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>How to Jumpchain
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>How to Jumpchain
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the enemies in Prey are really weird, they almost seem transdimensional.
So in order to unlock new abilities you need to scan specific enemies a few times with a psycoscope. Mimics obviously can change into things, far smaller than the components of a human body can compress into, so that elevates the power level of the universe in my mind at least. To get the electric power you need to scan electric phantoms, to get mind jack you need to scan telepaths. Etc.
So you scan with the psychoscope a few times and unlock research, and once you've scanned enough enemies of a specific type you unlock the ability on the tree and can use Neuromods to get their abilities.
I would imagine that this device would work on anything it encountered providing it was based in some kind of science. I mean you also get abilities based on robots and people you encounter. So you've got trans-dimensional entities and mundane entities covered.
The issue with the description is the leap in logic the game makes with the abilities of Neuromods, I mean even in the "human" trees you've got purchases that make you super strong, increase your stamina and health, so it clearly does more than adjust the connectomes in your brain, but the lore doesn't quite cover it. It might have something to do with the exotic material in the injections but I don't know.
Mainly because space banana is awesome, and so is synth wave, but partially it demonstrates the physics defying abilities of the most basic power.
>Thread 1491
Did you ever go and alter history by discovering something before a famous explorer Jumpers?
Okay. So are there any limits to these? It seems to take a fair few scans but once you have them are they just free use like who you got it from or do they work on some sort of energy?
Unless the game actually calls them trans dimensional, you should probably just call em aliens.
Well in order to get the ability you need a certain amount of Neruomods.
Once you have that ability you also have a Psi resource that you have to consume in order to deploy it (purple bar on the bottom left)
Well, that psi resource seems like something pretty important to mention in the perk, noting that copied abilities run on that.
was supposed to be a response to this:
Not sure how that happened.
The game does suggest mimics don't so much transform, as pull in an object from an alternate reality, then hide in a pocket dimension. Mind you personally I'm just watching a let's play of it.
With in the description I haven't said anything about transdimensional beings, but the lore is very vague as to what they are. They don't fit what would be considered standard biological models, even hypothetical ones. They also have teleportation powers which violates c if they travel in normal space.
So in the thread I am more than happy to say they are transdimensional, because all of the information offered pretty much confirms that they are.
I honestly just think it's a way of gamifying brain fatigue, and the science operations that replenish it seem to support this.
I'll go into more detail about that when I get into the special Neuromods themselves.
Anyway, back on topic, what does the thread think the limitations should be on this perk? Limit it abilities with some scientific pretense or just or hog wild?
I don't think there's any basis at all for it to work on magic or other stuff, so keep it to science stuff. You should also note that it all runs on Psi, since that's how it works in game. Whether that's some special energy or using the abilities seriously tires you out, it needs to be noted that you're not getting them the same as who you copy from, and that this should be noted in this perk too.
Biological abilities only/those that result solely from specific arrangements of matter. "Science" is either too variable or too arbitrary, and it shouldn't really work on supernatural abilities unless that's shown in-setting.
Science only. Even if it is pretty weird as is, it doesn't seem weird enough to justify copying supernatural or conceptual abilities.
Still wondering how the other caps will match up though, especially if you're treating the in game resource limits on it as a bit of a handwave.
Actually (I'm ), this makes way more sense. user's got a good point about science based being vague
>it needs to be noted that you're not getting them the same as who you copy from
There's not really anything to indicate that, though, so much as "psi" just being how those specific abilities work. There are also a number of passive upgrades..
Do the monsters ever run out of Psi?
Maybe they just have a lot more Psi? In that case instead you'd probably note that you need to have the basic ability or resource to make those powers function to use them.
My favorite thing to do in any jump is to kidnap entire civilizations
Just gonna repost here
Okay while it's bare-bones right now I just wanna see if I'm going in the right direction. pastebin.com
You'll have to excuse any typos I'm having this evening. I just got back from BJJ and took a few hits to the head.
