hangs out in taverns where she eats, drinks and picks up wenches
>False Ciri
>Looking sad
Wasn't she actually loved by her subjects and Emhyr actually came to love her himself?
>Undead wizard enacts a grand ritual to summon forth a curse of life onto the lands
>adventuring party
>having good features, much less best ones
>One of the party members was a dick head thief who stole from the party on the regular.
>Guards now witness the princess stealing from herself, her hand almost unconsciously snatching jewelry off herself, seen sneaking out of her own room with armfuls of jewels and fancy clothing, and even stealing food off her own plate
>She either goes insane
This is the most likely outcome.
>the player character princess is led to join the few dozen identical clones kept in the castle
>turns out the king is also an insane sorcerer obsessed with recreating his dead daughter
>daughter isn't actually dead, she just moved out
I'd live in that kingdom.
I call dibs on being boobs!
Truely a man with his priorities straight.
>finally kill the wizard and be free again
>spell can't be lifted
>dozens of cases of impersonation because some princesses were thiefs or criminals before
>angry mobs hunting princesses just to be sure
A good thread died for this
>evil king turns the party into A princess
>single princess
>which means that they all became princesses and then fused
>which means their princess power is multiplied to horrific levels and they're like 20 feet tall
Fucking Evil King. He found out exactly how to magical realm in no less than five different ways at once, and yet leave it a form that any murderhobo would desire in its unified zen of destructive Shiva-like potential.
>murderhobo goddess form
The Princess has the spirits of the most famous heroes in history as voices in her head
Turns out their hardly the heroes their made out to be
Is she a bad enough princess to save her kingdom anyway?
>Sparks a race to see who gets the best body parts
>No one wants to be the poor bastard who becomes the ass
I don't know what this is a reference to, but I want to play both these characters (the manipulative, cynical about the value of an individual life, and the series of idealistic youngsters)
Maybe the one who manages to grow old enough to settle down has a kid who will take up the sword?
>No one wants to be the poor bastard who becomes the ass
I'm not entirely confident that that would be the case
>Party fights over the boobs, ass, and pussy
>Smartest PC pics the hands so he can play with all three
Would play
Honestly just play Everyone Is John, but have him wake up as a princess
>Everyone is Joanna
Sounds about right
>3-6 murderhobos
>Monk get the legs
>Fighter gets the arms
>bard gets the Face
>Paladin must resist her constant sexual urges
>everyone is Johanna
Why SUfags get in everywhere?
>giant Voltron princess
>>giant Voltron princess
Go on
Break out everyone is princess John rules
Everyone forms a part of her. 2 people for legs, 2 people for arms, one for groin/waist, one for upper torso and one for head.
*Everyone is Joan
>Replace King with Queen and you literally have the first hour of the Magical Girl campaign I'm in.
Source please
>inB4 image search
>inB4 image search is shit
Your GM turned your characters into magical girl princesses?
Pretty much.
The villain gave us amulets that held the souls of Princess from far-flung magical lands, on transformation they share our bodies.
Sounds delightfully magical realm
>an evil king transforms the party into a princess
So 5 dude are fused together...
Shit DM .
Doesn't even know how to use engrish correctly.
>Monk's the legs leaving the princess quick and nimble
>Fighter's the arms granting her a surprising degree of strength and combat abilities
>Rogue's an ass just like they were previously
>Sorcerer is the chest, granting her massive... "magical" assets
>Paladin is her pussy and spends most of the time trying to contain her sexual urges, but feeling the brunt of them is taking it's toll
>Bard's the head, typically acting as the voice for the princess and the one usually in control by virtue of charisma and social etiquette , has no intention of stopping their womanizing ways and isn't making the paladin's self appointed job easy
So a Birdy the mighty situation?