/pfg/ - Pathfinder General

Pathfinder General /pfg/

Cool Weapons Weapons Edition
What's the one weapon you've always wanted to use and build around, but just never had the chance for whatever reason

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Kusarigama. DMs are typically afraid of the versatility and weebness.

Gnolls is fine. I consider gnolls to be a sort of cosmic in-joke in my setting.

Whenever you don't expect a hairy, cackling, grinning creature insulting your haircut, I put one.

Chain weapons is generally are grossly under appreciated

Chainswords confirmed for Starfinder.

Anything else?

I meant chain as in like chains, not chainsaws.

Orange transparent chainsaws are already in Golarion, they do like 4d8 damage.


>ywn play an Oread based off of Onua
Actually, how would one build a party based off of the Toa Nuva?

I am going to unsubscribe to Bunnyhop if Paizo doesn't include a rock/crystal race to Starfinder.

You ... did it.

Well, the conversion rules will undoubtedly provide a way to play oreads. But yeah, crystalline/rock people seem too obvious to miss.

Oh God what the fuck is this shit

I was promised sheep-girl. Not like this. NOT LIKE THIS.

dank shitpost/11

So, what classes are there for being able to spook bitchnigga ghosts?

>Pick up bestiary 6
>Holy fuckaduckasaurus
>Qlippoth Lords
>Lots of plant creatures
>Hell's Archdukes
>Unfortunately reposts of reposts here and there but whatever

It's official. I'm gonna remove demons from my homebrew setting entirely and just have devils plop their domain right in the middle of the Abyss to spite the Qlippoth.

Is Improved Initiative worth it?


>What's the one weapon you've always wanted to use and build around, but just never had the chance for whatever reason


This guy developed fighter archetypes based around the bladed scarf, the club, and the sling. The club one is great because it lets the fighter store spells in the club and let 'em loose when he whacks a guy. The fighter gets a few spells and his special ability is essentially the spell-storing quality, except applied to a specific bludgeoning implement of his choice.

If there's nothing else you need to squeeze a little more out of your build, then yes. As a matter of fact, Improved Initiative might be good enough to take at any free space in your planned feats (if you have a plan for how to take feats and when).

Trust me, feats that seem basic bitch are usually worth it--better saves, more hit points, and especially initiative, because whoever goes first generally has a better chance to win.

Who goes first starts the flow of battle

Any of them if you get a high enough Intimidate, you know what I mean?

So looking at the Alteration Sphere, it looks like the max number of traits you can get on a single form maxes out at 7 at level 20?

5 from natural progression
1 from Greater Transformation
1 from Favored Form

Is that it or am I missing any other ways to add additional traits to your shapeshifted forms?

Pick your poison, /pfg/. Tell me the secret you wish you could make but PF doesn't have a way to build adequately OR sell me on a new ship of characters from /pfg/ games. Which would you rather talk about, Pathfinder or Pathfinder games?

Also, tangentially related to the first option, have we heard any more about Paizo's new Shifter class? I think I've only seen it mentioned around here twice.

I usually take it if I have a spare feat slot, especially on casters but even on martials from time to time. Somebody with sneak attack can really benefit from a high init and Sandals of Quick Reactions.

I've not played with the Fool's Errand discipline yet, is it any good? Does it do anything for a natural attacker? How is it on something with archetype scaling?

If you're allowed to take advanced talents, you can get Extreme Transformation, which will bump you up by 1 at CL 5. You can take it again at CL 10 and every 10 CLs after, so with a CL of 20 you'd have 3 additional traits.

Starfinder needs palatable pharmaceuticals, like Flintstone's Chewable Morphine.

>Bladed Scarf

Oooooh, that's something interesting...

Please, we have enough problems with zro addicts who use it in an aerosol form, we don't need to make it even more accessible.

All we know is that it has full bab

I recently listened to a song about a cheerful and confident shapeshifter that made me sort of want to play one, so now I'm paying more attention to the class than I was before. I have no idea if it will really turn out as something that will work for the concept I have in mind, which is less wild shapy and more doppelganger-esque... With less CE backstabbery, anyway.

Where was the Shifter first revealed?

At least they're not huffing Engos vapor. Wild psionics are much less embarrassing than the guy with a sixth finger.

It's in one of the new core books, Ultimate Wilderness, which is scheduled to come out in November, which is why details are scarce.

What we SHOULD be talking about is the Adventurer's Guide which comes out later this month, and has the distinction of being a core-line book that's forcibly tied to Golarion fluff and is an "experiment" for the core books going forward.

>Her past is largely unimportant.
>What matters is what she’s going to do.

Someone explain to me the problem with ABP? Is it just that it still doesn't fix CR?

The problem is it doesn't grant enough benefit for what it takes away.

Man. I remember having fun with Stellaris for a while. My favorite playthrough was as a race of plant people who broke the stereotype of being nature-loving druids and hippies by being hyper-capitalists instead. They were fanatic materialists but thanks to a scientist with the Spark of Genius and extreme luck of the draw I ended getting to research Psionic Theory early on. They started researching cybernetics and robotics alongside every Psionic tech I could find, and I eventually would up with another scientist who had Spark of Genius AND Expertise: Psionics. I funneled all my resources into extending her lifespan and supporting her research.

