Just got a hint to look for chainlink

And here I am.
Please give me any info I need.

This really is the pajeet coin.

This coin is never going up.

You play on the pajeet server?

Buy high and sell low, only way to win.

Diablo 3 investment tips. legit bro. LINK is the best coin to buy right now. It's gonna connect every blockchain to the real world. god tier stuff.

regular d3 blizzard servers...

invest in some runeswords, you can sell those on the auction house for a nice profit

Don't get LINK, its the worst coin to buy right now. its going to switch from a soft exit scam to a hard exit scam in the new year and run off with all your money. pajeet tier stuff.

Buy, Hold, never sell
These are the tasks for the future Oracles™

Is now a good time to buy?
What is the key fact about "chainlink"?

lmao I shill link on vanilla wow private servers

You're going to lose everything in this game friend

my other bags too

it might dip a bit, but it's still pretty cheap, if you don't plan on trading and just holding buy it an check back same time next year, you'll be richer for sure, only question is by how much

Its higher now than a few weeks ago but in 6-12 months it won't matter and it could easily go up more in the next few weeks. Just put some money on it you are comfortable losing/ forgetting about and come back in 12/24 months

So far all I know Chainlink is all about a so called "oracle problem" I don't know how this will be a solution in the future or who will benefit from it. So what is the real use of it?
I know about bitcoin and the "store of value" but will chainlink be anything near to it?
Let me know and I am willing to buy some chainlink.
BTW. so far I only know coinbase and there I can't buy something called chainlink.
How do I go from here to buy it?

Thank you for the insight, I might look at it for now and let it work over the time.
I hope you guys will do well at trading any coin or asset at all.
GL to you!

oracles make smart contracts useable, chainlink wants to make the decentralized(this is the problem they aren't atm) as blockchain is viewed as a decentralization technology, the more decentralization you can "put in it" the better so as banks start picking this up they'll need oracles, and in comes sergey with something that's already ahead of the competition in that area, if you want to know more just look at previous threads, we've milked pretty much every piece of info there is out there, I'm too lazy to look it up but maybe some other linkie will

make binance account, buy eth on coinbase and send to your binance eth wallet, buy link with the eth on binance, send to external wallet if you don't want to keep it on the exchange and that's it

>chainlink wants to make the decentralized
them* and not wants but makes

Thanks for the details.
I will look into it I won't hurry to buy anything.
So far all I have is bitcoin on coinbase 0,581 if you want to know. As you might guess my invest is going south so far because I bought when it was 17k$ .
Since I don't want to loose money, I want to change to any alternative out there that is promising.
When do you think chainlink is going to change the oracle problem into anything good ?
Why do you use a china based exchange ? Binance looks strange to me, is it trust worthy?

>buy high sell low

you'll fit right in here

>Why do you use a china based exchange ? Binance looks strange to me, is it trust worthy?
I thought that too at first but it's decent and it's got most altcoins, and biggest volumes so it's pretty much the only one

>When do you think chainlink is going to change the oracle problem into anything good ?
Not in a couple of months for sure. They're working on a lot of stuff, but until they get done there's some time, implementation might take years, but that doesn't mean people aren't going to buy in like crazy if they see in the news banks are going to use chainlink, I see you're not a trader so get what you can spare, and forget about it at least for a few months, maybe even this time next year, check it from time to time and see how it goes

>So far all I have is bitcoin on coinbase 0,581 if you want to know. As you might guess my invest is going south so far because I bought when it was 17k$
yeah, stay strong on that one, shit is pretty unpredictable right now, it's ride or die, if you're okay with your current value then either go into some other coin that's stable to straight to USD (if you don't have iron hands) and wait it out

>not playing hardcore
fucking normies, that's not how you shill your shitcoin

Binance referentie - 11059370

Buy it here, got my referal code, so i get some petty cash when you buy it but it's the only decent exhange it is on now, i would say wait for it to drop to 265-25 to buy in, from there on it's only going to go up my friend! who ever told you this, Thank him and us later!