*Science Operators
>I don't think there's any basis at all for it to work on magic or other stuff, so keep it to science stuff.
Fair enough
>You should also note that it all runs on Psi, since that's how it works in game.
I'm going to cite precedent here and tell you to look at the Bioshock jump. No where does it mention Eve as far as I can tell, and Infinite doesn't mention Salt. If Zenimax wasn't retarded it would have been in the 'shock series of games. If I think it goes with the flow I'll add it in, but I don't feel beholden to do so.
No user, if you see Samus firing her canon you should also be able to fire a canon just by scanning her, with out any additional technology.
Security is just a glorified bullet time, but I think the one for Engineering is on par.
600 - Repair, Reuse, Recycle
Neuromods aren't the only revolutionary technology developed on Talos I. The ability to break down components to their constituent materials and dividing them into 4 categories of materials which can be used by a fabricator to make almost anything. These are divided into Synthetic, Mineral, Organic and Exotic. You know all the ins and outs of this technology, able to make it more precise in dividing up material up to the elemental level or divide new materials at the cost of a little more energy. Scaled up you could use these devices to quickly refine mined material strip mined from a planet and reform them as buildings and vehicles. The energy required to make the item is directly proportional to their complexity and size.
You can chalk my favoring of intelligence based perks to being bullied in high school if you want.
I don't think you should use a many years old jump to justify removing an in setting limit to the powers.
Yes, which is why I said "specific arrangements of matter" to encompass non-biological abilities. You gain them as potential powers by scanning them with the psychoscope, yes? Has the psychoscope shown any transdimensional or esoteric capabilities that would suggest it's doing anything besides analyzing matter and storing the results as data? Is their some esoteric method of producing or using neuromods that directly alters Yu in non-physical ways?
>No user, if you see Samus firing her canon you should also be able to fire a canon just by scanning her, with out any additional technology.
This IS sarcasm right?
In any case, I suppose the only reason the capstones are near on par is because of what you might be able to scan in setting. Saved by 'no inter jump' balance here.
Also, don't remove PSI as a limit because of precedent like that. Especially given you're wrong on Infinite at least, since I know by memory that mentions salts. There's an item that refills them.
Oh for fucks sake, can you not do this shit Strike? Do the trolly stuff when you're not answering questions about your jump. Have you ever seen it work out well for someone?
>Bioshock jump. No where does it mention Eve as far as I can tell, and Infinite doesn't mention Salt.
But they do? they even offer those as items to buy
>Salts Machine
>A vending machine that completely fills your Salts when you interact with it free of charge.
>Eve Hypos: A stash of 20 Eve Hypos, able to fill your body up with eve.
It mentions Eve in the intro to the jump as the thing that powers the powers. Infinite also has mentions of Salt, such as the Salt Machine you can buy to refill your powers.
>No user, if you see Samus firing her canon you should also be able to fire a canon just by scanning her, with out any additional technology.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't most of the "technology" abilities just different applications of Mimic?
My gut says being a Beta level psyker is worth more than 400, but that might just be unfamiliarity with the series (never got around to Ciaphas Cain, have read Gaunt's Ghosts and Eisenhorn though).
She may have been lower than Beta I'm just not entirely sure. I kinda based the cost off of the Imperium jump as Alpha costs 600cp total. Figured Beta would cost roughly 400cp.
I was going to add it some additional context to that remark, but yeah, basically limit it to things that are biologically possible.
I don't think is not an argument, what else do you want me to say? I'll take it under advisement, nothing more.
Oh true, but they don't make it as explicit as what I'm being asked to do. I'm just posting perks, not the whole jump yet.
Makes sense. It's the exact same setting.
Fair 'nuff. I like how Hero of the Imperium is looking.
The "morph" tree has perks for mimic, teleportation, growing a phantom from a corpse, Ethereal resistance and minor health regeneration.
