Why are Black Orcs both the most disciplined orcs AND the largest orcs? Shouldn't they be the smallest orcs because they're the least orcy?
Why are Black Orcs both the most disciplined orcs AND the largest orcs...
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They were bred that way for slave labour.
> Black Orcs
You mean Dark Orruks?
AoS is such a fucking joke.
>Best at war
>Least orky
You mean African American Orrucks?
because they were engineered by Chaos Dwarfs. They wanted slaves who had both muscles and a brain
>Wanting slaves that are strong and smart.
Those guys sound pretty dumb
I'm surprised the Black Orcs haven't outbred the regular Orcs. Of course, that'd probably be a worst case scenario.
Dumb slaves don't understand orders.
Black Orcs die less. So they reproduce less.
Regular Orcs have had a millions of years head start.
WHFB runs on a lot less hurr and durr than 40k, consequently the Orcs aren't as reliant on the WAAAGH! as the Orks.
Chaos Dwarfs are nothing if not vain. They just figured that the Blorcs would never rebel against them, or at least not successfully.
True. But if Black Orcs ever became the norm, that'd be bad. Imagine the numbers of regular Orcs combined with the discipline and superior strength of the Black Orcs. They'd steamroll the Empire.
Black Orcs are also only interested in fighting. They kill the army and leave the town unpillaged, rather than squat on the land and enslave the populace.
Don't forget in both End Times and Storm of Chaos how the poster boy and canon da best Black Orc just kind of fucked up the Chaos Dwarfs, Chaos itself, then stopped giving a shit.
If anything, Black Orcs would destroy all standing armies and wage eternal war against Chaos while everyone else enjoys a utopia.
>There will never be a full blown Black Orc army with ironclad warmachines bellowing fire, wyverns and trolls armored in steel and led by great Black Orc Bosses and Black Orc Wizards, with hordes of Hobgoblins multiplying their ranks like some fucked up horror vision of Warcraft 2 and Uruk'hai
Total War Warhammer has you covered.
We just need that one Orc who could read and write as an added character.
>Grand alliance destruction
Play AoS
I'll stick to R&F games and mass battles, thank you ver much.
The Empire got destroyed.
It's only destroyed if you don't keep it in your heart anymore.
Proud Orruk of color who needs no WAAAGH
who was this?
Nice meme. It's wrong though. They are the Ironjawz clan.
Nice opinion. I have one too, do you want to hear it?
This is exactly what happens in AOS though, black orcs eventually turn into black nobs called brutes and black orc warbosses got even bigger
That's fine and dandy, but I want proper Black Orcs stomping through Averland while State Troopers of the Empire and the Dwarves of Zhufbar stand against them.
In bloody formation, that is. If I wanted Off-Brand Black Orcs fighting some guys somewhere on whatever plane, I could always have had that. That's what I play KoW and 10mm games for.
Here are the species of Orruks/Orcs. The Black Orrucks are second biggest and are subordinate to the new bigger species.
Old character. Eeza Ugezod, and his army the Mother Crushers.
Chronicle Miniatures was bought out by Citadel in 85, and the models that they kept producing were rebranded as Warhammer characters. The MCs became an army of Black Orcs.
They were one of the original Regiments of Renown.
Black Orcs aren't going to steam roll the inside of your heart.
In a game of pretend, Black Orcs can steamroll wherever you want.
I'd rather play iron age lizardmen.
>Spear-Chucker is a unit
>Uses sticks and stones
>Live in shambles
>Wide noses
Orcs are black people of WHFB
Orcs are a major faction, Southlanders are the black people of WHFB and just like real black people the only time they'll be relevant is if colonization happens.
Actually, they live in Slav and Turk lands. Plus the Black Forest, so hints of German.
Basically the undesireables of ren Europe.