Eventually my empire was full of psychic plant people who also had cybernetic enhancements. In fact, the government was a Subconscious Consensus, meaning every citizen had an implant in their brain that allowed them to instantly and subconsciously vote on every matter that was put to vote, like some artificial hivemind of true democracy.

So what kind of cool governments do you want to see in Starfinder?

So in thinking of "Good Initiative".

This is what I'm seeing:
>VMC wizard for divination 1/2 level and hare familiar
>Dreamspun eldritch heritage
>improved initiative
>ifrit racial
>3rd level gunslinger
>dueling weapon
>ioun stone for +1

Is there a deific obedience that gives you a sacred/profane bonus to initiative? What other classes do?

I feel stupid, but how much does it take away?

What's a good name for a brawler who just wants to be left alone?



Dude, I just want to see some campaigns flagrantly stealing from the DM's favorite Stellaris campaign, those things write themselves.

I had a race of peaceful agrarian-focused bugs squashed between a fanatical xenophobic Human Remnant and this massive Federation of friendly horses. I eventually built Dyson Spheres and turned all my worlds into Gaia planets (because my race was autistic like that) and eventually replaced their shells of chitin for shells of steel and became Synthetics I named "The Gardeners."

Absurdly peaceful and, if Nomadic was available, interested only in terraforming worlds into paradises. Sadly, the Unbidden showed up and I gladly allowed them to eat the horses alive.

Pick up a weapon and your inherent bonuses stop functioning.

People have fixed that!

>pick up a flaming keen longsword
>suddenly you no longer have any of your +1's


Falling: not just for Paladins now.

Sentinel gets you up to +4 sacred/profane

Good afternoon, Pathfinder General! How'd your week go? Play any games? What do you want to see happen in your next session?!

GM exhaustion led to the session being mostly exposition, but now we've got plenty of time to roleplay in the coming week, and jump right back into action next time!

But how much WBL does it replace?

Yeah, Starfinder is setting itself to be a perfect system for Stellaris. Just steal a map from it and go to town.

Level 14 as a Gunslinger -> Sentinel (gunslinger 5, sentinel 9)

Trait +2
Racial +4
Dexterity +10
Familiar +4
improved initiative +4
Wizard VMC +7
Dreamspun +3
Ioun stone +1
Sentinel +4
Dueling weapon +4
Gunslinger initiative +2

+45 to initiative.

Is there a luck bonus for initiative? Or circumstance?

Shilling for Ironfang AP here app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/77293/ironfang-invasion-aventure-path
Avowed and Gonzo just got cleared due to request.

This isn't directed at you specifically but why do people ban Broken Blade? Is it broken?

A Luckstone should work for a +1 bonus.

Yes. Very. There's a reason why people ask for "PoW Errata when?"

Remember that today could be your day if you just try to make it so! You have nothing to lose and everything to gain if you've been keeping silent, and if you've encounted problems remember that anything can be solved with honest and sincere communication.

Just PM them!

Broken Blade has terrible writing prone to abuse. Word is DSP is pushing out an errata for it that only keeps the names because of how unsalvageable it is

I want Priscilla to get double-teamed by a pair of lusty Mwangi men!

I don't even have someone that I want to PM, so there.

I'm going to PM Syra!
She seems like a pure and sweet girl!

Do your characters have any rivals, /pfg/?

>Lord Cornelius Lanchester Giles von Vanderbilt III Esq. - The most stereotypical big game hunter archeologist in a pith helmet character you can find. Goofy and sets a very specific tone.
>Rekannas Haelcant - Are you a bad enough orphan to make the Hellknight Order proud?
>Aiden Delaney - Generic loveable scoundrel struggling with morality, nothing to actually complain about here.
>Raimi - Yar har fiddledee-dee, you are a potoo, and in desperate need of a hug holy shit dude
>Caleni - Gotta find muh dad, gotta sate that wanderlust, smol memes go here
>Merlynn - Lonely and exiled, but still a tiny mass of petty evil
>Doctor Gaius "Grey" Walete - In search of exotic browns and Ancient Aliens, but obvious memes can’t stop me from enjoying his schtick
>Tiv "Tivvies" Nettle - Who’s a good boy? Whooooo’s a good boy?
>Amalthea Sendorei - If I see one more “THICC” and “MOMMY” meme about this character I’m going to scream
>Aurelian Mopatis - Captain Slow character doing Captain Slow character things
>Neyja - No. Just no.
>Param Calerd - Weeb manlet is also an elf, and also wants to find his super rad immortal catfolk master
>Priscilla Sybille - Hello, Shelyn? Yea I think you sent this one to the wrong address. No I’m not paying the shipping fee anyway, stop doing puppydog eyes when you know I can’t see them


