This thing is now a part of your setting. How do you incorporate it?
This thing is now a part of your setting. How do you incorporate it?
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I trash the setting and go back to the drawing board.
Ogres are 'born' from the swamp itself, and crawl out of the muck as blobs with only one or two small limbs. As it continuously wallows in the muck, it gains nutrients and eventually gains more limbs, however these limbs are fairly thin (Ogrelet Limbs are a delicacy amongst the Swamp Dwellers and Orcs). After a span of two to four months, the Ogrelet will have absorbed enough nutrients from its surroundings to metamorphose into an Ogre proper.
As hinted above, Ogrlets are oft hunted not only to curb the threat of Ogres, but also as a source of food. To add to that, the Ogrelets are not entirely intelligent, and rely more on the strength of numbers (As many can form over the span of a single week) than cohesive teamwork. They typically pose little to no threat, which gives a startling contrast to their older Ogre brethren.
They are what happens when a Blemmye and a Greenskin have a baby.
Absolutely beautiful user.
The party sees the last specimen of these now-extinct creatures mounted above the tavern bar.
Probably by using LSD
They are a kind of minor demon in the hellscape, they are equivalent to dregs and lesser imps, and work as grunt laborers and/or cannon fodder, as the situation merits. They are nearly worthless and any Demon Lord worth his salt has at least onencountless swarm of them, because they literally spawn by the dozen from anyone of the countless millions mud pits scattered across the hellscape and if dismembered, their pieces can regenerate into new individuals if exposed to a sufficient quantity of mud in a pit.
They are extremely retarded and cannot grasp anymore than the simplest of commands. If left alone, they will do nothing but swim in mud pits and occasionally kill and eat one another. Under a powerful leader, they will do whatever they are told because they can't comprehend the concept of not following orders from an obviously superior being. They like to make mudpies, mud piles, and a strange, toxic mixture called "mudmud."
Go home michael
The only acceptable player character.
It dies in a fire 3.000.000 years before the game starts.
A wizard made a chimera while drunk and on magic lsd.
Lean into the shitty meme aspect as hard as possible. It's a wretched little Gremlin that can only say the lyrics to All Star, the Bee Movie script, and the tale of Darth Plagueis the Wise.
It's the most common race.
God of Love
God of Life
In a text-to-speech voice?
Invasion of the cabage patch Cunts
>This thing is now a part of your setting. How do you incorporate it?
>real life
>2016 election
>swap pepe with this
It is the King's Court Jester.
swamp kender
i already have fae gondolas, so
There once was a chucklefuck of a wizard who created abominations in his dark solitude, forcing them unto the world he despised. Even long after he was clubbed to death his creatures roam the lands struggling to find their place, much like their master.
>My setting is a serious work of art.
>I'm going to write a novel that takes place in this setting.
>I don't allow the players to tell ME what's in MY game.
Any of these sound right?
Its name its melvin. The universe exist within his earhole, the other earhole contains the parallel universe.
Now that is how you do cosmic horror.
All hail The Melvin.
These are called Dibbles, they're essentially retarded goblins without technology or huge numbers, they only survive because no faction wants to go through the effort of invading the doom swamp to exterminate them. They worship an enormous, bottomless hole in the ground that they believe will bless them if they throw other races and valuables down into it.
It's actually part of my 5th edition c0re playbook revamp I did, where I balanced all the classes, races, and feats. Check it out on my homebrewery.
That sounds awesome, do you have a link I can check out?
the troll heads? well.. you know how trolls regenerate and you need fire to make sure they dont get back up? Well couple o' hundreds years ago people used to think beheading em was good enough. they didnt seem to get back up after all.
As it turns out they just take like... alot longer to get back up. anyway heads keep piling up all over the place and the Kyraxis came and well... you know turned pretty much everything into a frozen hellscape. The heads were still regenerating but... its kinda hard to move when youre an icecicle. But Kyraxis was eventually defeated and things went back to normal.
Except o'course for all them ankle biting assholes thats now popping out of the ice. They look worse than they are. Just get you some sturdy boots and see how far you can kick em. Aim for a precipice if you can.
oh my god I fucking love this
The Laurelorn is home to all manner of forest spirit, both benign and malicious. This isnt benign or malicious, just stupid. If it stays in the boughs it will be largely disreguarded by the elves, if it strays into Walderath the paranoid folk their will likely attempt to catch it and return it to the forest unharmed. If it wanders further, it will likely be caught up in a net and then sold (or attempted to be sold) as a curiosity to sailors.
youre making me blush
Recurring hallucination for potato farmers having worked too much and slept too little.
>onion farmers
Fixed that for you
>In the near future, this image is the popular meme that everyone loves and then will hate and cringe at within a week
This feels like cheating somehow
>>I don't allow the players to tell ME what's in MY game.
correction: I allow players to tell me Ideas for the setting, but I, as the GM, have the last say in what actually appears
This honestly sounds like something Terry Pratchett would come up with, nice job user.
What the fuck am I looking at here?
A stale meme.
Love it
Why did Shrek become a meme anyway?
It's just another slightly above average animated movie, there are lots of those even at the time of Shreks release.
Just why did Shrek (and to an extend the Bee Movie too) become this unholy abomination while so many other similar movies get ignored?
Its now company mascot the players will learn to love it or murder it quickly
Mumlarks: a small solitary goblinoid, due to their proportions they make poor fighters and are somewhat shunned by more pure-strain goblins but with training can make decent pack-mules. Because of this when a goblin pack moves you can often see Mumlarks scattered throughout carrying food, housing supplies and water.
Popularity and meme-worthy content I suppose. That, and its intricate, well-layered plot.
>Get out of my swamp, Mike Wazowski, or so help me!
This is an expeditious goblin's attempt to breed squigs from vegetables, rather tham fungus. Needless to say, it failed miserably.