Is your party murderhobos?
Is your party murderhobos?
The most murderous party i ever DMed had a home city.
Pathfinder in post-ruin Forgotten Realms, no. They fight when they have to and they're usually in a situation where they have to kill, and everything's shit so they'll loot as hard as they can, but their goal is protecting their village.
WEG STRPG, movers and shakers group: They've made a lot of omelets, but they're keeping a small nation together in a fragmented post-Endor galaxy.
WEG STRPG, tactical operations group: Tactical operators operating tactically in tactical operations. Stun settings are there for a reason and when appropriate they really cut down on the horrifying diplomatic incidents.
Worse, they are Machiavellian schemers.
What the fuck happened to Scott Kurtz? I mean, we take the piss about what's happened to Penny Arcade's artstyle, but at least he got better before he went full Tumblr.
Just look at that womans dead eyes. Look at them. Is she blind? Is that it? Is she the Matt Murdock of bad Webcomics? How is she using a Laptop?
The guy who does Schlock Mercenary managed to do a daily cycle and get better at his artwork. I mean sure, the only way was up for that, but as I've said, you can then go down just easily.
Webcomics died with the conclusion of Sweet Bro & Hella Jeff
We try not to be.
We go out of our way to ask the giants to surrender, We reason, but do not deal with demons and devils. We negotiate with corrupt politicians. We deal non lethal damage to cultists.
The GM won't let us.
Butcher Calvin and MurderHobbes is my favorite comic strip.
They have a regular residence, so no.
Tayler doesn't even recommend that people read the earlier Schlock comics up to some point quite a bit in. And he sells albums of them.
Well schlock started as flat MS paint stuff, it really was "the only way is up"
On the other hand it's not missed a day in 17 fucking years and there's been pretty constant improvement in style and fairly consistent levels of both plot and humour
There was just nowhere left to go after that. SBHJ was like Dadaism, but with actual value.
>Art died with the conclusion of Sweet Bro & Hella Jeff
to date webcomics as an artform have
>a comic series with the exact same panels and different words each time
>a series that consists exclusively of copy-pasted art
>a series that is intentionally ironically intentionally bad created by a fictional character from a different comic series
>A series with cartoon characters that go off the rails angst, have the creator threaten to kill himself after bullying from fans, and then convince fans to buy a house for him
>a series in which the artist had a mental breakdown after getting funded to publish in book form and wiped his art from the face of the internet after burning all his published books in a fire and posting online
>a series so oppressively mediocre that the author's one attempt at drama is one of the most famous images on the internet
all we need is for a webcomic artist to get murdered by a rabid fan and we will truly be modern art.
>mfw reading a webcomic about a self insert who is a webcomic author
Wow so creative. What an exciting life you don't lead. I love your wacky talking animal sidekick and fictional girlfriend.
I think I only recognize 3 of these maybe 4.
i was trying not to look into the eyes.
imagine meeting someone like this, is she just fucking high all the time?
intensely staring into your soul?
for the uninitiated
>Dinosaur Comic
>8-bit Theater
>Pictures for Sad Children
Not only that, you can see he's become paralyzed in fear of her.
>8-bit Theater
Oh, yeah. I was thinking of pic related.
Current campaign not really. Most recent session saw the party trying to negotiate a bunch of ratfolk to stop harassing a nearby town for constant tributes of cheese.
We tried diplomacy, we tried lying, we tried telling then to straight fuck off.
When none of the above worked we rolled 3 huge barrels of oil into their den, cast fire ball down the hole and waited for survivers.
>Is your party murderhobos?
"murderhobos" is a derogatory term. instead of that vile slur, please call us what we prefer to be called: itinerant violenceers
Yep. I thought they'd change. They said they wanted a serious campaign with roleplay potential.
I was naive Veeky Forums. Fool me twice, shame on me.
The worst part is that every time there are consequences for their actions they think I'm deliberately trying to fuck with them. Consequences don't exist in their perfect world. Everything bad that happens to my group is the act of a slighted god that hates that they are having fun in their minds.
I might write that into the story.
The last one I DMed, sort of. It's a 20 level dungeon and each level of the dungeon corresponds to 1 level's worth of xp. There are 2 towns within the dungeon to make pit stops at.
The game I played in/DMed before that we made an adventuring guild in Fallcrest and became in integral part of not only the town's defenses but also their economic security securing trade routes and brokering deals between the other places in PoLand. I didnt play much after the 2nd session as we gathered enough players for one of them to take over the DMPC. It was just a friend and I when we started and was supposed to be like a 1-2shot but turned into a whole campaign which I ended up linking to the previous campaign.
I'm stealing this.
Stop shilling "le geek chic gamer gurlz" comics by neutered fatass betas
It's utterly transparent that that's your goal, just like it's apparent some pathetic monstergirlfag fetishist that just want to show everyone shitty fetish art that makes their stunted peepee feel hard by posting it as the OP image with a fucking puddle-deep question that gives them the flimsiest fucking excuse that they're on topic
Kill yourself. Go to the toilet, immerse your head in the bowl, and let the water fill your lungs. Don't trouble yourself, your family, and most of all this board with the disgusting, abysmal failure that your person represents.
