BTC rewards satoshi nakamoto's stack of btc + 1:1 segwit 2X coin with the implementation of lightning network.
It will crush both BCH whole reason to be alive as well as XRP's reason.
Buy btc at discount now!
BTC rewards satoshi nakamoto's stack of btc + 1:1 segwit 2X coin with the implementation of lightning network.
It will crush both BCH whole reason to be alive as well as XRP's reason.
Buy btc at discount now!
no one wants to buy btc now, it will continue to drop
A lot of people are buying
That's why the price is going down
If nobody was buying the price would stay static
Do you even know how exchanges work?
lmao, you are delusional.
Im sure you sold at 5k also last dip.
This news is much more Huge then CME futures, and CME got us to 19k
Obviously a pajeet scam. Anyone who touches this is a dumb fuck.
This is the official segwit 2X.
In november they said they will re announce it when the public wants it
God, Bcore is absolutely despicable.
>This is the official segwit 2X.
Its not though you dumb cunt.
Just look at the team.
Move along, nothing to see here.
coinbase must be lying...
You do realize he means just btc, right? Aka the Satoshi Nakamoto's btc. Aka bitcoin core. Aka original bitcoin.
>pls be early investor in my ponzi and I'll share profits
This is the dumbest shit but I have no doubt BTC will pump anyways because of this.
>nigger female
the lowest possible IQ as a business developer?
calling F right now
That's over a month old dumbass. Notice the big header in OPs photo, the one that says "REVIVAL"?
>steal Satoshi’s coins
>corecucks approve
This is why I hate Core. Bitcoin Cash is king,
Why are you so retarded?
someone tell me if this is true or not
just look at the blog from coinbase, the official website.
Look at yobit exchange, they enambled s2X futures again.
buy btc at discount now!
it's true. on december 28th you'll get 1:1 b2x coins AND extra bitcoin
godverdomme Jaap
>fucking with the coin distribution
that's not a fork, that's a worthless shitcoin
LMAO They will be Jaap'd
tl;dr BTC is dead?
If fhis fork gains consensus it’s dead.
>stealing satoshis coins
But this is THE fork they've been touting, the segwit2x, no? What other fork is there in the pipeline other than BCH?
holy shit you guys are retareded.
I’m not exactly sure if it’s the official fork or not.
But even if it’s not, it can still gain concensus. That legalizes coin theft. BTC is then dead.
This is retarded.
You know what happens when you give everyone a proportional amount of satoshi's coins?
This is toddler level thinking, why don't we just print everyone more money??
>t. Jaap Terlouw
>implying they’re not planning on that in future forks
We’re going down the rabbit hole of what we determine to be the core philosophical values of cryptocurrency. Theft by force or theft by consensus is a violation of all rational premises that underlie the original concept of Bitcoin.
Once one coin is stolen by force or consensus, Bitcoin is dead.
>Corecucks just about to distribute Satoshis btc
>Satoshi marketsells on the cunts and goes all in on bch
god speed satoshi
When will you fools ever learn? If you bet against Ripple you will always lose. Rome's might spreads through the world.
Wew that diversity
>we're going to going to redistribute Satoshi's coins then we'll all be rich
I will be a billionaire when I have Satoshis coins
Szabo is the most likely to be Satoshi out of those alive today.
No. They are paid btrash shills.
>bcash will never be worth anything
>bitcoin gold will never be worth anything
>bitcoin 2x will never be worth anything
So what is this, some people got a hold of satoshi's BTC?
>he thinks that's Nick Szabo
They cant even Hand out a seg wit wallet, lmao at imaginary plans for future
>30$ fee
>300000 transaction unconfirmed backlog growing
looks totally legit
yea i'd bet my whole networth on this being a scam