Honestly, it might be better if you just post the whole thing once it is ready. Getting to see it all at once makes some of this stuff make more sense. Judging individual perks against a vacuum seems to either cause a lot of arguing, or get no response at all here.
What dungeon building jumps are there?
Generic Dungeon Building, fool.
Have you met me?
>cause a lot of arguing
You have a point, but if not me then something else.
I'm sorry Mr. T but I thought there were more.
If no one has claimed Starship Mage I am building a jump for it
Generic Dungeon Building, and arguably Tomb Kings?
>Slip up, there might be blood raining down or ominous spooky sounds. If you really messed up, you could summon a daemon, get sucked into the warp, get torn apart by the energy...etc.
So can a Psyker do that on purpose? Actually shape the energy into stranger effects instead of just telepathy or fire or the standard disciplines?
You could open a hole to the warp to suck shit in, like a vortex grenade. It'd actually be kinda easy, hard part is closing it.
>8 Captchas
When I offer a really good science perk I often have a baseline and then add with study and research you could reach the full scope. It seems to make it more palatable and less OP then just giving it all away.
Major spoilers He only learns how to do said powers from the neuromods, he can do it because he is a Typhon himself.
Basically I would reword the end of the perk to that if you can learn how to use abilities and powers you already have by making neuromods of more experienced beings with said power, not actually gain powers.
Huh. That does neatly explain why it can give powers. It's not doing fucked up stuff with your biology or working differently then it says, it's just that it's teaching you to do what you already have the potential for.
>Major spoilers
>post them without spoilers
Is that you, Timmy?
What have you made?
....whoops. Would it help if I said I honestly missed that?
I can't force you not to, but-your attempt at the Tron jump doesn't exactly inspire confidence. You clearly struggle with both defining perks, balancing drawbacks and getting across the gist of a setting. I will also point out that if you limit your jump to be posted on SB, you'll have a much lower benchmark to meet in terms of critique.
Seriously though, I am sorry. Deleted the post. Genuinely skimmed over the major spoiler tag.
You can still delete it and repost senpai.
Question, would it be a bad idea to waifu Emeli after the Cain jump comes out?
Nah, it's fine by me. Just be more mindful in the future.
Cool, that was one I was hoping for.
>Major spoilers
The ending doesn't explain the mechanics of utilizing the Typhon powers as Morgan Yu.
You're a person playing a Typhon who's playing a simulation of Morgan Yu. The game doesn't suggest anywhere that the simulation was altered so the Typhon playing Yu could utilise Typhon powers, and one of the stated goals of the Neuromod program was to give humans Typhon abilities.
I might add something to the Psychoscope description, suggesting that it takes a lot of time and know how to adapt it to new biologies. I can understand why a lot of other jumps add the "with time and study" but the whole thing with Neuromods is bypassing that. The fact that people find it a little offensive that years of experience with a musical instrument could be downloaded into your mind in a few seconds is a core part of what a Neuromod is.
I think it depends on which point in the timeline you're doing it because it could be a decent idea or a very bad idea or a very good idea for a certain type of jumper depending.
Was there some D&D jump where you explore an endless mystic tower built by an Epic Wizard, or am I mixing up my fanfiction?
And yet it neatly explains the things even you thought were weird and didn't make any sense with how neuromods were described as working? It seems like the idea that the simulation was at least partly alien solves the issues
You're not taking the ability to become a space banana away from my jump with logic user. I'm doing my banana only synthwave chain with or without your approval.
Why would you want to? You'd be better waiting for the black crusade jump to get an actual daemon companion. I don't really plan on offering her as a companion. Only companions I'd be offering from cannon would be a Cain/Jurgen combo (I'm not separating them), Amberley and maybe a Valhallan Ice Warriors regiment, although that might be stepping on toes as the current Imperium jump has something similar.
You should probably pick the path that makes the most sense rather then the one that offers the most power, especially when you admit it doesn't make sense compared to alternatives. Just offer an option to be typhon/part typhon or whatever it is or to be an alien. You do have an origin to be one of the aliens right?
