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The yellow makes me think of Angel's panties. Anyway, I'll take the centaur and try to get her a personality of her own.
angel would be a wondrous mount, especially if you bullied her by taking away her panties first
I couldn't help but notice that this thread is lacking in genies. Perhaps a kind user would be willing to fix this situation?
>start a new cyoa to avoid working on another
Why was I born retarded.
Turns out it wasn't the genie, I am really bad at this, I'm sorry. Have the mystery box anyway.
Who here would be interested in a Shadowrun-theme/based CYOA? If not, what should I work on next?
make a CYOA that isn't ripped off of something else or if you can't do that make a CYOA that features overwatch and TF2 characters TIA and then remake that a couple times
I have no idea what that is. Please make something original instead of copying something that exists. That's always boring.
>come home from work, have CYOA to work on
>but have a really cool idea for a CYOA
>open up word document, write down five pages of text
>inspiration low, turn to working on my older CYOA
>nearly time for bed, made very little progress on my CYOA
>get home from work, have CYOA to work on
>but have really cool idea for a CYOA
please kill me.
sure, it would be nice
>don't know what it is
>still bored by it
it's only boring you because you're boring
It'll be cool, especially if you were to do your own take rather than do shadowrun exactly
Not to post updates every thread like a faggot, but how's it shaping up?
To make it worse I'm slow as hell. I've worked for four hours today and I got through the first section. I've got two long sections to go, then three small ones.
>write 5 full pages of text
Okay I can't quite compare. I can't write notes well.
That would be the general idea. I'm just feeling a fantasy-cyberpunk vibe after beating Shadowrun: Hong Kong. The setting, more than the mechanics per se, is what I'm interested in.
This still triggers me. Including a world of monster girls is a great way to rob your cyoa of any serious atmosphere it might have had. Do as you wish.
>Mystery boxes
Cancer upon the world.
Your cyoa looks interesting though.
If you write notes you'll go faster. Writing in an image editor is just screwing yourself. It's much easier to write and edit in a word processor or something.
It looks interesting, but I want more points and more things to buy with them.
Tried to have something for three types of posters I see here. The adventure/magics, the waifu fags, and the apocalypse nuts. I'll probably change it to "Monster People" or some shit to reduce fag-factor.
Wasn't planning on a mystery box. Just a section later on the let you sell it for more regular items, or find out what it is and then maybe still sell it..
Sneak peek for something I'm going to finish this summer.
Every family will get its own page with unique beings. Anything you'd like to see?
In most sections you have a way to get more points. Still haven't decided on how many to allow for the powers yet. Want to balance it slightly.
Good font choice.
Some kind of risk from cohorting with demons
... Pretty please?
Incubi as well as succubi.
no dicks.
I've noticed this. My imagination is stupid and only activates when I'm shoppng/biking/in bed.
But my brain is also autistic and hates writing fiction in Word.
< This
Don't give in to the gay shitposter.
Sweet and cute succubutt with shapeshifting powers.
Write fiction in paper in your bed
>don't give in to them
>give in to me instead!!!
Bloodline should be a cyoa of its own. We need more cyoas that give you a family.
First user, the fujoshi poster probably doesn't give a damn about husbandos, second the author was asking for things people would like, thirdly why does boys in CYOAs upset you so much.
It's cuckoldry. Including guys in a cyoa serves no purpose other than to maybe steal your waifu. That's why cyoas should have no guys and if they do, I'll kill them to assert my dominance. If you don't, you're a cuck.
I think the hardest part of this is that the best companions are spread through different schools.
>Martial Combat x 2
>Tactics x 3
>Divine Arts x 3
>Teamwork x 2
Our hero has the unenviable role of shepherd to a group of rather disparate personalities; good kids, but carefree and high spirited at best, emotional and angry at worst. He has to take care of them, keep them working as a unit, protect their backs when they get carried away and heal them when they're hurt. He's like a big sis, but in platemail and also a dude.
Seems like the classic genki girl, which is probably exhausting to be around, but she means well.
Flashy but at least he straightens up during a fight. Likely has to be convinced to study and attend class by our hero.
Probably gets the party into more trouble than anyone else with his desire for adventure and fame.
Thank god our hero has saintly patience, because Helena seems like she'd be work. But she'd be worth it combatwise and eventually in TRUE LOVE, this being my waifu choice
>Battle Royal
5v5 tournament for our team; I don't think we'd win, but it'd be a good bonding and practice exercise.
>Fund Raising
Because Helena broke something in a fit of temper. Or Duxix agreed to an expedition we couldn't afford.
>Party Planner
Naturally our hero gets "volunteered" for this, poor soul that he is. Hopefully his team won't get into too much trouble while he's busy.
Perhaps it was his diligence there that caught the princess' eye? Certainly it couldn't be anything like Interest with a capital eye, though Helena sure might get herself in a tizzy.
>Student Government
Naturally. Nothing like president mind you, but our boy is definite vice president or treasurer material; not flashy, but he gets the job done.
