Orcs or Orks?

Question, Veeky Forums.

I'm working on a setting, specifically the races for the setting, and I'm currently working on the Orks. But I don't know whether to call them Orks or Orcs. They both seem equally valid, so how do I choose?

What do you think?

Really? What difference would it make?


This. How autistic are you OP?
Just fucking choose one.

>making a new setting
>including orc(k)s

Why not do something a tiny bit more original like a Sasquatch race. They can act like orcs for every other purpose.

I dunno, it just seems like a pretty big decision to make, that's all.

Well they're not exactly biologically identical to the typical ork, but they've got the typical mannerisms.

its YOUR setting you fucking dumbass

you can make the elves be 15 foot tall blue chinchillas if you fucking want to.

pick whichever one you like better

orcs is more traditional. orks is just games workshop speak to differentiate their brands.

Way I see it, orcs is for fantasy and Orks is for sci-fi fantasy, like Shadowrun or 40k.


>not Orgs
>not having them be an expy of niccers


>15 foot tall blue chinchillas
So, an Avatar campaign?

If their purpose is to act like orcs, why not just make them orcs?

>pretty much smug Orcs that act superior to all races
>they have a bitter rivalry with their neighbors the Orkken
>their main difference is that the Orkken are trying to fuck up the realm every 30-50 years and blame it on bullshit reasons

You mean Bugbears?

This is a question that should be asked in every worldbuilding thread: What is the purpose of your Orcs? Do they serve the world and story even slightly? If not, don't decide on a name, just don't use them.

> All while the orcs side with one or another so that none get too powerful.
Is that the orcverse?

Because orcs are everywhere, i mean they dont have to act like orcs but i figure OP has already set his mind on their role in his setting.

>Non trademarked name.

>Get black bagged by Games Workshop ninja lawyers.

Don't go with Orks if you value your life.

I usually go with orcs if they're a legitimate race with good and bad people alike, and orks of they're harsher/more brutal/mindless/just cannon fodder.

How "noble" is your greens?

Orcs: the term used by everyone going back to early modern folk tales, probably deriving from Italian "Uerco" or ogre, popularised by Tolkien

(Space) Ork: invented by games workshop in the 80s because reasons; even GW still used orC in WHFB

>Eyyo mah orgga
>Wot u be doin n sheeit?


>We wuz emprahs

Orks most likely so they could claim ownership of it it, just like how Age of Sigmar has Orruks.

I default to Ork, because it is more in line with german spelling. Over here it is kind of the reverse situation and the exception are Warcraft Orcs instead of 40k Orks.