How bad of an idea is it to use Hydra Plans to merge my Tomb from Tomb Kings with the House of Mystery from JLD?
It makes more sense and makes the perk seem way less broken. Can't you just offer a race option to be a mimic anyway
How do you imagine people will react in ASoIaF and other medieval settings to seeing powerful and casual uses of magic?
Depends on the people/culture and how you present yourself. You could be seen as a god, demon, priest, or whatever else you want.
With fear and prayers to their god. If you're female they'd probably try to burn you, males would fair better. Also depends on the magic and circumstances. Save the king with restoration magic and get hailed a saint, defend a village from the royal army who wants to pillage it and you'll become a demon in no time.
>a Valhallan Ice Warriors regiment
If you want to make a jump for a specific thing a the setting, SB might be more receptive.
This sort of attitude, if it's serious, is likely to just result in backlash against you.
>Get Pocket Realm + Genius Loci + Avatar (Generic Creepypasta)
>Import Pocket Realm as Dimension Lord (DC Occult)
>Get Inner World (Exalted: Infernals)
>Get Tower of Fate (DC Occult)
>Import the Tower's interior as Hell Lord (Marvel Magic) once it's out
>Have Hell Lord devour dimensions
>Get HYDRA Construction Plans (MCU Vol 2)
>Fuse Tower of Fate with your Tomb (Tomb Kings) for aesthetics
>Fuse resulting building with the House of Mystery and Secrets (JLD)
>Fuse with
>Get Flying Dutch Man (Soul Eater)
>Place soul inside the Tomb
>Apply Genius Loci to the Tomb
>You're now an indestructible flying Black Tomb that can exist at every point at space and time and project avatars anywhere when your tombs exists
>Also, your Tomb is also your soul but is also inside of it but it's also outside of the multiverse
And that's how Nyarlathotep was born.
So be it, I can't stop you.
It probably wont be an entire Regiment mind you. IIRC Cain was in charge of like 2000 or 3000 people. I'd probably give a hundred at most, so 19 5 man squads and maybe 5 high ranking officers.
very bare bones but read the 1st book yesterday and now on 4 and just seemed like something that could lend itself to a jump
Aww, that is disappointing. Also likely insufficient for getting anything done.
There is plenty to support the notion that humans can gain Typhon abilities. For a start off it's Bioshock in space, but not quite Systemshock in which you get all kinds of crazy abilites. Secondly, you're injecting "exotic" material into your system. IE some kind of unobtainium or Element Zero with properties unclassifiable with real world physics.
Again, one of the stated goals of the program was to give humans Typhon abilites.
Hey, whoa, it was a joke. Let's not say things we can't take back, alright?
Banana only synthwave chain should have been a clue.
I know, if you picked it in jump then yea you'll get a full regiment to command during the jump. But after the jump having 3000 well armed and trained guardsmen plus their equipment (tanks and such) seems a tad excessive. I'm open to suggestions though.
>My new headcanon for the Void.
Well I fucked that up
Yes, there is a Typhon option
You can be the spook too
I also had that image in mind. I could a Jumper in their spare time doing that kind of thing.
So your first reason is worthless, so lets' ignore it. Second one, is it possible they're injecting parts of the aliens into him and that's how he's gaining alien abilities, pairing the injected biology with scanned info? Seems to make sense with the knowledge we have.
....neither of those things really support them gaining abilities. Your first one is...I don't even know, were you seriously using that as an excuse? It certainly doesn't refute the idea that you need to be at least part alien.
Your second one doesn't support either side because of how vague it is too.
The only thing that might really help is this stated goal but I'm not seeing why 'typhon-human hybrid' doesn't fit that perfectly.
Bringing the full regiment would be really nice though, it also wouldn't be that much better than just being a beta level psyker. Also depending on the type of regiment the tanks thing might not be much of a problem, if it is an infantry regiment their only armor might be transports and your own personal tank that I would hope would be available for purchase in the jump.