Every one of these that has been posted here recently has been bland enough to be cringeworthy. How humourless can one person be?
Have you tried not playing D&D?
One of my player was an actual insane hobo with a single sock as a weapon/tool in one of my CoC games (very pulpy, not classic CoC)
He turned out to be the least crazy character of that session. One of the other guys blinded himself so he wouldn't lose any more sanity and used a shotgun as a weapon so he would still have a chance of shooting at stuff.
They also never even began to unravel the mystery, they just kidnaped and tortured for info the first lead they got (a little old lady who didn't know much), ransaked her appartment, got into a firefight with the cops, blew up a toilet with a grenade and did a suicide by cops Young Guns style while trying to escape the appartment.
Oh, and one guy strapped the body of the old women on his front to use as a shield/bulletproof vest.
Good times.
Yes. All my players are murderhobos in any setting/game/campaign (maybe even irl idk they scare me sometimes)
>Just look at that womans dead eyes
Really wish I hadn't.
Really, really wish I hadn't.
Oh holy fuck that is awful,
What if it's murderhomo?
Our party bought a plot of land and built a mansion.
We're murderhomeowners now.
I thought last one was
>ur beutiful
Virtue signalling makes mewling, whipped dogs of men.
Stand Still Stay Silent is pretty good.
Homestuck had merit as well, if only in how it pushed forward the Internet as a medium of entertainment, with all the flash stuff and completely borderless pages.
My party is recovering murderhobos. Playing DSA/the dark eye we were a bunch of rampaging travelers for hire. Now I'm dm'ing a VTM game and the players quickly learned
>the virtue of schemes and plans over murdering
>that they arent invincible, and actually pretty weak in the grand scale of things
the second one was done by running away from a werewolf that almost oneshot one party member
Fuck you moron, 8-bit theater and dinosaur comics are awesome. I bet you're the kind of faggot who writes wordswordswords in OotS threads because you can't read to save your life. Believe it or not, art is not the defining feature of a good comic. Go read a picture book you atention-deficit dickmuncher.
Holy shit how much does this dude weigh.
>Homestuck had merit
Do the world a favor and kill yourself.
>Virtue signaling
That's what you say about everyone who's not actively being a cunt isn't it?
Fuck off, stormcuck
Just because something is mostly garbage doesn't mean you can't acknowledge the few things it did right. Not doing so leads to fanaticism and zealous bullshit, and no one wants that.
good deeds speak for themselves
there is no need to praise yourself for your virtues, if you are truly virtuous the world will see it for itself
Tails Gets Trolled is still running.
>and no one wants that.
Don't they? because it seems like everyone is getting more and more polarized in their opinions that you'd think that moderation, critical thinking, and self-analysis is all taboo.
For your future threads.
And because I feel adventurous.
what if shes actually a girl and just self conscious about her small tits
From what I understand, she's supposed to be a trap of some kind.
It's the only system they know and even then their knowledge of it is tenuous.
I tried to get them into DH, Shadowrun, homebrewed systems etc. And they "don't want to go through the hassle of learning a new system."
With all that said, there's no way I'm playing with randos again.
Fuck, why not.
That writer needs better, more inventive players. I mean, kill? That's fast, easy and boring. You have to make the opponent suffer, and you have to make it publicly visible so the survivors will know not to mess with you.
You will never be a real woman
You will always just be a chemically castrated freak
Or are you fucking one, rather than being one yourself? How the fuck does that even work?
Your whole existsence is a hideous malformation, a parody of functional, healthy biology
You will never be a real Nazi
You will always be a culturally castrated cuck
Or are you fucking one, rather than being one yourself? How does that even work?
Your whole existence is a hideous malformation, a parody of functional, healthy political theory.
You know that you're saying this as an argument against complimenting other people, yes? Do you realize how autistic that sounds?
Triggered. And not even a viable refutation of the fact that trannies are disgusting genetic failures.
Like all tranny faggot SJWs, you revert to the most infantile of behaviours.
It is a blessing in the uttermost that trannies eventually kill themselves without fail.
Chromosomes don't lie buddy.
Triggered. And not even a viable refutation that Nazis are pathetic historical failures.
Like all Nazi faggot frog-worshippers, you revert to the most infantile of behaviours.
It is a blessing in the uttermost that Nazis eventually get marginalized and accomplish nothing without fail.
You may not have noticed, but you're posting on Veeky Forums, which is a board for discussing traditional games, such as board games or tabletop role-playing games. The troll posts you're making may be considered amusing by the users of a board you frequent, but that sort of degenerate behaviour isn't allowed or accepted here. Please hop back over the wall to your containment board of choice, and check the site's Global Rules before making any more posts. Thank you!