>Sapera Hemakshi - ADVENTURE, HOOOOOO-also big sneks. I expect to see at least one “who’s my big scaly boy” from her if she gets her snake.
>Wendifa Malu - Spooky voodoo witchdoctor c@ on BIG JOURNEY in big world
>Kirha Kirhanna - C@girl who took a wrong turn from the anime harem comedy stage, complete with secret assassin guild splinter organization
>Akane Ktsueki - Foreign Princess who undergoes a horrible transformation, then took a wrong turn from the-wait, didn’t I use this joke already?
>Sorrel Aylward - clearly lost his marbles, since he scrambled up “take your child to work day” and “lewd adventure into the heart of darkness”
>Asimilla “Simi” Vorosi - Surrounded by slaving bloodsuckers, decided to stick to worshipping Cayden’s drunk ass. Her friend is probably dead.
>Lorelei de la Boétie, M. D. - Very modest* doctor who wants to find cures for ALL THE DISEASE (*please ignore the boob window)
>Dr. Arthur T. Smythe Jr. - It is a mystery
>Syra Greathorn - Big Boss Ass Bitch Dick but has no dick
>Arianna Henderthane - arrogant cripple decides to make Sargava Cheliax again


Priscilla X Faceless-mwangi-tribesmen?

What's the latest on Spheres of Might? Is it any good yet?

>Syra Greathorn - Big Boss Ass Bitch Dick but has no dick.

Oh user...

aw fuck, I forgot to remove that last part in my second pass

You know it! One above, and one below!

>has no dick
The fuck you say.

Amalthea is a thicc mommy and I want to see her pumped full of mixed children!

>Sapera Hemakshi - ADVENTURE, HOOOOOO-also big sneks. I expect to see at least one “who’s my big scaly boy” from her if she gets her snake.
I can't tell if this is a good opinion or not!

Who will get along best?
Who will try to kill each other after a few days?

My character is a paladin who, early on in life, had problems with a boy. she ended up in a relationship with him and he fucked it up in probably one of the worst ways, and she learned exactly what he thought of her (primarily just a slut to be used).

In an effort to distance herself from him and make something out of herself, she took up the sword, and started to learn how to be a knight from her father. the guy in question eventually became an asshole knight who, due to his birth, technically outranks her, and is insufferably smug any time they meet.

It's why she got into adventuring. To get away from him.

She's going to be BOSS's first target.

It's a very, very cute opinion!

Who will end up dying horribly from not being any good at jungling the second they get separated from the rest of the group?

>Aurelian Mopatis - Captain Slow character doing Captain Slow character things

I don't get it.

My character is the rival.

DHB has a habit of pitching the most horribly generic and uninspired characters and hoping being a "safe pick" will get him in.

It is not bad per se and actually got him a few games but if you take the boring wall of text and spend time reading it, it all adds up to "just a dude".


>mixing up DHB and Captain Slow

Nah, that's Captain Slow you're thinking of. DHB generally tends towards... I wanna say odd characters with a slight tone mismatch. I'm still waiting on his application though.

Alchemy still disintegrates foes under a barrage of acid flasks.

Oh yeah, my bad. These guys run generic mcdudes and its easy to mix them up.

What? Captain Slow writes like a normie that's taken a few English courses, his characters generally lack a twist and they basically amount to being some average person pushed into the adventure.

Essa was many things, but not a generic mcdude. Shit, Essa wasn't even a dude.

I want to hug Sorrel! His kid is cute! CUTE! I bet he'd get along great with Lorelei! They're both doctors, and they're both C U T E !

I was going to say prissy but apparently she is the nature aasimar that gets survival bonus' so she might be ok.

And also she could try to use diplomacy, enthrall, and to get help from any natives she finds.

With ki throw do you have to spend ki after of before the roll?

I'm looking for suggestions on how a behind the scenes enemy can screw with my party.

I'm running Rise of the Runelords, and the players failed to kill Xanesha at the end of book 2 and she escaped. Now she is looking for revenge.

How would you handle this? I'm thinking of having her keep tabs on the quests the PCs undertake, and charming a local priest into giving the paladin a cursed long sword as a reward for his current task. Over time she will plant more cursed items within the party to weaken them.

The party is pretty strong and breezing through the campaign right now so try to make it something challenging.

Does she speak polyglot?

I think she speaks a language any man would understand.

Languages arent on her character sheet, but it doesnt look like she would be able to get it, no. I mean, shit, it says here shes got 7 int.

SotJR tonight?

>Party finally finds her
>Shes standing with a big dumb smile on her face with a native neaby on either side of her, and a few dozen surrounding.
> the circle is awkwardly trying to dona coordinated dance she taught them while the couple wait for an indication to kiss.

I agree actually but DHB and Captain Slow are so far removed from each other it's ridiculous. They operate on the opposite ends of characterization most of the time, excepting that both tend to like dudes going into middle age.

As far as I know, yes. Hope it goes well!
Still a little butthurt that FotJR got to do so little but hey, shit happens. Hope GM's feeling a little better.

That wouldn't have happened had the group remembered to have the exposition done between sessions.

Fair point, but on the other hand I don't generally feel like want to bother the GM out of session.