How do you make canon character a companion if it's not specifically said thay you can in an jump?
>So your first reason is worthless
I disagree. The only reason that the game went under the name Prey was that trademark on the title was coming and Zenimax wanted to retain it. It would have been in the Shock series of games if Zenimax wasn't idiotic.
It's weak but it's not worthless.
Oh, that's a good thing to include. There is a mechanic that, as you get more Typhon abilities the stations systems start to recognize you as Typhon, so in injecting yourself with Typhon based neuromods you're seeding yourself with Typhon biology.
Does that jive?
Pods and that's it
>Jumper goes to a mundane setting, forgets to turn off his creepy pasta rituals. Comes home to some creepy cenobite looking doctor in his inter-dimensional pyramid.
>"Who the fuck are you? Who let this asshole in? And what's with the tourists outside?"
You are literally arguing entirely meta justifications that have no support in series. It's entirely worthless. It'd be like the Pacific Rim jump letting you buy an Evangelion and AT Fields because it was originally going to be an Eva movie.
It is a jump centered around the Imperial Guard right? I kind of needs an option for picking up a good number of troops.
That...seems to make sense? As long as we're both thinking that the Typhon abilities only work if you have somehow become part Typhon, even if only be injecting yourself with bits of them, then we're in agreement.
You cannot use the justification that something "should" be part of another series if there is no proof of that in the setting. There's no reason for it.
It's meant to be a Cain jump. We have a Imperium jump already and it's feeling awfully like you want this to be a replacement.
It was a weak point so I'll let you have it.
How gracious of you.
How many eldritch death cults do you think a jumper who doesn't hide their abilities tends to spawn in an average setting, anyway?
probably not as many as eldritch sex cults(or so I would imagine, seeing as they would be more fun).
If memory serves the regiment that Cain commands has a few different vehicles. I remember off the top of my head them having Chimeras, a Leman Russ Tank or two (I may be wrong here but I do remember something like that when they were shooting at the Gargant.) and a number of Sentinels. I suppose I could do the spoiler too, although it would either be a Damocles Command Rhino or the modified baneblade in pic related with less weapons and more focus on a command perspective. Pic related is the Fortress of Arrogance, Commissar Sebastian Yarrick personal vehicle during Armageddon.
As said, it's more centered around Cain, Jurgen and Amberly from the series.
>It's meant to be a Cain jump.
Yes and Cain's role as a commander of troops is important, I would think one of the many important things to include would be troops.
>We have a Imperium jump already and it's feeling awfully like you want this to be a replacement.
The jumpmaker for Imperium has said that they want to eventually rework it into a more specific jump, there is no replacement issue to be found.
The jumpmaker for the imperium wanted to make a more guardsmen orientated jump. If they did that it would allow someone to make a space marine orientated jump. Although Cain doesn't really ever command the actual regiment. He leaves it to the officers. Cain is normally seen with a small group of soldiers, a squad or two, off away from the front line trying to hide.
I know I sound like a smug bitch but this talk is actually quite helpful for ironing out some of my ideas. The lore is sadly vague in some of the areas so I kinda do have to make assumptions in some areas, and some of my assumptions are made by establishing some kind of pedigree. Level design philosophy comes straight from System Shock, and the mechanics are pretty much lifted straight out of Bioshock with a few additions from System Shock (like the recycle). I think my reasoning for doing this is sound, but you're right in your thinking too.
I do appreciate the dialogue user
Humanity will choose murder cults and pretty much everything else before they do sex cults. I mean, look at Abraham religions, they fucking hate sex and would rather chop of kids' heads or tell people how they're going to hell. Scientology would rather pretend they have psychic powers than fuck. Mayans used to worship their gods by ritual sacrifice. Humans have repeatedly shown that their preferred cults do not involve sexy times for whatever reasons.
Life would be so much more run if Jesus was like "Get to gettin' down shall be the whole of the law".