Why does Veeky Forums insist on subjecting me to this cancer?
What a marvellous mind for debate xe has.
Sorry for assuming your gender. I'll flagellate myself before an altar of Big Red now.
>Nazi faggot frog-worshippers
FYI, you could have left the last line unedited. The only Nazi leader in world history was a schizophrenic ex-hobo and art school dropout who killed his girlfriend and his dog before committing suicide in his basement. Stormcucks do not like to be reminded of this historical fact, and will attempt to refute it without success.
Why get so bent out of shape over it, though? Oh no, a character in a webcomic finds trannies attractive. Big whoop.
I mean, at some point you just become like those fedora-tippers who start ranting whenever someone uses the word "god", or the vegans who freak out at the sight of a BLT.
It's because they're just as thin-skinned and pathetic as the "SJWs" they rail against.
>getting this butthurt over him buy not including the user he's shitposting against
You are literally triggered m8.
I'm sorry if my post upset you. I was trying to be polite. Did you read the rules yet?
Don't even have a dog in this fight but it is puzzling when some people are really really invested in defending people with sex-changes or whatever we're calling it nowadays
Legit though; are you one?
>SJW in quotations
Are we defending progressive tumblr types just to spite /pol/ now? Is this the level of contrarianism we've ascended to?
If you have a bad group, a change in system won't fix it to begin with. I've seen so many non-D&D games go down the drain because no one wants to roleplay or think, they just want to kill a thing.
Shadowrun with that group was incredibly frustrating, and they never understood why things went so poorly, no matter what anyone told them.
Gotta preserve the purity of the white race by impregnating your sister.
Not that user, but defending /pol/ to spite tumblr is kind of how we got to this point, so...
This is why liberalism needs to die. There is no such thing as a valid opinion that does not line up with their agenda. There is only CORRECT (whatever they believe) and EVIL (anything that goes against what they believe). There's no reasoning, no seeing anything other than black and white. It's why liberals are so happy to throw around the word 'Nazi.' To them, it's a label that identifies you as objectively evil. They will never regret their actions, never listen to dissent, never let up in their relentless hate, all because they feel justified that they are GOOD and you are EVIL.
Just look at what happened after Trump was elected.
I'm not even sorry, this thread is already too far gone
>tfw my players were legit heroes
feels archtypical man
This argument is going nowhere fast. If we're all done circlejerking, I'd like for you to consider this:
Earl Grey Tea is the absolute worst, and Oil of Bergamot is absolutely horrendous.
This is why politics on Veeky Forums is meaningless. No one holds any genuine convictions. It's pure contrarianism.
If you've got a David's Tea store nearby, try the cream of earl grey. It's earl grey with sweet vanilla pods - actually makes Earl Grey nice for a change.
The guys going around wearing and drawing swastikas post-election aren't exactly helping their case.
>Willingly subjects self to Veeky Forums
Last night, one of my players - a kind of Murloc - just kill a man 'cause he called him "this thing"
So yeah, kinda
I genuinely thought that was part of the joke. Like she had the thousand yard stare of a DM dealing with murderhobos
At least murderhobos try to keep the party alive. The last D&D party I DMed for consisted of three people:
>A legitimate life cleric player who tried to keep the party alive by any means and had a good grasp of the rules and tactics of the game.
>A champion fighter and hardcore munchkin who would flee combat encounters while the rest of his party was engaged, and intentionally try to get the other players killed. When confronted about it, he would either say he was roleplaying (even though cowardice is not mentioned on his sheet), or he would blame the DM (me) for making the encounter too difficult.
>An evocation wizard who who has no clue how to play the game and will do whatever the fighter does, which eventually meant he unwittingly assisted the fighter in getting the cleric killed.
Normally I'd find a different party, but these guys are cool whenever we play board games, even co-operative ones. Roleplaying games just turn them into dicks.
Oh hey, I'll give that a try. Thanks!
Literally who, where, and when?
We are becoming slowly but surely the local mob but we have homes and an HQ.
>Just the one guy, really! Only one guy equated swastikas and Trump in a positive way!
It doesn't matter in the slightest. The character of people with the same opinions as you don't influence your character or the merit of the opinions in the slightest. It's completely illogical. It's like calling someone a fascist for liking Da Vinci because your art teacher was one and wouldn't shut up about the Mona Lisa. Liberals would rather attack you through cherrypicking the worst of those that support you and drag you through the mud than give any actual argument to your ideas.
>They only cherry pick the worst supporters of the other side, which is not what we do at all!
>Implying your kneejerk triggering to a webcomic where someone ISN'T an asshole even comes close to a "valid opinion"
Trump's getting impeached
When will you learn that Veeky Forums isn't a /pol/itics?
You don't even know the side I'm on. You've already written me off as some evil boogeyman, who is WRONG and EVIL. I could say anything at this point, and you would either write it off as EVIL (if you don't agree with it) or NOT YOUR REAL OPINION (if you agree with it).