Why are you guys into crypto? My mother and father worked their asses off from literally below welfare, into decent jobs. They are still working at 70. I never had more than two friends through school, never had a girlfriend, i didnt understand life, never got invited out, always lonely. 8 years ago I joined the military, its all i wanted to do, serve a purpose. I was discharged early due to medical reasons, defeated, i was sent home. When i got home the small group of friends I had all helped my best friend take my first girlfriend from me, they flaunted about it, bragged about it, they grinded me into the dirt to the point of suicide. It was ruthless. I grinded different types of jobs, went to school, the last person that still believed in me was my mother, she pushed me to better myself all the time. I felt I could never live up to them, almost just floating through life. Those back stabbers kept on living life, and they made sure I knew they didnt care. Fast forward through random jobs and school on and off----> Enter Crypto of Nov 2017. I hopped on the LTC train and made $500 dollars right when it spiked from $100 up to about 370ish. From there on I promised myself no matter what I would make the one person who believed in me rich, so she doesnt have to worry about bills, I had about $600 to put into crypto. LTC made me believe its real. Crypto has given me a purpose again, im not here for the lambos, im not here for the house, im here for the sweet and freeing power to say I. WON. I need advice guys, im willing to do anything I have to, sleepless nights I dont care. I believe in crypto, it will work and it must work. I know theres some of you like me out there. FUCK the scam coins, FUCK the FUDs, FUCK the bubble claims, FUCK the quitters, the weak hands. FUCK all the poison that holds crypto back. And FUCK anyone that says its not possible. Teach me. Im listening. Currently hold REQ and LTC 50/50
Why are you guys into crypto? My mother and father worked their asses off from literally below welfare...
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Nobody is gonna read all that crap
Work your ass off to make money to buy crypto
to fuck cocaine, make hookers and buy money
I do, 7 days in a row, off two repeat
I have been buying REQ and LTC, all the "moon missions" seem like scams, especially by the time you find them here
I wanna retire and watch anime and play vidya all day. I don't think that's asking too much, is it?
good luck op. i believe in you.
holy crap
I read the whole thing man, I'm sorry you've been through so much shit dude, but at the same time I'm happy for you that you found crypto. Get passionate about research and go with your gut feelings once you know enough.
Make myself and the people I care about rich.
I wanted to buy some modafinil at first and now I'm a big shot gordon gekko guy
>Currently hold REQ and LTC 50/50
you are set. this is the most aesthetic portfolio
but of course, i would add FUN or BAT just for the fuck of it
dude i dont give a shit about any of this.
Ive been trying to read and learn the charts, candlesticks, trends etc, its hard, and the medical field doesnt allow me much monetary resources to dump into it right now.
That man is trying to fuck that wolf
Why is that guy buttfucking poor wolf?
So you've been getting your ass handed to you and now you want a free ride to riches to show everyone you're not shit. Even if you did make it, I'm not sure what you'd prove. Besides the fact that you're still letting them get to you.
Sorry to say this but wanting it to not be a bubble doesn't make it not a bubble.
Just enough to pay her bills till shes gone, maybe put me through school. Not begging for money, begging for advice
Get a work to invest crypto regulary
Don't forget crypto IS a bubble - It can crash, it can go up vertically
This is trading, you must learn "how to trade"
This bubble is great to learn
Forget your shitty friends user, there are only good friends, other people are useless
I know its a bubble but I dont think anytime soon it will pop
Going to school and finishing it without loans? not really in it for the hundreds of millions, thats more of an extremely rare opportunity
Just stay on the path my dude. No one gets anywhere unless they research and put in the work. It's not easy, and you might get unlucky or whatever, but if you are passionate and open to new things you'll find your way.
this is what i tell myself, this board, believe it or not has taught me a lot
Just keep your head up and only invest what you feel comfortable with losing. I hope you've got nothing but green candles in the coming years!
Well that means REQ and LTC lol all ther coins seem to be a quick P&D that youll always be just too late for
I want to be rich enough so I can pay your 70 year old mom to rim my butthole.
Use paragraphs nigger jesus christ
I'm holding HST since Oct and I'm up 1000% and climbing, so not every project is bullshit PnD. Always do your own research though.
>buy money
this but unironically
B-but this is a coin scam OP
100% believe in REQ, slowly accumulating
Lol nice
You need to buy BCH right now for the Moon mission in January or I will take your GF
double doubles
nice xby shill
You're a decent dude
Theres so much FUD around it though, shill me please
Usually I hate reading these kinds of posts but yours was really compelling. I hope the rest of your life kicks ass OP, I really, REALLY hope that you make it.
staring at my screen until my eyes hurt and i see those floaters
You're late OP, be ready for the crash
because your story was good
wait for the signal
Take your blog shit to Reddit fag
Set up a twitter account and follow people giving out free TA advice. Subscribe to YouTube channels like datadash.
>t. 1.4k into 130k in 6 months
joined, thank you
Why are you such a mad cunt? We're not enemies on this board, we should be helpful and welcoming to new blood. If we don't have newfags joining and learning all we can teach then crypto dies.
ive already learned this, crypto is a movement, not a currency