He'd probably look like this, practical and solid while his friends are juggling six blade and breaking swords on their delicious brown abs.
The sad part is I can't tell if you're joking or not
Demon tier will directly correspond to dickishness. Stronger patron = worse agenda, bound demons are also only bound to the letter of your command and have their own personality, which is, again, more dickish every tier.
>serves no purpose other than to maybe steal your waifu
>should have no guys and if they do, I'll kill them to assert my dominance
This is some fucking weapon grade autism. I'm seriously worried about you user.
Almost forgot; also took Bookworm because NEEEEERD, hence only four companions; add an extra rank in Teamwork and Physical Training (got at least try stay Veeky Forums to keep up with Helena)
>no massive dire wolf
>can't be Artorius
Why do you do these things to me?
I'm just going to assume the fujoshiposter and the guy obsessed with cuckoldry are the same person shitposting both sides and ignore both of them/just the one person.
I enjoyed killing the doggo.
He probably got cucked or something and now hates all men
I'm pretty sure 90% of posts are SDA talking to himself.
Thanks user. I appreciate gallery themed CYOAs just as much as I do genies.
I told the other mes down in Cryptography that we were getting too close but I guess we cracked the code.
That thought process makes him an even bigger cuck
>Not just hating the man that got puss, but all men for possibly getting puss you haven't even claimed
>Not just hating the slut that cheated on you and being a normal person
Fucking hell, that's some seriously misguided hate.
Hell, the only one he should hate is himself.
He doesn't even believe he can keep a woman faithful, what kind of man is he?
Really pathetic, is what it is.
Eh, why do your best to keep women faithful when you can just kill all other men instead? It might not be easy but it sure is pragmatic.
I've been working on finishing up my first build for stardust and I was wondering about the contracts.In theory you can take as many of them as your ship/fleet is able to based on their requirements, the big thing stopping you would be how you want to roleplay it?
Also, because they pay upfront other than noncredit rewards, you can accept a bunch of contracts and use that money to keep buying stuff right?
This, kill all the men. The world will be perfect then.
You might have a twig and berries, but you aren't a man.
You're just a sad, scared little edgelord boy.
Who cucked you? SDA?
I hope you get raped to death by burning horses while drowning in a sea of semen.
Autism Speaks.
Fuck off Angel go hop on a dick already.
Hello Angel
Glorious rascal
Clanking noises
Too far
Mike "Follow God's Path or Face Tesla's Wrath" Pence is coming for you, Angel.
Mike "Thomas Edison has the Best Medicine" Pence will cure you of your mental disease.
That's entirely likely; the only thing that outstrips his narcissism is his self-loathing.
Oh AA, when will you learn that your hatred of men only makes you more of a target for waifuism. I mean, really, I think that your problems could be solved by a good deep dicking.
>Want to make a cute comfy CYOA about being gay
> Don't want to give shitposters what they want
I'm not into being fucked by fake choices.
Make it and post it on /lgbt/
>letting /cyoag/ determine what you can or cannot do
i agree
Do it.
>I won't do what I want because someone asked me to do it
You're giving the shitposters way more power by not doing it than by doing it
You can make a gay CYOA, just don't be a fucking faggot with it.
Normal fucking dialogue for human beings instead of "Our love is forbidden, I want your rock hard cock, make me feel like a girl, get me pregnant, etc.
Thats all you need to do and it'll be fine.
You will still attract shitposters tho
You're obviously a faker
Post a WIP, you imbecile
gays should be slayed anyway so good on you
I just now realized that WIP stands for work in progress.
Im fuckin dumb.
>I just now realized that WIP stands for work in progress.
So many newfriends to befriend!
I fucking hate Summer
Too fucking late
don't worry user, summer hates you too, as does the sun
Sometimes I really fucking appreciate the absolutely minimal amount of shitposting in these threads.
It burns us, it does! Mustn't burn the precious.
>BL fujoshi
>uses a reaction image of a yuri character from a yuri anime
Here's all the work I've done on Heroes of Justice so far.
Please give me feedback, this is the first time I've ever done anything like this in a while and I want it to be the best it can be!
Please no bully.
>Please no bully
Where do you think you are?
Most unfitting character to call a fujoshi. that's what she does when she sees girls doing romantic stuff with each other.
Anyways, there is a extreme lack of cyoas in here.
There must be swords.
Swords are the greatest sign of justice.
If I were you I'd go for a less bright, or less saturated background. I'm not one to normally complain about visuals, but this is a little hard on the eyes,
I said I wanted to, not that I was.
Besides, I'm working on a different CYOA.
No, the hammer is the greatest sign of Justice.
I'm pretty sure that was the joke.
Why not both?
>His body is not made of swords.
If it was a joke it wasn't exactly a good one.
longsword hilts were used as warhammers in reality
The fujoshi poster succeeded then
Well not quite but yeah
yes they were